The lying flat culture in China, and why it’s shallow and FAKE – and why it’s unfair to pin the blame on China alone.
- Indeed!

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I wrote about that Russian dude, (well, he looks like a girl to be quite frank!) who became famous on Sissy-gram a while back for being a lazy phock and not doing a job he was paid to do on a Chinese TV show or something.

Admittedly apparently he was forced into it or something, so I dont blame him …

But he’s the archetypical simp – and a LAZY one at that – the look of which just revolts me to the core, but what revolts me more?

His laziness was celebrated!

It wasnt “OK, I was forced into this, so lets leave – by hook, or by crook, and get back to doing what I WANT TO”.

It was “I’ll leave, and go back to posting pictures of myself in my pink pajamas lying on the bed weeping and probably complaining of prostrate issues or what not while peeing in my diapers (this is a true story!) until Sissy-gasm bans me. Until then I’ll pick up EZ money, and I’ll roll in it, after that, its back to pissing and moaning”.

IT just sickens me, my friend.

Not just the laziness, but the utter stupidity of these people.

And the “lying flat” culture popular in China is much like this.

Apparently they’ve already decided that despite Tom Tomming Xi Jingping till the heavens, and threatening to wreak and rain hell and havoc upon any foreign devil that doesn’t kneel to his (not) highness (some idiot in China even wrote a poem about “the Great Leader’s back!” and so obseqious it was that he was trolled even by Chinese netizens about it as in , UGH) . . . (he was part of the xinhua team, so in all fairness Xit-ler probably mandated that be written!) (much like Mao) . . . despite the hoo haa about “China is the only country thats every right, every other country in the world is WRONG!” – despite playing the victim card repeatedly, Tom tomming their so called success in the plague (its back with a vengeance now) when THEY created the damned thing in the first place … . despite all this, they don’t follow one key dictum Xi Jinping would like them to do, that being …

Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Even if it’s at trolling. Hehe.

or whatever your calling is!

No, these idiots seem to find solace in complaining and making themselves accept the so called fact that “you’ll work all your life, yet not be able to afford a house”, or “theres no point working”, and some such nonsense.

Now if they said the hell with the rat race, and thats that, I’d understand.

Here’s the thing though.

Though they say that, they dont mean it!

Jackie, a friend of mine inChina recently gave me the spiel about “Oh, you’re so free in China!”

My wife does it all the time i.e. you do nothing an dparty all night is what she tells me!

(I wonder how I live, pay rent, eat, drink all the beer I do, find time to write my books, sell them, create businesses, brands, hehe…)

As Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once said about another guy that said “Rahul, thats not how to do biz!” …

“he’s telling a guy that created not one, but two of his own brands, marketed it succesfully, did it from scratch” …


And spot on.

Anyway, people often give me the “you’re relaxed! I wish I could be too” nonsense.

Then I tell them to do it.

Quit the job, and live life on your own terms.

Some are doing it now – out of compulsion, and pretending they’re doing it “because they want to be free”.

They dont

Because what they obsess about all the time, and it’s funny, even the ads for the “lying flat” culture show it – is —- MONEY!

Yet, they convince themselves they can never have it.

It’s pathetic, and going around in circles like a grade Z Glyn Schofield inspired Donkey.

Donkey Central I should call it …

Give these folks half a sniff at money, and they’ll forget all their “laziness” or lying flat or relaxation or “going back to basics” BS – it’s all about EASY money though!

It’s just … I dont know, it’s hypocritical, shallow and pathetic.

And it would be unfair to blame just China for it.

People these days globally, and not just young folks are like that. In general.

“doing the bare minimum” seems to be the mantra.

When you tell these morons that “if Jeff Bezos just did the bare minimum, where would he be today” – or anything like that, theyll turn around and try and attack you.

“dont talk about them!”

“They’re driven! You’re not!” (HA! Self projecting!)

“Thats them! Not you!”

It’s OK for them to do it, not you!

Anyway, I dont know if this makes any sense, but it’s just pathetic.

I mean, what do people want – everything on a platter?

Believe me, I wouldn’t want my fitness success on a platter for one – working as hard as I did to get where I am, learning what I did – it wasn’t easy, but I wouldn’t give it up for ANYTHING or anyone.

Oddly enough, or maybe not, it allows me to Tom Tom myself as an expert, or as close to it as possible myself …

Last but not least, to the lying flat guys and gals, they seem to be one and the same these days, I’ll tell you this much.

One thing happens when you lie flat on your back – you get “fucked”.

Simple as that.

Unless you do it as I do – rest – recuperate – within minutes – and then bang – back at it!

I mean really.

Why don’t these idiots start a business of their own?

Or write a book?

Or, I don tknow, cook something decent and figure out how many people like it, and then craft a lifestyle around that?

Because guess what, even putting your heart and soul into something you like, something YOU believe in fiercely though no-one does, might seem to, or whatever – working hard at THAT thing is … guess what .

It’s WORK. Not lying flat on one’s back. Even if you’re the best troll and ass licker in the world (like Glyn) – even that takes some WORK.

Truth is, the laziness and pander to me culture is sickening to the extreme. (an extreme).

There’s so much more to do than “lie flat on one’s back”.

Maybe it’s exactly this sort of people (believe me, it ain’t just China either!) that the Chinese plague was set up to eradicate.

Good times are coming.

If you can wait for ’em!

Anyway, lying flat on your back my friend, doesnt do much for your fitness either.

Lie flat and bench a weight all you like, but that bench won’t help you “pick me up and throw me out of the window” … (we all know who said that. Hehe).

It’s standing on your feet training that works wonders. Simple. Ask the old time strongmen that , they’ll tell you the same thing too!

It’s GRIP, neck and TRAP training that truly IS (well, I wont say more, hehe) as important as breathing …

And it’s training in reverse that really counts – and if you gotta push stuff, do it OVER YOUR HEAD!

And that, my friend is that.

I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You know whats better than an orgasm?

I could go X rated here, sure. There’s tons of things that are, but I’ve detailed that on the other site! Hehe.

I’ll go PG rated – no beer either. (though cold beer sometimes is!).

It’s lying flat on your back … doing nothing …. on a new mattress. Hehe.

Fooled ya, didnt I. No, “thats” not what I meant! LOL.

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