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I was going to go out this afternoon to the park to do bear crawls for whatever reason (the choice of workout) – but I didnt.
Instead, the urge hit me to do it indoors, and this urge was STRONGER than the lure of the great outdoors (although I might go out soon – that grass and sun – can’t be beat!)
For now though, I Wanted to do what you guys, stuck indoors due to inane lockdowns or other nonsense may not be able to do (or, in a setting I should say that you CAN do what I did).
I headed to the living room. An area which I could traverse in a few steps.
It’s choc a bloc full with sofas, and clothes dryers, and everything in between.
See the 0 Excuses Fitness VIDEOS for more on that, hehe.
But anyway, I did two minutes worth of CONTINOUS bear crawling around, and oh boy.
I’m buzzing in a way even handstands don’t make me buzz.
My entire body feels great. Evern greater than a few minutes ago!
The bear crawl is truly a superior strength and conditioner, but the feel good factor is ignored my friend.
Big mistake.
And just why do bear crawls make you feel so great – so quick?
First, they stretch the entire body – especially the hamstrings and calves which no-one ever seems to stretch, and they dont do it right when they do it.
And I’ve spoken GALORE about how stretching these much ignored parts of your body should be a key part of your training regimen, not just strength wise but feel good wise!
Second, the AB work from the inside out.
If you have trouble “going”, watch out, hehe. You WILL be going shortly after these!
Third, and most importantly, even getting into this position is tough for most people – let alone MOVE around.
Fourth, I did these in a way I mention in Animal Kingom Workouts. An advanced manner, which you CAN work up to if you try. And again. My abs, lats and traps are sore from less than a minute of this.
Fifth (do you really need any more reasons??), animal like workouts, and these workouts make you feel great because they MIMIC how you are SUPPOSED To move – naturally!
Sure, we were not meant to move around on all fours in that we’re “bipeds”, but it doesnt do any harm to do so!
And last, but not least, if you’re complaining about lack of space?
Well, first, don’t. Example above!
Second, here’s the point.
Done isometrically, these make you feel equally great!
Just hold the downward dog position of the Hindu pushup for a minute or so, and you’ll see what I mean my friend.
And thats what I’m talking about!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Be sure and pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts right here. They’ll stretch – STRENGTH – and CONDITION – and whoop your ass into SHAPE – like NOTHING ELSE WILL! The bear crawl is but ONE of the exercises in the 68 exercises mentioned, and thats not even getting into the actual workouts themselves!
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