The defining characterestics – well, two of them – that unify LOSERS, Nazi feminists, and Bozos…
- They're all of the same ilk anyway!

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My friend,

They’re all of the same ilk anyway, and if you’re thinking there’s only ONE characteristic, or two main ones?

You’d be flat out wrong.

There’s many – plenty.

But I’ll focus on two here – two huge ones.

One being (but first, that all important “story”, hehe).

Many years ago in China, a friend of mine – and a colleague “Clement” was discussing how it was in China back in 2003.

And the thinking of “he’s a foreginer, so he’s richhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” 

(pretty similar to my wife who keeps claiming “You’re in China, so you have a lot of money!”

Like, Jesus, why would I LEAVE a democracy and my own house etc (well, so called “own”) and a young family etc (which at that time was still a “family” as opposed to now – thankfully all well and truly in the past)) for CCP ruled China…

There’s some things I love about China, yes. It’s even spawned (pun intended) many a great biz for me!

And I met some great people there. And some lovely trolls too, hehe.

But anyway, that was the thinkin in China back then.

These days, when someone looks at a foreigner in China (not me – for me it’s always “Mei Guo Ren! Hen Duo Qian!!!!!!” – my wife once commented (at the time we were in some financial distress, I believe in 2011, or 13, or 14? I cant remember, it was while climbin gthe hill) … “You have nothing in your pocket, yet they follow you, revere you!

True. They did. All about THINKING RICH, and you’ll BE RICH. Simple as that …

But all the time making snide jokes about expats there etc, the type that runs out dancing monkey centers, with me, I never felt that – or experienced it. RESPECT!) … .but anyway, these days?

These days “these bottom of the barrel wankers come China to steal our girls, state secrets, and teach English we dont want to learn!”

It’s been that way for years.

No-one with any real money ever goes to China, and no-one (expats) make any real money there and more importantly get to keep it.

Sure, there’s plenty of ’em out there riding on the coattails of their girlfriends and wives, and the Schofield Scammers preying on the uber gullible (there are many still there).

Losers in general, and bottom of the barrel fools as my buddy from the Marines put it, and he was right!

But anyway … where was I?

Ah yes, the thinking!

The thinking back then in China was “every foreigner is rich” (even an idiot like Schofield for one would have been included in that).

I still remember the girl who brought my boss’s lunch up his “room” (well, his office, but the damn office was in a hotel!!!) (he preferred desk lunches apparently a lot of times) …

She’d just stand beside my desk and think it was for me.

“No, him!” I’d point to Jim, hehe.

She wouldn’t get it.

“Lao Ban”, she would keep saying (boss).

And of course, the colleagues there would chime in.

“Foreigner, you’re rich!”

It was insane!

Clement was from Hong Kong, a far sight more sensible.

And he was chuckling once about the well mentality, and the Chinese attitude of “he’s rich, so lets dip into his “richness” and take what we can for free”.

Clement compared it to several wells, all empty, one overflowing.

“They take water out of that one well” he giggled.

(i was explainin gthe meaning of “jugs” to him too at that time if you get my drift, hehe. Big jugs as the Secretary at that job had!)

“And gradually, as they keep taking, the water level keeps going down” (and he gesticulated too!) ..

“And then well empty!”

He guffawed.

It’s a juvenile example, but one I enjoyed, and will neve rforget.

And thats one of the things that unifies losers, bozos and Nazi feminist idiots – that “he has more ability”, so “he can pay”.

When you point out “commensurate” and goose and gander, of course, all that is ignored, because…

Point 2 – they only attack when they CAN.

And, when the other person cannot strike back – or reply.

Like Bozo Schofield, who attacked me viciously with his racist trolling, spread lies about me and many other people (they all took it – I didnt, never will, never have, never did!) … looted and cheated LOTS of women, committed sexual crimes, as yet unnoticed against minors in China … and many, many other things – all those things, he only did when he COULD.

Like a great customer once told me.

“The only reason the little twat is saying that is because you’re not likely to come to the UK to punch his lights out”.


I wouldn’t journey to the UK just for that.

But I might to drink a few Stellas with you, John!

Hehe. If the offer still stands.

And, we might well meet the Bozo in a dark alley.

Come to think of it, we might not WANT to.

UGH! (enough said).

But those, my friend are the two things I gotta say.

One, the “if he’s got it, he can give it to us” (with NO intention of earning it).

And of course, the sorry, sad excuse of “he always had it good” when the reality is the polar opposite, when whatever good he or she was MADE by him or her, not given by some idiot Tom Tom …

Pandering, entitlement, all of it.

I’m sick of it.

So screw LinkedIn, and any other social media network that bans me for that while the REAL reason of course is they can’t get enough of CCP jackboots stomping down on them …

Alright enough of this.

Back soon!

(And remember, that pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness. I get about 10 emails on it daily, but if ALL of you are really interested, then step up, SHOW SUPPORT, and place the pre-order now!)

(And of course, get the last two remaining copies of Fast and Furious Fitness – Collector’s Edition. Believe me, this rare gem will turn even rarer soon.).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Know the real reason why Glyn Bozo “wanted to be friends in 2020” and started attacking again when I Called him out for being the scorpion he is?

It ain’t so much because he hates me

Its because EVERY TIME he’s trolled, or done something, his OWN life – he’s had NO money, NO MONEY At all, nothing at all going on for him.

And of course, like the loser he is, his thought process?

“Rahul (insert person of choice – usually Chuck whom he cheated out of tons of money, tore up his apartment multiple times and much more) is why! I’m goin gto attack him!”

Of course, it never occured to him to sort his OWN life out as opposed to blaming others.

But there you go, real life example bar none!

PS #2 – I remember a gal, Carol once telling me about an ex that gave her money and a car or some rubbish, and yet “she wanted more” so divorced him (or actually, didnt want to divorce, but he did, and DID!) ..

“He has more ability, so he need do!”

Till date, I haven’t heard what abilities she has… Hehe.

Of course. It’s all God Given.


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