Wallet issue fixed, and more…

Been a bit of an interesting morning thus far, or afternoon, or evening, depending upon what time you read this.

A package that was supposed to show up never did, but it did, and it got delivered to a person who normally leaves it where it should be, but it ended up somewhere else, and in this whole tangled mess…. DANIEL!

Great, great guy, Ill never shy away from saying that!

He’s part of the support team for some of the software we use, and he’s been providing stellar and excellent support thus far.

I cannot rate the guy highly enough. Solid character is what comes to mind when I think daniel and his company (well, the one he works for) … You know what I mean.


Some people just have that vibe. I wrote this back to his company as well, and they agreed i.e. Daniel is great!

Anyway, the vexing ‘wallet’ issue we’ve been having is finally fixed, albeit with a “checkmark” of sorts.

If you go to your customer account, you’ll see you can add funds to your wallet.  (and your current balance too).

And if you checkout using your wallet guess what  the system will auto apply (because I’ve set it that way) a 10% discount on whatever you purchase.

No minimum amounts applicable for this one either!

And the only thing is it isn’t showing automatically on the page as a checkout option as it should be but if you add funds to your wallet FIRST, then it’ll show!

And its a method of payment I would very highly recommend, because it does away with the need for credit cards, paypal etc (you can use those to fund your wallet, and then either keep the money there or use for future purchases).

YES, if you pay the preorder for Lumberjack Fitness, another highly recommended book with your wallet … YES, effectively, you’ll get a 30% discount on the total price instead of 20 …

Contact me for more on that!

Anyway I still haven’t managed to get Amazon Pay up and running on the site.

Apologies Drake it’s taking a bit longer than expected (and to all you great guys using amazon as well!).

Their initial verification process for this is tedious, and with one thing and the other first my printer ran out of ink, then the docs weren’t clear, and what not … it’s taking a while.

But we’ll have it up and running pretty soon, so soon you’ll be able to use your Amazon pay balance to make purchases of the site as well. (Amazon USA for now but it might work with your other wallets too).

And that my friend is that.

On the hunt for that new laptop but in the meantime, make sure and place your preorders for Lumberjack Fitness NOW.

This is going to be … BIG!

Best (for the best),

Rahul Mookerjee

Is showing up truly half the battle WON?
- Maybe sometimes ...

Showing up is half the battle won, they say.

Everyone says it. Coaches, gurus, so called expert, the life hacks, the life coaches, teachers, everyone …

Show up, the thinking goes, and apparently it’ll all go from there.

I’ve always been rather and some what divided by this thinking and of course, readers of the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales … know this!

I just read an article (a BBC article) about how “presenteeism is still winning out over productivity” despite the panic demic etc.

Basically it’s a long article, fairly well written but that is the long and short of it. Google’s your friend in case you want to find it!

Which doesn’t surprise me.

For all the noise made about working from home, something that is often ignored is working from home is often taken by employees, especially in countries like India and china to goof off and do “F all”basically.

Hence the innate distrust of “work from home” most bosses have in that part of the world.

Other hand, simply sitting in the office doesnt equate to much, or any productivity at all even “that” boss said it before it “all fell apart!”.

As it always does …

Work smarter, not harder, I still remember him telling the head of Operations.

My own thoughts on this?

Is that results count.

If those come from working one hour in the morning at home and one hour at night again at home, then so be it and the hell with what other UNPRODUCTIVE coworkers and the like think and moan about.

Noone stopped them from getting the same results!

Other hand, if sitting in the office for 10 hours a day, or whatever the boss considers right, or however many hours the person works from home ain’t cutting the mustard, then again results are what the metric that ultimately needs to be measured.

All too often though, people let EGO get in the way of someone that is delivering solidd results and then some and comparing with”oh, what if I could get better i.e the results and his time too, AND pay him less!” … and of course , with all the scare mongering about job losses and such, this predatory mentality is easy to employ for a lot of people.

But anyway …

Thats my thoughts on that for the work place, but life? Fitness?

I truly do believe that HERE, it applies a lot more but NOT fully.

Showing up is truly important yes, but it’s not the whole shebang by far.

Once you show up, you get started. There is that even on days you dont feel like working out. You start, then something happens …

Other hand, to me, what really counts is your attitude when you do show up!

If you show up with a ho hum attitude, those are the results youll get.

Go get ’em! Ditto!

If you show up with “My God! Such a tough exercise!” attitude from the get go, THOSE are the exercises that will remain “tough” for you …

And same thing when investing in products.

If price is a primary concern, then you will never truly unlock the potential of any one of my books, my friend.

Because my books are designed only for the super serious, who KNOW they have to spend good money and a fair bit of it to get rewards aplenty. People who know exactly what they waant, people who dont make excuses, people that go the extra mile, people that “get her done no matter what”, and so forth …

And more than any other book I’ve written, Lumberjack Fitness, currently being offered at a “pre sale” price is geared towards that sort of a trainee/person.

If you’re the ho hum sort, dont even bother.

But if you’re a go getter that wants, and expects and ACCEPTS (the last is the most important) literally NOTHING SHORT or LESS than the best ie the best for the best, then what I’ve got to offer here is for YOU.

And remember, all preoffer sales come with a discount.

This one with a 20% discount. . .

Contact me if interested and I’ll hook you up!

Yes, showing up truly is HALF the battle but only with the right attitude, friend. Only with the right attitude!


Rahul Mookerjee

“I thought you were dead’
- So said the Gorilla Girl

As mentioned in the last email, I spoke with the lovely Sophia this morning.

The “You’re big and strong like a Gorilla” girl!

When I met her, I thought the hair both on my cranium and the body was why she said what she did. Hehe.

“You dont have too much”, she giggled.

Well, hair or not is not a topic for this hairy or not email!

But it was funny, this morning (I hadn’t spoken to her for like a long time) she said the following when she was talking about the plague spreading with a resurgence in China (ever notice how the See Xi Pee never talks about THAT!??) …

“I thought you were dead!”


I laughed.

“Madam Gorillas like us are neither scared of the China plague, nor do we “die” that easily. We find a way somehow always!”

(me writing this to you is prime proof of that)

FWIW, the reason I didnt chat with her a while was I thought she was upset at me for some silly reason or the other. Apparently I was too focused on her legs, and she said “you always have sex on the mind!” (that was NOT why I was asking, hehe  yours truly celibate says so! or maybe not, lol) … and she flew into a huff, and we let that hang there.

Like the Bozo’s … ah, but forget him.

But anyway, my friend.

Always remember one thing.

Sometimes, rarely, there will be radio silence from me instead of 10 emails a day. Hehe.

But it wont be because I chose not to send you any. If I do ever choose that route, I’ll tell you first!

But I dont think it’ll happen. Hehe. Hasn’t in ten plus years, dont see it happening now!

But … sometimes, certain things happen, and the emails etc dont get sent out, and so be sure tobookmark and check this page regularly for updates i.e. the blog pages on both sites, because all emails are posted there!

Anyway, the other reason is of course the book.

I’ve been training super hard, super frequently, and putting together some great, great workouts for you in Lumberjack Fitness, my friend.

You’ve never ever seen anything like this from me before.. trust me on that one.

And therefore, the price on this one … you got it.

Only for the super serious.

And super alive. hehe.

Remember, my friend, train the way I advocate, and you’ll not only look and feel young forever, but you’ll never pass on or so it’ll seem!

And you’ll probably forsee it before you do anyway!

Ok, enough on that front.

Go here to place preorders for the book now and remember, 20% discount locked in too but only if you take action NOW (the way to do that is to contact me and Ill have it locked in for you).

I’ll have a sales button on the page too soon .

For now ,just contact me and we’ll have your preorder booked, ready, and SHIPPED ASAP TOO! (once the book gets done, which is between 23 weeks as I can tell from the way things stand).


Rahul  Mookerjee

Arms that look great in Tees and then some!
- Man Im PISSED!

Man oh man am I pissed!

I had a long damned post typed out on the goddanmed mobile phone of all things  which you know how much I hate that damned thing!

But one reason for doing that and the relative radio silence over the past couple of days?

Well, the goddamned so called new laptop I got a couple of years ago finally decided to give up..

And after two plus days of fighting with it, I gave up on it.

Being my trusty Toshiba brand appears still not to be available on the market, and being the replacement laptop I was very ‘kindly’ given by another person _ except guess what half the damn keys dont work1

(you get the picture, eh?)

.. I told her.

She retorted with this.

So what! I have been using it too!

I replied with ‘But your job is point and click! I am a WRITER!!!!!!!!”

That flew straight over her head, of course..

So i figured, back to the damned phone.

except that damn thing got stuck at “uploading post” and never did, and I lost my writing.

I hate that more than anything else. Really!

ANd it’s happened more often since 2020 than I can think of.

John Walker was right when he said …

Technology is great until it works …

Anyway, i couldn’t keep away from writing to you, as you can tell, so this is trial number two.

But with all the phone ing I’ve been doing as of late, I need a workout … a solid one to get rid of (not that I ever had it) turkey neck, dumbphone chin and the like..

This would be a great place to promote Gorilla Grip, the book on pullups, and so forth.

I’ve often said that pullups, my friend, are the best exercise not just for the best looking arms in Tees, but also overall chest, shoulder, and trap and back strength and health. from the inside out.

And I’ll say it again on this POS laptop I’ve got right now as a replacement it is!

But here’s the point (Oh, by the way on a Gorilla note I spoke to HER today. The Gorilla Girl Sophia! Remember her? “How much you have in your bank balance!” was the first question she asked me.. And the second? “You look like a gorilla! Big and strong!” ) ….

…. While pullups definitely still are what I’d recommened, perhaps even the best damn exercise ever, and definitely BRIDGING – there is another one that fits the bill so well.


There is, my friend, or there are few better exercises to realign, stretch and STRENGTHEN and SHAPE BEYOND BELIEF than this old, forgotten exercise!

And those that do  it dont do it correctly at all (these days).

Believe me , some of the form I’ve seen on Joo Tube for this one is godawful you might as well NOT do the exercise if you jerk through it the way some of these dudes do!

Anyway, as you feel the clicks, clacks, things realigning, loosening up, as you feel your core and back and lats stretch, pump and strengthen like never before and nothing else you’ve ever done, you’ll wonder two things.

first, Rahul, why didnt you put this out earlier!

And Second, Rahul thank for putting out this great and never seen before info!

Truly, my customers are ALL waiting with BATED BREATH FOR THIS ONE.

While laptops and such are one reason that this one is getting delayed, the other and even truer reason is i keep on finding MORE AND MORE TO PUT IN THIS BOOK!

Damn it’s thats good!

And its something that YOU my friend should be wanting to get NOW and be waiting for with bated breath.

Naturally, this comes at a price. And that price is steep, my friend.

A handsome price as I wrote in the last book, and with handsome results.

This one is truly only for the REAL DOERS out there.

And it doesnt just have training with Indian clubs. It has training with many other implements and tools all detailed on the sales page for the book, implements that work your core for one like never before.

Though nothing works them quite like clubs do, except another toy I got that I’ll write about later.

But anyway, remember, the price for this one?

it sure won’t go down it might go UP though.

so if YOU are truly serious, if youve got what it takes, bro, then run over HERE and place your order for the book now or the preorder, I should say, because it locks in the price for YOU plus the 20% discount as well.

And we all want that discount, hehe.

Go here NOW and place the preorder … well, contact me to do so!

And I’ll be back soon, hopefully.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS at least it’s easier to put in links in this wonky laptop than the blasted dumbphone.

Clickety Clack “My God Magnum” Cardio with Mugdars
- Oh my god ... MAGNUM!

Yes, Magnum.

Not so much the Magnum beer I drank so much in the day which packs a punch, but right now, I’m feeling “fuzzy headed” as if I had a case of it (my friend Ricky used to get ’em for me from his story,hehe).

“Madam” Dani brought up the feeling fuzzy headed. I think she had too much to drink a few days ago.

But yours truly is feeling that way now, along with a deep sweat – and perhaps most importantly and surprisingly even for me, a stretch and “worked to the bone” feeling all along my spinal erectors and lower back … and legs – and hamstrings!

all of this, in a 10 minute workout blast – no more.

None of that might seem strange to those of you on the 0 Excuses Fitness System, Advanced Hill Training, or any of my systems.

But when you consider ALL I did – I repeat, ALL – no pull-ups, no pushups – all I did was train with Indian clubs “patented Rahul Mookerjee Indian workouts” as I mention in the book – and Hindu squats (and not even the advanced jumping version I’ll detail in Advanced Plyometrics – coming soon) . . . you may be a tad surprised.

It was intense cardio, except a deep form of intense cardio, not unlike the cardio you get from sprints, but different in a strength training sort of manner.

And my forearms – I can barely type right now.

My right shoulder went clickety clack throughout the workout – in a good way.

Back in the day, the Chinese massueses would do it and giggle as I squealed in pain as the Bozo so often does when they dug their fingers deep, deep in (Bozo knows all about that, hehe).

Now, you could damn near “press” all day, you wouldn’t hear a peep outta me, but occasionally, things still need to be reset – clickety clack!

What I didnt do i nthis workout –

No long Battletank Shoulders routines!

No sprints

No Isometrics. (though I did some later)

No warm ups whatsoever ..

NO wasted time in the 10 minutes, unless you consider the 3 or so of rest …

No jumping rope, though I thought about doing so at the end of it!

And so forth.

What I did do was train with mugdars the way I’ll teach you in Lumberjack Fitness, and do Hindu squats, and I’m hammered and torched.

I’ll be doing pull-ups with thick gripz later!

But for now, I thought I’d tell you that YOU, my friend, can get super cardio and strength x 1000 in an all in one workout with the exercises and routines in Lumberjack Fitness – coming in approximately two weeks or so.

I’ve even got the sales page up (finally).

Whent hat happens, a book normally follows very quickly!

Go HERE to place your pre-orders (remember, all pre-orders get an auto 20% off discount).

but remember, two weeks isn’t set in stone.

Might be earlier, might be a tad later, but thats the deal, and thats the general time frame.

The only two things in life that are certain, as they say, hehe are death (passing on as I like to call it) and taxes.

But rest assured, the book is on the way – – I just keep adding new stuff to it, and plus I want the pictures and descriptions to be even more spot on than my other books – perfection x 100 if that makes sense because training with heavy stuff – well, this sort of stuff, especially odd objects that feel a ton heavier than they are – you NEED IT!

Speaking of taxes. I just got done filling in a few IRS forms.

Online for last year.

Now, it’s time to print some out for some back taxes I’m owed, hehe.

All fun and joy, but for now drenched shirt – so I’m off to shower – soon!

See you soon – remember to place your pre-orders for the book here!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There is a reason I put this under “extreme” on the products page, hehe. Certainly ain’t for the uninitiated!

The hidden – not really – muscle that benefits SO much from Indian clubs
- And heavy - or light - training with them!

I spoke about a special workout yesterday, did I not?

A special “Indian clubs – cum – pull-up” workout (with lots of leg work thrown in!)

And handstand pushups to boot, but it was comprised of mostly Indian club work – and pull-ups!

I mentioned many benefits of club training in that email including the parts of my body that were literally “singing” if you get my drift after that workout.

I mentioned shoulders – which is what everyone thinks of when it comes to clubs – and joints, ligaments and tendons that not so many people think of . . .

Then I mentioned lats, and how they felt more swollen than ever both after and during the workout.

I mentioned TRAPS as well .

And of course, grip, forearm and by extension – biceps.

The parts of the body everyone thinks of, but I omitted to mention two very important parts of the upper /mid body that most people neglect or don’t even think of.

When it comes to arms … most forget the … that is right, the triceps.

And core, of course, in favor of the six pack hoopla nonsense.

yet, my friend, it’s a fact that along with lats, grip and upper back – it’s a must to have a strong fat free CORE to effectively perform Indian club training.

Yes, this holds true for pushups and pull-ups too!

But those exercises require a strong core – and a LEAN CORE more than any other exercise, while club training – yes, it will fry the fat off your midsection if you do it right, but it requires even more strength and stability throughout the midsection, hips and lower back if you do it (to do it) RIGHT.

Form, my friend, is paramount.

And like I said yesterday – start with a weight that seems lighter than light, because you aint gonna believe how heavy it feels once you actually start training with it.

This, of course holds true for maces as well if you have access to them, and they make a great complement to club training, but shouldn’t ever replace clubs.

Second, triceps.

In “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks” I mention several supplementary exercises you should do to get good at pull-ups (to improve your pull-up performance).

Make no mistake about it, while training the pull-up itself is key, you cannot ignore those other exercises, because they work the upper back and core heavily – and the traps.

It isn’t for nothing i keep saying the following –

Improve your pushups, and the pull-ups will follow (specifically, handstand pushups!).

And no, as I’ve mentioned repeatedly, and have given examples from my own training too – getting good at – damn good – at pull-ups doesnt guarantee you’re a stud at pushups, or can even do them in great numbers.

The other way of course, is almost a given if you train pull-ups as well.

And today, as I sit here typing this to you, almost 24 hours after the last mini club workout I had yesterday, my triceps are probably the SOREST of them all.

I’m REALLY feeling it today!

So I went light today.

But there is a reason you see mammoth arms on most people that train with heavy clubs, my friend.

Nothing taxes the shoulders and upper body quite like it!

And more on that in Lumberjack Fitness, whenever it does come out.

For now, I’m out.

Feast yourself on THIS course in terms of upper body though (for now) – and THIS ONE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Note – Neither one of those two above courses should be gotten unless you’ve already gotten, and gotten damn good at course #1 in the series i.e. Shoulders like Boulders. Rome wasn’t built without a foundation, neither was a skyscraper, nor will Shoulders like Boulders!

Mudgars, pull-ups … and thick gripz!!
- As if I needed the latter!

For those that dont know, the “mudgar” is another way to (if i’ve got it right) – – refer to … “joris”.

Indian clubs, which come in all sizes, shapes and forms (pun not intended) – and that old time strongmen and Indian wrestlers (and Persian, Iranian etc) have been training with for ages.

In addition to what I teach in the 0 Excuses Fitness System as the very bedrock of their training i.e. without those, you might as well not do the rest – they do LOTS of club swinging and training.

Some of these damn things are heavy!

Let me tell you, picking up a 40 kg mudgar feels so NOT like picking up the same thing dumbbell wise.

Ditto for maces, which are even tougher.

And as I sit here writing to you, after a patented Rahul Mookerjee workout which WILL be included in Lumberjack Fitness (yet another reason for the book delay? There’s just so much to put in it!!) . . . this one includes three things.

Pull-ups, thick grip clubs, and FAT gripz!

Most of you won’t need the third.

Most of you will be doing goo djust to get past the prelim stages of swinging – and not with 10 kg weights as I used for this one.

When you start out, for some of these swings, you “accomplished weightlifters out there” will find it interesting that even FIVE kilos feels like a veritable behemoth when done right.

True, you can and should work up to more, but dont get carried away by what you see on YouTube etc – those guys have been training for years and years.

I mean, even yours truly finds a 40 something kg mace damn near impossible to swing around …

Grip wise, I’m FRIED.

Try thick gripz + regular thick grip!

And pull-ups when you do Indian clubs.

You’ll feel the lats worked to the bones, and your entire back as well in a way no other exercise, not even handstand pushups can work it.

Your entire chest, shoulder clavicles etc – will all open up.

You’ll build strength in areas you never knew existed.

You’ll develop a grip of steel, and ligaments of rebar.

Injuries, if any, will be a thing of the past.

These are just a few reasons why the old timers and wrasslers trained with Mudgals, and a few reasons why YOU should do so!

More in the book, of course!

But for now, feast yourself on progression number THREE in the “Shoulders like boulders!” series – “Profound 70% Gorilla, 30% Handstand” book.

And on the second progression in the book on pull-ups i.e. “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD – within weeks!

Remember, if you ain’t gotten DAMN good at the books that come before, then do that first before getting the ones above.

And I’m out. Thought I’d give you a bit of a low down on my training today …

… and also, ever notice these days that anything yo uorder online these days has some issue or the other?

Like you order 5, only 3 show up …

Or, you get a two for one special offer, and gleefully buy, only to see ONE shows up.

I wonder what some of these sellers think i.e. “scrimp and save a buck”?

Then they get back to me begging not to leave poor feedback!

Just sad, what things have come to, but these mudgars – great stuff!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You trap training fanatics will love the pummeling your traps get from these workouts!

Why Nazi feminism is a plague that needs to be rooted out asap – #2
- Number two in the series!

It does, my friend – and I wrote about this before.

If I were to boil it down into three key reasons?

One, it encourages laziness, and forces the vast majority of sheeple out there to think “thats the way it is” and therefore pander to it.

Two, it encourages dependence and a “nanny mindset” i.e. I dont need to do anything but it’ll be done for me “entitlement” kinda mindset. UGH!

Three, there is no goose and gander concept.

Not only that, they’ll hit at the one weak spot you have – because thats all they CAn do.

If thats a weak spot you can rectify as a man, you better do so.

But there are some things you cannot rectify, my friend, such as a man being forced either by direct choice or indirect to leave his young family “to go for work abroad” or some other stuff (it happens more than people care to acknowledge) … and women then weaponizing the very kids against the man that he sends money “home back for”.

That is just one real life example (not mine – despite all the stuff I write about Nazi feminism, and it’s true – I speak from personal experience – my kid never has  or will be weaponized against me.

Though plenty of attempts have and are currently being made, hehe, shes just too smart for that).

Credit, of course, goes to Dad for utilizing the power of the subconscious (and no, no amount of Joo TUbe goggling will get you there – itll kill the subconscious and your access to it, more like, faster than almot anything else will except drugs and lack of exercise, perhaps).

But anyway, I recently asked my wife something about servicing her vehicle.

Since her current claim on our so called relationship is “two strangers” (although I gotta pay anyway – HA!), I asked her if she’d service a vehicle thats like a year overdue (a vehicle yours truly bought for her).

“I dont know”

“I dont have fixed income”

And so forth.

(because of course, if the vehicle conks out – specifically, the engine, then it’s my money that goes down the commode, not hers)

Yet, when SHE wants something, she finds a way to get it – and it ain’t by borrowing from anyone either, despite her constant (when I didnt have money) tantrums about “you give me nothing!” (when I did) …

It’s by saying the following.

“Rahul gives us nothing!”

The “us”, of course, is my daughter and her – an indirect way of weaponizing the daughter against me, which I call out all th etime.

I’ve been called a deserter too – by the very person who deserted ME when I needed it the most.


Women, my friend, will go to any lengths to usurp the male – if you let them!

And while you might think financial independence and earning more is the ticket, it ain;t – there’s tons of cuckolded men out there who earn a boatload and are yet subservient to their women who do (or should I say “their men”) exactly “F all” in the grand scheme of things.

As Charles once rightly noted about the dishes piled up in the sink at his place.

“She doesnt do shyttttttttttt!”

And when backed by other and even more toxic Nazi feminists, guess what happens.

Charles and I currently might not agree on a lot of things, but what he told me in 2019 …

Women will give you AGGRAVATION compounded.

Or, what a great customer confided in me –

Women are nothing but wind up artists.

Or, another great one from Greece …

“I agree with what you say about women. I’ve had problems with them too in the past!”

Those points above get amplified until the time men start to believe thats how it is and there is no other way, and the women then call them pathetic anyway.

Know whats pathetic?

Ah, but I’llget into that later.

It was a blast from the past, but it’s lengthy, I’ll explain it later.

For now, remember, if you’re a man – living A-LONE is the best way to do it!

I mean really, if you’ve gotta pay, if you’re on the hook for everything, if you get the short end of the stick no matter what – and she gets … well, to laze around and do not much else than the bare minimum when all proof is there of YOU doing way more than that and busting your butt, then where is the point?

Maybe some men like that.

Actually a lot do.

Bozo Schofield loves it, except he ain’t got the cash to back his talk up.

More on the upcoming book on it – it’s gonna be HUGE.

For now, feast yourself on the latest two books we put out – Profound “70% Gorilla 30% Human” handstands book – and Isometric and Flexibility TRaining – two of our latest SMOKING hot “not quite off the presses, but almost” books …

(Oh, edit – as promised – guys, please, please leave REVIEWS for the above two – even Amazon just emailed me about it! Hah)

Oh, and women wanting maids (remember, the very so called feminists who want women to do “F all” then curiously enough want FEMALE HELP!) … dont even get me started on the LAZINESS OF IT ALL!

(no it ain’t about female empowerment, its about the fact these women know they can get more work for less out of other women than men)



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’m waiting for the Bozo Nazi feminists to claim “I’m learning all this from the Gurus”.

No I ‘m not.

If anything, yours truly is the Guru on these things, and has been for quite a while. My friend Charles once asked me if I could explain the true meaning of the word “cuckold” to his girlfriend Kate (with reference to a third person I won’t name here).

(not the sexual meaning you can get off the dictionary).

Anyway, Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once made the following comment.

In 2018.

“You’re dealing with extreme gynarchy”.

Which is true, except it wasn’t quite as extreme as it gets, and I didnt let it get to the point where…. HA!

What he meant was the same thing.

Anyway, more in the book. I was going to say something, but I forgot. I’ll add it in later if I remember!

PPS – Oh, an hour or so later, I remembered something I was going to tell you, but forgot.

My Dad once asked me wearily about the “fights” I’d get into in school (most of which ended up with my butt getting whooped either at school, and when I did beat the shit out of certain Bozos, I got beaten up at home – that make any sense?? I dont think so, especially considering I’ve always been the “skinniest kid in high school!”).

Sometimes he’d say “the police should be called in to beat me with an iron rod”, lol.

Think about (the mental effect) that might have on an already not so confident young lad …

but anyway, the funny part was when he once wearily asked me about “Are you the ring leader in school or are they, I dont know!”

Well, I didnt answer at the time. Hehe.

But, the answer is there were no gangs I was a part of despite being accused of it.

And second, yours truly hasn’t ever followed anything or anyone. Led? Hell yeah. FOllower? NOt for me!

The lying flat culture in China, and why it’s shallow and FAKE – and why it’s unfair to pin the blame on China alone.
- Indeed!

I wrote about that Russian dude, (well, he looks like a girl to be quite frank!) who became famous on Sissy-gram a while back for being a lazy phock and not doing a job he was paid to do on a Chinese TV show or something.

Admittedly apparently he was forced into it or something, so I dont blame him …

But he’s the archetypical simp – and a LAZY one at that – the look of which just revolts me to the core, but what revolts me more?

His laziness was celebrated!

It wasnt “OK, I was forced into this, so lets leave – by hook, or by crook, and get back to doing what I WANT TO”.

It was “I’ll leave, and go back to posting pictures of myself in my pink pajamas lying on the bed weeping and probably complaining of prostrate issues or what not while peeing in my diapers (this is a true story!) until Sissy-gasm bans me. Until then I’ll pick up EZ money, and I’ll roll in it, after that, its back to pissing and moaning”.

IT just sickens me, my friend.

Not just the laziness, but the utter stupidity of these people.

And the “lying flat” culture popular in China is much like this.

Apparently they’ve already decided that despite Tom Tomming Xi Jingping till the heavens, and threatening to wreak and rain hell and havoc upon any foreign devil that doesn’t kneel to his (not) highness (some idiot in China even wrote a poem about “the Great Leader’s back!” and so obseqious it was that he was trolled even by Chinese netizens about it as in , UGH) . . . (he was part of the xinhua team, so in all fairness Xit-ler probably mandated that be written!) (much like Mao) . . . despite the hoo haa about “China is the only country thats every right, every other country in the world is WRONG!” – despite playing the victim card repeatedly, Tom tomming their so called success in the plague (its back with a vengeance now) when THEY created the damned thing in the first place … . despite all this, they don’t follow one key dictum Xi Jinping would like them to do, that being …

Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Even if it’s at trolling. Hehe.

or whatever your calling is!

No, these idiots seem to find solace in complaining and making themselves accept the so called fact that “you’ll work all your life, yet not be able to afford a house”, or “theres no point working”, and some such nonsense.

Now if they said the hell with the rat race, and thats that, I’d understand.

Here’s the thing though.

Though they say that, they dont mean it!

Jackie, a friend of mine inChina recently gave me the spiel about “Oh, you’re so free in China!”

My wife does it all the time i.e. you do nothing an dparty all night is what she tells me!

(I wonder how I live, pay rent, eat, drink all the beer I do, find time to write my books, sell them, create businesses, brands, hehe…)

As Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once said about another guy that said “Rahul, thats not how to do biz!” …

“he’s telling a guy that created not one, but two of his own brands, marketed it succesfully, did it from scratch” …


And spot on.

Anyway, people often give me the “you’re relaxed! I wish I could be too” nonsense.

Then I tell them to do it.

Quit the job, and live life on your own terms.

Some are doing it now – out of compulsion, and pretending they’re doing it “because they want to be free”.

They dont

Because what they obsess about all the time, and it’s funny, even the ads for the “lying flat” culture show it – is —- MONEY!

Yet, they convince themselves they can never have it.

It’s pathetic, and going around in circles like a grade Z Glyn Schofield inspired Donkey.

Donkey Central I should call it …

Give these folks half a sniff at money, and they’ll forget all their “laziness” or lying flat or relaxation or “going back to basics” BS – it’s all about EASY money though!

It’s just … I dont know, it’s hypocritical, shallow and pathetic.

And it would be unfair to blame just China for it.

People these days globally, and not just young folks are like that. In general.

“doing the bare minimum” seems to be the mantra.

When you tell these morons that “if Jeff Bezos just did the bare minimum, where would he be today” – or anything like that, theyll turn around and try and attack you.

“dont talk about them!”

“They’re driven! You’re not!” (HA! Self projecting!)

“Thats them! Not you!”

It’s OK for them to do it, not you!

Anyway, I dont know if this makes any sense, but it’s just pathetic.

I mean, what do people want – everything on a platter?

Believe me, I wouldn’t want my fitness success on a platter for one – working as hard as I did to get where I am, learning what I did – it wasn’t easy, but I wouldn’t give it up for ANYTHING or anyone.

Oddly enough, or maybe not, it allows me to Tom Tom myself as an expert, or as close to it as possible myself …

Last but not least, to the lying flat guys and gals, they seem to be one and the same these days, I’ll tell you this much.

One thing happens when you lie flat on your back – you get “fucked”.

Simple as that.

Unless you do it as I do – rest – recuperate – within minutes – and then bang – back at it!

I mean really.

Why don’t these idiots start a business of their own?

Or write a book?

Or, I don tknow, cook something decent and figure out how many people like it, and then craft a lifestyle around that?

Because guess what, even putting your heart and soul into something you like, something YOU believe in fiercely though no-one does, might seem to, or whatever – working hard at THAT thing is … guess what .

It’s WORK. Not lying flat on one’s back. Even if you’re the best troll and ass licker in the world (like Glyn) – even that takes some WORK.

Truth is, the laziness and pander to me culture is sickening to the extreme. (an extreme).

There’s so much more to do than “lie flat on one’s back”.

Maybe it’s exactly this sort of people (believe me, it ain’t just China either!) that the Chinese plague was set up to eradicate.

Good times are coming.

If you can wait for ’em!

Anyway, lying flat on your back my friend, doesnt do much for your fitness either.

Lie flat and bench a weight all you like, but that bench won’t help you “pick me up and throw me out of the window” … (we all know who said that. Hehe).

It’s standing on your feet training that works wonders. Simple. Ask the old time strongmen that , they’ll tell you the same thing too!

It’s GRIP, neck and TRAP training that truly IS (well, I wont say more, hehe) as important as breathing …

And it’s training in reverse that really counts – and if you gotta push stuff, do it OVER YOUR HEAD!

And that, my friend is that.

I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You know whats better than an orgasm?

I could go X rated here, sure. There’s tons of things that are, but I’ve detailed that on the other site! Hehe.

I’ll go PG rated – no beer either. (though cold beer sometimes is!).

It’s lying flat on your back … doing nothing …. on a new mattress. Hehe.

Fooled ya, didnt I. No, “thats” not what I meant! LOL.

The Injuries I done picked up over the years, and never complained about (and certainly didnt use as an excuse not to train)
- Period!

I keep getting amazed when I hear the term “niggling injuries” accompanied by a moan or groan or several.

It’s one thing to have injuries – it’ll happen. Thats life!

If you’re a wrestler, boxer, martial artist, or have been one at any level ever, you’ll know what I mean here.

Part and parcel of the game.

I still remember a Steve Austin interview where he was talking about shooting with the incomparable legend Sly Stallone for “The Expendables” (the first one).

Stallone likes to keep things real!

When shooting for Rocky IV, it was truly David vs Goliath – both in reel life – and real life.

And when David got upset that Goliath was’t hitting him hard enough, and that it didnt look real enough on screen, Goliath gave him one to the chest.

Just one solid blow to the chest!

That night, Stallone was in the hospital with a bruised heart muscle. Hehe.

Dolph Lungdren may or may not be a lot of things, but strong he is, even the latest “Creed II” movie he did – that mean punch is still there!

Although the jowls are a bit saggy now, yes …

But that movie has some great training montages.

Weighted pull-ups for one. YES!

Running with a tyre around one’s waist (I think) – yes! Walter Peyton.

Trying to outrun a car in blazing heat and humidity. I can relate!

Those hill climbs, I still remember them so fondly, so vividly, the folks that looked at me like I was NUTS for doing what I did …

Anyway, the injuries.

One, and the worst, of course, the infamous thumb injury that I was told by wrestlers and ex Marines and others in the know (these men are BIG, strapping men with a lifetime or more of real heavy duty weightlifting, physical activity and such – although I dont know, I once asked a friend to weigh a suitcase, he said it was more than 50 kgs, but it ended up at 35 on the scale or so.

That was when I was flying.

You know, those baggage restrictions! One time I was asked to dump clothes out, but the first time I flew out of China, that damn thing was 45 kgs, Cathay allowed 30 at the time.

“You go Hong Kong and they take care!”

(I was doing the ferry thing from the mainland to Hong KOng)

And in Hong Kong “Oh, he from mainland China China! They took care already!”

LOL. The memories, but it’s sad what China has done to vibrant Hong KOng these days. REally sad!!!) …

Anyway, these are men in the know that said “I’d never recover”.

Or it woul d”hurt in the winters” no matter what I did (apparently in the Marines they have some sort of a balm or something to apply to it when the injury happened – believe me, it was nasty, my entire thumb and wrist swole up BIG TIME!) …

Or, “I needed to get it set by the doctor”.

And more of this inanity.

I did none of the above.

And I’m perfectly fine today, with NONE of the niggling pain or what not.

Fingertip pushups, and my WORKOUTS!

IF those tendons had been weak, they’d likely not have recovered right, as it was, they recovered just fine.

And thats why I train a lot with Indian clubs etc, but anyway, thats for a different email.

Then at the age of 17, that time I fell out of a running bus on my hand.

Right hand.

I did all the things I was advised to, and it did “F all” to be honest.

Even went to the doctor, and other than the cold beer I had there, plastering the damned thing up didnt do me a damn bit of good to be honest.

Except to spark Gorilla Grip years down the line.

That hurt – those comments NEVER GO AWAY!

I dont forget, my friend.

Elephant’s memory!


Other than these two, which I’ve talked about a lot – the chin injury. While doing handstand pushups!

I’ve spoken of that too …

But the one I really haven’t mentioned here is the foot injury I picked up while – get this – not sprinting hill – but WALKING – and climbing them like 5-6 times a day.

I got in the best shape of my life.

But it was while doing something from Advanced Hill Training that I picked up the injury – which oddly enough manifested itself as a huge lump on the front (top) of my right foot- but didnt hurt even when I pressed it with all my might.

But it was there. Looked ugly, felt .. like a bone spur or something. Without the pain.

Maybe all the beer and hills deadened the pain, hehe.

But thats what sparked the idea of telling people something they’ve been doing since childhood, but doing WRONG – how to … WALK!

Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way…

Anyway, those are four injuries I picked up right off the bat. I am sure there are tons more.

I’m telling you this not to Tom Tom them, but to tell you that if I recovered just fine, so can you.

As the man himself, one of my best customers and a great guy JOhn Walker said about the “best darn exercise ever”  …

“This exercise made me feel better than anything else has!”

Granted, it’s tough to master.

Or get close to mastering, because one never masters anything … not even the masters …

But the rewards, my friend, are well worth it.

Anyway, train hard – and train right – is the moral of this one.

And build a good base first.

Here is where – and how – to start – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – While putting in the links I forgot to say – do check out the book on inspirational fitness recollections – its a great read, and I bet it’ll inspire YOU as much as it does me, just reading.

Truly, this book will take you BACK in time WITH me as I work out, all on my lonesome, in blazing heat, crushing humidity (so hot that it was a tropical downpour one minute, the next minute your shirt would stick to your back with sweat) …

“This is real hill climbing” as Kelly once told me, hehe, giving me the once over.

“Seems we know each other for a long time!” was what she told me during the first class.

Nah, no romantic anything there, but it was obvious, her life, I Could read it in her eyes!


Anyway, it’ll take you back in time with me on those hot summer afternoons where I’d work out – alone.

It’ll take you back in time to a time wher eI was literally breathing in FIRE it felt like.

It’ll take you back in time to (the Bozo trolled this, hehe) where I used to swim daily …

And much more!

Right here, my friend – right here – 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections – for the price, a great little grab for YOU!

(Remembered this while editing the links etc, so put it in!)

PS #2 – Forgot, Fitness Pioneer – Volume One is being translated into Spanish as we speek, hehe.