More on the importance of genuine feedback and REVIEWS!
- And more ...

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I recently posted a blast on LinkedIn (sorry, Pinked-Out) about China forcing everyone up and about in the middle of the night in a city very close to … well, Lowu in Shenzhen.

I was going to say close to Hong Kong, but that might end up being an oxymoron.

I really let loose as you saw from the email this morning.

Of course, the idiots and Tom Toms and braying Jack and Jill (led by the Jill’s, no surprise there eh!) asses are out in FULL FORCE!

How dare I say it, hehe.

But I did, and I will keep saying it, so there.

Here is what Bozo Lucas Han said …

“pls go back to your country. go to india”

Then as if she realized that was too “inappropriate” –

china is most safety now. pls do not say something not true”

False my rear end.

Safe my hairy ass …

Anyway, Rahul Mookerjee has never been known to back down – from anything – or any gender. Hehe. Or the third Schofield “wierdo” Gender either!

Please crawl back into the hole you came from. Thank you!

Please stop Tom Tomming and making ridiculous, retarded, monkey strung statements. What I said was 100% true. Check your own facts first, if you’ve got half a brain to do so!

Now, this Bozo might not understand most of what I said.

But isn’t it true.

I post something about China, and instead of addressing the FACTS?

“Go back to India (or whichever my own country is that she thinks I’m from – when I say India, the morons don’t believe because “u not dark!!!!!!!!!!” and when I say I am, they say “your english is so good”, and, well….!)”

Like lady, who gives a rip about whose country is what and where someone is.

Address the FACTS!

Of course, thats too much to ask – i.e. a logical discussion when it comes to the left and retards and China tom tom’s …

And to be fair, even the great (not) Schofield once attempted to corner them about racism at some so called school he worked at where he pestered a girl incessantly about “but why does skin color matter”

Never thought I’d say the Bozo had half a brain, but he displayed signs of it there …

Anyway, that aside, we’ve gone a LOT into why you genuine customers should leave reviews, or the Bozos will … for those yet not up to speed?

Read THIS.

But either way, I’ve been writing about Amazon as of late, havent I?

And the fact that despite my recent bad experience with them I’ve got utmost faith in Jeff and his team, and I continued doing biz with them anyway, and I will continue to do so because “customer first” is Jeff’s philosophy and I fully support this!

Hell, I support it – not only support it – but implement the same in my biz too!

And true to form, Amazon Executive Customer relations team (their top rung of customer service) solved the problem as I KNEW they eventually would.

They asked for a review (feedback).

I gladly gave them some.

A minute or so later, Twitter, with whom Ive been having some billing (strange) issues … got back to me with a resolution/explanation of what I had been asking for the past week.

Took them a while to get it done, but get it done they did!

And they asked for feedback. I gave them that too!

My email guys constantly ask me for feedback, so does EVERYONE I work with – any serious business.

And I give them ALL serious reviews, because guess what – thats how it goes!

That is just how the cookie crumbles ie. if you do business with someone, you’re in it for the long term, or you should be, at any rate – that is always how I’ve done biz.

And thats part of the reason behind my recent WeShat cull as most of the hyenas on there showed their true colors after I started posting about politics and how the CCP intended to destroy the whole world – with proof.

How dare I.

Not one said I was wrong.

Well, I might not “go back to my own country”, lady, I should have said but I showl WILL put my foot up your arse if you bitch at me about something like that and you WILL get deleted, no questions asked.

But I gave them all great reviews – why?

They deserved it.

And thats the thing about business – you pass on the good things one business has done to the rest of the world, and they do the same by you.

It’s just how it works my friend, an dit’s yet one more reason YOU should USE the links in that email you got with your download – and post a review.

It don’t need to be 5 star, 1 star, any star, or 7 star even. Hehe. Though it’s great if it is, that ain’t the point.

The point is honest feedback.

And when you post through that link, it auto posts to the system and I can’t change it even if I wanted to – good, bad or ugly!

And thats what I want i.e honest feedback more than anything else!

Anyway, Amazon sure does know how to do biz!

And keep their customers happy. No wonder Jeff has a personal fortune rivaling that of a couple of South American nations, and may it grow as far as I’m concerned – he does biz like it’s supposed to be done!

But Amazon is HUGE on their Amazon pay thing, and gift cards etc.

And we here at 0 Excuses Fitness did somethign similar a while back.

We had the “wallet” system implemented wherein you could add funds to your wallet HERE – and use those for purchases, either current or future.

And of course, all wallet purchases got an auto discount (without asking – 10% I believe on top of whatever discount was being currently offered – as of now none).

But down the line, that feature stopped working, and I’m waiting for the guys to add it back – I’m sure they will in future releases.

Code can be complicated.

Hell I know. I used to be a coder myself!

But anyway, thats the update from now from yours truly “ever combative”.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, TWO copies remaining for Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition, and one is mine. Get it now while the going is good!

PS #2 -As for Lucas the Bozo-nator?

I posted the following too –

To all Chinese that agree with the Bozo above, and not all do – no, not all Chinese are that damned stupid!! – next time, don’t show up in America complaining about discrimination and “us calling it the Kung Flu” no matter where we might be. Guess what, we WILL. Because thats what it IS, the Chinese virus. China created it, China spread it, and thats just the bottom line. Dont like it?

Well, then, as you say – go back to your own country and STAY THERE!

I mean really, folks – do you see how STUPID this line of reasoning is?

Address FACT, not RHETORIC!

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