“What the fuck is going on” – and why you must get 0 Excuses Fitness.
- Before it all goes to hell , hehe.

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I was chatting with a friend the other day, and I was asked him if he was still in China, or what was going on …

He sent me this (amongst other things).

“Yeah. Still hunkered down here until……………………….”

… The shit hits the fan was left unsaid!

But it’s hitting it already, ain’t it.

If you’re part of the crowd that is just wondering “What the HEZEY” when you look at whats going on around you, and how crazy things are, well, you aren’t alone.

Dysfunction everywhere has reached record levels, and the few that push back, well, it’s a nigh uphill battle!

But perhaps the best response came from Charles Mitchell a few days ago.

So far all is well even as the world gets crazier by the day. The type of training you promote is more important than ever. It builds fighting strength, survival strength. And can be done anywhere at anytime. No gym needed! You are the gym!

I posted this before, but I didnt really focus on it a lot … I was more focused on the “entertainment” aspect of what he said i.e. “your emails are as entertaining as they are sensical”. Hehe. That they are! And I wrote a 2000 word epic responding to that, I believe? LOL.

But in this here email, lets just get down to business, friend.

And why you need the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

I’ve written tomes on it already, but his response up there encapsulates it perfectly well.

FIGHTING strength!

Look, my friend, thats going to be needed – it is NOW. You need to fight for whats important, or it’ll be taken away.

I just got my account at LinkedIn restricted AGAIN for some weird reason.

The last time, well, I understand. I was posting content critical of the CCP and of course given how Bill Hates and the loony left panders to China, that is perfectly “understandable”.

They wanted me to upload government issued ID in order for them to “investigate” the problem – and note, at no point did they say they would “resolve” it or restore access to the account.

Simply “you’re banned, we want your ID” – what was left unsaid – so we can send it to the CCP.

Not that the CCP needs LinkedIn to send it, all the WeChat accounts have it for one. Thats China, they can track you down to the last thing you bought at the convenience store a few minutes ago if they want to!

Been that way for ages, only getting worse with all the QR codes etc required to be scanned to go anywhere – even ENTER into your own apartment complex.

You still have the so called choice in China not to get panixated.

But practically speaking, you’ll be barred from subways, traveling via train and most other things that you “have to do” – so it’s forcing you in way to get it anyway.

Not that I posted about anything of that nature recently, it’s weird.


The mental feeds upon the physical, my friend, and what I promote via the deep breathing techniques I show you in the System is the best vaccine ever against anything.

“Deep breathing alone made many a sick man well, and many a weak man strong”.

-That was Martin Farmer Burns in the early 1900’s!

Baba Ramdev in India said something similar a few months ago, and look at the hue and cry and national attention he got!

Amazing, this bloody woke culture. Amazing!


Ever read what I said about 2020 being the year of the Survivor?

Well, it’s only extending into one long survival mode now ,and you can only survive – and THRIVE – as I’m sure you want to – if you’re in the best of shape my friend.

CAN you stay in shape without heading on to the gym – without the nonsensical machines – without the latte to cheer you up, the trainer to “press your shoulders”, the weights and so forth?

When the bombs are flying around you, when the WAR starts – which it will sometime – what will you do at that point?

Yeah, yeah, I know.

“We dont care”.

But you do care, friend. You do care. We all do. We all should!

The fact is, running scared never solved jack shyt

Anyway, the point is this – SURVIVE – and in order to do so? you gotta be in the best of shape physically!

The raw, primal strength that you can feel, that comes from the inside out, you’ll know when you have it!

Youll have to climb up rocks – clamber up steep hills – lift things off the ground – sprint at a minute’s notice – and way more in the sort of situation I’ve mentioned above.

Its called real life, it’s called WAR – when it hits you better be ready, friend, or …!

And can be done anywhere at anytime. No gym needed! You are the gym!

This, my friend, to me is the best part of it.

If you can drop down and give me 100 anywhere, if you can drop down – and back up – and give me 100 Hindus anywhere – well, THAT is the ticket for me.

The Tom Tom’s will no doubt get back with “not bodyweight exercise again”.

But it works, friend.

And for the Tom Tom’s – CAN you do it?

Deafening silence, I’m sure.

Anyway, the software we use here has been recording a lot of you clicking “buy” on the Rolls Royce page – but then doing nothing at all after that.

That Royce is waitin for you, friend, all you gotta do is jump in.

I can’t push you in. Neither would I want to!


So that, and the ongoing thing for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness I’m going to pull very soon.

Get both of these now, friend, truly worth it.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- And another thing – if you’re concerned about price etc – well – there’s the Ship which gives you access to everything we have for ONE price – so long as your membership stays valid ,thats all you need!

Thats right – you can simply download whatever you like for as long as you want – you dont even need to store it on your computer if you dont want!

(which given all the computer crashes and what not seems like a great option for those of yall that are getting sick of backups etc. I know I am!)

Hey, we even have a custom option for “downloads only” i.e. without the forum and other incentives the Ship offers, contact me for more on that if you want IN!

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