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And I’ll say it now.
I was recently doing handstand pushups (well, a while before writing this) – and as I touched my nose to the ground SLOWLY on each rep, I had a feeling.
Call it what you will, but for the Humpty Dumpties out there pumping weights at the gym while sitting with a pseduo snarl on a bench while pretending to build boobies and real strength (well, they’re not pretending for the former, hehe) …you’d be well advised NOT to try these when you first start, and believe me, it will take you a long goddamned time to GET to the point where you can DO them this way.
I say that in Shoulders like Boulders, of course, in a few concise words.
If there ever was a book that packs a punch – “simple isnt necessarily EASY” – or TWO books – I’m yet to SEE ‘EM!
And Of course, the lenghty Pushup Central and possibly my best book ever (till date – relax – I ain’t going nowhere as yet) – Animal Kingdom workouts, that will truly turn even Bozos into beasts if they just do the thing.
Anyway ,shattering was a word I “edited” into that post.
For some reason, “shell break” came out as “shell great” (for the idiots sitting on the wall aka the Humpties).
I did not notice it until later, and when I did- edit time. Something I rarely do, even with all the Tai-Po’s I make in my emails, hehe.
Anyway, Tai-Po’s aside, barriers.
I’ve always had the feeling of shattering them – and then having the quiet satisfaction of HAVING THE LAST WORD – and that pisses many a Bozo off, and then of course I “tom tom” it, hehe.
(Not the Schofield style China tom tomming), but FACTS to back up my SWAG, bro!
There was always a “how dare he” feeling amongst certain people for one when they saw my English was BETTER than theirs, I rightly called out ESL for the CRAP job it is (dancing monkey aka Bozo) – while earning – get this – MORE, way more than THEM for it, and many other things.
How dare a guy from India say this, was the vibe.
Well, bro, guess what. I said it to these people, and to everyone.
And thats one reason I keep saying the IDIOTS screaming about racism are just that – IDIOTS.
Sure, it exists.
Sure, you point it out.
But you get to work after you do, and you BECOME BETTER than the morons out there, at which point they’ll have no choice but to glower and shut up.
And thats why the “angry” email to the other list, well, thats one other reason.
BEcause these nutwads after being kicked off for being DO NOTHING’s were signing BACK on with alternate email ID’s.
And now, I’m doing there what I do here.
Including Bozo IP’s, hehe. Poor Schofield. His emails and messages go into a black hole of nothingness which is what they deserve, and he doesnt even know it.
Ditto for jackass do nothing’s.
But anyway, breaking and shattering barriers is something I’ve been doing sinc eI was kid.
I ain’t shattered the million dollars barrier as yet, nor do I have a goal to do so, and I’m far from doing that anyway – at THIS point.
Whether or not I’ll have that as a goal I dont know. Only time will tell you but I promise you if I do, I’ll get there!
And fitness wise, well, as a customer told me a while back.
“Thats a great name! Only 0.1% of the people out there can get into a handstand – let alone do a pushup in that position! “
(in response to my Mr. Handstand Pushup moniker)
(given by my lovely wife, hehe)
(who I wont divorce it seems despite the dysfunctional yet functional relationship and at this point, neither will she, hehe).
So it goes, bro.
And the feeling you get when you GET THERE – shatter barriers – join the ELITE club which everyone told you from the word go you could NOT?
I will write and Tom Tom more on this later, hehe. For now, remember that our product are what YOU need as well to start shattering barriers and taking control of your OWN LIFE.
Do so now!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, putting off decisions never really works. . .
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