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Its not the one on the cover of the 10 Commandments of SUccessful Sales, that – along with some comments I made were termed as iconic by a certain Michael Harding who once reviewed the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
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That is simply ONE of the iconic photos, fitness wise, there’s two more – one being the cover of “Pull-ups – from DUD to Stud – within WEEKS!”
Everyone, especially fat boys who cannot do the pull-up and find every excuse in the world to avoid it, the sorriest crappiest one being “I’m big, so I can’t do ’em” – bullshit.
Steve Austin when asked about his home gym pointed out his pull-up bar, and said he struggles to get his ass up there too.
Hey, thats being HONEST.
And he ain’t fat by a long shot.
Fat boys who couldn’t do a squat in proper form, have man boobs and bellies that spilleth over making all kinds of excuses to avoid real man workouts – its pathetic, thats all I can say about that.

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To get access to ALL our products , a FORUM (great value!), MORE PERSONALIZED ACCESS TO YOURS TRULY (runs into the thousands of $$$ for personal coaching)- and the monthly newsletter (a $50/month value - free for you!) via INSTANT digital download, sign up for a yearly ship membership NOW.
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The one I really want to talk about though is this one –
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To get access to ALL our products , a FORUM (great value!), MORE PERSONALIZED ACCESS TO YOURS TRULY (runs into the thousands of $$$ for personal coaching)- and the monthly newsletter (a $50/month value - free for you!) via INSTANT digital download, sign up for a yearly ship membership NOW.
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THAT is really another one EVERYONE wants to do.
Its the most viewed product, and most abandoned one too.
Once you can get in this position and hold, your getting somewhere – IF you do it in proper form.
Once you can get your legs to the BAR, and move clockwise slowly, then counter clockwise, then repeat for reps, youre progressing.
Once you start doing pull-ups in that position, you’re really starting to go places.
And then you have all the other advanced versions of pull-ups in the book – includng the “swami pull-up” which will whip your ass QUICK – and which you can’t find nowhere on the planet except in this damn book – guaranteed.
Look, we all know everyone – including the lookie lou’s WANT this book.
Simply looking wont get you in the sort of shape you need to be in order to become David Goggins, or come close to the great man’s ability.
You have to learn from one thats been there, done that, continues to.
There’s a reason my customers routinely tell me “people buy your product because you can do stuff they can’t. You’re in the 0.01% of the population on …” (he was referring to handstands, but of course there’s more there).
Sometimes pictures speakth a thousand words, so I’ll leave it at that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Doers do, thinkers keep thinking and get nowhere. Be a thinker yes, but back that shyt up with action. Get the above products NOW, and start getting into the most illustrious shape of your life today. Be the best you possible – starting NOW.
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