Why I love writing essays – and being concise
- It's possible to be both!

I ALWAYS got straight A’s in essays at school (in English – other languages were a different story).

Much like I always got A’s in History and Math … without trying, seemingly. Hey.I enjoyed it, much like Bertie Wooster did his much maligned and by him, much Tom Tommed Scripture Knowledge Classes – though of course, a drunk Gussie Fink Nottle “Bottle” accused him of cheating while drunkely passing out prizes in a PG Wodehouse classic story, hehe.

But really, it never felt like I was even trying!

Much like writing all this – here is what a publisher of mine once had to say about being kicked off Amazon (apparently erotica was too hot – which is strange, as I publish the exact same thing on there, and barring a few hiccups – their “system” to catch what is permitted and not is a bit weird, but contact them, and Amazon usually solves the issue – I’ve never had a problem, and sell merrily on there – the same books!) …

“If you think writing is easy (they were referring to the writers they were promoting being effectively deplatformed) – then try writing one page a day, or 1 k words a day”.

True dat!

For me, 30 000 plus word s- I’d bang ’em out happily!

Woudn’t even think about it …

But anyway, when you really LOVE Doing what you do – then … well, it’s a natural fit!

Now, where was I?

Ah yes, before I scroll up – essays!

Remember the last email-cum-essay I wrote about google and of course, those bitching about long form sales letters?

If those grouses were applied to time wasting videos which was the entire point of the original poster’s point, then I’d not just understand, but agree, and rant more.

Unfortunately, it turned into a rant against long form WRITING.

Which of course is pathetic due to the reasons stated (mush for brains out there).

But due to this very reason, Mr Pioneer went a different route a few months ago.

Take a look at Battetank Shoulders, for one.

One of the most popular course we have (along with Pushup Central and 0 Excuses Fitness).

Initially, I made you read through the tome or at least scroll through irritably, hehe “where is the damn price??!” before clicking “buy”.

OVer the past few months, as brains turn into mush more by the day ?

And people whine more?

I’ve done everyone the favor of – on most of my sales pages – to give you the price upfront.

Those that look at my picture and think “Oh my! He’ll charge a pretty penny!” (believe me, most do – remember the school kids in China “Mei Guo Ren! Mei Guo Ren!” – their point wasn’t so much American as “he’s got MONEY!” (and I was broke at the time)) … well, this is for YOU.

Those reading this thinking “Gawd, more money I gotta spend” – for you too.

I simply give you the price upfront so you see it without scrolling down or reading, and this hasn’t been implemented on most of the pages, but tbe big ticket products, oddly enough the ones you’d think I’d want and force you to read?

I’ve implemented it there.

Because it will drive 99.9999999 % of those “reading for free tips and nothing else” AWAY very quickly.

And, those that only want “free info from Google”.

The serious customers?

They’ll look at the price, and say “hmmm”. Is it worth it?


That I agree with!

And then you’ll read the sales letter, and figure out if it’s worth it or not, which is why it’s there …

Thats the sort of customer I want, friend.

Anyway …

On a more interesting note, just received this.

Dear Sir,

The serious matter is regarding your company name 0excusesfitness registration, please forward it to your company’s leader.

Recently we received the registration application from DongHe Global Ltd, they want to register the 0excusesfitness brand name and some domain names. As an authoritative and responsible registrar,we are obliged to confirm if the company is your company’s cooperative partner. Also we need to verify whether you have allowed the company to apply these names.

Waiting for your response.

Best Regards,

Nickson Liu aka Bozo Glyn in Brum

Senior Manager

Tel:+86 559-5144-820

Fax:+86 559-5144-820

Address:Floor 1-2 No.313 Changjiang Middle Road, Hefei, China

http://I am a Bozo (this one presented as an image you had to click upon, not the actual URL)

A couple of things.

Scammers seem to be getting more sophisticated – it made even me research it, given the perfect Chinglish dude’s used. Almost like a Chinese person wrote it, and probably thats who wrote it.

But really, something’s always off.

Why include an image to click on, and not the link?

They even have a fairly decent looking site at the link.

90 percent of people would be suckered into it (basically they convince you to give them money to save your trademark or some rubbish).

I’d play along with them normally, but today, I just deleted the email.

In that sort of mood, hehe. But figured I’d do you a public service, put it out there for YOU!

I should have said what the other Bozo (Schofield) would have

“Nickson, you’re so, so nice! Thank you so much! “

True story, what he says to women kicking him away and such.

I mean, aren’t they?

So considerate to try and help me prevent my brand name from being so called stolen …



Then this jackass… (I’ve mentioned his ilk before).

Hi there!

I have a few good friends who are looking to downsize, which made me think of a great article topic that could benefit your senior readers – how moving services that specialize in senior moving can make the process easier.

Do you think this article could be a useful addition to your website? If so, I’ll write it up for you. In addition, I’ll feature a link to your website within the piece.

Thanks in advance!
Mike Longsdon
Jackass Central

He even offers to feature a link to MY site – curiously enough, for an article to be posted on MY Site.


(i.e grade a+++ buffoon)

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is an art, a very subtle one at that, to writing concise essays.

Google – how would you support customers – pre”dumbphone” era?

God (dess)!

The support I’ve been receiving from a certain “Nisha” from Google on a certain issue you’d think is so simple a third grader could either fix or click “escalate” has been … ABSYMAL!

And given Google’s lack of response to Twitter comments or anything, it doesn’t seem they care a whole hell of a lot.

But really, the issue you ask?

I mean, it’s SO simple – I’m trying to change the business location on one of their service, and it won’t let me do that – when I click the “marker” or whatever they call it, it pops up a dialog saying “create a new location”, but it never lets me create it or points me to WHERE and how I could create it.

Thats it.



To thepoint.

You’d think Google would get back with either “it’s fixed” or – “ok, we’ll add it in for you”, I’d say thank you! and that would be that?

Nothing doing, friend.

First off, they sent those long copy and paste emails where you can just tell they’ve copied and pasted the top and bottom of the email from a standard template – and put some hurried hasty lines in the middle.

I’m just an email away!” trilled their customer service rep as if to rub it in further and annoy me even more when I politely requested her to FIX the issue.

She even put quotes as if to say, look, Sir, I didnt plagiarize!

(I once got a F in a class for so called plagiarism, but I suspect that was me more heckling the teacher – he was a loon and an old codger – about “which plane brought him from the UK to the US”. Dont ask. All great fun, hehe).

Does that sort of thing in customer service, where service is more like a BOT annoy the ever licking heck, Bejesus, Jehovah, or what not out of you ?

I can hear the libs mourning about “be nice to them! They’ve got a job to do!”

so they do.

And they’re not doing it!

The last thing a customer wants to be told is to create videos – repeatedly – for something so simple.

I told them point and click doesnt work – theyd ont believe me.

I’ve explained in writing why and how it does not work. Not enough for Google.

And they keep telling me to do the ONE Thing I hate – take videos of the entire process!!

Not to mention, dumbphone videos take a lot of space, so Gmail won’t let me send it directly. It has to edited and cropped!

For the 0 Excuses Fitness System, sure – I did that – because most of YOU (NOT ALL, but most) are as dumbphone addicted as the next person, and hey – if thats you thats fine.

I ain’t out to change you, but I WILL tell you, one reason for thy brain turning into utter mush – dumbphones – and imagination killing vEEEDDEEOOOSSSS


Everytime you ask someone something, they wont tell you!

Watch the video!

You tube it!

I mean, Jesus Christ, what happened to typing it out – or saying it yourself as opposed to a 20 minute lengthy video I dont want to waste time and energy on, and lets face it, unlike the 0 Excuses Fitness videos where I get STRAIGHT TO THE POINT – NO FRILLS – most of these videos are shallow self promotion BS pieces, and MAYBE they’ll answer something at the end of it.


Most of them just treat you to inane conversation the sheeple love, and yours truly impatiently keeps clicking the “forward” button to get to the meat of the matter and be done with it.


I wonder how people did biz pre dumbphones?????? Pre “Everything is a veeeeeedeeeeeeeeeeeoooo” kinda mushy thinking?


Yours truly, of course, hates videos.

I dont watch ’em – unles sit’s Trump videos, where it’s worth it for the free education.

No, I’m not going to tell you why. Some things – the best – aren’t free.

(actually, they are. I’ve told you many times, and its there out in the open if you think or search!)

But they have this long ass thread going on on LinkedIn about how a lot of people feel the same way I do about videos – and long ass sales letters, which curiously enough I feel the opposite about.

I’ve got ’em all over the site for my products.

My blog posts and emails, the experts say, “should be no more than 500 words”.

They’re usually 1000 plus on a short day.

This one is 650 plus already.

And I’d say people – those truly interested in what you’re offering – LOVE long form text. Not to mention, if it’s a high ticket product, people WANT to read – more – and more – and more – and they WANT to be convinced.

There is a reason, my friend, long form sales letters just flat out work and always have.

OF course, with mushy brain syndrome, I know not for how long, but there’ll always be, I suspect, contrarians like yours truly – video haters and sheeple “run away from’ers” … and they’ll still prefer long form TEXT.

It’s far easier and quicker to read text than watch some idiotic, inane, boring video.

It’s far quicker to type your thoughts than say it on an audio note which are all the rage these days.

Of course, both these things require good communiction skills, and a functional BRAIN – a quick one at that.

Most out there don’t have either. Therefore, the alternatives, and back to customer service – Google and Amazon used to be the two companies that were pretty good at it overall.

Google even lets you send them tomes – I HATE it when banks (one I’m dealing with) for instance, have a “500 character” limit on the contact me form, they dont let you email them directly, so you have to go to their site rather than click “reply” – I mean, Jeez.

Why is customer service in everything becoming the exact opposite i.e. service = drive the customer away?

Maybe thats what they want!

Jeff once made the comment about “if you need customer service it means we(Amazon) ain’t doing something right”.

He was right as always.

And the last thing an irate customer, or anyone wanting SUPPORT wants to be told is idiotic long copy and paste garbage and “to create videos” or else. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve experienced this.

From Google no less.

After I called them good for keeping things simple in the last email (Actually, over the past few days).

I realize you might not think it’s a big deal.

Some of you may even like it.

I Dont though. Beats the very point of me contacting them in the first place!

I can understand Amazon wanting me to send pictures of defective products. THAT, I get and agree with and do pronto.

But MIss, Madam, or Lady Nisha, I’m sorry, but the so called service you’ve provided me on this one is nigh pathetic.

Doubt Google cares much about me writing this. We’ll see!

And no, I’m not the sort to stay quiet “just because”.

In 2004, or 2005 was it? I had an annoying issue with Hong Kong immigration where the officers forgot to stamp the second stamp on my passport.

Right now, going to HK – you get a landing slip (most of us) – they print it, and give it to you. Tiny little slip.

If it’s lost, no biggie – they have the info in their systems. You can always apply for a new one in case you needed it too.

But back in the day, and I’ve got a passport FULL And choc a block of these, the HK immigration would stamp you – FOUR times .

First, a regular stamp, then a two in one combo showing date and time of entry, and how long you’re permitted to stay visa free (most people can enter HK visa free).

And when you exit, another stamp.

Some fine chap forgot part #1 or #2, and for a while, a long time, every time I used that passport to enter?

They’d detain me because it popped up on their systems as suspicious.

That first time I exited when he forgot it, I asked Immigration to fix the problem.

Lady up and told me “We can’t fix it!

I’m like, OK – well, I shouldnt be penalized for YOUR mistake.

“We can’t help it!”

I almost threw a hissy.

I told her, but this is not my fault.

In typical Nazi feminist manner, she was having none of it.

In typical Rahul Mookerjee manner, I walked off in a huff. I remember her glare, clearly saying “I wish I could do something to this SOB”.

No lady, you can’t either. It was YOUR FAULT, there is no reason I should have to go through the hassle I did before!

Anyway, all resolved once I got a new passport.

For teh most part…

But really, I was told “dont complain! Your money is in HK!” (back then it was).

I did anyway.

And so Google, I WILL point out what you’re doing wrong, and do so until the cows come home – never been one to be silenced in any way, shape or form. I mean, really.

What would you have done in the pre-dumbphone era, Google, I only ask, because, you know … point and click has been around like forever, before I was 25 I believe…

Pathetic, again!

OK, so there’s SOME cases in which videos are warranted.

Hence the workout videos I created.

Following along with your favorite fitness so called Guru” seems to be the new thing now, either from home or quarantine.

Except, yours truly pioneering created a workout video long, long, long before any of us thought about the plague from China.

Which you CAN work out with me on it – you might not be able to keep up when you first start.

But work at it, and you will!

Anyway, this customer service thing.

Another reason why I use Amazon for damn near everything, including business related issues…

A secret here to give away, especially in terms of sales (no, not just selling on Amazon) that I wont give away here, if just for the whining posts I’m seeing about “we hate long form sales letters! Just tell us the price already!”

Well, I wont.


And if that makes you click away, all the more better. Will save my banged up  (not, hehe, but those that are, you KNOW!) fingers some hassle.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Why the 0 Excuses Fitness workout could almost be called a covid or quarantine workout!
- Ahem!

First off, nah.

Its not covid. It’s the plague from China. Hehe.

My apologies to my daughter, Donald Trump, and everyone else …

Corona – is my favorite beer. Period!

It ain’t no nasty biofarware virus, I’ll say that.

This damned plague -ugh!

But anyway, plague, Chinavirus, whatever, it’s here, now what you’re going to do about it, as I keep asking.

And as bozos globally keep ignoring, and the few people that get it, get it, and that that.

China done spread this.

NOW, what you gonna do?

Run in fear the rest of your life?

Be survielled the rest of your life ?

Put up with government intrusion into your body in the form of panixes that a) don’t work fully, b) aren’t (obviously! duh!) vaccines if you can get the damned thing again after being so called panixated c) have not been tested throughly and been rushed through and you CAN and DO get side effects in many cases that do NOT go away despite what the idiots in white coats say…. ?

Maybe the majority of the globe is willing to do that.

I ain’t

Maybe that stance means I can’t quite travel as openly as I’d like if you get my drift. In countries like PR of See (just an example), not being vaccinated means you can step out of your apartment complex, but you can’t do much other than that.

Being I hardly do much other than that – I prefer my cave – that suits me just fine for now. Hehe.

A fact that incenses my haters no end, and there are plenty!

But anyway … I forgot to add to the above list – QUARANTINES!

Damn near everyone traveling anywhere on whatever documentation or passport is subject to it these days.

I was reading about quarantine in the UK, Taiwan, and a few other places.

The UK system is that you have to quarantine for 14 days, no matter what or where you’re from.

Everyone has to pay.

Taiwan has a different system wherein apparently travelers from high risk countries (the UK is one) do NOT need to pay – but (from what I understand) do NOT have the choice of choosing a quarantine hotel themselves, rather, they have to stay at government approved quarantine facilities.

In either case, you’re cooped up for 14 days STRAIGHT.

Nothing doing.

A guy from the Phillippines who stepped out into the hallway for a sum total of 8 seconds was apparently fined NTD 3500 for it.

Admittedly he did more than just step out – he was sneaking items to someone else’s room (nothing illegal, but still). If he had just stepped out and stepped back in, doubt they would have done what they did – Taiwan is a great, great country (yeah I said it) and the people there and the authorities etc are some of the friendliest ever.

Hong KOng used to be that way too until …

(Hong Kong was even better in my opinion because in many ways, you felt comfortable like you would in the West. Thats one reason I prefer Taiwan over Singapore, by the way!).

But anyway, and either way (and yes, people from countries not classified as high risk do need to quarantine, but at their own expense. Apparently for whatever reason the high risk country travelers – the Taiwanese government pays for it. DOesnt make much sense unless of course those categories of people do NOT have the choice to choose a quarantine hotel).

Pain the ass. Massive one!

Jumping though hoops, which I was recently explaining to my daughter (her online class mentioned it, and then I told her).

Her teacher “seems” to have got the meaning right, but I’m not sure, so I told her.

But either way, should be on the list above.

And if I had to choose, damn!

Being cooped up in a room for 14 days STRAIGHT with officers “calling you” and checking on you daily – if your phone runs out of battery, they’ll show up at your room, hehe – and being tracked via SIM Cards etc …

You cannot leave the room. Room service and housekeeping cannot enter. Any meals etc are left outside the ooor – you open your door – get the meals – and then close again.

In many ways, perfectomundo for a caveman like me!

But I do love my hills, and mountains, and not being allowed to go outdoors for that reason and that alone woudl drive me BONKERS.

The isolation, I’d love it!

Especially with internet access etc – but caveat – in a hotel, yes – in one of those government facilities – no way!

Those are bare bones “prison cell” like facilities, basically. Which is probably the case all over the world.

Anyway, the Taiwanese seem to have done a pretty good of containing this thing ,I dont know.

And I was wondering, how the heck do you stay fit?

I mean, not for me. The average Joe!

Someone wrote about running sprints in his hotel room. How the heck do you do that anyway?

Apparently he did in Australia (wine bottles were a marker).

Some dude in China in a high rise quarantine hotel was doing semi pushups every morning.

And so forth …

But it got me to thinking.

Think about it.

You’re stuck in a room for 14 days, period.

NOthing doing. Can’t go out!

Wouldn’t you go BAT SHIT without a proper workout?

Lets face it, wouldn’t your first (curiously enough in “normal” circumstances it would be the LAST thought for many people) thought i.e. “how can I MOVE about or workout?”

Even those, and there are plenty that dont “care about” gaining weight (right!) will complain first thing you know, that “I can’t workout!” (when they never would have anyway but that isn’t the point, hehe). . .

Remember, no clubs, kettlebells, dumbbells, hotel Jims, or even chinning bars allowed.

THIS is precisely the reason that while I DO have pull-ups in 0 Excuses Fitness, they’re not there in the videos.

I show you how to get it done – barebones, with NOTHING other than you and the floor.

And the results, well, speak for themselves.

THIS is precisly the reason I talk about handstand pushups so much, and bridging.

Both of which can be done ANYWHERE you have a floor and wall!

Or, isometrics . . .

And all of which get you into super shape – give you a workout within 15 minutes or less – or more if you’re stuck staring at a hotel room wall with nothing better to do (or even worse, government quarantine facilities, ugh).

Come to think of it, great time to write books . Hehe. For me, provided I get stuff delivered etc – would be great, and apparently most quarantine facilities around the world allow it.

And if there were some exercises I’d really hit during a quarantine, if I ever go through one?

Hindu squats and handstand pushups for one. No disturbance, in air conditioning … hey! Can’t complain!

And if the hotel has a great view, so much so the better. I’ve heard of some where instructors stand by the pool and quarantined guests exercise on balconies – not in the buff, of course. But if you’re China in Hainan or HuiZhou , well, they do have hot tubs on the balcony. True story – I almost got into one too with a beer!

(Balcony exercise thing, I believe it was a quarantine hotel in Cyprus)

Hot tubs, hot rubs, hot dames, and of course the pantomine that is COVID…

Anyway, this damned virus is a pain in the butt.

We all, of course, know “W.H.O” to thank for it!

And there it is.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

At least do it openly…
- So Isay!

I’ve been reading about a grade A (I consider, at least) hunk of “Bozo” prime.

Not anything related to Amazon – Jeff Bezos, as I’ve said so many times before, and never tired of saying – IS THE MAN!

Right down to getting in great shape as he built his biz, true mgtow style – not a lot of guys notice this, but it’s true.

But anyway, Bill Hates …

… is the Bozo I’m referring to.

Apparently according to reports, Bill Gates used to “secretly” date tons of women.

He left for work in a Mercedes, then “at work” an assistant brought him a Porsche and he then disappeared for his daily dalliances with God knows who.

I gotta say this.

Some people just have a WIERD “repulsive” look about ’em.

Bill Gates is one of them.

No doubt, I’m not criticizing or supporting infidelity – or not – it happens, hehe. Yours truly is more than enough proof of that (happens with ALL successful men, and Bill no matter what I say about him DID become a millionaire, though I’m not sure how. OK, billionaire, but whose counting – perhaps the Bozo in Brum who makes similar claims is, but not me! He’s actually the sort the Bozo would lust after…)

But anyway, Bill Hates looks to be the sort of guy, and believe me, I’ve seen plenty that are all “straight and evangical upfront” – while behind the scenes, they engage in debauchery you wouldn’t believe me.

I’d rather Jeff Bezos!

One look at the guy – and you know – solid character!

Even the dame he chose – she has an “open” look about her.

I can’t explain it – vibe thing – and it’s one reason why I consistently support Jeff and his company (although admittedly since Jeff is leaving soon, the customer service is already going down the commode) .. and a reason why I label him, along with Ford, as one of the greatest minds of the century.

None of this, of course, happened until years and years. Ford wasn’t even known as a success till age 45 – the exact opposite thereafter, and Bezos took more than 20 years to really get going. So did Napoleon Hill, when he got his “it might take more than 20 years while you have to earn your own way while you do it” mandate from Andrew Carnegie back in the day …

The last person, my friend, is possibly the greatest of them all, and possibly the MOST criticized and misunderstood, and while (even my “wife” – I use quotes for a reason – admitted this “I have all the qualities needed to succeed BIG”) I share a lot in common with a lot of the other folks mentioned above, it’s Hill’s life that mostly closely mirrors mind. Like a mirror, almost, right down to the good times, tough times, in betweens, the hard work, the family part, the girls even!

Anyway, Bozo Gates – I wouldn’t be surprised if he likes being tied up in handcuffs and whipped and what not.

That sort of look to him!

Which is fine, and I wouldn’t carp on him so much except for his PRODUCT – WinBlows which gets successively worse with every passing iteration – and it’s true!

Why they can’t focus upon and stick to the basics rather than create fancy garbage that at the end of the day still works the same and is basically a cloth pulled over garbage anyway is beyond me.

Amazon does this so well i.e. stick to the basics, no fluff. So does Google!

Not Microsoft though – and this attitude filters down to their customer service asking airy fairy questions which “sound great” – but accomplish exactly F all.

An account I once had with them was deactivated.

I let them know about it, and requested it to be activated again.

They sent me a sum total of 3 emails and 3 Twitters, and a lengthy unrelated form to fill out citing procedure, which I kept telling them “hey, just tell me yes or no!” and they wouldn’t “Sir you nee to fill this out – we want to help you, bla, bla, bla…”

I did, and answer at the end of the day was something which could have been said upfront i.e. “we can’t re-activate the account, you can sign up for another one”.

They even had the gall to send me a survey about it!

Google is annoying like that sometimes too, yes. I’m currently dealing with an annoying rep in that regard too who wants me to make videos to send her for something so simple a third grader should be able to read and understand but of course, dumbphone induced mush for brains these days….

Anyway, where was I.

Being open huh.

Obviously I’m not talking being open in a stupid sense.

If you’re in China, for instance, it probably ain’t a good idea to set up stall in the middle of the road saying “down with Xi!”

Or, if you’re cheating, probably not good to tell your spouse about it “hey honey, I got a date”.


Not unless you wanna be castrated, I guess.

Or “Bobbitted”, I believe the term goes?

I’m just saying, to an extent, just frigging do it.

Changing cars ,peckers, wankers, clothes and what not …

Of course, looking at Hates, I can understand why he needs women to prop up his fragile ego.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on it.

And just do it is the mantra for the new book “Lumberjack Fitness” which is currently on the way – and pre-orders are being accepted as of now.

Lots of you on this list have signed up.

Lots haven’t.

To the latter category, yeah, I know. You’ll read this, go on to something else, which is fine, as the book isn’t for you.

Time waits for nobody my friend.

but for the doers that haven’t yet reserved your copy at the price it’s being offered at – jump on this NOW.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

How to figure out if a person is QUALIFIED to talk about Success…
- At anything!

Success, as the great Claude Bristol rightly said in the Magic of Believing (and as I’v ebeen saying for so many years now) – depends upon the individual and is different for each.

“For each person has their own definition of success”

Which is so true!

I can think of plenty of Bozos, for one who have done nothing with their lives, have hidden desires they have NEVER fulfiled deep down inside lecturing others about safety, “safe life” and “success”.

And giving them idiotic advice on what to do to succeed.

Then you have the Tom Tom’s and idiots talking about it!

Follow your heart!” they all go, trotting out the sage and much used lines of (and I’m only seeing this nonsense increase, along with pretty pictures of gussied up women sipping drinks or whatever their audience wants) …

“The time is nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” 

Its just so fake, my friend, the vibe coming off these words.


Because the underlying impotent vibe I get it “I talk about it, but I’ve never been put through the grinder”.

Most of the idiots these days that talk about relationships, and success at it on Joo Tube with nicely gussied up backgrounds have never been married for one.

They’ve never dealt with Nazi feminists (or they do, but dont even know it).

They have never ever ever been forced into life and death situation – either financially or otherwise.

They’ve never had their own family do everything they can from a young age to destroy the individual – and yet come out on TOP.

They’ve never been disadvantaged by location.

They’ve always got “easy” what others have struggled long and hard for.

Paradoxically enough, these are the very people that people “want” to teach them, and of course, when they don’t succeed, the real gurus that have been there and done that are blamed.

It’s pathetic, how stupid the average person is these days  – especially in this regard.

Like, all these people talking about “do your own thing!” – “go on this vacation!”

Most likely single, no responsibilities, never married, et al …

Not saying any of that is bad.

But that doesn’t qualify the person to provide advice to others in situations they’re looking to break out of, because they’ve never BEEN there.

Here is where as I told you last night (yet another area) being a jack of all trades comes into play.

I’m always amazed at the number of idiot life coaches babbling on about pretty pictures and painting a dream and politically correct things, and then they come to ME quietly and try to pick up free advice …

… which of course, they want to dispense to their following for hefty rates.

The one question, therefore, my friend, you should ask any life coach – includings yours truly – not a millionaire, and as of today, nowhere near Jeff BEzos’s financial heft, hehe  – is WHAT qualifies YOU to talk about success?

Way too many idiots prattle on about how to do things, in most cases, these idiots have done exactly F – all themselves, yet talk about it.

Not just referring to Nazi feminists here, no.

Gotta be fair – plenty of idiot males out there like that too.

As for yours truly, I believe I’ve elaborated on what qualifies me to talk about it for eons now …

Just in case you didnt know, further details HERE.

I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

When the Nazi feminists rolled out a red carpet for yours truly
- Well and truly, and it happens all the time!

And quite literally, they did! Those into mgtow – pun intended or not, you decide! Hehe.

I was speaking about this with my friend Dwayne the other day without mentioning specifics, and he made the following comment.

“I dont blame you for doing what you got to do to leave a shitty marriage like that. Do what you gotta do!”

(to turn a coin as well, but thats a different tale).


From a guy currently on marriage #3 – which to me isn’t something “bad” as most of the Nazi feminists claim – I’d say it’s almost a badge of honor.

(I can just hear the Nazi feminists whining about “he’s your guru!”

No he ain’t either, and neither am I his. It’s a conversation between friends. Friends discuss things! And it’s odd but despite being roundly and very publicly hailed as a thought leader, a visionary and pioneer, the idiots continue with the “learning from so and so” spiel.


Look at the lives of any truly successful person, and you’ll know why if you have any sense, and if you can read between the lines and what they DO.

Is it any surprise that during the China virus, so many tales of “infidelity” are coming out?

When the money dries up, the Nazi feminists go insane. When thats flowing, they’ll tolerate anything, anyone, and any sort of infidelity.


So much for women operating on feelings. It’s men that do, women operate on ATM’s!

Dont believe me?

Get on Twitter, and read (for instance, the India) male rights thread when courts etc are being petitioned to stop men from being used as ATM’S.

It’s sad though, that this movement hasn’t made it fully into the mainstream as yet – thanks to the cucked and simped men for whom bowing down to Nazi feminism is their badge of honor (because they couldn’t get any anyway even if they tried/paid for it aka Bozo Glyn Schofield).

But anyway …

I keep getting blamed for being a deserter (same thing a lot of other real men get blamed for).

Which is fine, but as I’ll detail in the upcoming book on it, the facts could hardly be any more different (which shouldn’t come as a surprise, as these lunatics don’t operate on facts).

It basically boils down to two things – I was very much fat and “happy” with my wife, we recently had a baby, then two Nazi feminist fought over control for the baby very publicly right there in front of the house, and of course it was all my fault, and of course, “Rahul has to leave”.

They literally rolled out the red carpet and red RMB’s for me to do so too.

Funny how thats all forgotten – and “Rahul deserted us”.

If there ever was a pile of more steamy bull baloney, I’d like to see it (and hear it).

Same thing in 2018. I figured I’d give my marriage one last shot.

I tried.

Again, and as I’ve said before, except in a different way, the Nazi feminists literally rolled out the red carpet for me – onto bigger and better.

It’s strange, but these loonies end up achieving and getting the exact opposite of what they want, if they even know what they want in the first place.

Anyway, yours truly has been roundly called a toxic male as of late.

Thank you!

And I have received – get this – a death threat last night.

Thank you again, Ma’am!

Like I give a rats ass either way about idiotic threats.

As I said on Twitter, the quickest way to piss off a Nazi feminist or cuck and to drive him insane with RAGE AND IMPOTENT FURY?

Simply state the facts – HONESTLY – and CALMLY.

That, paradoxically enough is all you gotta do.

You ain’t even gotta buy my book on it.

You COULD place a pre-order, but these here emails are giving you enough of an education on it!

Anyway, pre-orders are alive and licking and kicking for Lumberjack LodeStone Fitness.

I haven’t got the sales page up as yet for the book on Nazi feminism though. I will soon.

But let’s end with some more grade A Lunacy with a capital effing “L”.

“You dont step out of the house because you’re scared of the China virus!”, one recently screamed it.

“Others get it, you dont care but you’re scared!”

I gotta say, I’ve been saying Bozo Schofield is the one person Hannibal Lecter would run FAR, FAR away from – but Nazi feminists in general are starting to fit the bill too.

I mean, let’s see.

A guy that doesn’t have a mask, refuses to wear one, refuses to go where masks are mandated, has not got vaccinated, and is very vehemently AGAINST NOT PROPERLY tested panixines, has never shied away from calling this mess what it is i.e. a PANICDEMIC, and nothing else …

A guy that has ALWAYS BEEN a caveman, virus or none …

A guy that has ALWAYS been happiest by his lonesome …

… is scared?

Of the China virus of all things?


On that note, yours truly is out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

The “toothbrush test” and whether YOUR fitness routine passes it!
- I learned about this today!

I saw this on social media today – sometimes, the damn apps have their uses.

One of the things I saw was the Toothbrush Test.

I sort of understood what it was about when I read the context in which it was mentioned i.e. toothbrushes are used daily, and …

Speaking of which, the great troll Bozo Schofield last year left only ONE positive review on Amazon – given his sh-views were all of my books, hilarious ones which netted me plenty of dough for one – I was interested to see what he posted about …

… It’s Glyn we’re talking, remember. Him of “butts” and so forth …

And “worshipping women” (that run away from him – for the hills, hehe) …

An “electric toothbrush” was something he really liked. Given the Bozo’s preference for holes in the backside, I can only wonder what the toothbrush must have been used for, especially given what happened last year when he ended up in the emergency room after takin gDonald TRumps “bleach” message on coronavirus way too literally, as a host of other idiots did (Trump, for the record, never spoke of injecting anything into anal orifices – all he said was something I fully agree with i.e. if UV light can kill germs, then why not this thing?) …

Anyway, he gave the toothbrush a great review. Hehe.

And, today I read about the toothbrush test.

Basically, it’s a test that apparently Google’s CEO (amongst a few others) seems to use.

Apparently he applies this question to any company he’s considering investing in for the long term (Google from what they said think long term) . . .

Is it a product – or service – that is used once or twice per day, without fail? 

If so, it has the potential to turn into a billion dollar company. 

Thats it.

Too simple, eh.

But thinking about it, it makes perfect sense.

If it’s something people use daily – be it a product – service -or an app – or anything, even Amazon (the first thing I install on my computer after the nth crash? It ain’t any other site other than my various Amazon logins!)  . . . then it has the potential for greatness simply by dint of that characterestic.

People use it so often, they can’t live without it.

The subconscious mind thinks of it as nigh essential, and it’ll come whether you have the cash or not kinda thing.

(lets be honest, I dont care how broke you were, you’ve probably never worried about not being able to brush your teeth in the morning!).

And so .. I thought about fitness!

My exercises certainly fit the routine – but the question I want to ask, and this will go a long way towards determining the best fit for YOU amongst my books (or best exercise amongst many)?

Which one of these exercises do you use daily – without fail – and have been for years?

For me, it would have to be some of the stretches I’ve been doing for years – mentioned in Isometric and Flexiblity Training.

It would have to be pull-ups.

And, it would have to be Hindu squats!

Sure, there are other staples in my routines – clubs most recently, and other heavy items I’ll talk about as we go along.

But these above three exercises – for years, I’ve been doing them damn near daily!

And believe me, these three exercises are ALL you need to make a superman – or superwoman – out of yourself (or superkid).

Or super brat, if thats your thang, hehe.

Nah, kidding. But even “brats” can get super fit with these routines, and do on a regular basis!

Trust me, I know a little something about that.

But anyway, there’s a reason I call my 0 Excuses Fitness System the GRANDDADDY and ROLLS ROYCE of all systems out there.

Whether or not it becomes a billion dollar compnay, only time shall tell. Hehe.

But it’ll give you billion dollar fitness, and then some, that I do guarantee, and right quick if you do the thing!

Get yourself some HERE.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Yes, truly the Rolls Royce of all fitness. Literally – – nothing like it out there!

So now I’m a distributor of beer kegs, huh.
- Well - might as well!

I might as well.

Name/description number … 3444 on that list, to be frank! Hehe.

I’ll keep this one pithy – really, I will. Got an appointment in 5, so here’s the email chain I’ll share –

Hi manager,

Greetings from Joyce from China,I found you are a distributor of beer kegs.

Are you selling beer kegs?

Are you interested in cost effective profitable beer kegs to boost your sales?

We could provide you mini beer kegs 1L/2L/4L/5L/10L for your choices.

MOQ:1CARTON(9-12pcs) to reduce your stock costs. all the capacities have in stock.

PS: Sample can be provided to your door.

Welcome to contact us for more info.



Yours Sincerely,

Joyce Ji

Hi Joyce

Thanks for the email ! May I know why exactly and how you thought I was a distributor of beer kegs?



No doubt it’s another of those copy paste keyword jobs. But, I sent her the reply for shits and grins, we’ll see what she comes up with.

Hey, BEER!

But before I go, remember – lifting beer kegs is a SUPERB conditioner – and strength builder bar none – Brooks Kubik for one talked about it all th etime!

And while Lumberjack Fitness doesn’t have beer kegs to lift in the exercise section – I DO mention heavy stones – and odd objects – the harder to grip the better!

Truly superb – I’l lbe back soon – gotta rush – but for now, pre -order HERE.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Ignoring the news when it doesn’t fit your narrative – and Tom Tomming it when it does?
- Pathetic!

I’ve been doing a bit of social media as of late, really getting into the #mgtow thing.

And while most of what they say – well, I’ve been doing it for years on auto pilot, unconsciously –  I came across, ah you got it.

Another one of my pet “favorite topics to post fun at”.

The China Tom Tommer’s,  and the wackos that claim to be “business experts in China providing you with secret, unheard of info on how DIFFICULT it is to source quality products in China” and how “nowwwwwwwwwwwww is a good time to do business in China” and how “you need them, you just do! Or, your business will FALL APART! Holy Heavens!”

And other garbage, all the while bitching up a storm privately about the very country they claim to Tom tom and support – CHINA!

Folks – at least – if nothing else – don’t be hypocrites!

Have the balls to say PUBLICLY what you do all the TIME PRIVATELY!

Dont be a two faced HYPOCRITE!

This particular Tom Tom, the last I talk to him, he was almost in tears because he had as usual NO money – and his girlfriend wouldn’t give him any to fly back home (I’ve had it here! is what he kept saying).

Now, I gave him the usual (he thought it was a spiel) about hanging in there etc, about how success only comes after immense hardship.

He didnt listen.

But I also told him that at some point you gotta cut your losses.

China, my friend, is not the Mecca and Medina of all business and a paradise for everything and “everything velly vellly good while West so so bad demonizing China” as the idiots and wankers would have you believe.

Australia, a great country I LOVE has more than it’s fair share of them.

They publicly deride Scott Morrison (one of the best Aussie PM’s ever, standing up to chinese bullying) – and forget that it’s their passports that allow them to enter China without much hassle, stay on – and that when push comes to shove, they’ll never be Chinese!

And that end of the day, their passport will save their ass if things get hairy.

They hate me for saying it, but its true.

Take it from one thats lived it!

Anyway, he stopped talking to me after that day, which is a pity because unlike a lot of the Tom Tom’s, this dude can think logically.

I still remember the long discussions we had privately.

“You’re absolutely right, Rahul!” he said in his Aussie twang many a times.

I’ve no doubt he’d still say it privately.

As he did about the Chinese being “lemmings” once …

“There’s no class whatsoever in this mess, Rahul! It’s juvenile and unsophisticated – the amount of “mindless” consumption –  it’s this naive, dumbstruck, lemming like behavior going on … “

(hence he’s tolerated there, lol)

(and yes, I’m sure he’ll get back with “it’s not true”, but it is. Proof as well, but point being, it’s TRUE).

Amazingly enough, a day or so before that, he was Tom tomming Chinese phones on LinkedIn, but he was complaining up a storm privately about the same thing to me.

Its sad, it’s pathetic.

But he’s painted himself into a corner, and unless he wants to return home to his Bogan Aussie “shared home” or whatever he calls it, or his family (they dont get along – it’s a pathetic situtation – hey, I can relate – you on this list know how it is with family and myself!) – or a Nazi feminist ex wife and a kid that he seems to have forgotten all about (the former rightfully so – but I dont know – I dont know the entire story, but from what he told me, she left him, and … well, the usual!) … and so, like a lot of these Tom Tom’s, he has no option left but to claim all is well in China, and everything is stellar, and that Xi Jinping is the best leader ever, and that everything the West does is wrong, and …

… its pathetic.

I’m seeing him reshare posts NOW on LinkedIN from more Tom Tom’s and his views etc all going down …

Anyway, here’s the latest this wacko posted.

Why are we always talking about and hearing all this bad stuff about China and the Australia-China relationship? The irony in this post is, that’s exactly what I am doing too! Where is all the content and news showing practical results of real-world, old-school (and new), business activities? There is too much talk, too much wheel spinning. Let’s get on with more of the doing. The photos below are from events I personally paid for and hosted during COVID19, in China. There are more like this. We can all do better and be more hands-on.

Right …

Doing …

From a phat phock who himself admitted he was that, and was “never so woefully and completely out of shape as when I met him” – from a guy – a so called business expert – that never had the cash to do what he promised i.e. meet me in person (his city is a train ride away – not that expensive, really, a couple of bucks – but of course, the girlfriend has to approve it!) … a guy that first thing you know when he met me “A book I plan on buying!” (Fast and Furious Fitness) – I could tell right off the bat he was talking rubbish – and of course, a guy who claimed to once help me with paperwork, and never followed through.

Typical Tom Tom, as the Bozo would say (and so is the Bozo).

This, my friend, is precisely why I never say all this about Charles (the friend) in these emails.

sure, I metion the pull-ups thing, and how he wanted me not to talk about the negative things in China and so forth …

… but other than that?

He’s far better than these idiots he hangs out with. At least he keeps his promises!

He just doesn’t get it …

(and not to mention, he’s a real man in some regards at least. Called his girlfriend out for complaining about my lifestyle when it wasn’t in the least bit connected to her.

I mean really, girl.

I’m doing what I have to – who are YOU to comment upon it?

Sure, you might not like me getting the “hundreds and hundreds of women” (a certain Tracy said that recently) I do.

But that don’t mean you get the right to moralize. What would YOU have done in my situation?)

(no, spare me the spiel. You’re not Miss Goody Two shoes).

Anyway, back to the duded.

Personally paid for is an out and out lie.

HE seems to have set up a Tom Tom sourcing company too (so he can get his work visa and doesn’t need to return to his bogan housing in his homeland that would never want him there – because guess what – you need SKILLS in Australia) . . . but did HE pay for it?

I’d bet my bottom dollar his girlfriend did. From a guy that can barely scrounge together 55 kuai for a train ticket (and hey, I’ve been there – I get it – but at least I’m saying it – he never has!) to 40,000 plus and expenses?


I doubt it.

And during this plague?

Doubt it x 1000.

Anyway, before I post my response – two things.

One, yes, you do sometimes still need boots on the ground and a round eye to look at whats going on in Chinese factories, but for the most part, you’ll do just fine over Skype etc.

This ain’t China in the 1990’s

Curiously enough, the same wackos that say what I did above i.e China has progressed sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, are the same ones that claim “you need US to do the work for you!”

Pray, why?

Then they’ll give you sorry old speil about QC defects, products not being delivered on time, or not being made on time, frauds, and so forth …


And what not.

but really, my friend. If China was as developed as you keep Tom Tomming, just like the West or better, why would we even NEED you in the first place?

Can someone please tell me?

Second, in some cases yes – you do need boots on the ground – but those boots better be DOER boots – someone that has really been there and done that, as opposed to paid CCP trolls and wackos living on women that can boot them out of the country at any instant.

For example – yours truly.

OF course. Hehe.

And I’ll have my CHina sourcing site up very soon as well … (it’s still there, I just haven’t gotten it back online for whatever reason. So much to do!).

Dude up there talks about results, but other than him standing around in the Guangzhou smelter (heat) and turning into a “for free” glorified foreign devil so called roadside chef (dime a dozen in China these days) – I wonder what exactly he’s accomplished (and a few sales here and there on SF express)?

And a crappy Taobao Store…

Dont get me wrong. I’d never say all this, but the Tom Tomming – I cannot stand HYPOCRISY.

Anyway, my response …

I wasn’t expecting India to be in on the mgtow thing, but it seems they are!

But really, it’s not just courts that consider men as ATM’s and women as “deserve all the pampering they can get entitled brats”.

Society in general just does. Courts – well, it’s insane. in many cases the woman earns a lot more than the man, yet they want the man to pay alimony, now if the situation were reversed? Would that happen? Not a chance!

Additionally, I wonder what courts, society in general have to say about women (and there are many) – that weaopnize their kids against their Fathers? It isn’t all – NO – but there’s a lot of women like that out there.And in an argument, thats what it boils down to!

And dont even get me started on the guys that claim “mine is different”. (or the wackos living on their wives and girlfriends largesse in China for that matter whining about being business experts in China and why we should “ignore the news” (yeah – except when it fits THEIR “China velly good” NARRATIVE!) when the reality is the polar fucking opposite).


I hope she is.

But she aint!

Some part of this, in fact, MOST of this is Mgtow related, so we’ll let it be.

LEt’s focus on the bolded part?

I find it so interesting that news is ignored – not totally – but only when it doesn’t fit their narratives.

These same Bozos (regretfully Charles in China has turned into another one of the See Xi Pee Global Times worshippers) are quick to Tom Tom and share idiotic paid CCP pieces about garbage from equally garbage periodicals like “China Global Times”.

Clearly a paid shill for the ccp. Their mouthpiece as it were.

Give them news from the liberals, and they’ll share it.

This dude talks about keeping it real, eh.

well, let’s keep it real bro.

Australia is standing up to China – rightfully so. China doesn’t own the entire Pacific, regardless of what you might think.

Sure, the Phillipines might not be able to do much about it, and probably Vietnam can’t either.

In India, a country which despite its many shortcomings still fields a solid army – more than capable of taking the Chinese on – the Chinese relied on surprise and slow (and dysfunctional Indian beaiurcracy) to make the moves they did in Galwan.

If Indian soldiers had been patrolling there, they’d never take it in the first place. As it was, subsequent events showed no further land was taken (though it’s sad that what was taken, and what has been STOLEN over the ages was never ever returned).

But really, calling and taking on bullies is something to be proud of. Australia is doing that quite well at this time. Kudos!

So is the US, so are many other nations …

And simply “ignoring that news” doesn’t mean anything is changing.

If anything, as I recently wrote about on Twitter, when countries like Switzerland and Australia are racing to arm up, then … well, the rest should be evidently clear.

All for now – long one again!

Remember – still taking pre-orders for Lumberjack LodeStone Fitness

And we still have ONE copy of Fast and Furious Fitness – the Collector’s Edition lying around so if you want in, get it now.

Nope, no more reprints for the Collector’s Edition; once gone, it’s GONE!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee


Why you shouldn’t budge an inch in terms of NOT accepting less than what you’re worth!
- OR what you believe yourself to be, because they are one and the same ultimtely if you DO the thing.

… like I said in the subtitle.

… OR what you believe yourself to be, because they are one and the same ultimately if you DO the thing.

Ultimately, belief is what moves mountains – and makes molehills into mountains – both achievement and otherwise.

But that aside, I’m always surprised and stunned at the number of idiots out there content to accept low pay – and keep working for years for zero to low pay – while envying those living high on the hog above the (those that did it themselves – of course, the effort and tough times those people went through isn’t seen. Bozos and sheeple see only the end result!).

Especially these days.

Employers are complaining up a storm about poor economy and the such.

They should be the LAST ones to do so – given the low wages – sometimes for less than a fraction literally of the persons former wages that the person is willing to work for.

And the most amazing part, and what I keep telling the sheeple.

This time isn’t necessarily any worse than any of the other before it.

As we think, so we are.

Men’s THINKING causes Depressions, as the great Claude Bristol correctly pointed out in the Magic of Believing.

And he goes on to give you his own example – both before and after he saw the light “blinding white light” (no, it ain’t hocus pocus either!) on this one in the book.

I highly recommend it.

If you were to only read two books, then perhaps 0 Excuses Fitness and this book.


Couldn’t help it.

But really, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil too!

As well as Claude’s other gem “TNT – It truly ROCKS the world!”

Now, where was I.

ah yes.

People more than willing to let themselves be screwed over.

Freelancers and salaried workers aside.

It’s been goin gon forever.

In 2009, when I quit a job – I kept hearing the same thing.

“IT’s an employers market! Time to grab on to what yo uhave, forget about pay!”

Then a year or so ago.

“You’d be surprised at what people are willing to work for when there is very little work available!”

Ever stop and wonder what the people that MAKE these retarded comments do?

They’re usually the “top brass” at companies, or those with smarts that work for themselves, like yours truly.

Ever wonder why the top brass always has money?

Ever wonder why the idiots who want YOU to be an idiot and work monkey jobs the rest of your life never do so THEMSELVES?

Well, because they broke free of that thinking.

Personally, yours truly has always never “worked cheap” as Freddie rightly put it.

Whether I have money, not, a job, or not – I could care two hoots less.

Pay me right, or not at all.

I keep hearing whining about my prices which have only increased in recent years.

So be it.

those prices will NOT go down.

First thing you know, it keeps the dolts and freebie seekers and tyrekickers, cheap skates etc away …

Second, true, this isn’t the safest approach and it’s landed me in hot water occasionally.

But I’ve always come out alright – if it don’t feel right, just don’t do it, my friend. As simple as that.

You give an inch, they’ll take a mile.

Funny part, it doesnt take a lot at all to be creative and make money – perhaps your best months ever even in the so called Greatest of all Depressions, plague, panic and what not.

(Ever hear about how people ARE Making money, and a lot of it if they know what they’re doing – even during Depressions, when some of the great businesses were built? I bet not!) 

Personally, me, I’d rather do what the sheeple do NOT do (no surprise huh)? 

For one, I’ve been doing the precise opposite of what people have been advising me to do w.r.t my books. 

“Lower the prices! they can’t afford it!” 

Right … 


The things people spen money on – even these days – you’d be shell shocked!

Priorities, as they say – and I only want people with the right priorities. 

Not to mention, I just pumped in so much money into advertising etc over the past few months I’m wondering if this is 2021, or 98. Hehe. 

All pays off, trust me, if you’ve got faith!!!!

I can hear the Nazi feminists smouldering.

“Its fine for him to talk!”

It ain’t either, girlie.

(I wonder how many NAzi feminists could make what I do sitting in the so called confines of my man cave with little other than tinnies (empty beer bottles, hehe) for company?)

I’ve been through the grinder and then some, I can prove what I’m saying – though I dont need to and won’t because it’s pretty frigging obvious.

NEVER ever settle for less than you’re worth, my friend.

Same thing fitness wise.

NEVER settle for the easy “make me feel good later” workouts.

Instead go for the jugular – what you deserve – hard, tough workouts that make a MAN or real WOMAN – out of YOU.

THOSE are the workouts YOU DESERVE – not the “mamsy pamsy” shake a leg here , move a foot here kinda Jane Fonda BS that is all the rage these days on Joo Tube and what not …

Start right here, my friend.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Just remembered what I was going to put in above. Ever notice any of these Bozos during good times? Do they ever speak of good times where you’re rollin in the stuff? No, it’s always depression, “you dont deserve it”, “be content with what you got never aim high” kinda horseshit. Eff that. Get what you want – be willing to go through whatever it is you have to get it – and then just go out there and do it, depression or not. ‘Tis that friggin simple!

PPS – Not to mention, Give an Inch, and they’ll take a mile. Thats just how it is, friend. Either be screwed over or be the smart ones NOT willing to be screwed over. There is no in between!