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caveman or not, there.
I said it.
And it is TRUE.
If there is ONE thing I hate more than almost anything else other than showboating (another pet peeve) it’s that.
And believe me, the lengths, short, long, international or national that I can go to – – literally – – to stop being PESTERED – – beggar BELIEF.
Lets take Bozo for an example.
Scofield has been doing his inane trolling for ages now. Since 2016 or probably even before (it probably all started when I told “el jackass” about the fitness biz – thankfully not the other business – eithe rone of them for that matter).
Well, I told him, but his Bozo ass couldn’t figure it out if he tried.
But either way, do I care? DID I care?
He blocked me, continued trolling me, and that was that.
Then he lost his phone apparently, got locked up in a Hannibal Lecter home or something, and then showed up again abruptly in 2020.
“Glyns been real active as of late”, I still remember a mutual friend who despite claiming otherwise seems to have nothing or very little better to do than deal with the Bozo’s rubbish (according to him “he’s the only friend I have left”. Yeah. Right! A guy that screwed him over BIG time multiple times and according to this mutual contact this (by hisn own admission) “known lunatic” is a friend. I give up!)).
“He says he’s sorry. Wants me to send you this”.
And pat came a picture of me and th eBozo together the night he refused to pay up his share of what he ate, drank and crapped out as well …
Which is par for the norm.
No problemo.
But really, what did these nuts think.
That I’d take one look at the picture and forgive all?
N oway, Jose.
It dont work that way with yours truly. Perhaps it does with people like the mutual contact who enjoy being screwed over, but NOT ME.
And of course, I would have left it at that.
The bozo didnt tho, and it’s not his toothless threats and inane comments that got me to finally call his ass out.
Much like I dont like mosquitoes and I WILL swat ‘em awat, I will swat Bozoz like this away too.
And on that same note …
I do not wish to be pestered about “why I dont get on the phone”.
“What my plans are”.
“Why I dont do things a certain way” (or why I do)
“Why pull-ups are one of the best damn exercises ever, far, far better than the deadlift and the insanely MORONIC lat pulldown machine at the gym”.
“Why pushups are the best damn exercise ever”.
And lot more.
Should be self evident, but you’d be surprised at the number of nut jobs that try and “persuade me to the contrary”.
Hey, I get it.
Not eveyrone likes me. Most probably don’t.
And thats fine!
Just keep your inane nonsense away from me (to those reading this that fall into the above categories) Other than that, by all means go and be Hannibal Lecter if you want, but by all means, and that same token, do NOT expect me to “welcome you with open arms” either.
And thats all I gotta say.
Live and let live.
Its that simple, bro.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – My workouts ensure that you never PESTER anyone – or yourself – while working out. I require peace and quiet for my workouts, and other than my rthymic breathing, you aint gonna hear a peep out of me.
No broing, pumping, preening, posing, puffin, buffin, smoking (ok, I know, but if you’re the Bozo readin this then thats probably what hes doing anyway) …
No Tee Vee shee vee.
No blaring music. UGH!
No Metallica. No rock. No rap. No roll. No headphones. NOTHING.
Just me, my living room, and my cave, and I’m LOVIN’ it, and getting in the best damned shape of my life.
Can’t beat that, brah … (oh, and definitely NO DUMPHONES either, ugh).
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