The best part about Animal Kingdom Workouts
- You might have missed this one!

. . . it isn’t so much the physical benefits which have been covered galore on the sales page for it, and which you’ll see yourself very soon after getting on them workouts.

It isn’t so much the corsucating grip and strength they build.

It isn’t so much the sheer simplicity yet brutal effectiveness of the exercises and workouts – so tough that while adults, crossfitters, seasoned trainee and booby lifters/pounders/builders (of all kinds) scoff at this book at being “kiddie” stuff – they can’t even do more than 20-30 seconds of some of the workouts in the book – if they can GET that far in even ONE of the exercises (lets say the bear crawl, a basic staple throughout the book).

If you really want kiddie stuff, then Kiddie Fitness is the ticket, though even that is too tough for a lot of the tubs of lard “sitting at home” reading this.

No, I’m not implying EVERYONE reading this is a tub of lard, but some are, and they need to be called out, but I’ll do it indirectly for a change. Hehe.

Anyway, it isn’t about how these exercises can, should and do take the place of the “blue pill” or Viagara and turn you into smoking hot RED – both in life (red pilled) and the SACK (no pilled). . .

It’s about something else altogether.

Some thing that most people either miss or ignore, consciously or unconsciously.

The MIND-BODY connection!

The brain, my friend is what controls all.

It truly is the most powerful muscle of them all by far, so far that you cannot even begin to compare.

And the way in which these animal like movements light your brain up is like nothing else.

No, I’m not going to tell you about science here i.e. heavy duty grip training, the connection the hands have to the drain, the primal feeling you get from the stretches these workouts give you and how they loosen not just your body, but BRAIN.

How they wake you up – energize you – and REINVIGORATE you – beyond – BELIEF!

I’m going to tell you something else.

The next time you feel tired, run down, irritated “bla!” – or just plain ole sore as heck (does that sound familiar these days – the first few??) – do this?

Crack open my bestseller on isometrics, truly the book that is the “missing link” and contains the secrets to old time strongmen’s stellar and superior strength and conditioning levels.

Do the downward dog position (in the way I advocate in the book – note – this is important – follow the instructions!).

Then, move from that position to the BEAR CRAWL.  (again, as I’ve told you to do in Animal Kingdom Workouts. Don’t just Google it – it wont help a kick – or – lick).

Should be easy to do for a lot of you if you know what you’re doing (ie dont get off the floor while you switch positions).

move around, either slowly or not.

Don’t focus on “working out”.

Just do the movement, focus on feeling.

Don’t even focus on times.

Just go for 20-30 seconds.

End of that, get back into the downward dog position, and keep stretching. Keep BREATHING deeply – use the secret I give you in 0 Excuses Fitness (hint – its there in the Video Series on it if you’re paying attention).

(Truly a spectacular secret that enables you to go from “huff puff” to “sanguine recover” within the space of less than a couple of seconds, and increases your stamina and conditioning levels beyond BOUNDS).

Then tell me how you feel.

If the “bla!” feeling hasn’t gone away, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, and do the monkey walk too. Hehe.

Same thing can be said for ANY of the workouts and exercises in the book.

They truly do make you PRIMAL, give you that RAW “ferocity” you so WANT – that raw primal “look” – strength ….

… and most of all, they light your BRAIN up beyond belief!

As mine is right now.

Oh boy!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts right HERE.

My swollen hands, Gorilla Grip, and more!
- And the torn calluses too. Hehe.

The last time I remember my hands feeling like this was …

… Ah, but hold on.

First, you’ve seen the email I sent out on barely being able to pinch grip my laptop no?

If you’re Schofield reading this, no, not pinch gripping a non existent that …

But the laptop, and with all the recent laptop struggles, good news – I’ve finally found one which I like – a heavy duty one – looks NOT likely to conk out like this “all snazz and nothing behind it” (reminds me of China in certain regards ie all gloss and glitter, but filth behind the scenes) (whereas India … well, it’s upfront anyway, and its there, even worse than China!) … whether or not they’ll deliver it is another issue.

We shall … see!

But I wrote about how sore I was, my fingers feeling like they’d been put through the wringer, and my unusually “thick” fingers – remember, I’ve got slim fingers naturally.

True, they’re like “surgeon’s fingers” like an Aunt once said.

She was right.

Slim and talented.

And true, they might be writer’s fingers, but they’re also Gorilla fingers, and I’ve been doing grip training for years, so you can tell – if not by the calluses, the “banged up look on my palms”.

Anyway, I’m a LOT better today in that regard.

Just goes to show you that man oh man, there are so many way to skin that grip cat!

I mention thick bars in Gorilla Grip and the other books, but I haven’t written a tome on training with fat gripz as yet, but I might!

Especially in conjunction with mudgals and the like …

Anyway …

The last time I remember my hands and fingers feeling like this was years ago …

Da Xing Xing!


And I still remember the Chinese saying it as I did my monkey bar swings – an exercise guarantted not just to wake your entire upper body up like nothing you’ve ever done (do isometrics and this exercises – and you’ll wake up quicker than hot coffee poured all over you or a cold – ice cold – shower or what not) . . . strengthen the brain body connection, and strengthen your grip and entire upper body beyond belief, and give it a stretch like NOTHING else.

I dont mention monkey bar work in the book on isometrics.

I do mention the dead hang, and how to do it right for max benefit. MOst people do it wrong, sadly.

But I’m thinking, maybe I should have put monkey bar work there too!

I still remember Anne (I gave her the name)’s “soft” palms splitting wide apart as I put here through a grip workout, and how it was PAINFUL – those calluses at the base of the finger splitting apart? Immensely painful!

But once the scabs form, you could damn near rub them on concrete all day long – wouldn’t make a damned bit of difference.

Thats the sort of grip and rough strength Gorilla Grip exercises will give you, thats just ONE exercise – and if you want it plus some without the tearing, ripping etc … well, thick gripz, and other sort of related work like that is the way to go!

Anyway last time I felt like this was when I did 500 monkey bar swings – something I never quite attempted again!

I was sore for two days straight, but I loved it. Hehe.

As I’m loving it now!

Back soon!


Rahul mookerjee

PS – I keep telling you guys, that pre-sales offer, pre order, pre offer or what not at the price I’m offering it at – Lumberjack Fitness, that is will NOT last. No, it won’t. You might think I’m charging a pretty penny for my services, but thats how it is i.e. like a customer once said, if you go to a 5 star hotel to eat “Michelin level” food – then you pay accordingly.

Replace that with Rolls ROyce, Stella Artois or what you choose, friend, but the FACT remains – that what I’m giving you in this course is unlike anything I’ve ever put out before, and this sort of information – I’d pay “gold” for it if you get my drift.

Only for the best of the best x 100.

Only for the truly serious.

Those that aren’t, no problemo, but I dont want YOU near that book …

Those that are – place your pre-order NOW to book your order in and remember, extra 10% off if you use your Wallet Balance to pay!

30% off in all …


Rahul Mookerjee

(I know I said that, but I wanted to again, so I did).

I could barely pinch grip my … laptop!
- So sore I've been all day !

Well, well, well.

An interesting update from me – somewhat … some may think it is, at least! I do.

From the Gorilla Grip guy – the guy that does pull-ups galore – fingertip pushups galore …

I was unable to – get this – pinch grip a laptop today for more than a few seconds!

Quite literally, my friend.

My grip after the past few days was FRIED.

And just to intensify things after a solid mudgar workout yesterday (along with ab rollers, squats (lots of them) and jumping rope) … I did THICK GRIP work.

Not that the Indian clubs dont already have a thick grip – they do!

But I really, really did something I recommend highly in Gorilla Grip and the other grip books – I really SQUEEZED those grips and the chinning bar like I meant it – AFTER my workout, which was intense enough.

Towards the end of it, I almost smashed my left cheekbone in with the mudgar. Ouch!

Hence, what I keep saying about GOING EASY AT FIRST!

10 kgs is way too much – way more than most people can handle at the get go with the movements I’ll be giving you.

Lots and lots of ’em!

And one of them is a pinch grip movement.

One, a PRESS movement.

Tons of them … And I did ’em all yesterday, and then the grip work – and Iwas fried.

Today, I’ve been struggling with computers again.

The replacement laptop was … well, nowhere up to speed.

So after another long battle with the old laptop (though it ain’t old at all, to be frank!) it was back to it … and I’m back up online, for now.

And while carrying the other replacement laptop back to the other room, I could barely hold it!

My fingers, sides of fingers, muscle between thumb and forefinger, and palms in general all ACHE and hurt like nothing and no exercises has in a long time! Its like I was beaten up from the inside out. Hehe.

Thats how sore these exercises will make you, my friend.

And they will build lumps of functional muscle on your chest, shoulders, THIGHS, hips and calves even if you do it right … and you’ll get a core of steel and rebar in very very short order if you do things right!

That, my friend is the magic in Lumberjack Fitness, a book which keeps “growing” by the minute (pun not intended).

You’ll want to get your pre-orders in NOW for this great course – it’s truly gonna be one of the best.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Forgot to put in the link for the book – HERE It is – – but, you’ll have to contact me to place your pre-order.

(yes, 20% discount on that price you see on the page if you pre-order now!) (and if the prices goes up, which it WILL – YOURS will be locked in, but ONLY if you reserve your spot NOW).

PS #2 – Remember, wallet up and running – for all purchases. Simply add funds via “my account“, and you’re good to go (partial purchases ie using both wallet and card at the same time not supported, but they will be soon, as will Amazon Pay).

Onward, upward!

More on the sheer power of affirmations…
- ...backed up by that one KEY INGREDIENT

In 0 Excuses Fitness, I mention the 10 Commandments of Physical Training, that to be frank are as applicable to life, business, relationships etc as they are purely fitness.

I could write tons of self help books around them!

As of now, I’ve written Zero to Hero.

Plenty more in the offing, but the above is a great read, but for now, I’m focusing on getting Lumberjack Fitness out … a book that will truly be the best of the best ,, and thats saying a whole hell of a lot, friend!

Anyway, in 0 Excuses Fitness, I speak of an English student Tracy.

Not the “India man so hot” lady, hehe.

This lady was just a student!

And I mention the tale of how her English improved, quite literally, by LEAPS AND BOUNDS once she employed the power of the mind in addition to all the HW etc I gave her.

Dont get me wrong.

Practice did indeed make perfect, but all the practice in the world would NOT have gotten to her to that level if it weren’t for the special tips I gave her on the MIND.

And the power of the mind, visualizing, and affirmations.

Actually, I didnt even tell her about affirmations. I just told her about visualizing!

But truth is, we think in pictures, and if it is something that truly does matter to you, then affirming or, saying just about anything will create pictures in your mind whether tyou know it or not.

Whether you realize it or not, all day long we’re sending our subconscious minds nothing but PICTURES.

Either positive or negative depending upon how we FEEL at the time.

And therein lies the key.

Deep desire is key to getting visualization to work no, you cannot fake it!

I repeat, you cannot fake it!

The key to everything and attracting on auto pilot is …FEELING!

Anyway, that story is mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness..

In Zero to Hero, its there too, except a different and even cuter example.

And today, lets see what Daniela … a lady I’ve mentioned in the past thats translated tons of my books into Spanish had to say on this front!

Note she is currently translating a non fitness related book on affirmations into Spannish for me .


I hope you are doing well.

I am working on the book no worries haha, I just wanted to say I knew there was a reason why I pick this book, and now I get it.

I start with the “affirmations” by mistake, I never truly believe in that… Until one day I apply for a scholarship, I really needed it and wanted it. So every night before I went to sleep I remember saying “I hope I get it” “I hope they pick me”.

When the process starts running, I was getting closer, and my subconscious change that phrases into “that scholarship is mine, I will get it” and boom like magic it was mine.

I did not realize in that moment of my life it was bcs I called it so many times with my mind, by desire. Until some years later, when I wanted something so bad I start doing it again, there is when I realized the mind is really powerful.

I am liking it where the book is going so far. I wish more people believe in the power of wanting and the mind.


PS: I gave you some information of myself even is you do not want it haha

And, there we go!

Straight from the horses mouth, and she is SO RIGHT!

It’s all about deep desire.

She truly wanted nay, NEEDED that scholarship!

And she didnt get needy about it KEY!

She affirmed it to herself every night, until her desire and energy changed from “I want’ to ‘I will HAVE!’

I want it, and I shall HAVE IT!

So said the INCOMARABLE Henry Ford, and he was damn right.

There is a reason that quote along with a few others is there on the Zero to Hero! page.

And once she did?


yours truly

My computer finally gave up. So, I’m on the phone for now. What a pain! Give me some time and I’ll approve the translation. I havent seen it, but I’m sure it’s awesome!
Thanks so much. Yes, you got it right as always – Madam is always right isn’t it? Hehe. But yeah. Channel the subconscious and what you previously thought were miracles happen!
I won’t even get into the ‘always right’ part.
But there it is, my friend.
there it is!
Be sure and pick up Zero to Hero now, you’ll love it.
Rahul Mookerjee

Wallet issue fixed, and more…

Been a bit of an interesting morning thus far, or afternoon, or evening, depending upon what time you read this.

A package that was supposed to show up never did, but it did, and it got delivered to a person who normally leaves it where it should be, but it ended up somewhere else, and in this whole tangled mess…. DANIEL!

Great, great guy, Ill never shy away from saying that!

He’s part of the support team for some of the software we use, and he’s been providing stellar and excellent support thus far.

I cannot rate the guy highly enough. Solid character is what comes to mind when I think daniel and his company (well, the one he works for) … You know what I mean.


Some people just have that vibe. I wrote this back to his company as well, and they agreed i.e. Daniel is great!

Anyway, the vexing ‘wallet’ issue we’ve been having is finally fixed, albeit with a “checkmark” of sorts.

If you go to your customer account, you’ll see you can add funds to your wallet.  (and your current balance too).

And if you checkout using your wallet guess what  the system will auto apply (because I’ve set it that way) a 10% discount on whatever you purchase.

No minimum amounts applicable for this one either!

And the only thing is it isn’t showing automatically on the page as a checkout option as it should be but if you add funds to your wallet FIRST, then it’ll show!

And its a method of payment I would very highly recommend, because it does away with the need for credit cards, paypal etc (you can use those to fund your wallet, and then either keep the money there or use for future purchases).

YES, if you pay the preorder for Lumberjack Fitness, another highly recommended book with your wallet … YES, effectively, you’ll get a 30% discount on the total price instead of 20 …

Contact me for more on that!

Anyway I still haven’t managed to get Amazon Pay up and running on the site.

Apologies Drake it’s taking a bit longer than expected (and to all you great guys using amazon as well!).

Their initial verification process for this is tedious, and with one thing and the other first my printer ran out of ink, then the docs weren’t clear, and what not … it’s taking a while.

But we’ll have it up and running pretty soon, so soon you’ll be able to use your Amazon pay balance to make purchases of the site as well. (Amazon USA for now but it might work with your other wallets too).

And that my friend is that.

On the hunt for that new laptop but in the meantime, make sure and place your preorders for Lumberjack Fitness NOW.

This is going to be … BIG!

Best (for the best),

Rahul Mookerjee

Is showing up truly half the battle WON?
- Maybe sometimes ...

Showing up is half the battle won, they say.

Everyone says it. Coaches, gurus, so called expert, the life hacks, the life coaches, teachers, everyone …

Show up, the thinking goes, and apparently it’ll all go from there.

I’ve always been rather and some what divided by this thinking and of course, readers of the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales … know this!

I just read an article (a BBC article) about how “presenteeism is still winning out over productivity” despite the panic demic etc.

Basically it’s a long article, fairly well written but that is the long and short of it. Google’s your friend in case you want to find it!

Which doesn’t surprise me.

For all the noise made about working from home, something that is often ignored is working from home is often taken by employees, especially in countries like India and china to goof off and do “F all”basically.

Hence the innate distrust of “work from home” most bosses have in that part of the world.

Other hand, simply sitting in the office doesnt equate to much, or any productivity at all even “that” boss said it before it “all fell apart!”.

As it always does …

Work smarter, not harder, I still remember him telling the head of Operations.

My own thoughts on this?

Is that results count.

If those come from working one hour in the morning at home and one hour at night again at home, then so be it and the hell with what other UNPRODUCTIVE coworkers and the like think and moan about.

Noone stopped them from getting the same results!

Other hand, if sitting in the office for 10 hours a day, or whatever the boss considers right, or however many hours the person works from home ain’t cutting the mustard, then again results are what the metric that ultimately needs to be measured.

All too often though, people let EGO get in the way of someone that is delivering solidd results and then some and comparing with”oh, what if I could get better i.e the results and his time too, AND pay him less!” … and of course , with all the scare mongering about job losses and such, this predatory mentality is easy to employ for a lot of people.

But anyway …

Thats my thoughts on that for the work place, but life? Fitness?

I truly do believe that HERE, it applies a lot more but NOT fully.

Showing up is truly important yes, but it’s not the whole shebang by far.

Once you show up, you get started. There is that even on days you dont feel like working out. You start, then something happens …

Other hand, to me, what really counts is your attitude when you do show up!

If you show up with a ho hum attitude, those are the results youll get.

Go get ’em! Ditto!

If you show up with “My God! Such a tough exercise!” attitude from the get go, THOSE are the exercises that will remain “tough” for you …

And same thing when investing in products.

If price is a primary concern, then you will never truly unlock the potential of any one of my books, my friend.

Because my books are designed only for the super serious, who KNOW they have to spend good money and a fair bit of it to get rewards aplenty. People who know exactly what they waant, people who dont make excuses, people that go the extra mile, people that “get her done no matter what”, and so forth …

And more than any other book I’ve written, Lumberjack Fitness, currently being offered at a “pre sale” price is geared towards that sort of a trainee/person.

If you’re the ho hum sort, dont even bother.

But if you’re a go getter that wants, and expects and ACCEPTS (the last is the most important) literally NOTHING SHORT or LESS than the best ie the best for the best, then what I’ve got to offer here is for YOU.

And remember, all preoffer sales come with a discount.

This one with a 20% discount. . .

Contact me if interested and I’ll hook you up!

Yes, showing up truly is HALF the battle but only with the right attitude, friend. Only with the right attitude!


Rahul Mookerjee

“I thought you were dead’
- So said the Gorilla Girl

As mentioned in the last email, I spoke with the lovely Sophia this morning.

The “You’re big and strong like a Gorilla” girl!

When I met her, I thought the hair both on my cranium and the body was why she said what she did. Hehe.

“You dont have too much”, she giggled.

Well, hair or not is not a topic for this hairy or not email!

But it was funny, this morning (I hadn’t spoken to her for like a long time) she said the following when she was talking about the plague spreading with a resurgence in China (ever notice how the See Xi Pee never talks about THAT!??) …

“I thought you were dead!”


I laughed.

“Madam Gorillas like us are neither scared of the China plague, nor do we “die” that easily. We find a way somehow always!”

(me writing this to you is prime proof of that)

FWIW, the reason I didnt chat with her a while was I thought she was upset at me for some silly reason or the other. Apparently I was too focused on her legs, and she said “you always have sex on the mind!” (that was NOT why I was asking, hehe  yours truly celibate says so! or maybe not, lol) … and she flew into a huff, and we let that hang there.

Like the Bozo’s … ah, but forget him.

But anyway, my friend.

Always remember one thing.

Sometimes, rarely, there will be radio silence from me instead of 10 emails a day. Hehe.

But it wont be because I chose not to send you any. If I do ever choose that route, I’ll tell you first!

But I dont think it’ll happen. Hehe. Hasn’t in ten plus years, dont see it happening now!

But … sometimes, certain things happen, and the emails etc dont get sent out, and so be sure tobookmark and check this page regularly for updates i.e. the blog pages on both sites, because all emails are posted there!

Anyway, the other reason is of course the book.

I’ve been training super hard, super frequently, and putting together some great, great workouts for you in Lumberjack Fitness, my friend.

You’ve never ever seen anything like this from me before.. trust me on that one.

And therefore, the price on this one … you got it.

Only for the super serious.

And super alive. hehe.

Remember, my friend, train the way I advocate, and you’ll not only look and feel young forever, but you’ll never pass on or so it’ll seem!

And you’ll probably forsee it before you do anyway!

Ok, enough on that front.

Go here to place preorders for the book now and remember, 20% discount locked in too but only if you take action NOW (the way to do that is to contact me and Ill have it locked in for you).

I’ll have a sales button on the page too soon .

For now ,just contact me and we’ll have your preorder booked, ready, and SHIPPED ASAP TOO! (once the book gets done, which is between 23 weeks as I can tell from the way things stand).


Rahul  Mookerjee

Arms that look great in Tees and then some!
- Man Im PISSED!

Man oh man am I pissed!

I had a long damned post typed out on the goddanmed mobile phone of all things  which you know how much I hate that damned thing!

But one reason for doing that and the relative radio silence over the past couple of days?

Well, the goddamned so called new laptop I got a couple of years ago finally decided to give up..

And after two plus days of fighting with it, I gave up on it.

Being my trusty Toshiba brand appears still not to be available on the market, and being the replacement laptop I was very ‘kindly’ given by another person _ except guess what half the damn keys dont work1

(you get the picture, eh?)

.. I told her.

She retorted with this.

So what! I have been using it too!

I replied with ‘But your job is point and click! I am a WRITER!!!!!!!!”

That flew straight over her head, of course..

So i figured, back to the damned phone.

except that damn thing got stuck at “uploading post” and never did, and I lost my writing.

I hate that more than anything else. Really!

ANd it’s happened more often since 2020 than I can think of.

John Walker was right when he said …

Technology is great until it works …

Anyway, i couldn’t keep away from writing to you, as you can tell, so this is trial number two.

But with all the phone ing I’ve been doing as of late, I need a workout … a solid one to get rid of (not that I ever had it) turkey neck, dumbphone chin and the like..

This would be a great place to promote Gorilla Grip, the book on pullups, and so forth.

I’ve often said that pullups, my friend, are the best exercise not just for the best looking arms in Tees, but also overall chest, shoulder, and trap and back strength and health. from the inside out.

And I’ll say it again on this POS laptop I’ve got right now as a replacement it is!

But here’s the point (Oh, by the way on a Gorilla note I spoke to HER today. The Gorilla Girl Sophia! Remember her? “How much you have in your bank balance!” was the first question she asked me.. And the second? “You look like a gorilla! Big and strong!” ) ….

…. While pullups definitely still are what I’d recommened, perhaps even the best damn exercise ever, and definitely BRIDGING – there is another one that fits the bill so well.


There is, my friend, or there are few better exercises to realign, stretch and STRENGTHEN and SHAPE BEYOND BELIEF than this old, forgotten exercise!

And those that do  it dont do it correctly at all (these days).

Believe me , some of the form I’ve seen on Joo Tube for this one is godawful you might as well NOT do the exercise if you jerk through it the way some of these dudes do!

Anyway, as you feel the clicks, clacks, things realigning, loosening up, as you feel your core and back and lats stretch, pump and strengthen like never before and nothing else you’ve ever done, you’ll wonder two things.

first, Rahul, why didnt you put this out earlier!

And Second, Rahul thank for putting out this great and never seen before info!

Truly, my customers are ALL waiting with BATED BREATH FOR THIS ONE.

While laptops and such are one reason that this one is getting delayed, the other and even truer reason is i keep on finding MORE AND MORE TO PUT IN THIS BOOK!

Damn it’s thats good!

And its something that YOU my friend should be wanting to get NOW and be waiting for with bated breath.

Naturally, this comes at a price. And that price is steep, my friend.

A handsome price as I wrote in the last book, and with handsome results.

This one is truly only for the REAL DOERS out there.

And it doesnt just have training with Indian clubs. It has training with many other implements and tools all detailed on the sales page for the book, implements that work your core for one like never before.

Though nothing works them quite like clubs do, except another toy I got that I’ll write about later.

But anyway, remember, the price for this one?

it sure won’t go down it might go UP though.

so if YOU are truly serious, if youve got what it takes, bro, then run over HERE and place your order for the book now or the preorder, I should say, because it locks in the price for YOU plus the 20% discount as well.

And we all want that discount, hehe.

Go here NOW and place the preorder … well, contact me to do so!

And I’ll be back soon, hopefully.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS at least it’s easier to put in links in this wonky laptop than the blasted dumbphone.

Clickety Clack “My God Magnum” Cardio with Mugdars
- Oh my god ... MAGNUM!

Yes, Magnum.

Not so much the Magnum beer I drank so much in the day which packs a punch, but right now, I’m feeling “fuzzy headed” as if I had a case of it (my friend Ricky used to get ’em for me from his story,hehe).

“Madam” Dani brought up the feeling fuzzy headed. I think she had too much to drink a few days ago.

But yours truly is feeling that way now, along with a deep sweat – and perhaps most importantly and surprisingly even for me, a stretch and “worked to the bone” feeling all along my spinal erectors and lower back … and legs – and hamstrings!

all of this, in a 10 minute workout blast – no more.

None of that might seem strange to those of you on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, Advanced Hill Training, or any of my systems.

But when you consider ALL I did – I repeat, ALL – no pull-ups, no pushups – all I did was train with Indian clubs “patented Rahul Mookerjee Indian workouts” as I mention in the book – and Hindu squats (and not even the advanced jumping version I’ll detail in Advanced Plyometrics – coming soon) . . . you may be a tad surprised.

It was intense cardio, except a deep form of intense cardio, not unlike the cardio you get from sprints, but different in a strength training sort of manner.

And my forearms – I can barely type right now.

My right shoulder went clickety clack throughout the workout – in a good way.

Back in the day, the Chinese massueses would do it and giggle as I squealed in pain as the Bozo so often does when they dug their fingers deep, deep in (Bozo knows all about that, hehe).

Now, you could damn near “press” all day, you wouldn’t hear a peep outta me, but occasionally, things still need to be reset – clickety clack!

What I didnt do i nthis workout –

No long Battletank Shoulders routines!

No sprints

No Isometrics. (though I did some later)

No warm ups whatsoever ..

NO wasted time in the 10 minutes, unless you consider the 3 or so of rest …

No jumping rope, though I thought about doing so at the end of it!

And so forth.

What I did do was train with mugdars the way I’ll teach you in Lumberjack Fitness, and do Hindu squats, and I’m hammered and torched.

I’ll be doing pull-ups with thick gripz later!

But for now, I thought I’d tell you that YOU, my friend, can get super cardio and strength x 1000 in an all in one workout with the exercises and routines in Lumberjack Fitness – coming in approximately two weeks or so.

I’ve even got the sales page up (finally).

Whent hat happens, a book normally follows very quickly!

Go HERE to place your pre-orders (remember, all pre-orders get an auto 20% off discount).

but remember, two weeks isn’t set in stone.

Might be earlier, might be a tad later, but thats the deal, and thats the general time frame.

The only two things in life that are certain, as they say, hehe are death (passing on as I like to call it) and taxes.

But rest assured, the book is on the way – – I just keep adding new stuff to it, and plus I want the pictures and descriptions to be even more spot on than my other books – perfection x 100 if that makes sense because training with heavy stuff – well, this sort of stuff, especially odd objects that feel a ton heavier than they are – you NEED IT!

Speaking of taxes. I just got done filling in a few IRS forms.

Online for last year.

Now, it’s time to print some out for some back taxes I’m owed, hehe.

All fun and joy, but for now drenched shirt – so I’m off to shower – soon!

See you soon – remember to place your pre-orders for the book here!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is a reason I put this under “extreme” on the products page, hehe. Certainly ain’t for the uninitiated!

The hidden – not really – muscle that benefits SO much from Indian clubs
- And heavy - or light - training with them!

I spoke about a special workout yesterday, did I not?

A special “Indian clubs – cum – pull-up” workout (with lots of leg work thrown in!)

And handstand pushups to boot, but it was comprised of mostly Indian club work – and pull-ups!

I mentioned many benefits of club training in that email including the parts of my body that were literally “singing” if you get my drift after that workout.

I mentioned shoulders – which is what everyone thinks of when it comes to clubs – and joints, ligaments and tendons that not so many people think of . . .

Then I mentioned lats, and how they felt more swollen than ever both after and during the workout.

I mentioned TRAPS as well .

And of course, grip, forearm and by extension – biceps.

The parts of the body everyone thinks of, but I omitted to mention two very important parts of the upper /mid body that most people neglect or don’t even think of.

When it comes to arms … most forget the … that is right, the triceps.

And core, of course, in favor of the six pack hoopla nonsense.

yet, my friend, it’s a fact that along with lats, grip and upper back – it’s a must to have a strong fat free CORE to effectively perform Indian club training.

Yes, this holds true for pushups and pull-ups too!

But those exercises require a strong core – and a LEAN CORE more than any other exercise, while club training – yes, it will fry the fat off your midsection if you do it right, but it requires even more strength and stability throughout the midsection, hips and lower back if you do it (to do it) RIGHT.

Form, my friend, is paramount.

And like I said yesterday – start with a weight that seems lighter than light, because you aint gonna believe how heavy it feels once you actually start training with it.

This, of course holds true for maces as well if you have access to them, and they make a great complement to club training, but shouldn’t ever replace clubs.

Second, triceps.

In “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” I mention several supplementary exercises you should do to get good at pull-ups (to improve your pull-up performance).

Make no mistake about it, while training the pull-up itself is key, you cannot ignore those other exercises, because they work the upper back and core heavily – and the traps.

It isn’t for nothing i keep saying the following –

Improve your pushups, and the pull-ups will follow (specifically, handstand pushups!).

And no, as I’ve mentioned repeatedly, and have given examples from my own training too – getting good at – damn good – at pull-ups doesnt guarantee you’re a stud at pushups, or can even do them in great numbers.

The other way of course, is almost a given if you train pull-ups as well.

And today, as I sit here typing this to you, almost 24 hours after the last mini club workout I had yesterday, my triceps are probably the SOREST of them all.

I’m REALLY feeling it today!

So I went light today.

But there is a reason you see mammoth arms on most people that train with heavy clubs, my friend.

Nothing taxes the shoulders and upper body quite like it!

And more on that in Lumberjack Fitness, whenever it does come out.

For now, I’m out.

Feast yourself on THIS course in terms of upper body though (for now) – and THIS ONE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Note – Neither one of those two above courses should be gotten unless you’ve already gotten, and gotten damn good at course #1 in the series i.e. Shoulders like Boulders. Rome wasn’t built without a foundation, neither was a skyscraper, nor will Shoulders like Boulders!