Why I HATE (or can’t stand) people – and businesses that either ask “can you do me a favor” out of the blue – or want FIVE star (and no less) reviews!
- UGH.

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I work with a lot of people, and businesses as you can tell.

And last week, I got an email (well, a couple of weeks ago) from one of the businesses I work with.

The communication style was UNPROFESSIONAL to say the least.

No “Hi”, or any sort of grammar etc, and punctuated by a lot of emoticons which I hate.

Don’t get me wrong.

If it’s friends chatting – sure.

But if you dont know the person from Adam, and thats the style of customer service they provide (i.e no “ticket” system, no template, no nothing ) … then it just smacks of UNPROFESSIONALISM and no less.

And it’s IRRITATING as heck.

“Great! Can I ask you a small favor?”

Of course, he leaves this question IN THE AIR – and lets it “hang”.

He wants me to probe further, of course.

Which I will NOT DO.

And INSTANTLY, I got a bad vibe.

No doubt he wanted “free” something, or something he hadn’t earned as yet, or didnt deserve.

This was a business, no less.

And then again today.

“You’ve been using for a couple of weeks! Please leave a five star review (the “five” was bolded) and help u s out!”

I mean, Jesus guy.

Sure, it’s a free plugin I’m using.

But no-one forced you to PUT IT OUT THERE!

And truth be told, I dont particularly like it either …

But anyway, point is this.

Yours truly asks people to leave reviews – ALL THE TIME.

But one, books work differently. People expect reviews.

If you were buying a book, let’s be honest – you’d read at least some reviews about it.

Well, the average person does. I don’t. My wife keeps telling me “dont buy anything before you read reviews” but being the average person is a Bozo that couldn’t review his ass correctly if he or she tried, I just don’t read ‘em/

But this list is different.

All SMART people. People that DO the thing. And they ARE – I repeat – ARE qualified to leave reviews.

Genuine reviews.

And this brings me to point NUMERO TWO.

I NEVER, EVER ask a person to leave “5 star reviews” .

I ask a person to leave GENUINE and honest reviews.

If the person truly thinks it’s 5 star, by all means leave that star rating, and other than Bozo Scofield, thats all my fitness books and courses have ever gotten- -not to mention the other writing I do for my other business, which is a lot more than what I do here.

Basically other than the trolls, anyone with any REASONABLE (I am not even saying high) intellect gives it a great review, (by the way, that was a term Charles Mitchell coined, hehe) – and guess what – – it’s because the books and courses DESERVE it.

But asking for favors out of the blue?

The BEGGING vibe?


Not me.

Never WILL go there.

I’m very clear in that if you aren’t on this list to eventually buy something, then you’re wasting your time (that, and if you can’t read between the lines, because truth be told, I give you a GOLDMINE of info in my daily tips anyway!) …

I’m very clear in that my prices will remain high, and the Ship price just went up by two hundred smackers.

And I’m very clear in that I ONLY WANT those that are committed to succeed at the highest levels at WHATEVER it is they do.

Not how the vast majority of businesses out there think apparently!

Hey, I get it.

Times are tough.

But thats only because “as we think so we are”.

Yes, I realize you might not believe me, but it’s true.

THOUGHT is what ultimately caused Great Depressions globally to LIFT.

Thought is what PRODS you into action, and gets you in the best shape of your life …

On that note, I’ve been thinking pull-ups all morning so I’ll go do some soon.

In the meantime, be sure and pick up the definitive compilation on pull-ups right HERE.

And of course, the flagship 0 Excuses Fitness System and a few others …

I’ll be waiting to welcome you aboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – People in general just don’t get it, do they. Ugh.

PS #2 – And if you DO need to ask for a review, just come out and DO it, and DON’T say “can you do me a favor”. UGH. People dont get it!

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