3 so called muscle secrets for the Bozos and Morons – ignored by most REAL men – and rightfully so
- Introducing as promised Wackjob Feetus Chat

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OK, so if you read the last email on GRIP training – you know I said in the PS I had a “little something extra” for our readers from Greece.

And there seem to be quite a few here, some customers, some not (as yet).

Anyway, I recently received an email from a guy I instantly “recognized” as a doer. Not because I’ve met him, not because he’s into fitness (I never even know that upfront) – and NOT because I spoke to him first. I’ve never met him!

But yet, the name STOOD OUT!

Ben Settle!

Anyway, I guessed he had signed up for Ben (and if you’re on this list you know who that is!)’s list – and Ben had mentioned him once publicly, so after receiving his initial email which there’s no need to share here, I knew this guy was a … DOER!

He asked me to do up a short email blast for him introducing him to this list.

Normally I dont do this – for anyone.

You on that list know very well what I do with idiotic inquiries I get all the time from the contact form!

But this guy – struck me – as different!

But, I asked him just in case – I asked him what he did, what books he’s written, his training etc …

And he told me – and I knew THIS guy is the real deal at least in terms of being a doer!

Yall on this list know I would neve rintroduce someon eI dont have a good feeling about, and this dude, from the get go – good feeling!

(Edit – as of August  30, 2021 – I gotta tell you this – my FIRST feeling was “something is off – more HERE). I should have listened to my FIRST gut feeling which I always do, but in this case, given he mentioned Ben Settle, well … poor BEn, guilt by association and all that, but I figured I’d give him a chance, and as on EVERY other occasion I’ve done that, I was WRONG. 

(The title of this post was something else in June, but I edited in on the date above).

Even before I saw his website – and even before he said anything else about a book he’s written “Crappy Steriod Bloated Muscle Monster Body” (that isn’t the real name, of course but given events that transpired – which you can find on his site probably and Amazon!

I haven’t read the book, so I dont know – but I’d bet it’s good and worth a look given the guy’s training background which is extensive.

Anyway, enough from me. Let the man speak himself. As he says … “Feetus Chatzinicolaou of Serial Refunding, Steriod Pumping, Cat loving, Bozo Beckoning Moron Man.

And, his email – and words to YOU – are beneath –


When I started training 12 years ago, I followed the mainstream Fitness advice.

Magazines and “experts” suggested going balls to the wall, annihilating my body and insisted that no pain meant no gain.

I followed the advice and in 2 months…

…I’ve wasted 60 days!

My girlfriend at the time wasn’t impressed with me spending 1,5+ hours at the gym and not looking like I lifted. Even worse and since I have weak joints, I ended up hurting my wrist and back. This led me to lose whatever progress I’ve made till that point.

(looking at him, it’s a wonder he even has a girlfriend. Anyway, more on this idiot here ).

Then, call it divine intervention or plain luck, I stumbled upon some obscure European training studies.

Reading them I realized this: Many of the suggestions given by mainstream sources, focused on people who were injecting steroids or were genetic freaks. But the suggestions were horrible for a chubby guy with a weak body like me.

Anyway, I decided to try the suggestions inside the European studies.

To my surprise, the pains and aches caused by my workouts were reduced and eventually eliminated.

But that wasn’t all.

Since I wasn’t in pain all the time, I could be consistent with my training. Slowly but steadily, my arms and chest (the weakest parts of my body) began growing.

However, those European studies didn’t have all the answers.

I had to discover a few things of my own.

When I later became a coach, I realized that many of the so-called “rules” of training had almost nothing to do with reality.

Take for example the number of reps.

Most training programs suggest a set number of reps, in all the exercises.

Unless your body is perfectly symmetrical (hint: almost 100% of the clients I’ve worked with had some kind of imbalance) you need to adjust the reps to your body. So someone who is tall with short arms will have a different rep scheme for his quads and glutes than his triceps or his chest. And I’m not talking just about reps for strength, hypertrophy, leaning out or whatever.

Personal experience clients over the last decade has helped me discovered a few secrets you won’t find in mainstream courses.

In fact, here’s what one client recently said about my help…

“Working with you allowed me to keep adding muscle without increasing my bodyweight. Your programs are to the point, saving me a lot of time…my body has received the right amount of stimuli to grow, without overtraining or beating my joints. For an old guy like me, that’s very important”.

If you’d like to discover more, I’ve prepared a short report sharing 3 of my favorite muscle building secrets.

You can grab it at:

<chopped As of Aug 30, 2021. Since this wacko decided to file a charge back for fraud HE Committed – and being I dont entertain wackos and serial refunders ANYWHERE NEAR any of my businesses – well, it’s gone now – I see no reason why this great site should drive links to his dumb ass silly “bits and pieces website” that looks like a third grader “threw it together” and bailed>

<Again, I never tear someone apart like this unless there is a damned good reason, and with Feet Worshipping Bozo Chat from so called … ah, but it doesnt matter. There is a damn good reason – again, go HERE. >

(that post was written a day or so after he decided to serial refund)

(And, his reviews are all PAID reviews. ie. he paid people he knew to get ’em, hence the “fake smell” of them that you can smell a mile away)

(if he was just a run of the mill wacko, Iwouldn’t care that much, but his slithering snake like technique of using names like Matt Furey, Ben Settle, and then the “honor by association” thing – that, and the blatant dishonesty he showed “just because he could” is the reason I’m finally editing this post, which I thought I should have done deleted a long time ago, but again, I gave the wacko a chance…)

(Anyway, enough on this. Ugh. What a loser the guy is! And he’ll get his down the road too …)

Talk to you soon,


Wackjob Chatzinicolaou


Well, my friend, thats what he had to say – if y’all have any questions – contact him directly via the info above!

No, I dont get anything if he sells products per this email – and neither did I ask him!

(Edit – Neither would I want it. Ugh.)

And no, for those “wondering” – I’m not worried about “losing clients” or any of that nonsense. The more the merrier it is for me for all I care, provided they’re all the real deal!

I’m sure you agree!

I am out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – What a day, my arms BE SINGING! Yoo hoo! THOSE FAT GRIPZ – damn sure – damn SKIPPY -t hey’re the REAL DEAL!

(none of my own links here – this email is about “The Wacko”, but he wouldn’t mind me talking grip, given thats all he does all day “in front of the screen in a darkened room if you get my drift” hehe).

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