When Carol told me “your legs are sexier than hers!”
- Indeed astonishing, but not really, hehe.

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It’s funny, but before people reading get any ideas – she was a …..

s …





(Salacious details omitted as always but if you’d ask her NOW what she was, she’d reply with student, therefore, so am I).

Anyway, before I proceed, a review from the ages from a troll par exellence (so he thinks, hehe) and a wacko-job like never before – the one and only Bozo Schofield in the UK.

He left this review on Fitness Pioneer (Amazon inexplicably removed it, but let the rest “stand” – I dont know why – this was one of my favorite ones!)

The weepiest by far … hehe. if you can catch his “I dont get none, Rahul gets it all” schoolboyish drift!

(Maybe it’s the long hair. Hehe. “Habib” always had the “hair”! as TEMB once told me!).

Or maybe …

(I have all of the Bozos’s stuff saved for posterity in a “Sco the Nutwad” folder. LOL).

For Fitness Pioneer, a book where I posted an admittedly “handsome” selfie of myself as the cover – which by the way is something I HATE doing (taking selfies))

Being as I’m something of a pioneer myself, I thought I would try Rahul’s book. Utterly, utter drivel spurting from the mouth of a barely literate mad men. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends? Avoid this book.

More here . . .

But anyway, Carol was a STUDENT. Hehe.

And I once sent her a picture of myself at a foot massage salon in China.

A rather fancy and expensive one too, no hanky panky, not that I “asked for” anyway.

Upon sending the pic over, I fully expect her to comment on the cute little gal doing the massage.

I fully expected to her say what some foot massage worker told her about her feet “apparently small and beautiful” or some such nonsense.

Well, it made sense, but I dont know, why would they say that, but anyway, women, but Bozo “Wanna be Woman” Schofield knows all about that.

But anyway … (poor Bozo. He’s probably frothing at the bit right about now, his email signups all in “outer space”) …. I was gobsmacked and stunned.

“Me?????? Why the hell me” I asked her.

“My legs???”

She replied in the affirmative.

Yes, you!

But I got it by then.

I can be a bit slow at times …

Remember the email I sent about what women really, really want?

Well, contrary to what a lot of men and boobybuilders think (and especially phat phock expats thinking they’re God in China – hint – they’re the opposite) – women don’t want men with large bellies hanging down to their ankles tom tomming their weight lifting or what not. Neither do they want “My Olympia’s fat free body”.

Women are most interested in a TONED (hint, not striated) midsection.

And LEGS – yes – !

No, not legs that look like they’re pillars either.

Legs like in the page on Animal Kingdom Workouts.

I’m not saying that to Tom Tom. I’m saying that because if YOU Do what is mentioned in the book, you’ll understand the truism or what I am saying.

That picture on the Advanced Hill Training page . . .

THAT is what women want (and therefore all the trolling it gets).

Anyway, I thanked Carol profusely, but did nothing after that.

Much like the poor Bozo, except he “wants” to but can’t, hehe.

But really, lesson in this is an old and “tested” one, except I’m saying it differently.

Legs, hips, grip and core my friend.

There literally is nothing more important.

Get started TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee



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