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And yours truly has dealt with a LOT of it to be very honest.
One, bozos that don’t READ what you say and provide irritating one line responses that look like they were typed out by Bozo Schofield on speed.
“sir plz click dat link”
This sort of communication is often used in the subcontinent which unfortunately or not hosts a lot of IT services I’m (un) priveleged enough to use.
Por ejempelo, my last web host was based out of there apparently.
When I got their service, they were based in the good ole US of A, but the guy that started it sold it, made his money, and all went DOWNHILL after that once they moved to India.
It’s sad.
India has so much potential.
But shoddy customer service and doing the exact opposite of what a customer would expect (and believe me, this isn’t just me – the 10 Commandments of Succesful Sales contains plenty such examples) has ensured that IT, BPO etc is all MOVING AWAY from a country you’d expect to be leading in such things.
All moving to (not China) but Eastern Europe etc, and I must admit, their style is far more preferable.
Their English can be lacking at times. But that ain’t a biggie for me!
Anyway, my CURRENT web hosts are so good I cannot say enough good things about them!
And have left them good reviews ALL OVER the Internet. Because they deserve it – all of them!
Oh, another comment I once got from my last web host when I was getting upset over them hijacking my domain during one of their numerous server downtimes (another webhost – and in fact many said that was just unbelievable, and it was!)
I mean, would you believe it?
They took my site (the last web host), replaced it with “Hello world” to test, and then hijacked the domain, pointing it to another domain while they “tested” the site out!
Their whole server was probably of the sort that was literally hanging by a thread.
When I raised up a storm?
“Oh, your the guy that thinks he knows everything”, said “Venkat”, one of their most aggressive customer service reps.
Brilliant .. or pathetic? You decide!
Even my Mom wouldn’t have made that comment (and believe me, she does all the time) in that situation and I was paying these guys!
Anyway, I switched web hosts, and like I said, all is very well in that neck of the woods NOW.
BOTH my hosts NOW are so awesome I’d gladly leave them reviews, and have done so without being asked. Believe me, they never asked!
And thats the trick my friend. And this should be read in conjunction with my last email on this …
So number two?
Well, many years ago, Manny, a Filipino dude had this to say to me when I was working an IT job and fixing a problem he had.
I dont want to see these long emails. Just fix it!”
And thats it.
Curt, abrupt, brusque and RUDE – as compared to before, when he’d love those emails.
Now, for background, we got into a drunken argument a couple of days back, which explains his annoyance (although really, like Uncle Bob once said – its time to GET OVER an argument a couple of days after that, and let bygones be bygones. It wasn’t even serious!).
But his point begets.
When dealing with customer service, often times you have a problem you just want solved.
Long emails are fine – – provided they make a point!
And over the last week I’ve been dealing with some nuts who send long emails in purr-fect English and all (and these gays seem to be based out of (guys – sorry – thats a “Chinese auto correct” – – “guy” changes into “gay” often!) the Socialist Republic of California of all things) but DELAY fixing a problem.
And dont even understand it.
I mean, the problem I was having was simple.
I finally fixed it myself.
But those guys sent long flowery emails for something that could have been resolved at ONE shot.
“Can we have your permission to test this?
“Can we create a sample”?
Dude, or gal, just DO the damn thing already … but while I didnt get annoyed at them over email, that is what I was thinking!
I mean, it’s not like you’re asking the Pres for permission on something! It was a simple case of “code” not working (and no, it isn’t related to this site – like Isaid – my current hosts are nigh on AWESOME, and so is the email service i Use – just AWESOME).
Those are the two things, my friend, and I’ve no doubt YOU TOO have encountered these sort of things before, and continue to.
And they’ll no doubt make their way to a lengthy book on how NOT to deliver stellar customer service in the future.
All for now though!
I’m off to do pull-ups.
BE sure and pick up the BEST Damned fitness system out there right here my friend.
You’ll love it.
And it comes with yours truly’s special mercurial style of DIRECT customer service too, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’ve written about all this before, but had to again – just HAD to get it off my chest!
PS #2 Yours truly, always mercurial. Damn. As I told a friend the other day, this here email BE having FLAMES shooting out of it, hehe. But it’s well deserved!
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