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As I sit here in a state of utter bliss, I gotta write about this to you.
I would have said “fitness in general” and “improvement at pull-ups”, and “loosening the upper back beyond belief”, and “the simplest things work the best” (again) – but I did not.
Mostly because the “title” won’t allow that many words!
Or maybe it will, I dont know.
But anyway, this may seem to go against my own advice in “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!” in terms of getting better at pull-ups, but it really isn’t if you think about it.
It’s also something I have not (fully) written about in Isometric and Flexibility Training.
Because it’s even simpler than some of the very simple movements I mention in the book which champs have used for ages.
Super champs, I should say.
And which the super idiots have said “too simple” and condemned, only to fall back into the obscurity of their couches and Doritos stained “hands” and God knows what else.
Anyway, in “A Fistful of dollars”, I believe it was, ole Clint was on his horse.
I love that series. Maybe, as Richard (a person I knew) once told me.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a good ole cowboy from texas!”
And I love Texas too! Hmm . . .
And Arizona too!
But anyway, so the baddies were shooting at the horse.
It done bolted.
And it bolted SO fast that ole Clint reached up to a ledge frantically to hang on while the horse disappeared.
While he hangs, he does something that will give you ALL The benefits I’ve described above.
And if you’d think “super movement” all in one – you’d be right.
If you’d think “thats what apes do all the time in the wild” – you’d be right.
And if you’d think that is what comes to ME naturally when I hang on to the pull-up bar, you’d be right.
YES, the strict dead hang and pull-ups done STRICT have many uses.
NO, I’m not advocating KIPPING.
But the “swinging monkey like motion” I’m referring to, and no, I have NOT outlined this in the book has no benefits than you’d think!
TONS more.
As I sit here luxuriating in utter and sheer BLISS, I Gotta write about this to you.
I’ll probably write about it with the other isometrics I have not covered in book #2 on it.
Advanced? Or Easy, hehe? You choose the name!
But for now, feast on the lovely movements outlined in Isometrics and Flexibility Training, because you truly, my friend, will be on the road to super duper greatness if you do these regularly!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with that, be sure and partake of hard REAL man training HERE. Always remember, folks. Yin – and YANG! What lies within is without, and vice versa. You CANNOT seperate the cause from the effect, and so forth!
(Yes, I’ve been reading Emerson a lot as of late, hehe. So should ALL OF YOU TOO!)
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