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Let’s get straight to the meat of the matter on this one.
I’ve been getting a lot of requests and searches about strengthening the core in “less than X number of minutes”, which is wierd, because – well, most of the people typing those searches in are probably in lockdown for Christ’s sake with a lot of TIME on their hands.
And two, these same people would likely hang out at the gym all damn day long if asked to, have tons of time to watch Tee Vee She Vee and so forth.
Gab on the phone. Sleep for ages. And so forth.
Yet, core training – less than five minutes, while the chest pressing, puffing preening and posing goes on for hours, like Sly Stallone and the rest did it back in the day?
As Sly himself admits, his routine at a certain point was nothing but unhealthy – his body fat percentage dropped so low due to insane diets that he was literally cannibalizing himself in many regards (his body was).
And in terms of weights?
Know why they call it the Iron Game, Stallone asks?
Because they just went heavy heavy, HEAVY!
And they paid the price for it, as Stallone said “with injuries that never go away“. Tons of ’em, not to mention stitches, broken bones and all that galore …
Anyway, core right?
I’ll do better than give you five exercises to toughen the core and blowtorch fat off in less than five minutes.
I’ll give you TEN to do for one minute each.
If you can get through even half this routine without collapsing, you’re already in fairly good shape.
- A set of 10 extended arm pushups. Should not take you any more than 12 seconds, if you can even do ’em!
- Mid point pull-up hold. For 30 seconds. (You see Rahul doing this on the cover of the superb book on pull-ups “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!“
- The L hold. For ….well, I’ll give you 15 seconds. most would be doing good to just GET into the position for a fraction of the second. (it’s the pose you see me doing on the cover of “Pull-ups – from STUD to Super STUD- within weeks!) (and there is another more tougher variant of the exercise in the BOOK).
- Handstand for 10 seconds straight. (Shoulders like Boulders!)
- The “vacuum” exercise I’ve given you in Corrugated Core for a minute straight.
- Hindu squats for ONE minute straight. Or half!
- Holding the bridge for at least 30 seconds.
- 10 Reverse pushups (shouldn’t take you more than 15-20 seconds TOPS).
- 10 “table” pushups. (10 -12 seconds)
- Finish off with a strict NO MOMENTUM dead hang … 30 seconds if you can manage it.
All of this is like what? A few minutes at most?
If you can do any of it, that is .
But believe me, this short and quick set of exercises can be turned into a SUPER WORKOUT if you know how.
And if you can’t do ’em, any of these exercises, but are looking to whittle FAT away on the core?
Well, NOW is the time to start bro.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Back soon!
PS #2 – Some of you might think what I gave you above is too tough. “Fuck it”, some of you might say. But I’m barely scratching the surface on any of that! If you read Battletank Shoulders, you’ll understand what it means to do workouts that will turn you into “part gorilla, part human”, as a great customer recently said. So you DOERS – hark on over there NOW.
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