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I had a dream last night. Which isn’t anything out of the ordinary, of course, for yours truly.
Yours truly “seer” has had deceased family relatives show up in dreams warning him of dangers ahead that DID happen (and that I foolishly did NOT prepare for).
On MORE than one occasion, my dreams have , in their unique and symbolic way PREDICTED – the future!
I didnt know people that appeared in those dreams from Adam – or Eve.
Yet, I met ‘em. Sometimes weeks later, sometimes earlier, but it happened.
Anyway, there was a TIGER last night – stalking me through the “forest” (though it was an urban jungle!).
A crappy urban jungle at that, hehe. Sort of like “El Honduras” if you get my drift …
And the tiger – there were three of them, actually, were chasing some sort of weird “black headed” massive beast.
One of them finally got it.
The second was running uphill at the speed of KNOTS after more prey.
Yours truly and another person were in the way so we jumped out and “hid” in an alleyway waiting for the tigers to go their own way.
Except, it didnt.
I felt a bit of a tickle behind me.
Looked behind.
It was the tiger!
And as it roared, that mighty roar, I could see the FANGS!
And it went to town on the other person as I took off like lightning, hehe.
What happened after that isn’t of interest to this communication, but I’ve often written about how tigers are at the VERY TOP of the food chain, and how lions are BY NO MEANS the king of the jungle.
Lions don’t even live in the jungle, bro.
The TIGER is where it’s at. The Royal Bengal Tiger!
A stealth predator if any!!
Wait, watch, and STRIKE!
Which is what it did in the dream.
Kind like the “black mamba” mentality I talk about so often.
The “Jason Bourne” sniper like mentality!
Anyway, tigers can teach us a lot.
First, and importantly being to follow your GUT and intuition – and I know of NO other animal that embodies this better than the mighty and PEERLESS Bengal tiger!
And second, the way it works out.
El Tiger doesnt walk for miles one day and flop down into a brush or something and say “my legs are tired”.
“I need a break today from walking”.
El Tiger eats MEAT, and a lot of it.
And it SLEEPS afterwards.
And el Tiger usually doesnt go for those long, drawn out “cardio” routines that the Bozos do (Bozo Scofield for one with his mammoth belly doing “miles of walking” daily at 3 AM according to him).
They do SPRINTS.
Quick bursts.
El Tiger can reportedly reach up to 60 km/hr in one of these bursts. Some serious league speed I’d say!
And THAT is how YOU should approach life – and fitness.
In life, when it’s all said and done, you have that famous Mike Tyson quote.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.
In the ring, three things matters.
Your TRAINING. Your conditioning (very important – trust me!) … and your SKILL. An dthe killer instinct, and perhaps a host of other things, but when it’s all said and done?
When you’re staring at a monster ready to knock your damn block off??
Gut feeling, bro. Same thing applies to life as well.
And fitness wise, you’d be well served by following the QUICK workout bursts that tigers, and other animals follow – and stay lean, mean, strong and in FIGHTING shape!
Get on the shtick NOW bro – Animal Kingdom Workouts (yes, I’ve dedicated TWO exercise entirely to the TIGER in there – check ‘em out!).
(And do ‘em, if you cAN!)
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – First it was a case of having no electricity all day long back in August for whateva reason, and now no water apparently. Luckily I could flush the toilet in the morning, hehe, but … ah, but I’ll get into (so called) obstacles at a later date.
PS #2 – For now, make sure that (along with the above program) – you also get on Advanced Hill Training. Truly a course FOR THE AGES as it were.
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