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Dear Reader,
So, as I was completing my conditioning routine out there today, I had memories flooding back – of last year, around this time (except perhaps a week or so later I believe it was last year).
Chinese New Year is on in full swing here around this neck of the woods as it were, and last year as I worked out on the hill – I had some of my most memorable experiences in recent times as I took the pictures for Eat More – Weigh Less – a product which quite literally was created in the mayhem of Lunar New Year, if I might say so!
With it, of course are the CROWDS – and that holds true on the hill as well, although most of them aren’t there to work out, of course.
Anyway, the weather is markedly warmer right about now than it was around this time last year. It’s the warmest New Year we’ve experienced in 66 years from what they say in Hong Kong (a short distance away from where I am at) – and it sho does feel like it!
And as I sweated my way up the hill, I saw emergency services and security ready with bottles of water and first aid kits – ready to help if need be.
This isn’t uncommon during “peak times” of the year – I’ve written before about how I’ve seen people literally keel over and faint on that hill – especially during summer.
It’s by no means Everest if you get my drift, but its a pretty darn tough climb even if I say so myself …
And the MAIN reason I see people collapsing isn’t so much exhaustion – as it is heat stroke and DEHYDRATION (the second often exacerbates the first as well).
Once these folks have had a few bottles of H2o (warm, mind you, even in summer – hey – what can I say – this is China!) – they’re usually good to go.
And I’ve venture a guess to say that the main reason they did collapse in the first place was a) lack of prior conditioning and b) more importantly, lack of HYDRATION.
It’s amazing, but true – that the very best “drink” out there for our bodies – and indeed one of the best ways to lose WEIGHT – is nigh ignored, and roundly so.
Folks – and I’ve mentioned this in the Simple and Effective Diet too – a “few sips of water” throughout the day does NOT equate to “proper hydration”.
Most adults in the US and indeed the Western world – and it would seem Asia too these days – are severely dehydrated, and it matters NOT if they exercise on a regular basis or not.
Conventional advice says 8 large glasses of water, and I’ll roll with that if you don’t workout a lot – or at all – but if you workout – and if you engage in INTENSE workouts (as you should) – up that to 10 – or 12 – or more.
Believe me, it can seem very tempting to down a beer – or Coke to quench that thirst – but that is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE! Alcoholic drinks as well as sugary drinks do nothing but dehydrate you further.
As for Gatorade, and other sports drinks – those are goo d- but nothing beats good old water – spring water, if you have access to it.
There was a standing joke when I was young about “Rahul keeping a cup to his lips at all times” – and while it was funny to a degree, I’m glad I do that. I’ve ALWAYS been a huge water drinker, and its one of the reasons I stay as well as hydrated as I do.
The other, of course is green tea, and I am sipping – or guzzling that throughout the day as well.
The very first thing I do upon waking up is guzzle a good 2.5 liters of pure water – and about 1.5 or so AFTER my workout – whether I “feel like it or not”.
It’s a habit – and I keep a bottle of water ready by my bedside when I sleep as well.
YES – it IS that important – and it IS one of the reasons I can perform as well as do during my grueling workouts – and guess what the best part about all this is?
It’s a simple enough “trick” – we ALL have access to clean drinking water, I’d say!
There are other reasons for staying well hydrated and I’ve mentioned some of them in the Simple and Effective Diet. I’ll be getting into this topic in detail more later as well, but for now … it is …
… adios – and I’ll see you tomorrow!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Here is where you can grab your copy of Eat More – Weigh Less – one of the MOST unconventional training manuals out there, but boy does it work …!? You be the judge, my friend- – https://0excusesfitness.com/eatmore-weighless/
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