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And for a person whose (English) is not his “first language” as it were, he said amazingly well and SO SUCCINTLY – that I’m wondering if I should leave the feedback on this one up to HIM!
Truly a man I’d salute right now, if just for saying that, hehe.
Anyway, short skirts, mountains, HARD Workouts and cold beer – what more could a man ask for, eh.
And if you were to ask Panourgias from Greece, a great and long term customer … well, I’m sure he’d agree!
But nah, for those that think the short skirts motivated me to do those long, long workouts – they’d be WRONG …
… and partially right. Hehe.
I won’t divulge more details here, but girls wearing short skirts as they climb with me ?
I dont know.
Every woman I’ve ever climbed with me has wanted to “stop and smell the roses”, and I’ve always told her to BUCK up and do it LATER – and of course, it didnt go anywhere.
Except for Ann Lee, mentioned on the page of Advanced Hill Training for a reason!
She truly did ENJOY training that way – and did so usually in jeans and canvas sports shoes.
And sometimes long flowing skirts, which I always told her not to wear, but of course, girls will do the opposite of what we “want”, hehe.
Like a certain “Princess Joanie” I once knew did!
She would want people to … ah, but this isn’t about her.
And I never climbed with her.
But she loved long skirts too, and was gorgeous!
From Guangdong no less …
Anyway, enough on that front!
And here’s some fantastic feedback I just received from Panourgias in response to my last question about which product is the BEST (for YOU!).
(Before that though, yes, I get it. Short skirts tend to get ME out of breath, and I’m sure they DO you as well. Joanie’s did for sure! Hehe. )
But this isn’t about that sorta out of breath!
I think rolls Royce is my favourite .with isometrics becomes complete.Rahul I am not very good in English so I ask you what is the recovery tip in videos with breathing?
Yours truly – –
Hi Panourgias –
Thanks for getting back to me!! Yes, you’re right – – Rolls Royce is indeed one of the bestselling products along with Pushup Central and Gorilla Grip . . .
By the way, where are you from – Greece? Just curious, if you dont mind my asking! 🙂
No problem with regard to language – the recovery tip is basically this – when you’re breathing hard – REALLY, REALLY out of breath – then you don’t simply “gulp down” air as many or most do. Indeed that is a natural urge when under stress – – but the right thing to do is a) keep breathing through the nose (and not through the mouth) as I advocate in the book and b) HOLD the breath in for as long as you can, and then exhale SLOWLY.
You’ll find that this may seem tough initially, and you might feel lightheaded etc, but trust me – in terms of recovery it works like a charm – – I use it all the time for the reverse pushup a.k.a the “best damned variant” – and it works great!
Try it, and let me know how it works for you – – and again, thanks for the great feedback much appreciated – – and remember – – I’ve got a great discount waiting for YOU (as a long term customer and DOER) when you’re ready to get the book on pull-ups or any other – – let me know!
Well, my friend, there it is.
I’ve just given away a super important tip that YOU Can use to recover quicker from your workouts – not sure about the short skirt workouts, hehe, but the REAL workouts – that us REAL MEN engage in!
More from him – –
my origin is from middle greece around delphi oracle with the short skirts mountains etc
And thats where the short skirts came from.
Short skirts, Mount Paranuss – the fabled Oracle of Delphi, the most FAMOUS AND FEARED window into the will of the Gods!
Truly SPECTACULAR, my friend.
Yes, the discount is in your Inbox by now Panourgias – you should be getting it by now.
And that, my friend, is that for this one. I’ll have more feedback from you shortly!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Yes, there is a reason the Rolls Royce of Fitness is numero uno both on the products page, and in terms of SALES (along with the other two books up there). Get it – and you’ll find out why!
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