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Oh boy.
One of my recent pieces (not on this site) really seem to have blown up . . .
I seem to have touched more of a chord than I normally do.
And what do I mean?
Well, I wrote a piece about why I’m NOT interested in learning Chinese (even if it were to be for free) and specifically outlined the reasons why.
Specifically (and I’ll include the link to the article at the bottom of this piece) for all to read (if they so want) because #1, we as human beings tend NOT to value what we’re given for free.
And second, and more importantly, because these requests (or should I say “pester sessions”) usually come in the form of requests from people that add me on wechat and don’t know me from Adam . . .
Its like some girl will add me on wechat – try and flirt with the usual B.S. questions, and then show up with the usual and expected “I’ll teach you Chinese, and you teach me English”
The “for free” part isn’t really mentioned there though. And what isn’t mentioned either is that for whatever reason I’m not interested in learning Chinese (the article details why) – and I don’t see why I have to in order to be politically correct and become a China tom tommmer like a lot in mainland China appear to be.
Hey, if you want to teach for free, or learn the language, by all means go and do it, but I don’t want to. For good or bad, that’s just how it is, and badgering up and down won’t make me learn it any quicker . . .
Anyway, that’s pretty much the gist of the article.
And judging by the responses (there is a looooong thread devoted to this very article alone on Facebook, curiously enough split in half – half the people from groups other than those in mainland China “liking” the post and those in the country spewing their brand of venom on me).
To put it in perspective, I normally get a fair number of hits or responses as soon as I post an article on Medium (which is where I posted this for whatever reason).
From those that follow me there. From those on Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media (Facebook as well).
But when I look at the “skyscraper” for this piece – oh boy. It seems like the Status of Liberty towering over all the rest of the “people” that are craning their necks to get a good look in . . .
I’ve got all sorts of responses over the past few hours (I should actually say 24 odd hours) ranging from “this sounds like a redneck has written it” to the “westerners only come to China to date younger women and sometimes kids!” (brilliant fella – I did a piece up on just that a while ago but probably forgot to share it) to “this piece is needless edgy” (apparently someone thought I should tone it down) to “you’re racist! Chinese hate westerners too!”
And other such associated tripe, mostly from people that hadn’t bothered to READ any of the article.
Except one dude who got it spot on, right at the very top of the thread.
“What he’s saying is you don’t have to teach English for free” (he got in a bit of a dig at me, but hey, all good – that was the only person that actually READ the article before commenting, so kudos. The rest all took one look at the headline and off it was to the races).
(Edit – and another, as I write this – who responded with “real talk”. FWIW, there are just too many comments to keep up with, so I’ll update this ‘as we go along’, hehe).
(And another who very thoughtfully threw in a spammy offer for a VPN) . . .
And I sit here drinking my very Chinese puh-er tea, I see a number of new people signed up to my email list.
Seven actually, as of now (and that isn’t surprising to say the least; happens like clockwork every time, hehe).
And of course, sales are shooting through the roof as we speak (type, hehe) as are SITE VISITS.
And I also see a fact for what it is – when you say it like it – expect to be “hated” – especially if what you’re saying is true and cuts right through to the core.
I saw no-one addressed the following –
Why someone would add me out of the blue and demand I teach them English for free.
Why someone would want to pester me to learn their language when I don’t pester them to learn mine.
And why someone would get their knickers in a twist about an article that while admittedly written when I was ticked off (and no I ain’t gonna delete it either) doesn’t really contain much other than FACTs. Hey, I even provided screen shots for those that don’t believe . . .
Apparently none of that was OK for the politically correct lot.
And that figures.
I posted the same thing across a bunch of different social media accounts and other a few nods of the head and agreements (and the occasional squabble), not really a whole heck of a lot.
Other hand, groups in mainland China . . . and, well, you get the point.
Anyway there’s an important lesson to be learnt here for you marketers and those of you who sell anything out there – that being when you put yourself out there – be prepared to be hated and then some.
Donald Trump for one is roundly castigated darn near every time he says something on Twitter, and yet, if there’s anyone that looks likely to serve a further four years as the most powerful man in the world –it is HIM.
It’s as I’ve said MANY TIMES over – the nail that sticks out usually gets hammered the first, hehe. Except what isn’t mentioned in that quote it also gets the most VIEWS . . .
(and really – people only piss and moan and take pot shots if something truly hits home – and by chance, I posted it in a facebook group full of expats in China (a lot of them despite what they say would rather be anywhere right now but in the Chinese mainland)).
And that’s how it goes with fitness as well ,my friend.
From the missionaries that demand to know “why I’m exercising my body and not brain” (when I do pull-ups) to the jokers that routinely want selfies with me (while I’m working out) and so forth . . . if you’re doing something worth while doing which the rest of the sheeple aren’t – well – prepare to be called out – and then some.
And that’s that from “red necks ville” (never thought I’d be called that. Cowboy yes, but redneck? Ah well. Always a first time, hehe). I’l be back soon!
Best (and yours in crankiness, hehe) –
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – In case you’re interested in the secret “redneck” methods of fitness that got me (and will get YOU as well) into the best shape of your life – then go HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
(Hey, I just got a new idea. “Top Secret Redneck ways to get FIT and dump the jobs you don’t like FOREVER” . . . LOL, sorry, but I had to say it!)
P.S #2 – Here is the link to the article for those interested – https://medium.com/@0excusesfitness/why-i-aint-interested-in-learning-chinese-even-for-free-for-that-matter-b2a24d3dd658 (should work – if not let me know).
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