Why criticizing Narendra Modi for the kung flu is NOT the right thing to focus upon.
- So I say!

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He’s been getting a lot of flak as of late, some of it warranted, some of it not.

Por ejempelo, a comment he made in Bengal I believe (from what I read) about the plague situation in India and “Muslims” (I think that was the topic) dying by the thousands or what not.

(Personally, I think all of this is a PANIC – DEMIC, and y’all know my thoughts on panixations etc) …

Muslims are buried, while Hindus are cremated.

“Agar Kabristan Bana Rahe Ho, to Aur Shamshan Banao!”

Which to me, was a comment intended to rile up his base – the voter base that votes for him (sadly based upon religion, caste, creed, communalism and all those other evils that is keeping India for progressing as it should be).

As we think, so we are. ’nuff said.

(not all of us, but …)

Anyway, the comment was basically saying “If you’re building more graveyards, build more cremation grounds too!”

To a non political (at least in terms of India) onlooker, this seems like an astoudingly callous comment, and to me it was.

Rather than focus upon the deaths, he’s talking about religion and how to “dispose of dead bodies”, and religion!

But other than that, is it right to heap all the blame on him?

I dont think so, my friend.

I’ve always been very vehmently against panicking and lockdowns etc.

I was NEVER and I’ve said it before a fan of Modi’s abrupt “willy nilly – no planning” lockdown in 2020 (before this, the country if you can believe it had like 500 cases in all!!) that killed whatever little was left of the economy . . .

. . . I’m not an advocate of lockdowns in general anywhere. Lockdowns kill people – anyone with any sense knows this (in more ways than one).

And if you’ve got more money than Croseus, you say?

Well, you might just go mentally insane from being stuck at home and confined to a room?

Maybe thats the plan or part of it.

Anyway …

Things need to OPEN UP.

People need to stop panicking.

I’ve never once worn a mask and don’t intend to either unless necessary, and even then I’ll avoid places where I do need to wear masks, but the thing is – with all this lockdown shockdown madness, what people aren’t focusing upon (and with all the hysteria over media manipulated images of cremation grounds packed full with bodies “waiting to pass on” Hindu style) … is the utter incompetence of the admin.

I mean, didnt they have enough time to PLAN?

The feds blame the States, the States say the feds don’t support them.

All in all, a classic case of passing the buck, which despite me not knowing much about Indian politics is pretty much the case for ANY political party in India, any admin.

Sad, sad state of affairs.

A country that produces the world’s (bulk of the world’s) vaccine supply and was the first to help others is now not able to vaccinate it’s own, and doesnt even HAVE the damn vaccines.

(not that I care either way – for the Bozos who think panixations are the way to go and panic passports etc, well, go for it!)

A country that is purported to be the “next superpower” and “rising India” has no oxygen?

And so forth …

Why all of this couldn’t have been planned is a mystery?

Maybe they just didnt care.

And apathy is something I Cannot stand …

Anyway, those are my thoughts in brief on that.

And as for YOU – if you’re in a location with lockdown shockdown … well, make sure to get your WORKOUT in daily.

In these insane times, trust me, those of us that DO the thing and have the vision – and back it up with regular exercise – will emerge triumphant!

THAT is the plan, anyway, whether you believe it or not.

The rest, well …

I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As you can tell, I dont have much sympathy for Bozos, trolls, wackos, non-doers, kowtowers, Tom Tommers, and the rest …

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