GIVING stuff away – and paying yourself – FIRST – always.
- A lot of this might sound contradictory, but it really isn't my friend.

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Man, first off, it’s been eons apparently since I wrote on the other site – I gotta do that!

But for now, two tips that are mentioned in Gumption Galore in some way, shape or form in each tip – but – and I’ve written about these before, but not enough apparently – or if I have, people aren’t paying attention to these things- with all the “me, me, me” out there, its easy to forget about a natural, most powerful “law of attraction” we can and do all use daily – that being the law of giving.

You have to give first before you really receive.

Holds true for any endavor, fitness included – you put in the work “without promise, just a freaking DREAM you hold STEADY in your mind and keep pushing on for years” – and then you GET the damn result you’ve been wanting, and a long lasting one at that.

Same thing with life, money etc.

Ah yes.


But money’s different, people will say!

I’m going through some hellatious times some might respond (they might not be off either) – and you expect me to think of others and give when I barely have anything myself?

Hey I get it, my friend.

But these are the times when giving needs to be done even more – and we all have SOMETHING to do give if you live by the RICH mentality – remember when I had less than zero in my pocket and yet kept getting called rich (despite my “bum like” clothes) and ultimately ended up attracting just that, riches?

Part of that (at that time) was the company I attracted, which had money, money, money flowing from every orifice of their beings. Hehe. I still remember a village in China I went to which would (quite literally) put many of the 5 star hotels I’ve been to to shame – with their designer houses and bountiques and what not – so much so I was scared to take a piss in the pristinely clean toilets. Hehe.

Not my thang really that level of opulence, be nice, but I’d get bored with it, anyway …

This morning, I did something Ive been wanting to for ages.

Remember that phone I had until last year with all the jerky videos etc?

Well, I FINALLY (my “ex” says I keep stuff forever, well why not – if it works, if Jeff Bezos could use Home depot doors or used desks for doors, why can’t I use a damn phone that works perfectly well except for the damned battery, it wouldn’t hold a charge, so I had to keep it connected to a portable battery) … bought a new phone earlier on this year, and I’m happy with it.

I reset the old one back to factory mode, wanted to hand it over to the “buxom” maid working here who then got fired, of course – ugh.

For a long time, that phone sat around, did nothing, yesterday, I was thinking of giving it to someone, and lo – that someone (being the guy that picks up the trash, guy that everyone ignores) – showed up at just the time I was making my tea (I thought I’d miss him since I dont arise before 1130, he shows up before then often).

Hell, I’ve been trying to give the damn thing away for ages – and before him, the other guys that didnt want it – well, I could have sold the damn thing and made some cash off it.

Which is exactly what most would have done “in this economy”.

Yet my FEELINGS – and gut – told me to give it to him – give it AWAY.

Instantly I felt better upon doing so. Oddly enough his son works in the cell phone repair biz too – somehow I just knew he would. Hehe. Good on him, he’s got my phone – a part of me lives on, just like it did in the ole trusty Toshiba which went for years that I gave away to a school somewhere in Southern India.

yes, I could have sold it online, or exchanged on Amazon or what not…

But I chose not to do it.

I’ve done the same damn thing when I had nary a penny to my name my friend.

When you give stuff away, with a kind HEART – this is important, you do not do it “because you’ll get something for it” – you ATTRACT more abundance to you, friend.

And you’ll see what happens if you practice giving with a clean slate – and heart – on a daily basis to the best extent possible, and we all have something to give, my friend.

When you give, you activate a very powerful law (which includes the law of gratitude) which ensures what you give comes back to you tenfold in some way, shape or form. ITs a natural law, as simple as that.

It doesnt need to be money either – help, or anything.

Anyway, the other half of this rule is PAY yourself FIRST.

What do I mean by this?

Well, when money is tight, spouses are jumping, bills are PILED up – I mean, man, I remember, fuckin stacked – JACKED – hehe – its easy to forget your real priorities.

Even when I got that brand new phone four months ago, I had bills to pay business wise – we were expanding our infra at that point BIG TIME.

Would have been easy for me to postpone the purchase, yet it was needed for biz, it was the right time, right model, and I “paid myself first”.

There’s many ways to do that, including sock away 10% of everything you get – no matter how miniscule it might be – into an account meant not to be touched.

There’s many other ways to do that.

But remember, take care of yourself FIRST. And it’s only then you can take care of others, part of that includes everything I said above.

Anyway …

Zero to Hero! And Gumption Galore! are must grabs if youre looking for real world sucess and motivation that actually works.

And I’ll be back.


Rahul Mookerjee

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