Experience is worth more than a “pound of ham”
- Indeed an interesting way to put it!

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Had an interesting conversation with a person who is a subscriber to the 0 Excuses Fitness mailing list.

He asked me the following on my facebook page (a GENERIC question I get all the time, and one I normally avoid, and yet, I didn’t avoid this one because the vibe coming off it wasn’t near as bad as some of the others I’ve gotten).

“How much do your products or services cost?”

Note that there was nothing about his requirements, if any at all. Just a generic “whats the cost, and everything else be damned” question – something I ABHOR (the attitude, that is).

Anyway, a subscriber is a subscriber, albeit a free subscriber, hehe, so I replied.

Hi Mungo – This page should answer your question – – https://0excusesfitness.com/products/ (as well as this page – https://0excusesfitness.com/membership-account/membership-levels/). For personal coaching and other services the rates are obviously different.

*different on a case by case basis. Hope that helps- Rahul.

(Facebook has what it is, to me at least, a notoriously DIFFICULT system to type and reply in. Hitting Enter, for instance, sends the message and doesn’t put a line break into the message. I’m sure there is a setting I could tweak somewhere, but for now . . . ugh. ).

“okay thank you. What qualifications do you have? I was browsing the site and did not see a detailed bio of your credentials. Could you please tell me more about yourself?”

My antennae went up  once again, but what the heck. I responded as such –

Hi Gary. I don’t have any paper certifications in case thats what you’re asking. Personally I feel that (much like with college degrees) certifications for the most part are about as useful as screen doors on a submarines.

I DO have real life experience (in spades) that WORKS – and really speaking, that is what counts as opposed to meaningless (IMO at least) certifications and the rest. My products and the testimonials I get speak for themselves.

Feel free to browse our testimonial pages and review pages, and let me know your thoughts (as well as what you require) – and we can go from there.

Best, Rahul

To which the response was “I agree! experience is worth more than a pound of ham as we say in the Philippines

An interesting way of putting it Gary I must say, and one I have never heard before. Hehe.

Anyway, this person then went on to ask if I had any samples (remember the girl who wanted samples a short while ago – the girl who didn’t even know what I did, and wanted samples anyway? LOL).

I politely replied that there are NO samples offered, and no freebies, and that is that.

Though he is ON the list, and knows what my style is like.

In his own words (after I said this) –

“i have read some of your blog. you have a very unique style”.

And being this conversation wasn’t going anywhere, I logged off Facebook. After all, someone that is truly interested in buying will either buy – or ask GENUINE questions as opposed to rot about certifications etc.

Not saying they don’t matter, but real life experience as this person himself said, trumps ALL.

Anyway, this brings to mind what a friend of mine the “Chat Master Incarnate” if you remember, hehe, had said once about certifications.

Actually, he had asked me if I was certified, and I replied with NO, I’m not.

And he agreed.

“Yes, they aren’t necessary. But most people out there want certifications so even though they don’t really matter, I’m gonna get one anyway”.

And more power to him for doing that. My brotha from anutha motha as it were, hehe.

But as for yours truly, NO, I ain’t gonna get no certifications no matter what, and no matter how many people ask, or want.


Because they ain’t required.

REAL life, learning gotten from being in the TRENCHES and them some is what I offer, my friend. I deliver results, and then some. And while I understand that certifications (the useless paper ones, hehe) are more important to some people than results (and that’s fine); if that’s the sorta coach you want, then that ain’t me my friend.

Not by a country mile it ain’t.

When you sign up for my coaching, for instance, you don’t get to be molly coddle and handheld as is becoming the norm these days.

No, it’s more like a cranky Sergant General that wakes up on the wrong side of the bed regularly barking out orders, but does he get you in SHAPE – and HOW – and quick?

Heck yes!

And yes, that part of it is an exaggeration, but this here fitness coach (or instructor) has a “very unique style indeed” (as the person I’m talking about put it)

Take it or leave it, that is how I am – but if you want results, pure, unvarnished results without all the BS – delivered to you in a brutally honest manner – well – I’m your MAN then!

And that’s that for now.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is the very best fitness system there is on the planet – the 0 Excuses Fitness System

P.S #2 – Advanced Hill Training is flying off the shelves as we speak. Damn good thing I stopped listening to the fools that complained about “it being too advanced” and renamed the course (back) anyway. ‘Tis how it is my friend, and it flat out WORKS. Get your copy right now – right HERE.

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