“You have to do something extraordinary to become successful”
- Indeed - you get out of it what you put INTO IT!

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Back when I wrote all the books for another business venture of mine, I barely did anything but WRITE.

Write, write and write more.

It was a writing fueled BINGE quite literally, and other than the brief times I’d take “out of my schedule” to fit in a quick workout, there was literally nothing else going on in my life other than writing.

I was quite literally, a horse with no BLINDERS ON . . .

And I banged out output that most people would be hard pressed to produce within months, if not YEARS – in weeks, or (and this wasn’t uncommon at all – and isn’t when you’re writing in the flow) – DAYS.

And yes, the books SELL (for those that are wondering).

I’ll reveal more details later, but for now, I was reading an article on a hugely successful Indian cricketer at the TOP of it’s game – quite literally so.

And how he got there is a tale unto itself.

A tale that can be boiled down to two things – PERSPIRATION -and persistence.

Now, for those of you that know my cricket mania (well, sometimes!) may think this is some sort of adult hero worship.

No it aint.

In fact I ain’t a fan of Kohli in many regards, but facts are facts, my friend – and one has to but stop and take one’s hat off at the sheer amount of RECORDS he’s piled up at his (still relatively) young age.

Quite clearly the premier batter in the world by far, but it wasn’t always this way.

This guy was once denied selection to a junior sports team because his Dad wouldn’t pay a bribe.

(And knowing how it works in that neck of the woods there, the story sounds very true to me)

Although Virat had talent at that point he wasn’t exceptional. He had the POTENTAL to be, but wasn’t at that point.

And it was then he realized that mere talent alone doesn’t cut it. You have to produce results – work HARD – harder than anyone else – and be EXCEPTIONAL (in his own words).

And coming from a man that (although he was close to his father) could muster up the COURAGE and channel the inner MAN in him to go chalk out 90 match winning runs for his team the morning after his father breathed his last on a hospital bed, that means something.

Lots of people see the SUCCESS, but they don’t see the HARD WORK that goes on behind the success.

They don’t see the GRIND.

They don’t see the daily STRUGGLE the man or woman is facing.

They don’t see the constant criticism, and carping by family members, and they don’t feel the PRESSURE the person has to BREAK OUT OF THE mould (or the bucket of CRABS) and BE SOMETHING in life on their OWN TERMS.

As Ben Settle, world famous copywriter (now) said in one of his daily blog posts, everyone sees the success, but NOT everyone sees the STRUGGLE and hard work that goes into CREATING that success.

In his own words “that ain’t sexy”, is it now.

And I can relate.

Back when I got into the best shape of my life (something that people have ALL noticed) I realized I was going to have to channel MY INNER MAN in order to even come close to doing so.

And events in my life lined up accordingly.

First, the ONE event that made me REALLY get emotional about it. I’ve written about this before, of course . . .

And then the ACTIONS that came from that event. Things I had never done before, and was amazed I could DO, to be honest.

The human mind literally has NO limitations, my friend, as Napoelon Hill once famously said, and whether that means Rahul Mookerjee the cavemen waking up at 530 to climb hills multiple times, and do so again in the evening, or bang out 500 pushups a day religiously, or whatever it took … or write all day long … I realized the SAME DAMN thing a long time ago.

As my friend from the Marines once told me, “Yes, but … you’re exceptional” (this was with regard to a conversation we were having about Indians, and how some Indians didn’t “fit in” very well into the West, and so forth . . . )

And he’s right, and so is HE.

The spoils in life – and fitness – go to the EXCEPTIONAL, my friend.

And in terms of workouts, it’s the same damned way.

If you don’t workout in an exceptional manner, you ain’t gonna get nowhere real quick, if at all.

Other hand, if you do . . .

The choice, my friend is up to YOU!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I’ve said my part, but I forgot to include the link where you can pick up the guidelines for what will form the base (and a solid one!) for the MOST exceptional workouts you’ll ever have in your life – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – If your kids are driving you insane during the lockdown or cant sleep until the wee hours of the morning, well, here is the course that will have them burning off their energy as they should be – – https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/

P.P.S – Rave reviews are pouring in for Advanced Hill Training. Truly an EXCEPTIONAL course – check it out here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

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