It all started, as it always does – with a WOMAN.

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Truly the only inspiration a real man needs. Greg Roberts made the statement about it all starting with a woman in his bestselling book Shantaram.

The presence of the right woman in a man’s life, as Carol said – can do wonders for a man. So did Napoleon Hill.

It is only at your lowest point where real inspiration comes, as David Goggins once said.

One of those points in my life was when I was flat broke. Had nothing, nothing at all. Yet, during my lowest points, all the inspiration I needed was exercise and women.

Even 0 Excuses Fitness would never have started without Ann Lees kick up the wazoo all those years ago.

It caused me to eventually shift into a better living arrangement. Start a physical biz and then start making money in that business.

For months before that, I was in a bad way. Probably a year. My mentality was fine – people still looked at me and said I was rich when I had nary a penny to my name.

Physically I was like a model – that didn’t change. But mentally I was in a dark, dark space.

I knew all the real motivational stuff. I taught it myself for years!

But it was during one of those points I spoke to a friend, things crystallized in my mind, plans formed. And as Napoleon Hill said, there is always plenty of money for the man with a PLAN.

And presto – it came. That’s what I keep telling folks on the list just for the free stuff and the price whiners. If you truly want something, you’ll find the money for it. There’s always plenty of money in this world!

Yet, it all started with the image of an Indian woman and her image  in front of me… forefront of my mind…

Without that inspiration, I’d probably never be moved to do what I did in that regard.

And that, my friend is that.



Rahul Mookerjee

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