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My daughter often tells me “my stories are very interesting”.
So are my anecdotes.
And I recently told her about a story that I thought I’d share with you NOW.
Maybe it has a parallel to fitness, and maybe it doesnt.
Actually, he did headstands before … ah, but wait. Let me get to it first!
So, wayyyyyy back in the year 1999 it was, I believe, when yours truly and a buddy were getting drunken than a coupla farting SKUNKS.
I had an 8 AM the next morning.
HE had a 10 AM, I believe.
Needless to say we got so drunk that we both passed out. I didnt bother staggering back to my dorm room (this was before yours truly got an apartment) so passed out on the floor in a sleeping bag that felt so comfortable I wondered why they ever made “beds” …
But anyway, in the middle of the room I heard a noise.
Kinda like Niagara Falls.
The fridge was opening, I percieved, trying but not fully succeeding in awakening from my beer induced “stupor”. ‘Twas more comfortable to go back to sleep, I thought ..
… and I just figured it was my friend, which it was.
I figured he was doing something all drunk ass college students have done at some point, which is to either get more beer in the middle of the night, or at 6 AM upon waking up.
Yes, I’ve done both.
And it WAS him, as I could tell by him staggering back off to the bedroom, and that was the last I heard of that.
Next morning, I wake up, get to the fridge for some OJ or what not.
Saw a puddle of “somethign” in front of the fridge.
So, I wake up my friend.
“You musta spilt a ton of beer”, I cracked.
He didnt reply, looking somewhat ashamed.
OK …
Whats up buddy I laughed. Nothing wrong with spilling a few, and … (floor of the kitchen wasn’t even carpeted, so …)
“Uh”, he went.
I was curious by then. Something was “up”.
And then he proceeded to tell me he actually took a leak right there inthe middle of the night inf ront of his own fridge!
If there is ever an incident this fine dude has had to live down the rest of his life, it is this. Hehe.
And apparently it wasn’t that hard for him to clean up.
“It’s mostly beer when you drink that much”, was his sage admission.
(and luckily from what he said – – I didn’t dare find out – – he didnt “go” inside the fridge. The “deed” was done outside. LOL).
Anyway, such as it goes. And fitness wise, dude did plenty of headstands before getting drunk.
Dont know if everything really turned topsy turveeee or not, hehe.
But anyway, that night went swimmingly well I’d say!
And thats the trip down memory lane fo rnow. For some reason I thought I had to share that, so I did!
Alright, my friend. Be sure and pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE. It might not make you piss like a racehorse (or a drunk one), but it WILL get you in the best damned shape of your lfie – that I do guarantee!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Needless to say he wasn’t the only one that didnt make it in to class. And needless to say, I got plenty more of these stories. A certain summer where a buddy drank so much that he made 3D’s and a F comes to mind.
(for the kiddies reading this – nah – I ain’t glorifying any of this – but – well – it is what it is, sometimes!).
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