Slipping and sliding on the Ny state highways…
- Funny how the brain works!

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It’s funny how the brain works, what recollections it pops up at odd moments!

I was researching the US Canada border openings – apparently not all of them have opened up as yet, at least not on the U.S. side, whereas Canada, from what I read seems to be somewhat more inclined to let folks in or whatever.

I dont know, maybe I’m not up to speed with it all, but the main news there seems to be Canada “cracking down” upon the “Alaska loophole” issue where some people apparently take advantage of the loose border restrictions for those going on to Alaska by road through Canada, or back to the “continental US” (or whatever the term is in that case).

Apparently folks stay on and “enjoy BC’s sights and sounds” was one of the laments.


Can’t blame ’em.

Canada is a damn beautiful country!

I almost went to the Canadian side of the Falls in 2000, I believe, or was it 2001 ah , yes, 2001 – unfortunately due to a glitch with some paperwork, I never made it to the other side. Pity – I’ve heard the Canadian side of the falls is even more spectacular than the U.S. side which is awe inspiring to say the least.

At the bottom of the falls, especially when the thang ain’t all frozen over -my oh my – you truly feel NATURE!

I dont know if they still do the boat down there, but they did back then.

And you gotta feel for the folks that take it upon themselves to go over the slippery and sliding rocks in a barrel.


Anyway .. the caves around Niagara were also fairly interesting.

And of course, the highways of NY in winter!

My first time there, I was “thrown in at the deep end”. Hehe.

First thing you know, I wasn’t 21 when I went, I believe – I believe I was a month or so shy when I “first went”? Maybe a couple, I cannot remember my exact age, but it was less than the 21 that “Enterprise Rent a Car” required. Hehe.

So the girlfriend used to drive, I chafed. LOL.

But that was the first month, minute I got my hands on that damn car, I’d drive.

And one fine weekend (we’d rent a car damn near every weekend, almost!) – we were driving back from Albany or something when it started to snow big time.

That didn’t seem to matter to the majority of the people on I 90 something, was it? I dont know, I’ve forgotten!

But to me, it was a terrifying experience driving the first time, at the positively pedestrian speed of 60 miles/hr, trying to keep the damn economy car we were in from slipping and sliding all over the place!

I was shitting bricks, and felt like an idiot while the rest of the world seemed to zoom past me anyway. Hehe.

Then, we got to our exit, and it was over!


Next morning, I remember Enterprise came and picked up the car, how they got it out of more than three feet of snow, I dont know. I was at work. Girlfriend got it done, thankfully.

I guess snow tyres or chains or what not woul dhave helped, but hey, coming from MS … snow wasn’t even something we had thought of much driving wise!

And that was a MILD winter in NY that year – while I froze my butt off, others were like “no big deal”.


The only other time I remember being that “deer in headlights” behind the wheel was in 2009 on a trip to Ranikhet in the nigh treachorous Himalayan roads en route to Tiger and Leopard Paradise in Northern INdia. Forests so dense at night with no lighting you wouldn’t want to get out of the car and sheer drop to (Rambo like) gushing mountain streams beneath, and you get the picture!

We were lost on that trip, and being lost in the INdian hills is no fun at night with a teeny weeny little car (again) running low on brake fluid for one, and with no fog or other ultra powerful lamps (I learned my lesson tho – got ’em installed for the next trip, which went fine , no hitches!).

But that was truly a slippery and sliding workout on the NY State highways…

Next time I encountered snow like that – or any real snow for that matter where I “lived” was of course, 2015 in China – but thankfully I wasn’t driving then!

My shoes made firm and solid contact with the mountain on that occasion.

It was a Sunday, traditionally a very busy time on there, but it was nigh deserted.

I was told not to go too, of course, David Goggins style, I had to!

Froze my butt off, slipped and slid a litte, but came back in one piece. Hehe.

Was a great workout, except I couldn’t do very much pull-ups on the metal bar outdoors!

Anyway … why am I suddenly telling you all this?

Goodness, certainly not to promote 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections

Nah – honestly, I dont know. I dont even believ eI’ve put the recollections above in that book; maybe a version of the last one, I dont know …

But my workouts are all done on terra firma friend, certainly no slipping and sliding.

And just in case you do, they get you in the best shape of your life!

Right there in your living room no less …

Go HERE to find out how.


Rahul mookerjee

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