Taking the initiative.

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I gotta say it again. Amazon is the best damn company ever!

Ahem, beyond 0 Excuses Fitness, of course!


But really, their service – when compared to EVERY other biggie out there – is just AWESOME – compared to HORRENDOUS from the rest of them.

Despite Amazon being the ONLY one that provides stellar service and continues to improve in that department too (kudos!) – they have not stagnated or let the quality of their services drop as often happens when there is no competition.

From a customer standpoint – indeed the VERY BEST.

I’ve said it before, I said it yesterday, I’ll say it again!

And if there’s one thing they are good at – its taking the INITIATIVE.

Jeff Bezos doesnt sit around waiting for things to happen.


Either by hook or by crook, and all done in a way no-one can not only not argue with, but be HAPPY ABOUT!

This morning, I got a “pending” something done with Amazon that I had started, but I believe forgot to schedule.

I dont know if it’s coincidence, but I dont believe in ’em!

Amazon is the best at analyzing – and collecting customer date. They also do so non intrusively – and the CUSTOMER END usage for that data – well, it HELPS The customer!

They’re truly the very best at it, hehe.

And they analyzed mine, I believe, and saw “what was pending” that I myself hadn’t clicked “continue” and took the initiative to do themselves!

Just brilliant Jeff, Brilliant!

A lot of my customers say that about me.

“Sheer genius”, as a certain John Walker once told me (about a term I used in an email) . . . (“one legged man in an ass kicking contest”, I believe it was John?)

But really, THAT is how you run a company, friend.

You dont get complacent (something I’ve been guilty of in the past).

You keep pushing.


And it’s no coincidence that Bezos’s maiden space flight went .. .well, higher than the next one, Branson I believe!



Except, there are different ways to do it.

There’s several superb fitness courses and training manuals I offer you, friend.

While 0 Excuses Fitness is the baseline for all, and ALL Of you need to get it now – there are others that you can “choose”.

For instance, some may choose to focus upon Battletank Shoulders.

Some choose to focus upon Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness – truly another spectacular course!

Others mix it up a lot.

Whatever and however you do it, make sure it works – and stick to doing what WORKS!

No one way to the top, that holds as true for you and I as it does Jeff or anyone you see “at the top”.

Trust me, they didnt just “get there”.

They weren’t “lucky”.

They made their own luck.


Donald Trump may have born into a rich family, but dont for a minute think “thats how he succeeded”.

Sure, that allowed him to access more opportunities than the average Joe in quicker time, but thats about IT, friend. He made his own luck.

We all do – the DOERS!

Miraculously, my phone problems are solved now!

I remember my daughter once telling me “you’re a tech magician, Dad”.

truly, that time shocked (surprised) even me.

A laptop that wasn’t turning on for ages.

I walked into the room, and lo! The minute I pressed “start”, there it was – no problems!

I know that last bit might sound hard to believe, but remember this, friend – thoughts are things.

We magnetize based upon that principle.

If radio waves can oscillate and vibrate, why not human thought waves which vibrate at a FAR HIGHER frequency?

(which, of course, given the Boozy Bozos I’ve been writing about as of late, seems my brain waves are in space compared to theirs underground. Hehe).

Read Claude Bristol’s GREAT book the Magic of Believing for more.

And for a condensed version in terms of success tips – read Zero to Hero! And Gumption Galore! – both great motivational reads which WILL BUCK YOU UP! NOW. 

And last, but not least.

Take initiative, my brother.

Here are a few questions I want YOU to answer – no delays!

  1. Advanced Bridging – Yay, nay, too difficult, whatever you gotta say, anything, something….. ?
  2. Since I Said I’d extend the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness a bit, I have – but it won’t last forever. Phone’s working now (touch on wood) …
  3. For the course above, any OTHER implements you’d like to see? Tell me if so!
  4. And of course, remember, the last copy sitting around for Fast and Furious Fitness – The Collector’s Edition. Truly a rare gem, NO MORE REPRINTS FOR THIS ONE! Get this now.

Well, my friend, I know I said three, thats four.

All good, that happens.

I’m out for now.

TAKE the INITIATIVE, friend. 


Be a doer – make this day the best in your life!

And go ahead and take solid ACTION ON THE above NOW, friend. Time’s a ticking, lets get to it – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

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