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I recently bought a jump rope for my daughter. A new one, with “colorful kiddie” handles, except those work the grip too, hehe.
Always the grip guy am I, and my daughter is picking up on it.
But after the first day or so, she “seems” to have lost enthusisasm from what I can tell.
And I told her the following (after telling her a lot of other things that I am going to tell YOU on this list NOW) …
“Do the thing, and you shall have the power”.
What does that mean, Dad, she asked. Does it mean “lose the battle and win the war”? (something else she’s been asking me about, since I explained the meaning of the phrase to her).
No, I said.
It simply means do the thing – and get the results!
But anyway …
Apparently a running joke in my house (and thats fine – dont get me wrong!) was “when Rahul was fat”.
Which is all fine and dandy again. Hey. I dont take myself too seriously, and I dont care about (if) what others think and all that, but I’ve noticed the following (this is just in “bozo” like environments, of course).
EVERY time I get my daughter motivated about something, SOMETHING negative about yours truly has to come in.
Could be a direct remark, or a snide one, or even an offhand remark where the person (and there are two – I doubt I need to name ‘em here!) didnt even honestly mean it (and sometimes they don’t).
But anyway fitness wise.
“Dad, were you fat before”, my daughter asks in that innocent kid like manner.
“Yes, and … but I still did pull-ups”, I finished (after telling her the story of how I indeed used to be fat).
Were you so fat you couldnt fit into a chair, she giggled (pointing to a cartoon).
My lovely wife chirped up.
“Of course! He was so fat that …”
Now, in her defense, and I’ve written about this on the blog – there was a time I couldn’t fit into the sofa that I once moved … hehe.
In my defense though, I was STILL banging out pushups and pull-ups galore, although I Was admittedly eating and drinking WAY too much and it showed.
But the point is this.
Why not focus on BOTH things?
The positive is the results NOW.
Or the journey I took to get there – get in the best damn shape of my life!
In ways most wouldn’t even dream of doing – let a lone do.
I explained this to my little girl.
“Honey, always look at BOTH Sides. How many peopel do you think were that obese – and then lost weight that quickly?”
“Do you ever see Mom and …. point THAT Out?”
And it’s weird. Despite her “Mr Handstand pushup” and “you’re looking taller” remarks, my wife has nothing but negative things to say about the weight loss.
Perhaps because at that point my waist size was almost the same as hers, hehe.
Or, because “the girls would like it”.
You know how it goes with ladies, and we won’t go there.
But really, fella.
This same thing happens in MANY environments. And on many topics.
People tend to focus way more on the NEGATIVE than the positive, if even that.
“Focus on the negative, and guess what you’ll get”, I asked my daughter.
“The negative?” she ventured.
Yes, I said. Focus on the +ve, and …
Now, in and by no means I am saying don’t look at facts or the “negatives” that occured.
But when moving ahead, you picture the RESULT you WANT NOW, not “what was there in the past”.
Those that constantly focus on tearing a person down – guess what. Have they ever DONE anything in their OWN LIVES?
Bozo Schofield being a prime example … but you know the story there, hehe.
And this is a prime sign (if people around you do it often) that you’re in a TOXIC environment.
Nothing new for me, hence my rants on living “A frigging alone”. Hey. As Mr T said …. Hehe.
I live alone.
I train alone.
And I keep myself FREE OF any and all NEGATIVE influences, I might add, which are always at work to USURP YOU, my friend.
Fitness wise, and again. The morons that can’t do pull-ups because (lets face it) they either dont have the grip strength or the “shape” (in other words, they’re frigging FAT) to do it are the ones that bitch about “how grip is not important” and “I’m a big guy! I’m not fat!” and then get offended when people point out the facts, and then tell YOU, the achiever, that what you’re doing is not good because of some inane reason about “your hands are longer, so you can do pull-ups”.
Yes, I’ve heard that one too. And the bozo lot reading will no doubt jump on it…
Anyway, thats it for now. Enough said – lesson learnt?
I hope so, bro!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – More such motivation available right HERE – Gumption Galore and fitness wise – here are 51 MORE PIONEERING, BUCANEERING fitness tips to JOLT your ass into the BEST SHAPE OF THY LIFE – Fitness Pioneer.
I haven’t put out additional volumes fo r either, but I will if there is demand. Let me know!
PS #2 – The remark still rings out in my ears (my sister). “She’s too beautiful for you”.
My wife. “That shape looks terrible!” (one of the strangest things I ever heard, honestly!)
And of course, my Mama. “How dare you!”
And amidst all this, the results keep a-coming. Hehe. Sometimes, you just gotta LAUGH. Which is exactly what I do.
(BTW, I’ve spoken a a lot about my Dad in these here emails, but credit where credit’s due – he DID in a quiet manner comment on BOTH sides i.e when I was FAT (true, he himself wasn’t exactly in any sort of shape himself either then!) and when I got in SUPER SHAPE. Like I said, he’s actually a fair person in most regards once he gets away from the Nazi feminism …)
PPS – As for women, if only they know. The Bozo knows, hence his remarks on “Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD”. Those of you on the other site KNOW what I BE Talking about, hehe, but for now, lets stick to fitness. To get to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups and attract babes like never before (if thats your thang) – follow what I ask you to do right HERE.
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