The Jim didnt want me in there because I didnt “have muscles”
- True story ...

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Back in the day, I believe this was in 2017 (around the same time I was doing Advanced Hill Training, and training, hard, hard, HARD! – and getting to be leaner than a JAGUAR on speed at that) I went for a walk around the hood.

A fairly well maintained hood at that.

Communist dictatorships DO have some good points!

But anyway, paddy field – > spanking new clean development isn’t the point of this one.

While walking around, I saw several bars – and several Jims.

Which brings to mind an inane comment I saw on a WeShat profile the other day about “I’ll show you which beer to drink after lifting weights” (apparently it’s “the beer that will grow muscle”).

Of course, it was followed by an invite to a group.


I blocked dude. But training wise, he actually looks like a real weightlifter as opposed to boobybuilder. . .

Anyway, more on that later.

The Jim?

Here is what one of them told me (bear in mind, all I was doing was take a look at the madness – and the girls doing “yoga shmoga”, if I were to be honest, hehe) ..

This gym isn’t for guys like you! We want people with muscles!

(Apparently girls without muscles was fine though. Hey, that almighty RMB they have!)

And being they had pictures of Mr Olympia plastered all over the wall along with other puffed and bloated monsters, I got the heck out of Dodge asap.

It’s funny, though.

Dont people go to the gym to build muscle?

Seems my lean and mean look ticked the idiot at the front desk off anyway.

“We dont want Crossfit types!”

I politely told him I dont do Crossfit, and never would, but he wasn’t having none of it (bear in mind, all I was doing was looking around).

I dont know, maybe the girls checking me out pissed him off.

Or maybe the fact I was in better shape than a lot of the other riod monsters pumping in there … and frothing at the nostrils too apparently.


Anyway, I got the red ass (it don’t take much, hehe) and walked out of there, so that was the end of that story, but as I told a customer John about it yesterday, here is what he said.

I’m shocked to hear you say that the gym you visited told you they only want guys with “muscle” to train there, usually it’s the other way around and the gyms tend to discourage the bodybuilder types because they’re worried they’ll frighten the average gym goer away.

I understand where they’re coming from in this regard as a mate of mine used to put together all the weights he’d be using and wouldn’t let the other guy’s in the gym use any of it until he’d finished with it and he was massive so nobody wanted to be the one to challenge him not even the gym’s manager.

Dude he’s referred to is a black belt and a real trainee, not a pumper and toner for “sho” (believe me, John wouldn’t mention him if he wasn’t)

(Which goes to show, you CAN train with weights and implements and weights and make great gains – if you don’t booby build. I’ve personally lifted in the past, as you know, and while I feel bodyweight is the best, there’s nothing wrong with adding a few lifts in there if you so choose. Anyway, more on that in Lumberjack Fitness which will be out hopefully soon).

But the Jims are RETARDED, my friend.

This one was probably doing all they could to protect their biz or what not.

Maybe they were scared I’d sell my stuff to the nutzos!

Believe me, I’ve had muscle men come up to me and look at me doing pull-ups, and then ask me in awe.

“I bet you can do a muscle up!”

This isn’t me Tom Tomming – it’s me telling YOU the results my book can get YOU – for example, “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS” (which is what I Was training at the time).

So I’d probably piss most of their customers off and in that regard, I guess it was good business for the Jim in that they were protecting the fragile feelings of the pumped up roid monsters.

Fragile indeed, but this brings up an interesting point, and why training at home is the best way to go (yet another reason).

I mean, think about it.

How many times have you waited at the Jim for equipment to be free (and these days, if it’s even open)?

How many times have you stood in line to use a machine?

HOw many times have you wiped off someone else’s sweat from the machine? Ugh. (SChofield might love it, but I bet most of us sane folks don’t!).

How many times have you waited to get on your treadmill, and the minute you think you will, the bimbo on there gets on the phone for one of those interminably long USELESS phone calls?

And so forth…

Training at home on your lonesome, my friend takes care of all this for you.

Just your, your bodyweight, and the floor – and a chinning bar (and implements if you so choose – I generally don’t, except for Indian clubs, jump ropes and the such).

Well, I’ve been known to use the ab roller on OCCASION …

And anyway, if there’s one thing I love about my Rolls Royce Fitness System – or any others – it allows you to get in a workout anyplace, anytime – anywhere – of your own choosing.

No more “depending upon others”.

Just you, the floor, and you’re free to be the BEAST you’ve always wanted to me!

And that, to me makes it all worth it.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If I really wanted to piss the boobie monsters off at the Jim I referred to above, I should have done some handstands and some workouts out of Animal Kingdom Workouts, hehe.

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