For you 0 Excuses LOYAL and FAITHFUL that ordered autographed copies of books …
- You guys are the best!!

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Brief heads up on this one!

Lots of you have ordered autographed copies of books over the past few weeks – Pushup Central and Gorilla Grip – and Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!) being the most popular ones.

All great books, and remember – as I’ve always said – if you want an autograph – let me know, and it;ll be done at no extra charge to you!

In fact, I’m glad – and honored to do it!

But, remember too the extra timeframe that involves as that means the books leave the warehouse one time to get to us – and then to YOU.

This normally adds on 7 or so extra days to the usual “14 working days max timeframe” but THIS TIME?

Well, given the plague from China has reared its “head” with an ugly vengenance, things may or may not be a bit “delayed in terms of timeframes” if there is an extra shipping “step” during the process!

This morning, I was wondering about whether to send all the remaining orders (those that had to be autographed) without one “for now” and then send over autographed copies etc once the situation resolves itself globally (Turkey seems to be another hotspot for whatever reason?? I dont know, I’ve given up on this madness – the best we can do is NOT PANIC and NOT DO WHAT China wants us all to do!) . . . or things at least stabilize to a certain extent (fat chance – HA!).

But then I caught myself.

What would Jeff Bezos do during a pandemic like this, I asked myself!

Or Henry Ford.

And the answer was simple.

As I’ve told all of you that are still waiting for your autographed copies of certain books (note – this DOES NOT apply to Fast and Furious Fitness – The Collector’s Edition since I have the last two copies sitting “with me” physically as it were! But it does apply to the rest that are sitting in the Amazon warehouse, not “with me” as it were) – and as most of you have said too – waiting an extra few days is worth it, if just because autographed copies of books are – special!

I know how it feels.

You’re ordering something from someone you admire – someone’s work you LIKE.

Someone whose advice is solid, sound and practical, and so forth (I just described Fast and Furious Fitness, I believe) …

And so in that regard -lets do it the way we want to!

(And – here;s another thing – for all those of you waiting the extra week or so – to compensate for this – we’ll have yet another GREAT DISCOUNT waiting in the wings – so if you want one – although weve got some running – let me know, and I’ll see what I Can do on a “per case” basis as it were!)

This damned plague from China. Ugh. Blasted Kung Flu is what it IS, and I’ll say it till the cows come home to roost or whatever because really man, look what they’ve done to the ROW!!

Anyway . . .

Autographed copies for ALL of you that requested it are very much still on the way/in the works – it just might take a bit longer due to the plague etc wreaking havoc everywhere.

Except the one place where it was planned, of course.


But even in China, things aren’t “that rosy for now – but thats to be expected given what they did to us!

Anyway … brief update on that. Thought I’d let ya’ll know.

And on another quick note – the Rum D(r)um from Brum has been going bonkers as of late sending me messages so inane I wonder what the “end of the UK lockdown” (or England, at any rate) meant for him.

Probably one of the lunatics that they have COVID marshals for out patrolling, one of the clowns that pisses in parks and what not all over the place.

From what I read the “re-opening” in England was rather racous in certain parts of the country if you get my drift, hehe, much like the Liverpool vs you know who “footie” games!

Some fine, fine chicks too!

Dames, if I might say so!

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get in shape for summer – beach parties and what not (yeah, I know – I’m ignoring the “plague” restrictions, but at a certain point, really, folks. I’ve had enough of this panic personally – I’m sure you have too – lets get back to NORMAL!) with the ONE course designed specifically with “toned midsection” in mind – Corrugated Core.

PS #2 – YES, if I’ve promised you something – I’ll go to the ends of the Earth to make it happen – ditto for the autographed books etc, as my customers KNOW!

PPS – Make sure to place your orders for Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Item asap! Two copies left – and those will be gone very soon too (remember, its actually one – because I want to keep one for myself – and remember, the time delay does NOT apply to this one even if you want it autographed because I got that initial lot still sitting with me – its traveled with me between countries, continents, and is still “in mint condition, hehe as a guy in India in 2003 once said about my laptop which a customs inspector “dropped” on the hard cement floor after “inspection (those were the days where laptops were “curiosities in India”, hehe) – “dont worry, Sir! It’s in mint condition!)

Luckily they made them Toshiba’s TOUGH!

I can only imagine what this POS China made thingie I’m using would have done if given that treatment. I likely wouldn’t be sitting here writing to you about it! Hehe.

PPS #1 – The Red Faced Bozo in Brum is jumping up and down about how “China should use force to reunify Taiwan” (he even sent me a very nasty note about it which made me laugh – some of this foolishness you just gotta LAUGH at). Someone please call the folks that have the straight/padded jackets!

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