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Way back in the day, a lady … I believe it was “Melanie” (not the lady I write about, hehe) that asked me this.
Back then I wasn’t doing daily emails for this list or maybe I was. I dont know. Last I checked, I promised one daily to the list and I’m sending 6 or more daily, hehe.
Value, the bozos go.
But anyway, I think I was doing one back then, not sure.
But she asked me (I Dont have the original email or it’s response, so this is from memory, but as you know, my memory is photographic!)
This was when I was coaching Carol on handstands, and doing Hindu squats myself, and she came up to me and asked me this.
(she knew me, obviously)
“Do you ever go BEYOND 500” was the gist (remember, this after a hill climb!)
Now thats a great question!
And it should put to rest many of the jackasses out there who claim bodyweight exercises are good for nothing but endurance and high reps.
Try climbing a hill (if you can).
and if you ain’t collapsed as yet, do TEN squats.
I’ll bet you anything you’ll need to be airlifted outta there …
But anyway, reps.
I’ve written before about my 500 pushup workouts, and indeed the Hindu squat.
And believe doing 500 of either in ONE workout is by far one of the toughest things anyone, Crossfitters and ironmen and triathletes included can do.
Believe me now and trust me later, most of the above category and we haven’t even got to the idiot bodybuilders and so called strong guys would not be able to walk for WEEKS if they attempted even a 100 straight off the bat.
(right off)
But personally? Me?
I dont know. For the squat, I have to admit, NO, barring a couple of occasions when I knocked out I believe 650, I haven’t gone beyond 500.
In fact I RARELY these days, and even back then went beyond 100.
Pushups, I did the 500 pushup a day for a month, but then backed off.
I did 250 odd for a while.
These days?
Mini workouts of a 100 each, so I guess between 100-300 but not all at one shot.
And why don’t I aim for these super high mega high numbers?
Anything wrong with having them as a goal?
Nope. Nothing at all brah (for the second part).
And first?
Because it ain’t necessary.
Let me tell you, when you get to the point you can do 100 squats in less than 3 minutes in good form, you’ll KNOW why it’s not necessary.
And if you can knock out five times that in 16-17 minutes, perhaps 15 – you’re doing GREAT and thats all you need in that regard.
Sometimes MORE is NOT “better”.
Less is indeed more, and thats why I keep promoting Animal Kingdom Workouts, Isometric and Flexbility Training (ESPECIALLY this one!), Advanced HIll Training (no, you dont need a hill!) – and the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
You’ll quickly realize that 10-15 minutes is all you need, want, and will ever need for that matter.
Want, well, thats a different story, hehe.
Jump on this NOW my friend.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And again, nothing wrong with goals. But to the bozos who claim “the gym builds strength and nothing else”, lets see you do just FIVE handstand pushups for one, or even get into a handstand.
I rest my case. Haha.
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