More on lazy phocks, and what they have in common with Nazi feminists, SJW’s and wackos and Bozos in general
- ... life!

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This is more about the lazy asses and dumbphone addicted nutjobs (pretty much the entire world at this point??) – but Nazi feminists, SJW’s, all play a part in it …

There’s much in common!

But first, a great email from “yore” from a customer Charles Mitchell, and I believe it was in regard to an email yours truly wrote on sprints in 2018.

The salient parts of his note were this – (and I’m paraphrasing, but the email can be found via search etc) …

“It’s interesting that the world has progressed to the point where they can keep us all addicted to dumbphones endlessly, but they haven’t found a solution for knees that are too shot to do sprints!”

Hold on, lets see if I can find it again… for some reason, that hit me while I Was writing this!

I found it. April 11, 2018. Nothing if not a good memory I have!

(But you guys can find it via search too if you dig around in the archives)

SPRINTS!  What a nice idea, wish I could do them.  Osteoarthritis of the left knee put an end to that.  Seems the orthopedic industry has no answer for this condition no matter how many people suffer with it.  Funny how the smart phone industry can advance in leaps and bounds to keep us all hypnotized and staring at our phones endlessly, but the medical industry still cannot cure a condition that has plagued mankind since time began.

What a great memory and a great customer to start this off, and indeed the “day” with!

(& and as I put the links into this email, what a great word he used. Plagued. Hehe)

My reply –

My response to him –

Yes, the smartphone industry has made bozos out of us all, haha. I for one would much rather we go back to the good ole “flip phone” days. Things were far more “real” back then if you get my drift …

With regard to the sprints, you’re probably not in a position to do them now as you say. If I were you, I’d start out with gentle rope jumping and Hindu squats, as well as walking (which as I said in the book is a highly beneficial, but equally overlooked exercise). The Hindu squats have an incredibly rehabilitating effect in most cases – just do them in proper form as I show you in the videos, and I think you’ll be nigh amazed at the progress you make within a few weeks provided you keep at it.

Best, and thanks for writing in!

More here –

But of course, that isnt the point of this, or is it?

My wife was recently saying something along the same lines about the plague that China spread i.e. all these medical advances, and they can’t cure this dang thing.

“I can understand what happened in the 1940’s or before with the plague”, she was saying.

“Well”, I laughed. “Thats what this is, the plague!”

But why can’t these damn doctors cure it NOW, she said (again).

Well, I’ve made no secret of my disdain for CERTAIN parts of the medical fraternity … not least the Bozo doctors with paunches hanging way, way over their belts.


Why would a doctor be that out of shape, I wonder.

I mean, no-one is asking him to be a pull-up champ, or a 500 pushups per day Guru, but at least be in basic health and shape before advising others on it!

Like I always say, never take advice on sex from an eunuch!

It never fails to amaze me how many do though …

Anyway, the plague – ya’ll know my thoughts on how it was spread – fact, actually – and then some!

(and people are finally starting to get it in that regard, which is good, but it’s too late already I fear. China did what it had to, and now – well, people need to stop being SHEEP and panicking like idiots).

(I mean geez, just why the hell do you need to wear masks in cars for one? Some of the idiotic stories I hear just boggle the mind).

But now, lets get back to laziness and lazy phocks.

Picture this for a minute.

There’s work piled up everywhere. Could be housework, could be schoolwork, could be officework, could be many things.

And the person responsible for it “lets it pile up” i.e. “ugh! I dont want to do that”.

Much like Henry Ford said “stopping advertising to save money is like a man that stops a clock to save TIME” – the work doesnt go away.

It keeps piling up.

The lazy phocks and Bozo keep moaning and groaning about it.

Then finally, one fine day, someone else gets sick of it and does it in one go”if they can”.

he or she counsels lazy phock to be less lazy and stop making excuses and get off their butt and DO something.

Yes, yes, yes I will.

Next day?

“Oh, but there’s no work! You did it all!”

And back they go into their cellphone induced slump and mania … (addicted mania).

This, my friend is of course what Nazi feminists do in some regards – one of the silly games they play.

But it’s also a prime Lazy phock way of behaving you can spot for miles.

In one of my jobs, they had this attendance system where the manager had to “regularize your attendance” or some nonsense in case the system wouldn’t do it itself, or you missed clocking in or some BS.

Was supposed to be done daily.

Most let it pile up till the end of the month.

Of course, that was probably a “click once” deal, I dont know, as opposed to going through and ticking all the boxes one by one …

But this lazy phock behavior – not only do I not “get it” – but it pisses me, but more than that I dont get it!

I mean, what do these people think?

Its not like, for instance, all the weight that has been piling onto someone because they’re too lazy to move a limb to workout will just magically “go away”?

And I sure can’t come and workout for you!

Yet, you hear the moans and groans, cries of “we’re in lockdown! Be more sensitive!” and this other BS …. but when it comes to DOING, what happens?

A big fat zero.

Explains why the world is where it’s at NOW  in many regards doesnt it?

Maybe this damned plague will get things back to normal eventually.

Maybe thats the plan the Universe had/has in store for all of us!

Anyway …

Sprints, my friend are something everyone can and shoul ddo, but not intense ones right off the bat.

There are ways to do sprints on “2 legs” that you can do – that aren’t super intense, but that will burn fat off your frame anyway – and as long as your knees aren’t completely shot, you should be able to do ’em.

Or, Advanced Plyometrics! Whenever the book comes out on that.

I know.


But I’ve been super busy promoting another business where my Twitter readership for one is OTC . . .

And just going up, up, up.

Anyway, the great thing about Advanced Hill Training.

Most of the sprints in the book are on ALL Fours. And you CAN do these if your knees are shot or what not!

And of course, Animal Kingdom Workouts, the next stage to that in many regards, but even if you’ve got that book, it’s a great idea to get the book above – because they go “together” and because there’s some info in the first that isn’t necessarily there in the second (the second is more “exercise intensive” – but the first gives you a great primer of basics – always a good idea to revisit the basics!).

Anyway, thats enough of a brain dump.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I never understood why folks dont get the importance of a routine, and sticking to it. I tell them thats how they do it in the military (curiously enough these people above admire the military, but not so they can pick up on their GOOD things – it’s so that they can “ooh and ah” and “oh! they’re warriors!” (which they are – dont get me wrong!) – without THEMSELVES doing a thing to become one.

I dont get it, my friend. I dont get it.

A simple matter of creating a routine, sticking to it, and you don’t even have a drill Seargant yelling in your face hehe. How hard can that be!

Just do it, and daily, it’s that simple!

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