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If I could whittle the answer to that one down in one – or two words?
PERSONAL responsibility.
IN other words, take responsibility for your own life.
Now, am I saying that one should turn vigilante, take the law into their own hands, and so forth?
Hell no!
I respect cops in general. They have got a damned tough to job for the most part, and they cop a lot of damned flak for things that really aren’t their fault.
Let me tell you, in the heat of the situation, YOU TOO would make decisions that don’t always seem the best, but have to be taken – and done anyway!
And while there are SOME bad apples amongst the lot, I’ve found for the most part that there are far fewer bad cops than they are good ones. In fact, the “normal public” has far more jackasses and “heads up their asses JILL-asses” running around than cops do …
But anyway the point begets.
Cops aren’t superhuman, and they will be the first to tell you that.
And with the bozo liberals doing all they can to undercut and understaff police departments around the nation and yet demanding MORE from these FINE ladies and gents – guess what.
Sometimes, when seconds count – cops are minutes o rmore away.
That is by NO Means an indictment or anything negative on the police. (in general).
Including the Hong Kong police – if there is one thing I AM SAD to see it is how the FINEST police force in Asia, and arguably in the world at one time (in my opinion at least, and I should know!) has turned into little but a CCP funded “go between” of sorts.
I have had nothing but positive interactions with cops in general, including but not limited to situations where a lot of people would complain “my fundamental rights are being violated”.
And I’d reply with this.
“In most cases, if you just CO-OPERATE with the police, then … “
Ah, but the bozos dont get it!
Anyway, I’m allfor private gun ownership my friend and taking responsibility for your OWN life – and safety.
And while I agree that the background checks etc in some states need to be made more stringent – and no, while I do NOT mean that every citizen should posses a veritable arsenal (for instance, some of the military grade rifles or machine guns that can pop of hundreds of rounds at one go aren’t really needed for personal safety in my opinion – slippery slope though trying to ban ‘em, so I get that!), I am ALL for lawful gun owners owning as many weapons and firearm as they wish to.
Provided they do so LEGALLY, take all precautions, keep the guns away from Bozos, kids, irritated spouses and such!
And most responsible gun owners DO THIS.
Believe me, if you took a look at crime rates across America, you’d see one damning fact for the “anti gun brigade”.
Crime rates are wayyyyy higher in the libtard ruled areas than other areas which favor private gun ownership (and it’s there in the Constitution for a REASON – – a very VALID REASON AS WELL!).
And in the land of the free, that is one thing that is not, should not, and cannot be tolerated!
And no, while you don’t need a military grade arsenal – nothign wrong with a 9mm or your trusty Glock or what not by your side at all times.
You may never need to use it.
If you’re not comfortable with it, dont get it. Fine. I know plenty of macho men that aren’t comfortable with guns. Yours truly loves guns, but keeping one in close proximity to myself all the time wasn’t an entirely comfortable concept to me at first, and yet, do I have a gun which I can access if need be?
Let’s take a simple case.
If Bozo Scofield breaks into your home at 3 AM, for one, red eyed on coke or what not, demanding to drink up all of Charless beer before getting thrown out on the road in his underpants, or close to it (true story – it happened – and Charles was RIGHT in doing what he did) – then would you rather call the cops, or DEAL WITH IT?
I know which I’d choose, and for him, I wouldn’t need a gun either.
But, and the point begets. Way too many CRIMINALS for one have guns.
And it’s always a good idea to have a gun yourself that you KNOW HOW TO USE (believe me, watching Hollywood ain’t gun training either) just in case.
You might never need it, but just in case, until the cops show up …
As for the Bozo, he’s no more a threat to anyone than the flies that keep buzzing around me occasionally when I workout.
But … and again, personal responsibility.
Same thing for fitness.
If you’re unhappy with your weight and the fat hanging off your tummy – DEAL WITH IT. YOURSELF.
Ain’t no-one gonna come help you out, bro. Well, I can help you – but I can’t FORCE YOU to “drink the water” as it were.
YOU have to make the decision.
Its either get in the best shape of your life, or keep whining forever about “how I’m a big dude but can’t do pull-ups”.
And no, in case “Charles” is reading this, you ain’t the only one by a long shot bro saying this. Sorry to disappoint, but this email ain’t about YOU. It’s about EVERYONE that says that.
And as for yours truly?
Well – there is a reason I have a FAT ME on the cover doing my pull-ups
Sure, I could put a streamlined yours truly too.
But I ain’t gonna do it.
Because that would defeat the entire POINT, would it not. BRO ?
And I gotta get that off my chest. Matter of fact, I believe I just did … !
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the best damned fitness system right HERE.
PS #2 – Guns don’t kill. PEOPLE do… (something to ponder about for the bozos that constantly clamor against private gun ownership).
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