Why leftists, Tom Tom’s and Nazi feminists are buffoons of the highest order that understand “F all”.
- Really, they are...

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And actually end up helping those they “hate”…

Let me explain, hehe.

Remember the famous – or infamous Trump press conference about the Coronavirus?


The plague from China, I’m so sorry (to my daughter, who corrects me every time, hehe).

The Wu Flu, the pestilence, the grand cacophany of BS globally …

Whatever you call the damned thing, Alpha, Lambda, Sissy Schofield Variant or what not (can you get it by licking asses? LOL!)  …

All Trump did was suggest the use of disinfectant to “maybe” (if possible) cure the virus.

All he did was talk about X Rays, and say they kill viruses, and say he had common sense, and wasn’t a Doctor.

Dont believe me, Google it, listen to what he said, and you’ll get it.

At least, you should.

His comments rang home for me – someone that keeps talking SENSE, and the buffoons around me keep Tom Tomming the exact opposite (well, when I say “around me”, not physically always, but you get the drift!!!!!!!).

I mean, geez ultraviolet kills germs, right?

Simple fucking fact.

And of course, it sent Bozos into a tizzy that immediately started pumping Chlorox up their backsides, and many, if not all, like Glyn ended up in the emergency rooms.

I swear.

they talk about (in certain countries) limiting or STOPPING the sale of alcohol to “ease the load on emergency rooms” (biggest bunch of crapola I ever heard – what about all the accidents and so forth? The other cases? Alcohol ain’t responsible for everything. Just like guns dont kill – PEOPLE DO!) … but what about banning Bozos that do this sort of rubbish?

Clearly, they need to be in the mental asylum, not roaming the streets freely…..

But anyway, the left picked up on that, and has been Tom Tomming this ever since. And, of course, giving Trump more and more publicity every time they do, but they dont get it.

It compounds!

Hence, I welcome trolls and Bozo SChofield types too. Hehe.

Their “love” (ugh) truly does compound too….

Except these Bozos dont know it (Schofield learned, I believe, after a year, hehe, but not fully. 1 percent maybe!).

Schofield, do post some reviews… I know you’re reading this, eyes glued to screen, “What will Rahul say next God(dess, I hope, not about meeeeeeeee!”

“I hope he forgets me!”

I can hear the Bozo’s brain, or whats left of what was non existent furiously working in that regard.


And it is!

But anyway –

In a cutting response to a Fox News question, Jen Psaki said Trump suggested people ‘inject versions of poison into their veins’ as a COVID-19 cure

As dumb as it gets, friend.


This Jen woman is an idiot incarante as are most of the people Biden hires.

I mean, if you look at the article here, even the article says Trump never said anything remotely close to it.

Hey, Jen, at least learn how to market from a man thats been there and done it.

You can learn from me, hehe.

Or, from the Trumpinator for free, except that would require brains, something which ar ein short supply for you apparently.

Bananas may not be…

I dont know why I thought of that. Hehe. A certain “Helen” just told me she loves bananas, my mind worked overtime, and …

Anyway, Glyn, Bananas and Schofields aside… (and Jens’s aside…).

This sort of lunacy applies to fitness too.

The nuts at the Jim spin this tale about … well, let me give you the comments.

“Thats just bodyweight exercises! To build real strength, you lift weights and go to the gym!”

“If you want to workout, of course you need to go to the Jim!”

“You can’t just do one thing (Carol said this about climbing hills) and get into super shape! You need more!”

All of these, and more … these are such STUPID comments.

For one, CAN the idiots who espouse this nonsense do what I teach – even one rep – or half (lets take the mighty handstand pushup – CAN YOU GO DOWN – slowly -under control – NOSE TO FLOOR – then come back up without bashing everything in!) ??


…. point proved. As if I needed to anyway!

Two – no, you don’t.

The Jim needs your dough, sure.

But YOU don’t need the gym to workout!

You can get all the workouts you need in a room the size of half a prison cell or the looney tune bin in Brum, whichever you want, but thats a fact.


Well, proofs in the pudding.

And I’ve always said, focus on the BIGGIES – and preferably, ONE MAIN exercise at a time.

Sure, you can do others, but FOCUS on the one thing that hits the hardest!

For me, its email (business wise). (should be for Bozos globally too, though they dont get it “noone reads” – oh YES, they DO – millions do! – and they BUY too!).

And so forth …

So this nonsense, my friend has got to stop.

Fitness wise, do your bit by getting the Rolls Royce of fitness HERE.

And dont just get – DO!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Please, also let me know the answer to THIS question.

Do YOU – WANT – IT? 

The rare gem, the two copies of the Collector’s Edition.

Because, friend, if you dont pick it up NOW, I’m going to give ’em away to a more “deserving” audience (well, people).

And I think you deserve it more, to be honest, but you gotta step up, PUT YOUR HAND UP and say Yes, YES, YES, I wANT IT, RAHUL!

But, be quick about it friend, because like I said these have GOT TO GO – and at the soonest!

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