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I spoke about this yesterday as well.
And other than the inane “demanding” comments of “what are your plans?” , or “why are you doing this this way” and so forth which I have NO TIME FOR, to be honest (these people are massive energy drains and nothing else) … there is another reason.
Curiously enough, or maybe not, they all want to “pry” information out of you.
A lot of my current “tension” between say my mother and myself isn’t so much because of what I do, or how I do it, or even the past, or even “hard feelings”.
It is all that, but the crux is this.
Mommy (and certain other people) are DYING to know how much moola I got stored in my bank account.
They always have!
Until the age of 24 or so, they sort of knew. Not reall,y but they sort of knew, because back then I worked a full time job and of course they wouldn’t rest easy until they badgered me up and down about doing something else but then grudgingly “relented”.
(Not that it would have made a damn bit of difference if they had not relented, I’d have done it anyway).
“The money’s good!” I remember my Dad sniffing.
And of course, years later.
“Oh, thats China! Those jobs were useless! You didnt learn anythign”.
Yeah. Right. My nutty parents seem to have this idea that everything needs to be learnt at a “gurus feet” in the most excruciating manner possible, and GOD forbid yours truly actually got any MONEY for his efforts.
I actually realized this when I FIRST got a job in India, and asked my Dad what was a normal question anywher ein the world.
“I wonder how much they’ll pay me”, I mused.
And of course.
“Work first, money later!” my mom went.
And my Dad took forever to tell me HIS first salary, which of course was sacrosanct but mine wasnt’.
Growing up, we were always excluded from their affairs, but they always had the “right”, or so they thought to poke their nose in mine … (dont know about my sister, but I didnt enjoy it at all!).
The last time I told them anything about what I do or did or plans etc was when I got a raise at THAT job, which was of course roundly pooh poohed.
“You got that for free” was the general vibe (because I didnt grovel for it, and becaus eI completed my work in a TRICE while the Bozos slogged away all day trying to get the RESULTS I did, but didn’t!).
True fact, my friend.
And let me tell you another FACT.
In life, or fitness, or BUSINESS. It’s RESULTS which count, bro.
I dont care if you work for 10 hours a day or half an hour in the morning upon waking up.
It’s your RESULTS that count.
And I got plenty more than anyone would care to count at that point in time … (and I gave you a key up there as to why).
Same thing workout wise.
I always LAUGH when I hear stories of “I spent X amount of time in the gym today”.
OK, great.
But is that the badge of honor?
Maybe it is if you’re pounding out REAL TOUGH stuff, like handstand pushups to the tune of 100, and pull-ups to the tune of 150 per workout, and doing those daily.
I shoudl know. I did!
But even when I did those workouts, I would not talk about the TIME they took (or the speed at which I got ‘em done which was nigh quick).
I Would talk NUMBERS.
As you can see on the Advanced Hill Training page!
Ask any achiever of note in life, and they’ll tell yo uone thing. They’ll all tell you they dont have TIME to waste, and that time is MONEY.
That means no gabbing away on the phone nineteen to the dozen. No constant Freako-Book or Shitter.
No constant WeShat or Was-App … or whatever.
No constant “gossip or idle chatter”.
And no idiotic pumping, preening and posing with the BROS after a “tough” set of 10 curls (with oil applied at just the right areas).
You workout to make your life better.
Not the other way around (or it shouldn’t be at any rate!).
And thats the lesson, BRO.
Quick, dirty and RESULTS producing. I cannot tell you how much I hate the other way – and so should any achiever of note either, because it does one thing – – make you go DOWNHILL – – and fast!
Back later.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I might add on no idiotic gazing at Korean soap operas for hours on end either. Yes, ladies, you aren’t immune to this either, and no, you dont get to “blame men” for all the evils in your life either.
PS #2 – Oh, and I think I forgot to include the link to the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Here it is NOW!
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