A change of plan – and MASTERY

Dear reader,

Well it was a change of plan alright today – but didnt quite turn out as I envisioned!

Turned out, better in fact.

What do I mean? Well, to start off, it was supposed to be the usual 250 pushups/250 squats routine followed by more “routine” (to me) stretches, but for whatever reason I just couldn’t “get into” the squats today.

Now, this happens at times, of course. And it happens to all of us, and the best of us (and no thats not an indirect way of saying “I’m the best at doing squats” – FAR from it).

Thats another key right there – keep improving. I can crank out 300-500 squats easily in a set with very brief pauses, but that isn’t my limit – BY A LONG SHOT!

Keep improving – keep striving!

So, I soldiered on until about 70 or so, after which I could have gone on, but it “didnt quite feel right”, and those that workout regularly will get my drift. Sometimes, it “just don’t feel right”.

Now, to be fair I’ve been hitting it hard on the squats for the past few days and my thighs were feeling it.

No problem I figured.

Went on to the pushups – and – ended with NO LESS than 400. The whole shebang plus stretches took a little over an hour. Just a LITTLE, mind you. About 1:03 if I’ve got it right.

And – GET THIS – the majority of the pushup workout could be classified as a ONE – or perhaps two – but primarily ONE – exercise routine.

And THAT, my dear reader brings us to the MASTERY part of it.

Mastering a certain exercise is of UTMOST importance. So much so that 0 Excuses Fitness devotes an ENTIRE CHAPTER to it!

The Book

I talk about this at length in the book, of course, because it’s something that’s often ignored.

And what I’m going to say here is even the simplest – or toughest exercise can be made into AN ENTIRELY different exercise simply by changing positions, and sometimes changing positions just a couple of inches or less.

That’s right, my friend. Sounds completely unbelievable, but it’s true, and you’ll find out what I mean once you actually start cranking these routines (and those that are already doing them they know what Im saying).

Did 70 squats, did I? I think it was 71 to be fair, but my thighs are CRYING right now, and so are my hamstrings, all without any “direct leg work”.

And I’m STOKED, as usual! Should actually renamed the book “Stoked Fitness”, hehe. Hey – thats yet another idea!

All for now!


Be Grateful

Dear reader,

At the very outset, this particular post may seem like it’s got literally nothing whatsoever to do with fitness – but it DOES – in a BIG, BIG way.

Everything is “mental”, when it all boils right down to it and getting in shape (and more importantly, STAYING in shape AFTER getting to the “peak of that first mountain”) is no different. It all begins with the mind, my friend, and this is something I’ve explained repeatedly in all my books and courses thus far.

And I’ll continue to do so – its that important.

Way too many people look in the mirror and see a “flabby, fat, unfit” person and then immediately go online (or turn to the nearest fitness mag), or come to this site, or whatever and then look at the bods on display there.

And of course, the first thought that pops into mind is “I can’t do it. I’ll never be like him (or her, as the case might be).

And it’s back to the relative safety of the ole couch, beer and chips (or snacks – what have you) in hand. Back to square zero, or square negative should we say.

Amazingly enough this problem isn’t limited to those that are actually fat and flabby – there are  lot of folks that could admittedly be in better shape – but, are NOT in “extremely poor” shape at this point in time. And yet, they experience similar “put me down” feelings when they stand in front of the mirror.

This sort of thing applies to all aspects of life, by the way, but I’ll try and stick to fitness here.

Look, people, YOU, and ONLY YOU are  – and can be – your biggest “fan”! It matters not a damn if there’s NO-ONE but YOU cheering for YOU in the bleachers … conversely, put a billion folks in there batting for you, but it will all come to nought if YOU aren’t present there yourself.

Now, am I saying that facts should be ignored?

Hell no, but what I AM saying is ALL the facts should be taken into consideration.

So let’s take a look at the aforementioned person who looks at himself or herself in the mirror and goes “oh, BLA!”

Fact #1 –  I’m fat and out of shape, and could probably be called “ole Tubby”

Fact #2 – ((and I’ll continue the example above). I’ve got two arms and two legs and a brain that functions. That’s more than what a lot of folks are born with, by the way.

Fact #3 – (I can eat 3 square meals a day (admittedly I eat too much, but …) and that IS MORE than what a lot of folks get. A lot of folks would be thanking their lucky stars to get more than TWO square meals a day and I ain’t kidding ya on this one.

And so forth.

You see what I’m saying?

You start by being GRATEFUL for what you DO have – and what you HAVE accomplished – and you THEN take a look at your self again in the mirror – and YOU THEN SET YOUR FITNESS GOALS …


It’s that simple, folks!

I started to make the list a few minutes ago myself (YES, this can be done regardless of where you are currently in terms of life, relationships, fitness etc), and within the space of a few minutes I was at about 34 items. And I’ve got NO doubt that list will extend to more than a few pages shortly.

In fact, I was so stoked a few items in that I figured I’d write to you while making the list but then I figured I’d wait a while longer. But around item #32 or thereabouts, my fingers started to itch, and well, so here  I am now!

I’m out for the nonce – but that, my friends is a powerful, powerful tip indeed.

See if you can make it work for you!


Rahul Mookerjee


How often should I exercise?

Dear reader,

Along with the “I need a break from exercise today”, this is probably the other question that is first and foremost in a lot of people’s minds when it comes to exercise routines, and sticking to it no matter what.

“T’is” sad, but true … most folks actually look for reasons NOT to exercise rather than find ways to get around whatever problem is it that is is causing them to “not train” (and in most cases you’ll find there wasn’t a real problem there to start with at all).

And NO, it’s no excuse that this post comes “right on the heels of” my last post about being exhausted, but getting ‘her done anyway, and NO, I did NOT have to “push” myself in the slightest.

It all just “flowed” and yes, I know I use the term a LOT, but it’s true, my friend.

Anyway, my own recommendation would be to workout twice a day. This is what works best for me, and no, contrary to what your thinking it doesnt have to be a sweatfest all the time.

It does NOT have to be about setting personal records each and every time.

Key is to “do something”, even if that something lasts for about 10 minutes or so, as my second workout of the day (night) usually does.

All I usually do for that one is some dynamic stretches and static holds, and I’m done – and yet – I feel like a zillion bucks afterward despite outwardly not sweating (well, not a lot, at any rate).

And guess what – in addition to feeling good, you’ll also get MORE ACCOMPLISHED.

I’m a writer, and (as I’ve said countless number of times), my writing tends to “write itself” a lot of times while I’m working out, so much so that most of my blog posts are quite literally, in a sense, “written” while working out.

That doesnt mean I interrupt my workout, of course, but it does mean I keep a sheet of paper and pen handy at all times during my routine.

And YES – THIS post “came” to me while I was stretched out in a “bridge” position on a mat on the floor – and, well – here it is now!

And this is notwithstanding the physical benefits, of course. Like I said I’m usually “chained to the keyboard” most of the time, and end up with sore traps and upper back muscles (not to mention a “creaky” neck at times) – a ten minute stretching routine (10-15 tops) gets me feeling like new again.

Of course, my initial workout is never really “easy”, but I don’t hit it hard EACH AND EVERY SINGLE TIME!

And if there’s just one thing or tip I could impart in this post, it’s what I said right above.

There’s other tips “hidden” (not really) in there as well. See if you can find ’em!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. : – 0 Excuses Fitness is a cornucopia of hard hitting, real world fitness TIPS – and instruction – that will get you in super shape fast – provided you DO THE THING!

Do the thing now, and grab your copy HERE: – The Book

I’m exhausted!

Well, dear reader, that I AM!

Been hard at work on a couple of new projects for the past few days, and it seems I haven’t had time to BREATHE, let alone do anything else. That in part probably explains the lack of a post yesterday…

But, all done now – for the nonce, at least – until I move on to the next project, which should be very soon!

Such is life when you are in the flow, when “effort” turns into “effortless” from a mental standpoint, and you just keep going until your body finally just tells you enough is enough.

Anyhow, if there was ever a day when I’d like to have skipped my workout (pun NOT intended), today was definitely it.

But I got her done anyway, and it was high rep squats today that really got the engine going, and cleared the cobwebs from my mind.

And once the mind was clear, my exhaustion suddenly dissipated to a large extent. Obviously not altogether, but to a large extent, and the squats were what got me doing today.

100, 50, 50 and before I knew it I was at 200. Cranked out 50 more, and then it was on to the pushups, the usual 250 routine.

And I feel GREAT now!

And guess what the key was to the squatting having opened the floodgates of “energy”?

Well, it wasnt just the high repetitions. It was the WAY in which they were done, and I’m not just referring to technique although thats its important.

There are literally DOZENS of fitness guys out there that’ll teach you the technique. A  lot of the exercises I’m using at this point and that I mention in my book are NOT new. They’ve been around for ages.

But I’ve seen hardly any courses that focus upon the correct way to BREATHE while doing these exercises, and THAT DEEP BREATHING, my friend is the key.

It’s 99 percent deep breathing and one percent technique. OK, maybe not quite that extreme, but you get the picture.

Moreover, a lot of the guys that teach these movements are NOT teaching you how to do them correctly, especially some of the squats and pushups I do.

But again, we come back to the breathing. Done correctly, THIS is really the key to your success. I care NOT if your lifting weights or doing bodyweight stuff BTW – the deep breathing is really what holds the key to your success.

May sound cryptic, but ’tis what it is!

All for now – back later!

Very best,


P.S. – It’s really not as cryptic as it sounds. In fact its blindingly simple, and the keys are right HERE: – The Book

More of the easy, less of the tough

Dear reader,

The above title might sound strange, but it’s a tip unto itself, and one that if followed correctly can actually make the “tough” easy.

My workout today was a repeat of yesterday’s routine i.e. 250 squats and 250 pushups, but it was DIFFERENT.

250 squats (I mixed in regular squats with an advanced “jumping” variation)

This took about 8-8.5 minutes, and then I was on to the pushups. Those took me around 45 minutes today, so I was done in less than an hour (about 60 minutes all in all including stretches at the end of my routine).

And – I am – to put it in one word, STOKED!

Now, as for the tough with the easy.

What I did for the squats is I did say “X” number of “jumping squats” and then did double that number for the regular ones. As I progressed, it wasn’t exactly double all the way through – so it might look something like 25 jumping squats, 36 regulars, but you get the drift. And, I finished in less than 8.5 minutes – pretty good going!

I could have progressed on to 500, of course, but I don’t do that many daily. In fact, as of the last two months I’ve just been doing 50-100 daily.

Changing it up a bit now, so I get more of the squats in, but whatever.

As for the pushups, I do the same thing. If you can get only, say, 2-3 reps of a REAL TOUGHIE, then do at least 15 reps of the same exercise in an easier way (or just do an easier exercise).

After that, return to the toughie, and you’ll be surprised when you see you can actually do a bit more of it than you could do the first time around.

Try this little tip, and let me know how it works for those of you stuck at a certain “number” of reps!



P.S.: – I spoke about changing things up, and this is key as well. And the other keys are right HERE – http://0excusesfitness.com/the-book/

Chained to the keyboard and the 240/7 workout

Dear reader,

Well, that is quite literally what happened today as I just finished another volume of a book I’ve been working on. Not quite fitness related to say the least, but thats beside the point.

On that note, it’s not quite the “ball and chain” it sounds like, as I was very willingly doing it.

Writing is something as you can tell I enjoy doing which explains the numerous “pieces” of written in the past.

But thats not the point either.

The point being, the second part of the title. In other words, the “240/7” workout, or should I say 24/7 workout, hehe, since I never miss an opportunity to get a work out in despite the “chains”.

In and as of itself, there’s a lesson in that.

What’s that, you might ask.

Well, most people these days are chained – and yes – it’s of their own choosing, but again they’re not chained to “what  you might imagine”.

The vast majority of people that spend a lot of time complaining about their fitness, are, curiously enough those same people who never quite break from the “shackles”, or “excuses” if I may put it that way.

A lot of folks that set goals fail to move beyond the “set” stage, giving up before they even begin. In other words, chained to the “failure syndrome”.

Now, I could go on and on and on here, but I think you get the picture. Look, fellas, rewards in life come to those who DO.

Ladies, if thats you reading this, DO.

Do, and you shall “feel the power”, kiddo!

And so forth.

And of course, if you choose to read and ignore, no skin off my nose, anyway. In fact I’m feeling so zoned out now after MY OWN workout today that I quite literally, for lack of a better term could “care lessssssss”…

What did I do? Well, 240 squats and 250 pushups, but I never did keep track of time while doing them. And I finished within – get this – 60 minutes flat – WITHOUT keeping track of time!

As for the zoned out feeling, I’m pretty sure regular readers can guess as to the reason why.

Yep, you got it. 150 reps of my all time favorite exercise, and I’m “a floating like a daisy in the clouds up yonder”, hehe.

And that, my dear reader is that for today. My forearms feel like they  have been through the meat grinder, so I will end this here.



P.S.: – The pushup workout here shows me in a zoned out state somewhat comparable to, but NOT equal to what I mention here: – Videos

P.S #2 – Oh, and I did a total of 7 different types of pushups during the workout. You can find these, and more right here: – The Book

P.S. #3 – If you’re one of those that actually DOES – well – a huge SALUTE out to you!

The “low ‘n slow” routine!

Dear reader,

The low and slow routine that actually turned into the “fast gear workout”, if I may put it that way.

Sounds cryptic, I know. What do I mean?? Well, I’ll explain!

Today was a HO HUM day for me. I dont know if thats because I’ve been hitting it hard in terms of my writing for the past three days (and nights) or if it’s something else, but whatever it was, I just couldn’t “get into the groove today” (and I’m NOT referring to my workout here).

One of those “slow” days, and so I figured I’d do a “slow mo” workout today WITHOUT worrying about either reps/time.

I felt I’d hit about a 100 pushups and call it a day. That’s more than what most people do in a WEEK, or month, by the way – and NO, thats NOT an exaggeration by ANY stretch of the imagination, folks.

And so, I started off with about 50 squats. Felt the “energy” starting to pick up, but not quite (normally this gets me going INSTANTLY). Funny thing is I did them in less than 40 seconds, so it wasn’t that I took a long time.

Got to about 20 Hindus. Whoa! Now, I REALLY felt myself starting to pick up.

20 “table” pushups. More of the same!

And so forth. It was actually the “15-20 rep” workout for the first 100 pushups and then suddenly, inexplicably, it turned into the “40-40-20” routine before I slowed down again towards the end.

Took about 40 minutes, and I feel..

Wait a minute – I said it took 40 minutes – and yes I typed that right! It took LESS the amount of time than my regular workout does – NOT a LOT less, but a good 7 to 8 minutes shaved off.

Granted, I didnt stretch towards the end, so that takes about 5 minutes off it, but still – thats pretty good I’d say!

As for how I feel – I BE BUZZZZZZINNGGG!! I’m ready to take on the world, and that’s NOT an understatement.

I’ve often said this and I’ll say it again – pushups, pushups, and MORE pushups. One of the oldest, yet amazingly enough MOST ignored exercise there is, and the VERY BEST.

In fact I’m so buzzed I think I’ll do up an article on pushups shortly here. Stay tuned for that one.

For now though, there’s several tips in todays note. Go back and read it again if you haven’t been able to figure ’em out as yet – and NO, I’m NOT going to “spoonfeed” them.

Key reason I’m telling you all this is to get off your keister, and DO something – even when your not feeling good. Let’s face it – there are always days we don’t feel a 100% – but that doesnt mean we make excuses.

Do something – anything – and before you know it, that “anything” will turn into something quite substantial.

And if that doesnt convince you to get off “thy keister” and “DO”, then I dont know what will!



P.S. : – A “saggy kesiter” or “junk in the trunk” is a problem faced by many these days. “Table” pushups will go a LONG way towards resolving this! Here’s how to do ’em – The Book

What a sweatfest!

Dear reader,

Oh my! What a sweat fest it was today … and is usually, but the kicker here being …

Well, let me back up a little. Some of you (and especially those of you that have seen my videos) know that I’m currently working out in a semi-air conditioned environment, if just to test how much I sweat WITH air conditioning as opposed to without.

And the very fact that I sweat up a storm daily should tell you just how efficient these workouts at – and how much FAT they burn, my friend.

I decided to do the opposite today i.e. turn off the air conditioning and work out – but I didnt just turn off the A/C “right before” working out.

NO.  What I did was turn it off a couple of hours before working out, and while that might not sound like a biggie, trust me, it IS.

Its humid as heck out here in China (not to mention the actual HEAT – but the humidity is what really “gets” you if you get my drift, hehe) and my living room heated up pretty soon.

Not quite “sauna” levels, but certainly not a room that you walk into and feel “cool”.

I sweated up quite the storm, to say the least. The puddles of sweat will dry pretty soon now that the A/C is back on, but what I want to say, and what I say in my book is that HEAT (and humidity) is something that some of you might need to watch out for while training.

Now, I used to train OUTDOORS a month or so ago, and have actually done that for the vast majority of my training career.

And don’t get me wrong, it got me into great, great shape. At one point I was climbing a steep mountain which took about 15-20 minutes to climb and pounding out 500 squats and 250 pushups AFTER that.

IN THE SUMMER, no less, though I used to train in a shaded area.

However, while the results have NOT changed an iota once I switched my routine indoors (other than the time, obviously) – the “look” I’ve gotten has.

By look I don’t mean “ripped abs”, or “biceps as big as stones”, or “striated pecs” or any of that utter rubbish.

What I should really say is how I FEEL – and this manifests itself in the “external look”.

This might sound strange to some, but believe me, the key to REALLY LOOKING GREAT is to FEEL GREAT – from the INSIDE OUT!

Feel like a billion bucks and the rest will take care of itself, my dear reader.

Conversely,  if you look “great” but feel like crap internally, the opposite will happen.

When I trained outdoors, I still felt great afterwards – but, I felt a bit drained at the end of it.

Right now, I feel as energized as ever – and MORE SO!

My  point in saying this is that extreme heat and humidity should be avoided when training – UNLESS – and this is a huge unless – you’ve been doing these routines for a long time and your body is used to it.

Even so though,  its always good to bear in mind that the humidity does affect you regardless of what level your at. It’s a lot easier to pound out a 100 continuous “wrestler pushups”, for instance, when your doing them in a cool environment as opposed to a hot and humid environment.

My own reps didnt go down any though – but – and here’s the kicker – the TIME did. I actually 5 minutes earlier than I normally do.

So thats today’s tip. Time to put on my glasses (which I took off during the workout) and get back to pounding out that new book, hehe.

Speaking of books – if you haven’t already gotten 0 Excuses Fitness – well – procrastinate NO longer – The Book. 

Very best!


P.S. – I normally wear glasses during my workout as it helps me maintain focus. There’s another tip, fellas. Approach your workout as you WOULD anything serious – and ANYTHING that requires focus!

Yet another great workout “in the books”, and my opinion on time wasters

Dear reader,

It’s 5:56 P.M. in China at the time of writing this.

Sounds like today’s topic is actually 2 topics in one, and it might well be – but it’s not.

Anyway lets just say first off that its YET another GREAT workout in the books. Did the “25 pushup” routine today (which I believe I do detail in the book as opposed to what I did yesterday) plus 125 squats.

I ended with 50 reps of my favorite exercise, plus some ADVANCED stretches – stuff that scares the “bejesus” out of the majority of folks when they look at me doing it, and that’s NOT an exaggeration!

I’ll be coming out with an “advanced” version of the fitness book soon, but to be quite frank, what I mention in the “basic” course is MORE THAN ENOUGH for the VAST majority of folks to work upon for a lifetime.

See the section on “mastery” (one amongst many): – http://0excusesfitness.com/the-book/. 

I feel great – and guess what – this great feeling will last ALL EVENING. In fact I slept around 6 hours last night.

So “pumped” was I after session #2 last night that I had to literally force myself to sleep if you can believe that.

In short, another BALL BUSTER – and guess what – it got done within 50 minutes FLAT. That’s including rest periods, by the way, but NOT “long” rest periods.

See my videos here for more on the rest periods (http://0excusesfitness.com/videos/), but for now, that brings me to topic #2, and thats time wasting.

And time WASTERS.

My own workouts are short and sweet as you can tell. In fact, I can get a great workout in less than 20 minutes if I so choose – all without leaving the relative privacy and “sanctity” (or should I say sanity, hehe) of my own home.

And if there’s something I hate more than procrastination, it’s wasting time.

Why? Well, though procrastination is to be avoided and SHOULD be avoided for that matter, “tis” but natural for even the most disciplined amongst enough to “slack off” every so often.

And like I mentioned in yesterday’s post (or was that the day before?) “yours truly” sometimes DOES need a gentle push or a kick up the arse to “get her done”.

Hey, what can I say – I’m human too – but I’ll say that those times are literally FAR AND FEW IN BETWEEN for me.

Such is NOT the case with the vast majority of folks out there.

“Oh, I might”. “Oh, maybe”.

“Oh, I’ll let you know” (and they never do).

And so on and so forth.

And so, I’m deeply appreciative when I meet people that DO actually value other people’s time and say it like it is WITHOUT wasting time!

I don’t care if said person is a customer, or a potential customer, or will never be a customer. I care not, amigo.

What matters is RESPECT. Respect for the other person’s time, and by extension the other person.

And so – thank you, Madam “S”. Thanks for not wasting time, and being about as honest (though not “brutally so” as I am, hehe) as I am – I am deeply appreciative. “Mucho” respect sent your way!

You may or may not ever be a customer, and quite frankly I don’t care either way. But, I’ll be happy to offer you a free training session if you so choose someday!

And that, my friends, is what it ALL boils down to, both in life and training wise.

Don’t waste time – either yours or the other person’s.

Respect time – the other person’s time, and YOUR own time as well.

Above all, recognize that we are ALL human. Treat every human being you come across with decency and respect, at least to the best extent possible.

And there endeth today’s rather long “sermon” from Preacher General “Mookerjee”, hehe.

6:12 P.M.

I’m  OUT!

Very best,


P.S.: – For those of you that have or are considering signing up for the newsletter, please DO so – but please know that it might take me a post or so (read a few days) to actually get the newsletter function to work as it should. As of now it seems to have a few glitches, and I don’t have the time to figure it out AT THIS POINT in time but it should all work flawlessly within a few days.

In the meantime, keep checking back HERE for new updates and of course – new PRODUCTS!

Are YOU in a state of DENIAL?

Dear reader,

The vast majority of folks are in a state of complete and utter denial about their current fitness levels. Not only that, but a lot of folks tend to get “defensive” about it when asked.

“I’m a big guy” (a commonly heard statement from guys that are actually FAT rather than plain “big).

“I know all the beer is bad for me, but it’s the weekend”

“Oh, the weight charts are inaccurate”

And of course, in addition to that, out pour the excuses as we’ve spoken about before.

“Mmmhmm, yes, pushups are easy” (this from someone who couldn’t do more than – get this – THREE in proper form).

And how do I know this? Well, I used to be the same way in the past (although NEVER at the levels mentioned above), and though I’m in the best shape of my life at the time of writing this and improving all the time, I STILL need a “self-kick” up the backside once in a while when I start to get that tad bit lazy.

Not often, but it happens at times.

Curiously enough though a lot of women have the opposite problem i.e. a lot of women that are “in shape” (at least externally) think they’re “fat”.  I’m sure THAT one needs no further explanations!

Of course, “being in shape externally” doesn’t matter ONE BIT if your not truly fit – and of course, if your not INTERNALLY healthy.

That last bit counts the most, by the way.

Most folks would measure their fitness by “medically acceptable” standards, some of which I agree with, and some of which I believe are utter TOSH.

BMI indexes being one. Take a truly BIG (as opposed to FAT) person, and you’ll see them being classified as obese when they’re not.

Neither are skinfold tests an accurate measurement of fitness levels. I’ve seen drug addicts that are skinny as a rail – does that mean they’re the epitome of fitness?

Now, obviously the above tests are a general indicator in most cases, but you’d be far better off testing what your body can actually DO – as opposed to what you “look like” or what the “skinfold” test tells you.

In my book, I give you a few pushup and squat routines to complete. The easier ones are tough as heck for most people, and thats  a test right there – but …

BUT, I’m NOT going to give you that test here. In fact, the test I’m fixing to give does NOT involve a single pushup.

What is it?

Well, simple. Get into a position where you make a “table” with your arms and legs, back completely straight, head held back.

This is the beginning position of the “table” pushup, by the way, but in THIS test, you do NOT need to do the actual pushup.

JUST HOLD FOR TIME. Shoot for about a minute, and then report back – especially those of you that ARE overweight but  try to”convince” yourself otherwise that your not (and you know who you are, hehe).

Heck, just shoot for a 30 second hold and THEN tell me – and by the way, you “skinny” folks aren’t off the hook either – this test is for YOU TOO!

How dare I say this, I hear a lot of readers fuming.

Well, fume away, my friend, but I’m not “saying anything”. You DO – and tell me how well you can DO IT.

I remember a time in my life where I could barely hold the position for – get this – more than TEN SECONDS – without my lower back giving up.

You read that right – TEN SECONDS.

Today, I could almost go to sleep in this position.

Give this a whirl and let me know how well you do!

Very best,


P.S.: – Just got done with the “30 rep ” workout. While I have not detailed that specific routine in the book, I’ve detailed plenty more: – http://0excusesfitness.com/the-book/