The lovely (not, hehe) “untouchable” that can’t pronounce pint or schedule correctly.
- Another Glyn "Wacko" special.

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Wacko Scofield is at it. Drunk, stoned, high – and it seems it’s “that time of the month” when the welfare checks run out. Are they done bi weekly in the UK?

I wouldn’t know … LOL. But it seems he goes on more of a bender than usual every two weeks, and given he’s usually on a bender anyway – – thats saying something.

I remember when he was in China (before getting deported for overstaying at his monkey job – then bumming around in “Chooooooooonnnnnnnnggg king” (as the Bozo prounces “Chung” King mansion – where the lepers and dregs hang out, hehe (not really, but you get the picture -thats the “lore” for that building if that makes sense) – and of course sniffing around rear ends in alleyways (ugh, I knew that stench coming from the alleyway was SOMETHING when I stayed at a hotel on the top floors of that building!) for “20 dolla handouts” if you get my drift), he’d go on a massive bender every time he was about to run out of cash.

When someone finally “took pity” on him he’d calm down for a few days. Hehe.

Seems that hasn’t happened right now.

Name: Untouchable Caste

Email: rahulcantpronouncepintorschedulecorrectly

Name: ripped off <I won’t mention the woman’s name, but a certain Charles knows who it is, and yours truly doesn’t bandy women’s names around>

Email: rahul_the_hairy_curry_cunt

I just gotta mention these – they’re just hilarious.

First, the pronunciation – coming from an idiot with a Cockney or whatever they call it accent and drunken mumbles and a person that pronounces “Chuck” as “Chooooooookk” … thats something. LOL.

And a person who routinely got canned from monkey jobs even because “the kids can’t understand his mumbles”.

A person that stole tons of money and did drugs while claiming to be a “charity worker” – and hasn’t returned a cent of what he borrowed either. Charles. “Roya” (whoever she is). And a host of other women. Josie (who he badgered) …

A person that truly is the bottom of the barrel if I might say so.

Anyway, yours truly can’t spel either aparently from what I C.


Tai-pos galore, not so much in my booooookkkkks – but these emailz.

And as for pint?

I’d rather say “tankard”. lol.

Schedule? I rearly if ever had one (sorry, just had to put that in Bozo).

I love curry, if prepared properly! Yum.

And I’m a hairy bastard, I’ll tell ya that.

Better than the hand holding Korean soap opera idolizing (mostly the men?? WTF) wimp the Bozo is, or a card carrying members of “Madam I’m cucked and sissfied, now can I be your servant“.

Then he mentioned something about yours truly, my wife, and “Kate” (I’ll mention the name once) and some idiotic made up squabble that (of course!) two women got into.

If there ever is proof of a man (well, he’s not, but still) – being an utter MORON?

It’s the men that get “into and in between” cat fights – either direct or indirect.

The smart man and REAL MAN STAYS AWAY!

Anyway, as for Bozo the Untouchable, I gotta say this – I’m getting tired of mentioning him myself here.

I had NO idea he was this “out of it” – but here’s the thing – Bozo, if you’re reading this?

You once threatened me “I’ll lay hands on you if you dont stop acting trolly!

Trolly? lmao.

Anyway, please do seat your butt (ugh) on a trolley or what not and show up, and we’ll settle this once and for all- MAN TO MAN!

Let’s go MANO-O-MANO …. BOY!

Lets do it.

Anyplace, anytime, and I’ll reshape your nose – that I do promise. Your “purdy little nose” that … ah, but I won’t. I’d rather his jaw. His nose has been “too many places” if you get my drift.

But anyway, thats it for the Bozo.

Grow a pair, dude, and lets settle this MANO-O-MANO!

And as for Charles, the former friend, or perhaps current, I dont know …

I dont reall ymention him a lot these days.


Because other than a few spats, I really don’t have much against the dude, and he doesnt against me either.

True, if he infringes on my freedom of speech – he’ll get called out x 10.

True, if he whines about pull-ups – then I’ll do the same (Especially when I don’t ever call him out or question him on HIS workouts).

But other than that, he knows fully well how women are.

He said it the best.

“Women will give you aggravation compounded!”

And he – lets be fair – DID call out his “woman” that night when we met when she was making idiotic comments about “I dont like him with so many girls!

He basically said – look, this guy – he’s alone here – its his life – YOU have got no business poking your nose into it!

The Bozo, of course, was busy staring into his bottomglass of beer that he didnt pay for.

And he’s no doubt being sissy babying around with her now. Ugh. Hence his latest posts.

I later told Marc the African Silverback Gorilla about it, and he replied with …

“Now THAT is a real man!”

Which I agree with.

I dont agree with Chuck on many a thing, especially not his support of China (implicit) on their bullying globally, but credit where credit is due.

He called her out on it.

And he called her out on her bullshit of “we were cheated”! Whine!

If there ever is a reason I stay AWAY from doing business when women are involved unless it’s just me and her – this is it.

Chuck knows it too.

Hell, thats why I asked him if he was happy with me sourcin stuff for him before he even met me, and he was.

Of course, my own wife got upset about “your buying stuff for his girlfriend, but not me!”

I wasn’t . I was doing it for Chuck!

I’d go to the ends of the Earth for a FRIEND.

And I was doing just that!

Then his girlfriend months later jumped up and down about “we could have gotten it cheaper!”

OK … well, what about the REPEATED times yours truly asked Chuck about SENDING INVOICES and BILLS – before we bought or sourced the goddamned things?

Chuck said there was no need, and they trusted me.

I said it again.

Chuck said no problem – and take your wife out for a nice dinner – she deserves it!

And THAT, my friend, is probably what ticked Kate off more than anything else.

Despite the feminism and Nazi feminism all around, if there is one thing women can’t stand – its OTHER WOMEN. And attention being given to them, and they come back to men for validation on it too.

women. And Bozos. And sissies . UGH!!!!! Truly AGGRAVATION COMPOUNDED the vast Bulk of them (Schofield knows a thing or two about “bulk”).

Anyway, I hope I’ve brought closure to that.

Unless there’s a lot more wacko stuff from Schofield, I’ll stay away from mentioning him.

But I just thought I should “close” the chapter with Charles, because really, I like the guy despite not agreeing with him on many things.

He’s helped me before, and I’ve helped him. Sad that a maniac like Glyn had to break up a great friendship, and claim “Charlie Bandana the Fourth in Korea recommened books to me and made racist memes of Rahul” when its clearly not true.


Anyway, I’m out. Remember – two copies remaining for Fast and Furious Fitness – yours truly “untouchable” will even autograph them if you want, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I contacted the looney tune bin in Brum, but they were having none of the Bozo. LOL. For one, he’s too fat – two eggs on top of each other. Normal straightjackets wont fit, hehe.

But really, Glyn. Be a man for once in your pathetic little life … and lets settle this FACE to FACE, MAN TO MAN! As Chuck once said, “yeah. It’s PATHETIC, creating memes rather than saying it directly!”

Pigs will fly out my ass before Bozo ever does that, of course.

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