Dear reader,
Well it was a change of plan alright today – but didnt quite turn out as I envisioned!
Turned out, better in fact.
What do I mean? Well, to start off, it was supposed to be the usual 250 pushups/250 squats routine followed by more “routine” (to me) stretches, but for whatever reason I just couldn’t “get into” the squats today.
Now, this happens at times, of course. And it happens to all of us, and the best of us (and no thats not an indirect way of saying “I’m the best at doing squats” – FAR from it).
Thats another key right there – keep improving. I can crank out 300-500 squats easily in a set with very brief pauses, but that isn’t my limit – BY A LONG SHOT!
Keep improving – keep striving!
So, I soldiered on until about 70 or so, after which I could have gone on, but it “didnt quite feel right”, and those that workout regularly will get my drift. Sometimes, it “just don’t feel right”.
Now, to be fair I’ve been hitting it hard on the squats for the past few days and my thighs were feeling it.
No problem I figured.
Went on to the pushups – and – ended with NO LESS than 400. The whole shebang plus stretches took a little over an hour. Just a LITTLE, mind you. About 1:03 if I’ve got it right.
And – GET THIS – the majority of the pushup workout could be classified as a ONE – or perhaps two – but primarily ONE – exercise routine.
And THAT, my dear reader brings us to the MASTERY part of it.
Mastering a certain exercise is of UTMOST importance. So much so that 0 Excuses Fitness devotes an ENTIRE CHAPTER to it!
The Book
I talk about this at length in the book, of course, because it’s something that’s often ignored.
And what I’m going to say here is even the simplest – or toughest exercise can be made into AN ENTIRELY different exercise simply by changing positions, and sometimes changing positions just a couple of inches or less.
That’s right, my friend. Sounds completely unbelievable, but it’s true, and you’ll find out what I mean once you actually start cranking these routines (and those that are already doing them they know what Im saying).
Did 70 squats, did I? I think it was 71 to be fair, but my thighs are CRYING right now, and so are my hamstrings, all without any “direct leg work”.
And I’m STOKED, as usual! Should actually renamed the book “Stoked Fitness”, hehe. Hey – thats yet another idea!
All for now!