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Back when I did the dancing monkey routine in China (ugh! I only did it for a very brief period, but I did do enough of it to know it’s something to be avoided like the proverbial plague from there) – it was interesting.
The overriding chant was (after “he’s a good teacher” from the sensible students that actually got their shyt together – DID what I asked them to do – and therefore learned and progressed) “how dare he”.
And I wasn’t the only one they ranted against (some of these idiotic so called students that thought throwing a wad of RMB’s at anything solved the problem).
It was foreign devils in general.
And this sentiment persisted even when I was doing “real jobs” (which was WAYYY back in the day) .
These foreigners are only here because they can’t get jobs back home.
Well, Sparky my little genius, I for one got a job in India first and that job transferred me there. HA! And back in the day, MOST expats got a job back home FIRST before being transferred to the hinterlands or the boonies, whichever you call it.
Moreoever, if we were and are really all that expendable, then why HIRE us at inflated prices (according to some we got paid a lot more than the locals or what not)?
HA! One more time.
Then the ESL B.S.
If it was indeed a matter of “Oh! All foreigners learn English! Whats the big deal!” then why did these Bozos with all their travel not pick it up “by living abroad” ?
Second, and I posed this question often to piss people off.
“You know, fella, since we’re all so useless, why are you paying the learning center big bucks to learn from us”.
The anger at me saying that – hehe. It had the desired impact. One student even stalked up to the CEO of the center with mini skirt flying in tow claiming “it was because of Rahuls’ infatuation with the AC in summer that she caught cold, and not because she was dressed for the damned beach instead of the bloomin’ classroom) …
SOme of the stories I’ve got, I gotta laugh.
Then my “beautiful wife”.
During our arguments she claims “I only got all the sales I did because I was educated in the U.S.” (her meaning is “you can speak English well, so you got what you did”).
Again, if there ever was a more retarded comment than this I am yet to hear it?
Bozo Schofield (and a coupla other morons I won’t even get into here) yes, but other than him …
It was a typically female comment designed to obfuscate the real issue, but it dropped me dead in my tracks.
I’ve heard it years ago before, of course.
When I got a raise at that very job I talk and write about so much, it was pooh pooh’ed off as “nothing, thats easy!”
x 1000!
If it were that easy, why wasn’t the entire world selling, and doing so better (because we’re ALL selling whether we know it or not)?
I wonder why CEO’s of all companies, big, small, intermediate and startup focus on one thing the most – SALES?
And most of all, this so called good education I got which when I got was dissed as being “useless” and now it’s good, and (from my wife again) “it’s useless these days”.
(It’s useless, yet it isnt. Go figure!)
Of course, she never did tell me what good her Master’s degree is doing her (the one she quit midway) and how much she sold, earned, or how many businesses she tried, failed at, got up again, failed again, tried again and so forth . . . (or if her degree had anything to do with getting the jobs she has had in the past) . . .
Why would she, hehe.
But really, my friend.
Good sales is about SO much more than speaking the same language.
I wonder if Ted Nicholas, Zig Ziglar, Joe Girard, Napoleon Hill (from up there), Claude Bristol or any of the other greats are reading this, because they’ll be spitting their coffee out.
I guess the millions they eventually sold, and what they did as they got there was all because “they knew how to speak English”.
An entire art it is ..
And One I do damned well, amongst other things if I might say so myself, backed up with solid PROOF.
Dont get me wrong – good communication is always an asset no matter what, but it wasn’t handed to me on a platter.
Yours truly worked for it, built up an innate skill, and got where I am myself – not due to some Nazi feminist rant of “he got it all on a platter ” when he didnt.
Same thing for fitness, my friend.
It was the opposite of getting it on a platter, and that alone probably qualifies me to bring what I do to YOU.
And sales.
I’m damn good at it. Always have been, and dont plan on getting worse either.
Hey, gotta justify those long ass sales letters, >7500 words in some cases!
But I love writing them.
And of course, the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and all my other products.
And now that I’ve got that off my chest, the last pimp here is for the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales – YES – in ANY economy.
Pick these stellar products up NOW, my friend -you’ll be glad you did.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember the discount we have going on … (on the compilations) …
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