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I’ll never know what prompted me to finally quit smoking at the age of 24.
Perhaps it was (or maybe it was 25, but either one) the fact that I could barely climb a flight of stairs or so without getting out of breath (much like the bozos I often write about that build boobies (and ogle them, hehe) in the gym but when it comes to real world functional strength fall FLAT on their face) .. or the fact that I was, I dont know. Just tired of it.
I think it was the latter.
But most of all, I think I wanted “a change”.
A challenge. To prove to myself that I COULD DO IT!
Like Dr K at college said, “you need a challenge. These Mickey Mouse classes won’t cut it for you!”
(He was referring to Calculus classes etc which I aced without going to class and showed up drunk for exams et c(not that anyone knew of that, hehe) while the rest tried tried, tried and apparently still couldn’t “get it”)).
But he was right, really.
People like me and I hope YOU Too, reading this, need to be CHALLENGED.
Now, smoking was one of those things I had tried to quit before.
No less than THREE times.
Of course I was never quite at the point where I had to have my morning smoke or not be able to take a dump.
Some guys say they can’t take their morning dump without a smoke.
Apparently the “pressure doesn’t build” or some such rot …
Anyway, chuckles aside , or not, the point is this – when I quit – I just put my foot down and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
I quit from two packs a day to COLD TURKEY.
Now, one person I know had this to say about my quitting.
According to him I didnt “inhale the smoke all the way into my lungs and therefore quit easily”.
Somehow I doubt that, with all the ill effects on my health, and the fact that I tried quitting thrice, but couldn’t!
Anyway, point being this – and unfortunately it’s sure to inflame and INFURIATE a lot of you reading this, but here goes!
Lots of gurus talk about the “doing it slowly” practice when quitting a habit or forming new ones.
Work up to it, the theory goes.
Do something today – a little more tomorrow – and then befor eyou know it, within 24 days or whatever it’s become a habit.
I’ve found that a good way to PROGRESS at things.
And truth be told, most people are so scared of change that telling them that is probably a good thing, because at least it gets them off their lazy asses and DOING something (the something every day thingy).
But in terms of smoking, and many other things, it don’t work that way.
You just have to do it – cold turkey.
Same thing for those that are alcoholics. Or druggies. Or addicted to their morning coffee. Or what not.
You simply just do it.
And pleasant surprise?
Once I decided to just do it and quit the ill effects weren’t near as bad as I thought (feared) they would be!
The tobacco industry has done a pretty good job of convincing most of us that it’s easier to keep smoking than quitting!
Sure, it was tough the first couple of days. But it got easier. And at no point was I not “not able to take a dump”, hehe.
TMI, perhaps, but hey. It’s what happens in people’s lives!
Fitness wise, same damned thing.
You just drop the excuses, and DO it.
If you keep saying pushups are too tough, or pull-ups are, then they’ll get tougher.
Key is to TAKE A STAND.
Put your foot down – even if it’s a grossly swollen foot as mine was back in the day for a few days due to (I suspect, since the good doc wouldn’t even look at it!) being grossly overweight.
Of course, that went away on it’s own too, so who knows.
But really. Put your foot down – draw a line in the sand – and just start to just DO IT.
The results may surprise yo, my friend!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I look forward to the “infuriated”, straight from the heart responses cussing me out for saying”just do it”. I know, I know. Doesnt sound good. But thats how you do it, my friend. You just do it like Nike and anyone ever succesful ever did!
PS #2 – Learn how I went from ZERO to HERO – from DUD to STUD (and then super stud) levels at the pull-up by investing inmy course on it right here – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!
PPS – Here is another one of those trollish reviews that Bozo Scofield left. Really. I can’t stop chuckling …
(and thank him enough, probably too, hehe).
The author claims to share how he can be a stud, I thought I would try it. My days would start at 3am with me walking 20 miles a day, and doing 25 laps of the swimming pool at the complex. The rest of the time, I was doing volunteer work or working with the local authorities. I was just a typical Tom Tom! I wanted to be a stud like Rahul who has no friends or sex life. Sure enough, the book was utterly drivel. I asked for my money back but Rahul launched into a campaign of threats. He is obviously a loner and we hope he will get help.
(had to mention that since the “Stud” part pissed the Bozo off, whose obviously anything but. He could do with a steady diet of cornflakes tho so the “pressure builds” and he takes that long overdue dump rather than dumping it on all “paper”, hehe).
(as for the rest of the drivel, I’ve addressed it before – including how he supposedly bought it from Amazon, and then supposedly asked yours truly for a refund. And copied the part about walks and swim from a “free” section of the book I put out to my list. Indeed one of a kind is the Bozo-nator, hehe.)
(But really – get the book – check out the HONEST reviews from REAL customers – you’ll love the book, I guarantee!)
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