And now, the madness gets HILARIOUS. Plain and simple!
- Is there a limit, lol

I thought the Indian cricket team complaining about 5 star accomodation, quarantines, plague – shague and ‘having to clean their own toilets” took the “cake”.

So I thought.

And I posted about that on

A bunch of spoilt cry babies. I mean really, if they’re staying there long term I get it, but a few days? Why would then even need any real housekeeping?

Anyway, that has been well hashed out and covered in the last post. No, I’m not going to give you the link. You can go to the other site, hehe. All over there!

But … I just rea d something on Business Insider which even me, used to all the 100 percent plus PROOF BS out there masquerading as “sh-news” couldb’t believe.

Apparently secret service agents are discussing in chats that “Trump might need to be physically evicted if he doesn’t leave”, and even more hilariously so discussing how.

Unless the Business Insider has the wrong info or what not (btw, it’s a paid subscription to that article, but y’all will probably see it elsewhere) … I dont know what else to call it other than hilarious.

I mean, a 6’4″ man for one that while admittedly isn’t ‘young’ is still a handful int erms of pure ENERGY and vitality.

Say what one might like or not about the ole Trumpinator, but amongst many other very ADMIRABLE INDEED qualities, you cannot deny the following.


Vim, vigor and GUSTO – and GUMPTION.

Passion -for what he believes in.

And boundless EXUBERANCE and energy no matter what

The man is a living DYNAMO.

So it should be!

And having to man handle him out of the House?

I’m sure a coupla Gorillas could do it, but whether or not even a gorilla or a grizzly would wanna come face to face with an angry Trumpinator trumpeting and bellowing at FULL GO is doubtful!


But really, fitness wise….

Some people (not Trump obviously) are so FAT and far gone that dragging them out of anywhere, even a burning building would be a chore best left to the cranes.

They make “firemen” for that purpose, I believe. Or, thats one of the things these admirable men and women do as part of their jobs …

Pick people up on their shoulders and hoick them to safety.

Marines do it when in battle, and train for it.

Seals do. Army men all over the world do.

Probably some guys do it as a matter of course when doing modified wheelbarrows!

But by an dlarge, these days I wouldn’t wanna be the one doing it.

The average excuse of a so called man is out there is not a man my friend.

Is a corpulent, and easily offended MUSH COOKIE.

Thats a Settle term, yes.

BUt it’s true.

Lardass x 1000.

Men that can’t even hold onto the pull-up bar for a few seconds before collapsing – if the poor bar can TAKE that weight to begin with.

Men that for whom doing a pushup is a “workout” that leaves them bushed for the day.

Believe me, some of the specimens I see out there makes me WONDER.

And feel sorry and pity for the fireman or woman that is ever unfortunate enough to have to lug one of these fart (I was going to say “fat”), bloated, WORTHLESS carcasses out on their shoulder during a fire or something.

I really do.

And if you reading this falls into that category, rather than get offended, you’d be best served by REDUCING the load not just on their shoulders (potential or not) but thy – our – planet as well.


It needs it!

On that sage note, I’m out. But before I go, my usual shamless plug of the day.

Hey, it’s the first in this email. Gimme a break, LOL.

Best damned fitness system ever that will quickly ensure you REVERSE being a burden on this planet – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.


Rahul Moookerjee

PS – Plug #2 – here is the link again.

More on utter MADNESS (not achieving what they wanted to).
- The demos and leftos can't think for one hehe. But thats hardly news is it !

Many, many years ago, at the age of 17 or so yours truly went to a “before college” (or going away, or whatever you call it) “party” of sorts at one of my Dad’s colleagues’s place.

I think thats what the get together was held there for.

Now, this was a man after my own heart. Drank, smoked, and did so all his life to his heart’s content despite people “telling him not to”.

Although as my Dad said “there is only so much you can tell a colleague”.

True (and this bears relevance, so hold on!).

I drank the sum total of THREE beers at the time, I remember (which wouldn’t even register with me NOW).

But my mother was getting anxious, worried and such at “her son drinking beer”.

You know the story there!

But as she made her objections, the dude piped up.

“<name chopped>, how will you stop him when he gets to college?”

This one question is sage.

Was never answered.

And he was right.

Depsite attempts being made by MANY people, NOT just my parents to stop me from doing what I REALLY wanted to, end of the day guess what I’ve done.

Just that.

And so should any sensible man or woman in some way,shape or form.

Anyway, the madness continues.

And the Trumpinator is apparently being impeached, or the thing has been to the Senate or what not for “ratification”.


Not just because it ain’t on for one.

It’s a witch hunt. Plain and simple!

And even Mike Pence, who “had enough of Trump” ove rthe past few days has objected to it, and he is DEAD ON RIGHT.

Any sensible and sane person knows he is, but Grandma Pelosi and the Dems in general don’t fit into the bracket of “logic and sane” !!

But anyway, their purpose?

To “deny him an election shot in 2024:”.

So they say.

Or, to punish him for the insurrection he supposedly was solely responsinble for.

Right … NOT.

The real goal is this, my friend.

To DENY him access to his VOTER BASE, and TRY and make sure they do NOT support him anymore.

Thats really why his Twitter and other social media shedia have been banned.

Thats really why he’s being impeached.

But guess what bro, sis, and everythin in between/

They got it WRONG.

So wrong I cannot even begin to tell you.

This sort of thing will do nothing but FIRE up Trump’s core base even more, and I suspect Pence and a few others know it.

I’ve had social media accounts etc blocked, deleted etc.

Did it impact sales one damn bit?


If anything, sales increased somewhat in certain regards.

I’ve had people censor my posts on Shitter and Crap-book .. did I care?


I just got off those platforms.


Despite having the fitness group on there, it hasn’t impacted sales at all.

The WHITE HOT Mookerjee and 0 Excuses Faithful haven’t gone anywhere.

They’re still very much with me, and buying my stuff.

So it is with Trump, and fitness.

Trump is damned good at doing one thing (amongst others) — marketing.


THAT is really where it’s at.

Of course, try explaining sensible things and business to Dems and Socialists. Might as well be trying to grow wings and fly off the top of the Capitol.

Anyway, fitness is the same too bro

You do what WORKS, cutting past the FLUFF.

You cut to the CORE.

Not just core condiotning, which is arguably the most important thing you do for your health, strength and fitness.

But you do the BIGGIES.

You focus on the legs and back.

And that is precisely where the bozos and bimbos in the Jim Shim get it WRONG.

So wrong.

Endless sets of curls that wouldn’t tax a REAL trainee one damn bit.

Preening, pumping, posing, shosing …

10 sets of 10 for this, 50 sets of 20000 for that, one set to blast the inte-web’s galatic muscles post that …

And …

You get the picture.

Gyms out there, at least the modern day ones do ANYTHING but focus on what matters – what really, really matters.

Which is the big mistake most people out there are making …

Alright, I think this has gone on long enough.

I actually had to rush to take a “p-break” (TMI?? LOL) while writing this.

The last four lines.

But I’m done – with my writing – now!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Corrugated Core right HERE. Because yes, you DO need to focus on that CORE, and expanding waistline before it gets (as Tracy said, hehe) “out of control”.

PS #2 – “Stopping someone”, or trying to never works, my friend. Trust me! If I was on the fence about Trump’s seeming lack of inaction during the riots, right now I’ll come out and say it (again). I do NOT support what happened, but at a certain point, if elections are being stolen and what not, then someone has to take a STAND. I don’t support what Trump told Pence (well, the way in which he said it i.e. Go down in history either as a patriot or PUSSY – Pence is anythin but the latter!) … but he’s right.

Gotta take a stand either way, and I’ve been writing about that since forever, and not just in terms of politics brah.

Take a stand NOW fitness wise, and get in the best shape of your LIFE – starting TODAY. Do it, amigo. Just DO IT!

PPS – Some of you (a minority admittedly) are on this list for years, but have never bothered to actually “just do it” .If thats you, please do yourself and me a favor and unsubscribe NOW. You either go down in history as a person that DID it, or didnt. And I dont want any part of the former!

Is Communist CHINA going to take over the world?
- The way it's going ... I mean, JESUS! Folks - wake the F up!

The way things are going … I mean, sweet Jesus!

Obviously thats a rhetorical question and won’t happen, but Jesus!

Just been reading about the news of two passengers kicked off a Delta or whatever flight, and why?

Because they supported Donald Trump!

I CANNOT believe the news, and so I watched the video (somethign I never ever do normally).

And from what the dude is saying (along with an admittedly hysterical “dudette” who claimed she didnt have the cash to get home, and dude saying he’d help her out or what not) … ALL they did was talk about and profess their support for Trump.

Apparently the airline kicked off for being too loud.

I mean, really!

This is the SAME DAMN thing my own family says, and has been saying for years w.r.t the mess “back home” which I try not to deal with because dealing with looney tunes ain’t my thang, to be honest.

But every time there is an argument? Yelling contest? Or what not?

Rahul is always wrong, and NO-ONE else (women that is, in my Nazi feminist minded family) is EVER wrong.


How convenient.

“Rahul is too loud”, everyone goes.

Yet, my wife screaming at equal and louder volumes goes virtually unnoticed (calling her my wife is a stretch now, but … ah, butwe’ll get to that later!).

But anyway, these Trump supporters were kicked off.

Official reason?

They were too loud!

On other fronts, I heard Bruce Willis is being publicly shamed for not wearing a bloody mask in some pharmacy.

“He had a bandana around his neck”, the wailers and moaners wailed. “Why couldn’t he use that!

Pretty much the same sort of wail the ladies (some, NOT all) in the park give me when I’m doing pullups out there WITHOUT a mask.

(and yes, I usually socially distance or what not. And so was Willis. There was no-one “near

And even if there was?

Who really cares?

I mean, China done spread this. How long is the ROW going to keel over and keep taking it up the ass from China?

I dont get it, my friend. I really dont!

I mean, at a certain point you gotta do AWAY with the fear and panic – and most of it, lets face it – is UTTERLY unfounded.

Back to democracy, Trump, and more …

I’m a very strident Trump supporter. I dont support the chaos and violence, no, and I’ve said that.

Other hand, I support what Twitter and other social media SHEDIA are doing – EVEN LESS!

Curtailing freedom of speech is NOT ON.

Saying “my way or the highway” is NOT ON.

Thats how Communist China does it – – I should KNOW!

And I am very adamantly and vehmently against this.

They wanna run China that way?

Fine. Perfectomundo, amigo.

But NOT the rest of the world!

And thats why I Dont “force” or shove my products down people’s throats.

In fact, when people tell me (or ask me) “what I do” I smile and tell them “I sit at home”.

Which I do, actually. Hehe. Regardless of which part of the world that might be in!

I sit at home, write books and send emails.

I usually leave out the books part to infuriate them even more, hehe.

But really. ‘nuff said, eh?

To pick up the MOST NO-NONSENSE fitness System out there that just flat out works – go HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Interesting how the guy offered to help the dame out, despite NOT knowing her from Adam apparently. With cash at that. And we guys are supposed yto be the bad guys, hehe.

If you gotta be Nazi feminist, at least be INTERESTING about it!
- Damn skipppeeeee, brrooooooo!

Wayyy back in the day (well, not that long ago now that I think about it, but then again, nothing seems “that long ago to me”!) I met a girl named Sophia.

The “whys and wherefore’s” were immaterial, or should I mention them here?

Well, a certain “Jill Ass” on a WeShat group got pissed off apparently that I was “lucky” enough to get a “red packet” (which is the Chinese way to send money to people publicly, sort of like a few cents here and there, tithes, whatever, but doing it online) in a public WeShat group.

Run by a guy who I believe is anything but not colorful (Secretly) despite being married, hehe.

I should know.

His wife once “vented” to me about munneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee out there in the park while I was doing my bare chested pull-ups!

But anyway, this isn’t about him or her.

So, Vicky started hurling abuse left right and center.

Yours truly was laughing at it, but at a certain point, I let her have it, but only once, and that was enough.

Anyway, Sophia stepped in.

She took my side.

Now, this girl was one I had seen a while ago, to be honest. But I never bothered speaking to her for some odd reason.

And yet, months later she supported me.

I added her thereafter.

The picture, that LOOK in the eyes – all threw me for a LOOP!

I was literallyt thinking mostly with my little brain. Hehe. Which thinks a lot!

But anyway, some gals just HAVE that look.

And those eyes bored straight into me as we got to the point.

Her point, not mine, hehe.

OF course. Feminism!

“Can I ask you a question?”, she went.

“Sure, Madam Sophia”, I laughed. I knew what it was!

“How much you have in your bank balance!”

Bear in mind it was the first time we SPOKE – online.

(as I send this, I think the exact quote was “how much you have in your bank deposit!”)​

Chinese girls are nothing if not BRUTAL about it, hehe, and I love it.

And use it for a business of mine as well!! 😉

Which Madam likely knows about, but doesn’t acknowledge except when giggling. Hehe.

Anyway, she was HOT. Or she appeared so, anyway.

She was DOING all the right things.

You’d never think she was a mother of two (albeit very young) kids …

And a wife to be honest.

But she was.

And yours truly bad boy was doing the bad thing and flirting with her DESPITE KNOWING this, because that ITALIAN THUNDERBOLT done STRUCK, BROOO!

She had it!

But anyway point of this?

When we “finally” (years or months??) later met, she wouldn’t let me pay the tab for the beer and coffee (after the hike, hehe, yours truly has gotta vet the gal first. If she doesn’t hike, she’s OUT. LOL. Nah. Not really. She suggested it!).

Wel, no.

I paid it.

But she bitched up a storm later, and insisted on returning a pithy amount.

Typical “feminism” of “maybe I’ll be controlled by him in the future”.



All I did was take her out for a beer and ask her what she wanted!

She said coffee.

So I got that.

And hike aside, that was the END of that, hehe.

(Right. I dont blame you for not believing me. ;)).

But raciness aside, I’d NEVER put up with such BS or the question itself from a gal. Never ever. Or anyone.

But she, and a few others made it INTERESTING.

Like yours truly’s “lovely wife” when I first met her who managed to winkle out the “number” I had in my bank account right then too …

Of course, in both those cases my big head took over at just the right time.

Thank God.



Goddesses. LOL. Whatevea.

I’m out to write on some Goddesses now (not Hindu, hehe).

But before I do that, remember one thing.

Life – should be INTERESTING.

Plaid staid shaid bozo sho.


I’d rather keep things NEW. Exciting. INTERESTING!

And keep it interesting enough and I may just tell you my deepest, darkest desires and SECRETS which aren’t secrets, but … hehe.

Back soon!

(And good news, fitness wise? You dont need to be interesting, really – or tell me stories. All you gotta do is pull out a credit card, and head on over HERE to learn the deepest secrets in that regard)…


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And thats precisely why I can’t stand Jim Shim (that and the lack of real results and real world strength – read what I wrote about Rahul Panicker slamming a much bigger boobybuilder in an arm wrassling contest. REAL MAN STUFF!). It’s so damned BORING, and takes forever. I’d rather get my workout done in 5 minutes or so while the bros goggle

PS #2 – The birds suddenly started to chirp VERY excitedly as I hit send on this one. Spiritual sign? You decide! (no bees as yet, but I’m sure they’re around, hehe).

The third eye “opening”, and more …
- It ALL happens at the right TIME!

In Claude Bristol’s “TNT – it ROCKS the world” ( I dont know why, but that name never comes clearly to me!) … he speaks of a GREAT WHITE dazzling light that came to him after YEARS.

After years and years of searching, one fine night at around 3 in the morning, he “got it”.

The “secret” he had been searching for literally JUMPED out at him.

And being the book was writting during the Depression (or set, maybe I should say), this power enabled their company to do ROARING biz at a time most were shuttering down.

Spiritual, yes.

Bristol goes on record saying that “he’s done his best to explain it via word, but if you dont understand, YOU Will need to figure out why you dont understand. Read between the lines if you must, but you MUST understand YOURSELF!”

And Napoleon Hill says much the same in the preface to “think and Grow Rich”.

“If you’re reading this book and are ready to put the principles into action (I believe he mentioned if you have a goal and plan) then you already posess one half of the secret.

The other half you will recognize when it COMES TO YOU.

I could tell you right now, but that would deprive you of the benefits YOU would get by discovering them in your OWN WAY”.

In “Outwitting the Devil”, he speaks of TWO solid down times in his life – possibly the most taxing ever (though I must admit, for a lot of people the plague from China has made THIS time even worse than Hill’s #2 saga, but what do I know! Back then they didnt even have government aid etc I believe …) and how he finally managed to break out of the “self imposed” for a lot of parts rut he was in.

“The turn came SUDDENLY”.

“The moon never shone brighter!”

Great men have written this sort of thing in books since yore.

Precious few folks understand, or even try to.

Now, yours truly has always been spiritual and a student of the subconscious, albeit subconsciously for the majority of my life, hehe.

But the things I’ve been noting in the past FIVE years (or so) (maybe it’s close r to three) as I delve deeper into this subject are fascinating.

And meditation etc just improves my understanding of all this … which to be honest is so LITTLE that I could read books on it my whole life, and still not understand fully.

But anyway, last night.

I wrote about how “Trump” came to me.

And after that, I laid back down in bed again.

Tired. Exhausted.

And it happened.

Miraculously or not, the “spot between my eyes” – – turned into an EYE (that is where the pineal gland, believed to be responsible for manifestation is located, and that is where a lot of my mediation focuses on) …


And as it opened, brilliant white light came POURING OUT.

And every time I closed my eyes thereafter, I saw brilliance. Radiance. Oh my!

I was going through the same thing that Bristol did, at least as far as I can tell, and the same thing many others have. Curiously enough or not, I just turned 40 a week or so ago, an age where most men (that truly make it) really start to DO great things (read what Hill had to say about the power of sexual transmutation, and why most men do NOT succeed in a big way before the age of 40).

But anyway … just thought I should share that!

Now, how does the esoteric fit in with fitness, you may ask.

Great question, and simple to answer.

The more you EXERCISE, the more you stay calm and your mind FOCUSES.

The more you workout RIGHT, the more you can “remain focused” on a task. Writing. Meditation. THINKING (the hardest task as Ford said).

I did a LOT of the latter last night around 2 AM in the morning.

What I want NOW in my life, in the future, going ahead, etc etc.

All practices I’d recommend you to indulge in too.

But make sure to get your workout in FIRST bro.

Or at least sometime during the day.

Handstands and Hindu pushups.

Or, sit in the squat position I’ve mentioned in Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Or, stretch out like in the book on reverse pull-ups.

OR, simply do as many pull-ups as you can in proper form.

GO for a long hike.

Look at the gals, hehe (nah. Not really! ;)).

But whatever does it.

Fitness truly complements ALL, my friend.

And thats what I gotta say for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the bestselling 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE.

The incredibly ENERGIZING effect the Trumpinator has on me.
- THAT is the magic of the MAN!

Donald Trump may be a lot of things, but to me, you know what he’s best at, either consciously or not?


And while i don’t condone the events at the Capitol there is a line of thought that says “we can’t just let things be stolen”.


Yours truly prefers the courts to handle it, but what if they’re too worreid about the backlash to DO SO?

Point to ponder, me thinks …

But anyway, and point I’m saying what I am is this. Today has been a strange sort of day.

I’ve accomplished a lot.

Dealt with a LOT.

Got a few things happening … and as I got through all this, and a very late lunch indeed, i realized one more thing.

I’m having a migraine from hell.

So it feels like, at least.

More like a stress headache.

Good news, it hasn’t gotten to the back of my head as yet as it did with Jason Bourne when he met Marie.

Maybe it should, hehe.

Anyway, as I was lying there in the dark, massaging a certain area of my forehead, it happened.

Like I said, strange things have been happening all damn day today.

NOTHING happens without a reason bro.

And . . . Donald Trump flashed into my mind.

I could hear me saying. I could SEE HIM, almost like he was next to me!

With HIS hand on my shoulder, that kindly gaze in his eyes.

“Come on Rahul! ONE MORE ROUND!”

“Come, on Rahul! Almost there!”

(which I am w.r.t a fabulous goal I’m pursuing, but as I just said to myself, it can be exhausting at times, but it is what it is)

As the Trumpinator showed up successfully, it was like Rocky inV getting up to fight once Mickey “shows up”.

I did.

Goal almost there. (I’ll tell you what it is later!)

And I’m writing this.

And point , or another one of all this?


Even while lying in bed, nursing a headache from hell.

I’d be lying to say I’m back at a 100 percent right NOW.

In about an hour, maybe less, I will be though!

And thats what I want YOU TO FEEL when you read my stuff!

My emails.

My books.

When you TALK TO ME.

When you get on COACHING calls with me.

When you HEAR me speak, either in person or not.

Is to feel that I’m THERE with you.

Through your troubles.

I’m THERE for YOU.

Thick and thing.

So long as you DO the thing, so will fitness – and the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and ALL my products.

NO better motivator, me thinks.

Grab some NOW


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can pick up another healthy dose of MOTIVATION.

PS #2 – The “vision” might have been more real than I thought. More on this later!

Injuries, coddling and MORE …
- Just DO it, bro.

I still remember it.

That NASTY ingrown toenail which was so painful was that when a shoe – or a even a light touch from one of the girls at the “baddddddddd” massage places I so often frequented in “the good ole days” (I’ve been known to visit them bordellos occasionally even now sans the naughty part, ever since Xi did the “Great Yellow Crackdown”, hehe, or yours truly got hitched – whichever you believe – or came first. 😉 My wife believes the … well, neither one of them. You … well, you be the judge!) so much as TOUCHED it, I’d BAWL with and in pain.


It was that bad.

Yours truly “unruly and anti-doctor” for the most part had put off treating it until he really HAD to.

So, there came the trip to Hong Kong. Those were the days where I wasn’t confident doctors on the mainland could do the trick. (they probably could, but…the language barrier and all that!).

A three hour trip either way.

Buses. Taxis. Or Trains. And LOTS Of walking, and climbing stairs without escalators or elevators.

The bad ole days!

And of course, the visit to the hospital in Hong Kong the first time, via subway with the toe, a jampacked subway.

Ouch x 10. Hehe.

Anyway, when it was all said and done and they had cut the damned thing open and bandaged it back up, the cute little nurse(s, I believe) handed me a prescription of sorts.


She gave me the one over, and giggled.

“No wine and beer!”

I grinned back. Hey, she was cute!

“How about a date?”

She giggled even louder, and disappeared, never to be seen. No date, boyo.


Anyway, that hospital and the good docs there didnt solve the problem and it reoccured. A CRANKY back alley doc in Hong Kong (again) finally solved it.

He gave me one massive shot to the base of the toe to neutralize the pain. OUCH!

But it worked, and he literally showed me the toe as he was cutting it open, and jabbed the second injection in right where the pus was.



Did it work?

Hell yeah.

“You have a trip back to ….”, he asked.

Yes, I replied.

“Hmm!” he said, looking at me. “Indians generally can’t bear pain better than Chinese can!”

(He was referring to ethnic origins, and the trip back with a bandaged, cut wide open and painful toe).

Hell, I even went to Walmart that night to do my shopping. Climbed up the four flights of stairs back home.

And the next day, colleagues laughed at me about it.

“You can walk!”

And that was supposed to be the “balm on the wound”. LOL.

Ditto for when yours trulu “movie star” or “looking like one!” jumped out of the bus at the age of 17, landed with a nasty bump on that right wrist I write so much about, and work so much in Gorilla Grip, a wrist that was bandaged by the doc and then I was told to get on with it.

And of course, I got the gorilla from that tennis player three times my size …

Ditto for the MOST painful and potentially debilitating couple of injuries I picked up in 2017. Or 2108, I shoudl say.

Both so painful that ex Special Forces men and ex army men and wrestlers told me to get it treated pronto. And that “it would always hurt”.


REAL FIGHTERS, and REAL MEN that KNEW a thing or two about PAIN! 

The thumb, of course.

CRACK! I can still remember the damned thing in the rain and cold popping in and out …

I didnt get it treated.

Well, I held a cold Corona. Hey. I was supposed to ice it, so I did!

Went to bed after a few beers.

And the next day, I was back at doing … FINGERTIP pushups. Albeit at 80%.

The day after was the 4th. Yours truly turned 37 I believe, and of course he had to work out hard and heavy with pull-ups with that thumb, and he did it!

Now, when I told my wife about it?

“Thats your problem! You’re in China!” she responded. “Don’t complain!”


All I did was tell her. I didnt complain or ask her for a solution!

And these are only the injuries I recall. One more is an extremely painful bump on the shin with a leather cricket ball wayyyyy back in the day (yours truly wasn’t wearing shin guards, and let me tell you, that was PAINFUL).

No-one so much as bothered to look at it.

Its my problem! How dare I bring it up.


Fair enough.


I’m the guy that just does it.

Of course, I get ranted at in a psesudo-apopyltcic manner for NOT just doing the thing. HA! If only they KNEW!

They do know, of course, and thats why. When it cuts deep. Hehe.

But anyway, my wife.

She apparently picked up a nasty and extremely painful sprain yesterday.

I asked her about it once I got to know of it.

Nunya biz”, she gaily responded, and yet, the DRAMA my friend.


Oh my.

You’d think the leg was permanently out of commission as opposed to a coupla days …

Same thing for the stomach infection or what not she supposedly had, which she was told was a “mental problem”.

I’m not sure it was. I ain’t even sure it was a real issue.

But apparently all the learned docs in the world couldn’t solve it.

Doctor bills. Money out the ass. Tests. Sh-tests. And what not. (and no, yours truly DID pay for it).

And aggravation. Driving hither, thither, and ….

(of course, the very people that claimed “it’s a mental problem” have changed their tune now, forgotten they said it, and turned around and said “of course it’s a problem!)

Marriages of convenience, and more. Hehe.

Anyway, so much for the docs. That problem still ain’t solved, but the DRAMA.

Then we have her “slipping once when cleaning”. Or, the supposed “jaundice” or what not she had pre-marriage when her family at the time “never treated her”.

Thankfully yours truly doesnt get blamed for that last one, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did!

“Its nothing to do with you!” I can still hear people bawling. Hehe.

Anyway … the point of this LONG rant, or “history sheet” you might ask?

Well, it ain’t to glorify my injuries or to put down others. It ain’t to rant about doctors (though some deserve it – most of all the guy who looked at that nasty swollen ankle of mine in 2013 I believe, and complained about me taking my sock off to show him the issue! Much like the doctor who Uncle Bob went to back int he day for a cough – a serious one – and she complained about him coughing!).

(Curiously enough, these same idiots are looked upon by “society” in general as healers. And to be respected. HA!)

And it ain’t to say go to doctors or don’t. I believe most things are best treated yourself, but thats me.

The point is CODDLING.

DRAMA. Tons of it. And so forth.

Donald Trump, for one got the China plague, but he doesnt complain, whine, bitch, moan, piss groan and everythign under the sun does he for weeks on end?


He got the plague. Was in bed or what not for a couple of days and worked through it anyway.

And then he recovered. And boom, said and done.

Now, thats my MAN!


And it’s the way I DO THINGS.

He’s back to his “anti mask” unruly ways.

Much like yours truly “unruly, rabid supporter of the right to bear firearms which to be honest should be there in EVERY country and very anti-mask” is, and has always been.


Now, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to be on the “coddled” side.

They’re the ones that get all the “supposed” advantages.

Help sh-help.

The doctors.

The sympathy.

The commiseration .

Cry me a fucking river, my friend.

I’d rather be ont he other side.

Brutish, wild and JUST DO IT (despite being accused of not just doing it) much like Doctor #2 in gritty working class Mong Kok in Hong Kong.

It’s how I am.

It’s what I believe in.

And it’s what my products show more than anything else.

I do not coddle you.

If you can’t do pull-ups, for one, then lose the FAT bro. And get to work. If you got a weak grip, ditto. Strap – “shap” isn’t gonna solve the issue, and neither is tons of chalk (though there’s nothing wrong with chalk really).

Neither will doing endless sets of curls in the gym shym.

You do what works.

And if it hurts, if it’s “uncomfortable”, if it “makes you grow” … and so forth, well, thats a good thing.

And there endeth that long rant from yours truly “anti-coddled”.

Despite being curiously enough of course all my life being accused of BEING coddled by certain …ah, but we won’t go there.

How dare I.

I’m the nutter, aren’t I. LOL.

And on that note, yours truly “always wrong” is out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the grip compilation right HERE.

The Universe sees ALL my friend …
- There is no "court" compared to "the one above"!

As the latest on Trump keeps spreading over the news (Twitter ban, Grandma Pelosi wanting to impeach him etc etc) … I can’t help but shake my head.

And nod.


That is precisely what happens when a man – a REAL MAN – says it like it IS without consideration for “who might think what” and “how it might make others feel”, calls frauds and bullies out for what they are without pussy footing around the bush – makes unpopular but NECESSARY decisions – and more.

You on this list KNOW what I BE Talking about!

Hell, I sure do my friend.

I’ve been dealing with a variant of this ALL my life.

Every time I’ve tried to help someone, or do the right thing eventually – guess what – I get “guilt tripped” or shat upon.

Or betrayed.

My price to pay for not dancing to Mommy’s wierd and unnatural (and to be honest INSANE) tune was “be banished”.

Ditto for wifey dearest.

Much like Trump, yours truly is a man who a lot of people love to hate.

And forget their OWN enemity for.

And of course, saying it like is.

My family’s way of doing that is to say THEIR version and side of things, while not allowing the other person to speak, and if he does -either yell like a banshee or guilt trip him about some BS or the other.

Pretty much what is happening with ole Donald right now.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesnt.

But the Universe sees all my friend.

And as a friend and lawyer recently told me with some crap I’m facing right now – do the right thing Rahul.

Everything else will take care of itself.

Which is pretty much my way of living anyway, and he KNOWS it, and so do I.

The Universe will reply in its own way to those that do wrong – even if that is years later, or right now, or whenever.

No Court can compare to the Court “up there”!

Do no wrong, and receive no wrong is an universal rule my friend.

And no, not bending to “my way or the highway” is neither “wrong” nor insane. The other way is.

Any surprise that my immediate family are all staunch Hillary supporters?

I think NOT. LOL.

Anyway ….

Same thing for FITNESS, bro.

If you’re working HARD at your fitness, and trying to do the thing – you might not be able to for a long long time.

You might get discouraged.

Yo umight get tired.

But rest assured of one thing.

The Universe has your BACK, my friend.

So long as you put in the hard yards – do the right thing – and don’t bow to undue pressure – well – in the grand scheme of things – YOU will be the one getting ahead and not “them”.

And if there is one thing I could do for Trump right now, it would be for me to put my hand on his shoulders, and say the following.

“I feel you, my BROTHER”.

From another mother, hehe.

But you get the point – I’m sure you do too!

And thats that for now. Back with more soon …


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can pick up the best damned fitness system EVER.

More on why I completely QUIT social media (for the most part) last November
- Social media SH-edia...

I don’t know if you’ve noticed it, but I had my Twitter and FB feed on the right side of my website until last year … November to be precise.

And last November, I made a decision which wasn’t entirely popular with folks – especially those on my Facebook group (completely free by the way that group).

Some people were mystified by it.

But my decision, and this was another one of those decisions taken on the SPUR OF THE MOMENT – GUT feeling (although it had been bubbling away underneath for a long time) was this.

“I’m OFF these blasted social media sites” was what I told myself.

(A month or so ago, Twitter mysteriously banned one of my other accounts for the other business. I did my best trying to get in touch with them, tell them that the phone number I used for that account was no longer active etc, but nothing doing. They wouldn’t even do me the courtesy of replying. It was “their way or the highway”. And that was a popular Twitter account, by the way!)

(And a business where Twitter actually HELPS make sales etc).

I got the red ass.

I QUIT Twitter for that biz.

And then altogether, for this one, as well as my personal accounts in November.

Curiously enough, the same time during which this election was being “Stolen”.

My Twitter usage etc in terms of politics in 2020 had one – well, two reasons.

One, China spread the plague, and they crossed the line big time with that, and everything else they did, and SOMEONE had to call ‘em out.

I did. Continue to do so, and WILL continue to express my views on them.

However, politicians in general say NOTHING about China.

Except for a certain Donald trump who took them on headfirst, much like a charging Brahma bull would, and that trade deal he got them to agree to – well, guess what.

It’s still very much in place!

And HE was the man that had the balls to do it FIRST when no-one else did.

Scott Morrison and PM Johnson in the UK are good men, sure. But no-one took the lead. Donald Trump did.

Not Bush. Not Obama. Not all the Muslim countries around the world that bitch up a storm if a cartoonist expresses his or her freedom of speech in France (there’s another example of what liberal run so called democracies accepting more refugee than people that would actually BENEFIT the country, you know! End up as) but say NOTHING when WAY WORSE is sanctioned by China in Xinjiang and other regions (but especially Xinjiang!).

I mean, it’s stupefying.

Muslims are the ones that complain the MOST about their religion being vilified etc. They’re the ones that (ok, it’s the radical ones that do it) create the MOST problems worldwide. And mainstream Islam doesnt seem to come out and condem it either!

This ain’t about religion. I don’t believe in religion, period. ANY one of them.

Neither do I believe in Communism, or “Democrat-ism”, hehe.

But I do believe that religion is the opium of the masses … the sheeple. Who blindly FOLLOW without thinking.

Anyway, that was about when I quit social media, and my very brief sojourn into discussing politics.

Say what you like about the Trumpinator, but the man has his heart in the right place. He IS a patriot. And he DOES care for the country.

He’s a businessman, not a politican, and perhaps that is what I like best about him!

And a host of other things ..

But anyway, I got irritated with the constant left wing rubbish and pandering on social media, and quit Twitter entirely.

Now, Facebook.

Yes, I still used it at the time.

But in December or so, I saw a Taiwanese lady (and I postd about her, I believe) who oscillates between “wild support for Trump and the US” and “The US needs to do way more to protect Taiwan” (no they dont. Grow some balls, and take care of yourself!) … and so forth.

Going nuts in mainland China of course because of the situation with Taiwan.

But she posted something about “how the Chinese look down upon the rest of the world”.

And I posted something in return about … well, I’ve got it all stored and backed up – but basically what I said was this.

“The Chinese don’t like India because they’re dark skinned. The Chinese don’t like America because they’re better than them. The Chinese don’t like Hong Kong because they say it like it is The Chnese don’t like anyone that doesn’t agree with them.

The Chinese are a bunch of fucking idiots”.

That was the gist.

Perhaps not the most politically correct way to say it.

But, I said it.

FB blocked the post.

I appealed it.

No reply.

I “super appealed”.

Probably got to Bozo Zuckerfield and his Chiense wife, who then denied it most likely.

Goose and gander anyone?

And I NEVER got on FB after that, including my own groups etc.

Which isn’t a big deal because I created my own groups here on the 0 Excuses Fitness Ship

But anyway, for those asking, thats why I did it.

And as I read news of President Trump’s account being banned for simply saying he won’t attend the inauguaration, I done HAD it once again.

I mean, come on guys.

I dont support what happened, and the way it happened. I’ve been very stridently saying all this while the COURTS should have the final say (And they did). The LAW needs to be followed above all!

I’ve also said I’m not particularly impressed by some of Trump’s recent antics, most notably not condeming ole Rudy’s tweets about “trial by combat” (or at least asking him to tone it down – I mean that sort of rhetoric is open invitation…).

But a permanent ban??

Sorry, guys, but thats just not on.

If these idiots can ban the POTUS, they can ban you too – regardless of whether or not your biz depends on ‘em.

Anyway, I quit Instagram in 2018 pretty much. WeShat … I just use it when I have to. Twitter, NO. Facebook? Hell no.

Was-app? I haven’t logged into that in forever. Apparently one of those accounts is locked too … 

LinkedIn, yes, but only to talk to SOME people … including a certain interesting lady “Melanie”, hehe. More on that later!

Point of all this?

Goose and gander, as I’ve always said bro.

And point numero TWO is this – and I’ve said it before.

With all the craziness, impending tax raises etc, and more Commie inspired madness, the best thing YOU can do is stay in shape.

And pushups are one of the best way to do it.

Squats are too.

The big three are ALL you need, and a space on your living room floor or something.

You could of course throw in a chinning bar if you’re really dedicated, but beyond that?

Nothing else is needed, my friend.

Get on the stick NOW. Take CHARGE of your OWN LIFE – and your OWN HEALTH AND FITNESS now – and FIRST – and forever!

You’ll be glad you did, I’ll tell you that.

The year of the survivor it was, eh. This one promises to be exactly that and then some.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And for those that have asked, YES, I am fully in support of the Second Amendment and the right to bear firearms etc. Take that opinion and do what you like with it, but thats who I am – and who I’ve always been. I am NOT a fan of big government to say the least!

PS #2 – Did I rant long enough? I think so! Well anyway, int erms of fitness tools. John Walker from the UK asked me to put out a course on Indian clubs and some other tools – and being I finally discovered where the clubs were (the HEAVY ones) … I’m using them NOW.

Give it a month or so, and I’ll have a course out on that. Ya’ll will LOVE it, especially you shoulder building fanatics, hehe.

PPS – Much-O kudos to another customer Charles for READING through all the emails I send him. Sometimes he must feel he’s besieged. Nah. Not really, hehe. But he’s a good man, that DOES THE THING!

Why the “beer pizza” religion isn’t necessarily making you gain weight, lard, and such …
- It's blindly following advice from idiots and morons that is, and because you're LAZY. Let's admit it!

Bertie Wooster, and “Spode” raiding the larder at night comes to mind, and if you’re a PG Wodehouse fan which yours truly always was, is and will be forever – you Will KNOW what I mean, as well as if you look at what they EAT.


But I won’t get into that now – I’ll just say this.

There was ONLY ONE Pelgram Grant Wodehouse (edit – Pelham Grenville. I knew I got the name wrong, but not the last name). Never will be another!

Anyway, I’ve made no secret of my love for two things (well, many things, but these two too).


And pizza.

I’ve been known to imbibe and partake of both a lot of times, sometimes to the extreme.

And I’ve been known to stay in great shape no matter what as well.

Some of the reasons why, and some main reasons are mentioned in “Eat More – Weigh Less” (which is basically “Advanced Hill Training”).

Yes, I changed the name for LESSER, but more meaningful sales.

And the next thing?

Well, you hear a lot of ROT when it comes to weight loss, usually made by EXCUSE makers, sh-m-experts, and BOZO-nators.

Por ejempelo, lots of fat expats in China wail about “being fat because of the food choices”.

“Because there’s nothing to eat but rice”, they go.


Why aren’t the chinese fat then?

“Thats their gentics”, they claim!


then why are the Chinese getting fat at record levels NOW?

“How dare you talk about that!”

Dude, the point is this.

IT’s likely the cheap BEER in China making you fat. NOT the rice.

I mean, look, fella. (and the AMOUNT you eat).

Anything you eat to an extreme will make you fat.

Garbage in, garbage out is one thing, but TOO much of it in = = FAT.

Mostly around the waist.

And no, being a teetotaller, or “just drinking whisky” won’t stop it either.

ALL liqor and alcohol contains calories. It’s as simple as that. Beer does do a good job of expanding the man titties quicker though.

(and I should know. Hehe).

Now, point of this being?

It’s not so much the RICE that makes you fat.

In fact I will go on record statin the following. It ain’t rice that makes you fat.

And along with the other highly unconventional tips on DIET in the Simple and Effective Diet, and the NUMBER ONE tip which REALLY got me in the best shape diet wise (mentioned at the START) – well – this is something I talk about too.

Perhaps I didnt explain it this way, but it’s there if you read between the lines.

It’s not RICE.

Indian rice is different from Chinese rice for one.

It’s tastier – and not sticky.

And it also adds on the pounds far quicker than Chinese rice does.

I should know, again!

But if I had a choice between eating rice, bread and PIZZA?

I’d choose rice. Anyday.

And I’d choose CHEESE. And MEAT.

And no, for you “we eat meat so we ain’t fat” guys, if you eat too much meat, guess whatll happen.

You WILL get fat around the midsection.

It ain’t magic bro.

Then you got the idiots that claim “omelettes” are bad for you.

No they’re not.

Whats really bad is BREAD. And other PROCESSED starches, and no. Brown bread ain’t better either.

It just seems like it is, just like diet Sodas are actually WORSE for you than regular ones in many ways.

Anyway … these are many other UNCONVENTIONAL tips are mentioned int he Simple and Effective Diet, which is yours FREE – gratis – with a purchase of the pathbreaking and belly reducing 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Grab it now, and get in the very best shape of your LIFE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I had a choice this afternoon between bread and cheese (I love it!) and potatoes and cheese (I like, but not quite as much). Guess which I chose. If you guessed #1, you’re wrong!

PS #2 – And always remember.

“Exercise is king, and nutrition is QUEEN”. Together they make a kingdom. Jack La Lanne.