When the ass clowns try and say “you got lucky!” or – “its because of US that YOU succeeded”! … and more
- This has to be said!

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I saw the following post on LinkedIn, which for one resonated with me – a lady in the footwear industry.

Single mom of two, leader of a 35 person company, industry leader for 20 plus years – been working in footwear forever – and people say “it’s just luck!”


I can identify!

I sent the lady a note saying “Kudos – and keep up the good work” because she deserves it (yes, women can be high achievers too once they look past the Nazi feminism or ignore it totally) (and there HAVE been a TON of high achieving females over the ages – Mother Tereas – Queen Elizabeth – Cleopatra – Madam Curie – Marie Dressler – Kate Smith – there, I’ve named but a few from various walks of life – and I Dont know if you’ve noticed it, but most of them are all pre 1970, when feminism started to morph into … yes, you guessed it. It’s Nazi variant!)

Maybe I’m overdoing the Nazi part (some of you might think).

The reality is, I’m UNDERDOING IT.

But anyway, I have nothing but respect for high achievers of ANY gender – those that made it on their OWN through the school of hard knocks and finally “got there”.

Yours truly get this thrown at him all th etime.

Every time I do something, or accomplish something, my (I’ll say a certain family member to make things interesting, although it doesnt take a genius to guess “who”) will harrumph about it.

“So what! Thats nothing!”

“You have a good education! So you did it! They’re the ones that get credit”

(I know. The idiocy is astounding, but the fact is this – it ain’t just her that says it – most of my family says it too. Even the Rum Dum from Brum admits that college education ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, when he keeps talking about me going to a “third rate college” – since I didnt go to “Socks Ford” and the School of Solid Ass Licks hehe).

When I made all those sales at the company?

I was told by a certain family member that “thats only because you speak like an American”

I cannot tell you how STUPID this comment is, my friend.

If stellar sales boils down to “speaking like someone”, then half the world would be millionaires several times over!

When I wrote a book?

The Bozos globally pooh poohed it as being “so what”. Anyone can write a book!

Yet, these same idiots who condemn it – have THEY ever written anything themselves?

I think not, my friend.

My Uncle once made the comment about …well, when I was visiting him at the age of 19.

Admittedly some of the rules in his house were stifling, right down to the “1/4 of a beer” with a meal. Ugh.

And at a party or something he made the comment, looking at me.

“He’s had it here. He’ll NEVER visit us again”.


He was right. (same guy who called me Mr Wolf, and I agree!) – and I never did return.

He also made the comment about “he’s done within a few months what we couldn’t in years – 20plus).

That being, change my accent much like a chameleon changes its colors.

Amazingly enough, when I talk about adapting to different cultures, being forced into different situations, many NOT of my own making, those that have never DONE anything in their own life – hardly earned a penny themselves – are the first to criticize.

Anyway, end of rant, but I’m sure this sounds familiar to you?

When you get in better shape by following the Rolls Royce –  dont be surprised if the morons and idiots that have nothing better to do and are blowing up by the day with expanding asses and bellies galore show up saying “you have good luck” or “good genetics”.

No you dont, my friend.

We MAKE our own luck – all of us.

And complaining and whining and moaning and being critical of other’s success is hardly the way to your own (and neither is pretending that anyone that has succeeded at a higher level than YOU doesnt know at least some of what he is talking about).

When you get to the stage when you can knock off a 100 pull-ups per workout, dont be surprised if phat phocks criticize you up and down saying “so what!” “thats no big deal!”

Or something like that.

I swear, the idiocy is just MIND BOGGLING.

Luck my rear end!

Bottom line is this though (and I’m guilty of violating it occasionally) – the best way to respond to these people is … say nothing.

Or just agree with them.   (just say you agree)

“Yeah, right, honey, whatever”.

Then light another burning FIRE under your desire, and get to work with renewed vigor because guess what – as I’ve written many a times before – YOUR Success will ultimately defeat them – not your “defense” in terms of words etc.

Plus, there ain’t much sense beating your head against a concrete wall, you know. That wall would likely make more sense anyway.

Anyway, I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – TWO copies left for Fast and Furious Fitness. If you want in – get on the stick NOW.

PPS – Let me close out by saying THIS BRO. Noone, but YOU deserve success for your credit.  (interesting way to say it, eh. lol)  NO-ONE but you! Would these people take the responsibility and flak if you failed? Somehow, I dont think so!

Goose and gander, its just that simple.

And Zero to Hero is more motivation inthis regard – for a great little read, pick it up now!

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