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This morning, I woke up at 1130, feeling great. Went to bed around 4, though not because of a fast or anything – remember, I broke it last night, but I slept three hours after eating, giving the food enough time to digest etc — and even after I went to bed, business kept calling, I kept getting back to the computer.
While making my lemon grass tea and waiting for the darn thing to “Steep” (that is really, as with life, waiting a while, what brings BEST results with natural green tea that I source – be sure to check customer testimonials out too!) – I figured I’d do some dead hangs as the cat stared at me as she so often does with her green mysterious eyes – my browns boring a hole through hers too.
Two cats talking. Hehe.
I did an isometric for a bit – the Rahul Mookerjee patented squat.
Often I’ll do dead hangs to start my day in the middle of the day … as opposed to sets of pull-ups.
This time?
I grabbed the bar, and for some reason, wanted to let loose.
10 perfect reps later – my!
I’ve never done that right off the bat, right after arising …
You’d expect some muscle soreness, stiffness, but other than the ole digestive system taking its time to get used to food again, and even thats mostly a done deal – NOTHING else.
My muscles feel loose and limber as ever before ..
And, ready to be STRETCHED more.
My friend, the benefits of fasting dont just extend to WHILE you fast.
You get most of the benefits then, yes.
But a sizeable chunk of them is reserved for AFTER you finally gorge or eat in moderation, whichever.
I’m going to be doing a shorter fast next week again most likely – we’ll see. I’ll keep you tuned.
In the meantime, keep kicking ass – and remember to get the program on isometrics – it’s the best out there!
Rahul Mookerjee
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