Why I price my products in USD (and why I will likely continue to do so in the future)
- This one was something a few people have asked!

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Way back in the day, a great customer of mine “Gautam from India” contacted me.

It was about two things – one – the price of the book was “too high for him” – (the book on pull-ups) .. and he was curious (I think that was him, not sure) why there was no “INR” pricing option (or the option to choose your own currency at checkout).

Now, normally I do NOT entertain emails asking me to lower price etc.

In most cases, they get … ZERO in terms of a response.

And they likely wont go to “hero” either, hehe.

But anyway, I got a great vibe from his email, and so replied, and sure enough – this man did his HW!

This guy asked me questions about the book that even I hadn’t thought of. Sure, I answered them all, but it was a pleasure doing so, because I could instantly tell this was a guy that DOES the thing.

(and evidenced by his testimonial, he DID the thing, and …)

Now anyway, he paid, and that was that.

But it brings up an interesting point.

Global business, and yet, I charge in ONE currency.


Well, a few months earlier I did actually toy around with the idea of putting “INR” as payment (many of you reading this, are for whatever reason, from India, which curiously enough is a country with possibly many great things – but in terms of online sales, ads etc – India isn’t really a revenue generator to be honest( for whatever reason).

Most of my customers are in the US or UK (and some in various parts of the good ole “EU”, hehe).

But anyway, the USD seems to be actually “declining in value” over the past couple of month if you’ve noticed (hence the host raising their prices etc probably).

Dont know if that is a temporary thing or permanent. I aint no economist beyond counting the zeros in the bank account, hehe (at the end of FIGURES, lol).

But … the Euro as a currency seems to be “stronger” now.

I dont know if thats permanent, again.

But here’s the reason.

The US, at the end of the day is still pretty much #1 globally no matter what the Tom Tommers or the Chinese say.

Everyone knows that .

The big dog, elephant in the room, 800 lb GORILLA – no matter what you say, it’s true.

And I’ve no doubt that the USD will eventually bounce back as well.

So, prices stay in USD (not to mention thats where a lot of my long term customers are from, so that makes sense anyway!).

I dont know, man. Seems more NATURAL if you get my drift.

Anyway, there may or may not be an option to choose your own currency in the future.

I’m toying around with it right now, but much like the never implemented INR option, I ain’t sure if I’ll actually DO it.

We’ll see.

For now, remember that you STILL DO have the “20 % discount” coupon if you’re a new customer – your first purchase – so go ahead and avail of that while it lasts. It won’t be forever – that was more an “extended New Year” sorta thing that I still ain’t pulled, but may very soon.

Jump on it – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System FIRST my friend. It truly DOES pay to build a base with me first! Hell, you even get to see the inside of one of my man caves, hehe.

(no Wuhan bats flying aruond tho, hehe).

PS #2 – No, I dont plan on adding RMB as a payment option either, hehe.  Not for now at least. But then again, it’s pretty easy for folks either in India or China to use a credit card to pay, so … if you’re from one of those “areas” – well – pull out that CARD – and have at!

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