Reviews, and more …
- Sometimes they seem to be actually useful, hehe.

I’ve been ranting and raving a lot about reviews as of late.

And with good reason – like I keep saying, they really, really do help!

But either way, I also noted one thing.

That I rarely, if ever read reviews before purchasing a product, and it RARELY (never, actually) makes it’s way into the decision making process for me.

Never has, never probably will … (and I realize a lot of people don’t agree which is fine).

Anyway, I quoted two examples of shoddy customer service in one of those emails, and one of the guys actually got back to me (NOT the web host from India – that story is long finished tho and they could care less either way) with a decent response on (another unrelated) issue I had raised.

He was actully proactive about checking my account etc for the reason I had orignally opened a ticket …

And thats a good thing, my friend. Always good!

And I told him that.

Felt good.

Next, not reading reviews ..

I recently ordered something off Amazon to celebrate my birthday, which is tomorrow.

True to form, I ordered a workout track pant of sorts.

And being I LOVE Amazon anywhere in the world and rarely order for anywhere online excepting them (hey – Amazon’s customer service is BEYOND comparison and thats why! – and thats another reason for their success which I’ve also written about), I ordered it from there.


Wrong choice THIS Time.

The seller not only sent me the wrong color of pant (yours truly wanted “black and green” and he sent “black and white”) – but the wrong size.

The little things do matter, and I remember saying “oh no” when opening the package – because – like Steve Jobs said – the little things do matter, and this wasn’t a little thing.

But I was willing to forego that.

Tried it on.

Fits fine around the waist. A little tight, but I can live with it (apparently he didnt send the right size either).

But when I sat down?

The thighs felt like they were about to rip apart!

And that was when I decided to return.

Did so.

On a whim, I read the reviews, and most seem to be saying the same thing I am in terms of fit and “wrong product”.

So, sometimes those reviews are right.

But flip side, I’ve LOVED most things I get off Amazon, but the reviews are crappy.

So, take your pick …

But either way …

Learn what lessons you might from all of this.

But to get “loose around the waist” and tight around the shoulders and thighs is a good thing. Hehe.

It’s also why I always buy a size UP in shirts (XXXL – which BILLOW around the waist, but hey) – and a size up in pants too which then have to be tied with a dragstring or something around the waist.

Such is life … hehe. Until 0 Excuses Fitness launches it’s custom brand of clothing, which may happen very soon too! (and YES, they will be tailored for people that WORK OUT!).

Anyway, Hindu squats will burn fat off your frame at record speeds and add muscle on to your legs like never before, and the proof is in the pudding isnt it.

Grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System now, my friend.

Truly the best fitness related decision you’ll ever make!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, and if you’re the sort that loves reviews, read ‘em on the sales pages – -and right HERE. (Amazon etc too if you so choose).

PS #2 – a lot of you NEW sign ups on the list aren’t getting my emails, or they’re landing in spam or what not. Please check all folders etc, and if you’re still not able to get our emails, contact us!

A couple of (or maybe more) grip workouts …
- Unusual and "different" should be my middle name!

I’ll share a few unusual ones with you!

And it’ll probably (knowing me) be MORE than a “couple”.

Wayy back in the day, when yours truly was BROKE as a …. whats the expression?

I can’t recall.

But broker than broke, and couldn’t afford a washing machine (this was a while back, actually – wayyy back a few years ago).

Well, I shouldn’t say that. I should say couldn’t afford a NEW ONE.

We had a washing machine, sure. But the damn thing broke.

And being we couldn’t afford one at the time, for a period of a few months, we were left doing it “by hand”, which means we’d soak the clothes in the machine but then someone (usually yours truly would literally “lift” the clothes up by hand – out of the water – and back in several times).

A sorry version of the machine “cycle” but it worked for us at the time … somewhat. I still remember the detergent stains on some of my blue workout shirts that didnt go away!

It wasn’t so much a big deal in summer as it was winter though in the freezing cold and even more freezing WATER, and a cold ass shed outdoors, and a NARROW space, and when you bang fingers or stub toes … YIKES!

I’m actually tittering about it now. Wasn’t back then though as these duties usually fell to .. .yes.



But it was a great grip and waist workout if you did it right.

And a great way of squirting life’s lemons back in the eye as well…

(it only lasted a few months thankfully)

(those were some loooong months though!)

Anyway, or the massage girls I’ve written about it in china.

You wouldn’t think those tiny massueses are strong.

But oh hell yeah, they are.

Reportedly some of those foot massage places “train” the girls to have those strong plier like fingers that literally elicted screams of pain from yours truly “macho” when he went in there (though I felt great later!) and one of the many ways they do it?

500 fingertip pushups a day.


It’s true.

And it’s a great workout unto itself. Most likely the numbers are closer to a 100 or so, but still!!

(Chinese massages are GREAT for RECOVERY from hard workouts so long as there ain’t no hanky panky involved, hehe. Yours truly “bad boy” has been on both ends of that, so he knows. LOL)

(And it was the first thing he told his wife about as well when they first started chatting. Nothing if not brutally frank!)

How dare I, is what she told me. LOL Again!

Anyway, those are two.

#3 involves nothing but a railing, and contrary to what you might think doesn’t involve much squeezing of the railing either though you could do it, of course, if you wanted to.

What it does involve is something you won’t necessarily associate railings with…


It involves a bucket of RICE. And some of the toughest grip workouts I’ve had include just that – and do NOT include either cooking or eating the rice!

Well, my friend, I said a couple and I think we’re at 4.

These, and many more solid grip exercises, some of which you’ve never heard of are mentioned in Gorilla Grip – and Gorilla Grip (Advanced).

Be sure to pick ‘em up, and start building the grip of your dreams TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – That “kung fu like grip”, as I like to say!

PS #2 – Remember to pick up the definitive course on pushups (great way to work the grip) right here: Pushup Central.

More on why “LSD”cardio is probably the worst thing you can do for your heart …
- I doubt many will get it, for those that do though ... her eit is!

Heart attacks have been a theme for the last two or so emails (or at least, so say some people’s significant others!).

Which is funny, because if you were to ask these very people about other forms of exercise, such as say the “treadmill” or “cardio at the gym” or long slow runs, these wives and other “Concerned” people would probably okay it!

I just read that champion Indian cricketer Saurav Ganguly, a combative sort if there ever was one, has just undergone angioplasty at a hospital somewhere in Kolkata.

Apparently the cricket icon was doing LSD on a treadmill when (and though the news didn treport what speed he was running at, I’d bet it was the usual 80% of target heart rate rubbish spouted out there) he felt an acute pain in his chest.

Heart attack it was …

And he seems to be stable now, but bear in mind, this is a man that played cricket for his country for YEARS AND YEARS.

Until about 15 year ago, I think …

And while cricket isn’t by any means a sport like soccer where you literally can’t play the sport without being supremely fit overall (cricket has long periods of standing along with long periods of “prowling the outfield” and such – but it DOES have intense sprints too) … you CAN still run hard.

Especially between the wickets and while fielding.

“Dada” (elder brother as they fondly call him) wasn’t the best at either, but that was a different era where cricketers weren’t as fit as they are NOW.

But either way, this long slow distance cardio thing my friend is all NOT what it’s touted to be.

You can do it, sure.

But just look at marathon runners vs sprinters.

Who looks stronger – healthier – and fitter?

Sure, the marathon runners might be skinny, or skinny fat, but thats about it.

And while I’m not against running in general (I’ve written a lot about that) – if you do roadwork – and do it FAST for instance, or if you RUN – or sprint fast – all of that is a LOT, LOT better than those sloowwwwwww wlong runs.

You’re better off sitting on your butt and meditating I’d say for the “slow” stuff.

At least your training your mind hard, hehe.

Want more evidence?

Well, just look at studies etc they’ve done on marathon runner’s hearts who regularly collapse after running those long distance marathons my friend.

Look at how animals in the wild train.

They may WALK a lot (on all fours) which I highly recommend. Either bipdeal or otherwise.

But there’s no conscious effort to “do long slow cardio at X percent of heart rate!”

And yet, I dont think any of us would want a cage match with a grizzly – gorilla – or tiger!

When it comes time to get the job done – theY get it done, and how.

QUICK and intense gets it done, bro.

There is just no argument about this.

(and thats another reason I can’t wrap my head – the BIG head – around why people keep complaining about “intense” giving people heart attacks …)

(when the reverse is true!)

A MINUTE – yes, a minute of Hindu squats done right will do you and your heart – and your overall health a LOT LOT MORE GOOD than an hour of slowwwwwwww paced cardio – and you’ll feel like a billion bucks too.

Like I am now …

But if you choose to ignore all this and continue on your merry way, well, more power to you.

For the rest of you – Advanced Hill Training is another great course you simply MUST JUST pick up.

And in the meantime – my best wishes to Dada. He’s truly one of a kind, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Equally moronic is the chant about “Going to the Jim-Shim is the only way to build strength!” Or “I need a gym to stay fit” … and not to mention that the public in general has been decieved by the sh-media and the gym shyms that muscles that are big, bigger biggest – and at their very puffiest, and bloatiest all day and year around, not to mention unnaturally pumped (ugh), toned (snicker!) and TIGHT are the “epitome of fitness” and anything else should be cast by the wayside.

Asinine. Ridiculous. Retarded. But .. .let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth, a former gym shym BOOBYbuilder right here – Shoulders like Boulders.

PS #2 – And don’t even get me started on the nimrods that dont do the thing and yet prattle on about how “bodyweight exercises only build endurance and you lift weights to build strength”. And yet, put any of them or their weight cranking heroes on exercises that really HIT ‘em –Battletank Shoulders for one, and they clock what?

A big massive fat … ZERO SHERO.

Zilch. Zip. Nada. Squat. Buttkiss. And so forth …

I give up, hehe.

But if you on this list see these nuts, make sure to give ‘em a copy of my books and get ‘em on the workouts, and see the puddle of sweat they collapse in shortly thereafter. Be sure to get your books back tho – folks have been known to “make off with them and never return ‘em” – and we dont want THAT to happen, do we!!

The two things I dislike the MOST about shoddy customer service
- Another huge UGH.

And yours truly has dealt with a LOT of it to be very honest.

One, bozos that don’t READ what you say and provide irritating one line responses that look like they were typed out by Bozo Schofield on speed.

“sir plz click dat link”


This sort of communication is often used in the subcontinent which unfortunately or not hosts a lot of IT services I’m (un) priveleged enough to use.

Por ejempelo, my last web host was based out of there apparently.

When I got their service, they were based in the good ole US of A, but the guy that started it sold it, made his money, and all went DOWNHILL after that once they moved to India.

It’s sad.

India has so much potential.

But shoddy customer service and doing the exact opposite of what a customer would expect (and believe me, this isn’t just me – the 10 Commandments of Succesful Sales contains plenty such examples) has ensured that IT, BPO etc is all MOVING AWAY from a country you’d expect to be leading in such things.

All moving to (not China) but Eastern Europe etc, and I must admit, their style is far more preferable.

Their English can be lacking at times. But that ain’t a biggie for me!

Anyway, my CURRENT web hosts are so good I cannot say enough good things about them!

And have left them good reviews ALL OVER the Internet. Because they deserve it – all of them!

Oh, another comment I once got from my last web host when I was getting upset over them hijacking my domain during one of their numerous server downtimes (another webhost – and in fact many said that was just unbelievable, and it was!)

I mean, would you believe it?

They took my site (the last web host), replaced it with “Hello world” to test, and then hijacked the domain, pointing it to another domain while they “tested” the site out!

Their whole server was probably of the sort that was literally hanging by a thread.

When I raised up a storm?

“Oh, your the guy that thinks he knows everything”, said “Venkat”, one of their most aggressive customer service reps.

Brilliant .. or pathetic? You decide!

Even my Mom wouldn’t have made that comment (and believe me, she does all the time) in that situation and I was paying these guys!

Anyway, I switched web hosts, and like I said, all is very well in that neck of the woods NOW.

BOTH my hosts NOW are so awesome I’d gladly leave them reviews, and have done so without being asked. Believe me, they never asked!

And thats the trick my friend. And this should be read in conjunction with my last email on this …

So number two?

Well, many years ago, Manny, a Filipino dude had this to say to me when I was working an IT job and fixing a problem he had.


I dont want to see these long emails. Just fix it!”

And thats it.

Curt, abrupt, brusque and RUDE – as compared to before, when he’d love those emails.

Now, for background, we got into a drunken argument a couple of days back, which explains his annoyance (although really, like Uncle Bob once said – its time to GET OVER an argument a couple of days after that, and let bygones be bygones. It wasn’t even serious!).

But his point begets.

When dealing with customer service, often times you have a problem you just want solved.

Long emails are fine – – provided they make a point!

And over the last week I’ve been dealing with some nuts who send long emails in purr-fect English and all (and these gays seem to be based out of (guys – sorry – thats a “Chinese auto correct” – – “guy” changes into “gay” often!) the Socialist Republic of California of all things) but DELAY fixing a problem.

And dont even understand it.

I mean, the problem I was having was simple.

I finally fixed it myself.

But those guys sent long flowery emails for something that could have been resolved at ONE shot.

“Can we have your permission to test this?

“Can we create a sample”?

Dude, or gal, just DO the damn thing already … but while I didnt get annoyed at them over email, that is what I was thinking!

I mean, it’s not like you’re asking the Pres for permission on something! It was a simple case of “code” not working (and no, it isn’t related to this site – like Isaid – my current hosts are nigh on AWESOME, and so is the email service i Use – just AWESOME).

Those are the two things, my friend, and I’ve no doubt YOU TOO have encountered these sort of things before, and continue to.

And they’ll no doubt make their way to a lengthy book on how NOT to deliver stellar customer service in the future.

All for now though!

I’m off to do pull-ups.

BE sure and pick up the BEST Damned fitness system out there right here my friend.

You’ll love it.

And it comes with yours truly’s special mercurial style of DIRECT customer service too, hehe.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – I’ve written about all this before, but had to again – just HAD to get it off my chest!

PS #2 Yours truly, always mercurial. Damn. As I told a friend the other day, this here email BE having FLAMES shooting out of it, hehe. But it’s well deserved!

Why I HATE (or can’t stand) people – and businesses that either ask “can you do me a favor” out of the blue – or want FIVE star (and no less) reviews!
- UGH.

I work with a lot of people, and businesses as you can tell.

And last week, I got an email (well, a couple of weeks ago) from one of the businesses I work with.

The communication style was UNPROFESSIONAL to say the least.

No “Hi”, or any sort of grammar etc, and punctuated by a lot of emoticons which I hate.

Don’t get me wrong.

If it’s friends chatting – sure.

But if you dont know the person from Adam, and thats the style of customer service they provide (i.e no “ticket” system, no template, no nothing ) … then it just smacks of UNPROFESSIONALISM and no less.

And it’s IRRITATING as heck.

“Great! Can I ask you a small favor?”

Of course, he leaves this question IN THE AIR – and lets it “hang”.

He wants me to probe further, of course.

Which I will NOT DO.

And INSTANTLY, I got a bad vibe.

No doubt he wanted “free” something, or something he hadn’t earned as yet, or didnt deserve.

This was a business, no less.

And then again today.

“You’ve been using for a couple of weeks! Please leave a five star review (the “five” was bolded) and help u s out!”

I mean, Jesus guy.

Sure, it’s a free plugin I’m using.

But no-one forced you to PUT IT OUT THERE!

And truth be told, I dont particularly like it either …

But anyway, point is this.

Yours truly asks people to leave reviews – ALL THE TIME.

But one, books work differently. People expect reviews.

If you were buying a book, let’s be honest – you’d read at least some reviews about it.

Well, the average person does. I don’t. My wife keeps telling me “dont buy anything before you read reviews” but being the average person is a Bozo that couldn’t review his ass correctly if he or she tried, I just don’t read ‘em/

But this list is different.

All SMART people. People that DO the thing. And they ARE – I repeat – ARE qualified to leave reviews.

Genuine reviews.

And this brings me to point NUMERO TWO.

I NEVER, EVER ask a person to leave “5 star reviews” .

I ask a person to leave GENUINE and honest reviews.

If the person truly thinks it’s 5 star, by all means leave that star rating, and other than Bozo Scofield, thats all my fitness books and courses have ever gotten- -not to mention the other writing I do for my other business, which is a lot more than what I do here.

Basically other than the trolls, anyone with any REASONABLE (I am not even saying high) intellect gives it a great review, (by the way, that was a term Charles Mitchell coined, hehe) – and guess what – – it’s because the books and courses DESERVE it.

But asking for favors out of the blue?

The BEGGING vibe?


Not me.

Never WILL go there.

I’m very clear in that if you aren’t on this list to eventually buy something, then you’re wasting your time (that, and if you can’t read between the lines, because truth be told, I give you a GOLDMINE of info in my daily tips anyway!) …

I’m very clear in that my prices will remain high, and the Ship price just went up by two hundred smackers.

And I’m very clear in that I ONLY WANT those that are committed to succeed at the highest levels at WHATEVER it is they do.

Not how the vast majority of businesses out there think apparently!

Hey, I get it.

Times are tough.

But thats only because “as we think so we are”.

Yes, I realize you might not believe me, but it’s true.

THOUGHT is what ultimately caused Great Depressions globally to LIFT.

Thought is what PRODS you into action, and gets you in the best shape of your life …

On that note, I’ve been thinking pull-ups all morning so I’ll go do some soon.

In the meantime, be sure and pick up the definitive compilation on pull-ups right HERE.

And of course, the flagship 0 Excuses Fitness System and a few others …

I’ll be waiting to welcome you aboard!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – People in general just don’t get it, do they. Ugh.

PS #2 – And if you DO need to ask for a review, just come out and DO it, and DON’T say “can you do me a favor”. UGH. People dont get it!

On “Mercurial Mookerjee” leading by example, and more on that …
- Sometimes, thats what you gotta DO!

I just saw a mercurially hot woman.

Sunny Leone, porn star wayyy back in the day (no yours truly isn’t a huge fan of porn – I used to watch it back in the day, but these days I can count on ZERO fingers the amount of porn I watch) and now Bollywood star and “TV personality” on all sorts of inane idiot box shows.

Raking in the moolah, hehe.

Good on her!

She’s FOUGHT to get to where she is today.

Girl has a BRAIN too – not like some of the mindless bimbos you see prancing around out there.

And porn, movie any which star aside, she’s a BUISINESSWOMAN first and foremost, and thats what hits you about her the first (at least it did me).

Not the “body” or the physique which I must admit looks fit.

I’ve always maintained you can tell a LOT about a man by the way he grips – looks at you – and his HANDS.

Same thing for a woman in many regards.

Despite being in an industry which requires you to look “pretty” to the point of being unnatural (and being in it in very succesfully I may add) – she’s got hands that show she’s worked in her life.

REAL work.

HARD Work.

I dont know how to explain it, but it shows …

… Anyway, with all the dreams of women in red dresses I had yesterday (Carol’s red “qi pao” comes to mind! Which I never told her I liked, and which she later asked me “why I didnt tell her”) … perhaps its fitting that the first thing I saw was the schenews today which shows “Sunny” in some sort of inane TV show.

Playing a doc no less.

Doctor Sunny.


I wrote about NOT getting the plague the other day, confidence and what not.

But if Doctor Sunny were to treat me, hey … !

Anyway, yours truly “mercurial” has something else to report on that front.

Mercurial Mookerjee.

The name came to mind. I’ll stick with it, hehe.

EVERY time I get in an argument with my wife, or have in the past – I’ve found the best thing to do is to NOT argue, and just do the thing.

Brings to mind a time when she wouldn’t do laundry or housework.

Dishes would pile up. Laundry would be there ALL Over the place. Nothing would “get done”.

She’d watch inane soap operas all day and prattle on on the phone and she would NOT listen to yours truly in any which way in any regard.

She still doesn’t.

“You’re not my mother in law”, she’d holler at me.

True dat.

I wouldn’t want to be either. UGH. And neither do I have a very cordial, or any relationship at all with said mother in law …

Anyway, I did the opposite of what most MGTOW folks would advocate.

I didnt fight, scream, shout, or ..(well, Mercurial Mookerjee did that, but he calmed down after he saw it wasn’t getting him anywhere). . .

I just did it myself for a few days.

And lo and behold, after a few days, it was like a switch flipped.

She was back to normal, and doing MORE than what she had done in AGES.

There’s a lesson therein, my friend.

There’s several in fact. I dont care if you’re selling, doing business, in “operations”, dealing with uncooperative Bozos, and so forth. But there’s a lesson there methinks … Several!

Sometimes you gotta lead by example.

All the time, actually.

Thats what real leadership is about, first, foremost and last.

And of course, fitness wise, when your wives and S.O’s (OK, wife, not “wives”, hehe) see you doing handstands and handstand pushups galore at the age of 60 plus, then guess what.

Chances are THEY too will EVENTUALLY not just “approve it” but join in.

As opposed to if you just “told them”.

Same thing for kids, and kiddie fitness.

Same thing for the “grunters” at the ole gym that claim to bench Manhattan but can’t do a handstand to save their lives …

You DO the thing.


And provided that way works – well – people will follow you (eventually and sometimes without even wanting to) to the ENDS of the earth to see what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it!

And thats just how it works.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to pick up the courses on shoulders and of course that KING of all exercises (though there are many!) the almighty PULL-UP in COMPILATION FORMAT if you dont want to pick ‘em up one by one.

Links – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD to SUPER STUD!

Barnstorming SHOULDERS!

“You have a nice chest and biceps!”
- Oft missed keys to the same

Winblows crashed when writing this the first time around. Lets see how we do NOW!

Anyway, wayyyyyyy back in the day when all I did was climbing hills for hours, I got in great, great shape – but I worried about “losing out on progress made in other exercises”.

I did pull-ups yes.

But I didnt do near as many as I did later, and do NOW. Truth be told, thats one reason (one main reason) I didnt improve as quickly at pull-up as I’d have liked, but bright side?

The positive?

Was the experience I bring to you from the school of hard knocks.

Experience truly is the best teacher!

And this experience SHINES through in all my highly acclaimed books, my friend, and if there was a competition between which one was the most highly rated – I’d say the following.

Pushup Central, Advanced Hill Training … and of course the flagship product 0 Excuses Fitness.

Well, I take that back!

Our courses on shoulders are immensely popular as well, and GRIP too.

Funny I have compilations for everything including grip, but not shoulders.

Maybe I’ll rectify that NOW.

But anyway (And yes, I was going to think about rectifying that when WinDoze crashed) … Marc the African Silverback Gorilla made the above comment when we were sitting around discussing training, and size.

(And I had worried about losing size and shape in the upper body all those months of intense hill climbing).

“You have a nice chest! And biceps too”, he said. “You’re not that small!”

And he was right, actually.

The point is this though my friend.

Most people MISS THE KEYS to real chest training from the inside out.

First being, you work the legs and back heavily.

You do so anyway, of course.

But in terms of chest, you can get away with doing very little or anything at all such as I was during that period, and still have a great chest and arms!

Believe me, the deep breathing that real leg work involves, and the overall body BOOST it gives you will give you a far better shape and real strength to them pecs than pumping away all day at the pec dec or doing bench presses but little for those flamingo “chicken” legs.

You’ll do far more for them legs and CHEST by “catching a chicken” as Rocky was made to do in Rocky II!

And the other key is this.

Train from the inside out my friend.

BOTH these keys are oft ignored and missed, though really, they’re out there in the open.

Sad, but true.

And the ONE exercises that works the BACK heavily – and the entire core, and upper body, and even the legs if you do it right is pushups.

Namely, handstand pushups.

And they WILL give you those BARNSTORMING shoulders you’ve been looking for my friend.

On that note, I believe I’ll be creating a compilation on that soon. Stay tuned!


rahul Mookerjee

PS – Off to create the compilation, but until I do -make sure you avail of Shoulders like BOULDERS! Here. (Remember, the digital download means you get a FREE “faq” which is actual sold as another BOOK – not so with the paperbacks, but email me and we’ll work it out if you want both as paperbacks!)

PS #2 – And of course, that ole favorite and advanced course – Battletank Shoulders!

One more reason yours truly “caveman” doesnt wear a blasted FACEMASK
- Precautions not panic!

We’ve been talking a lot about that over the past few emails, haven’t we?

And rightfully so.

The madness needs to stop – period – and looking at things globally, it’s only increasing and if I can be one of the SOLE voices of reason in this regard, well, I’d like to be!

And I WILL be.

Anyway, one reason is I like to show off my unshaven stubble …

Nah. Thats for purposes of cave-like vanity. You know, cavemen have a “style too”.

My daughter calls herself a fashionista and that “Papa knows nothing about fashion”.

Maybe not, but every photo I send my daughter – she loves th e”look”.


Anyway, another reason is this – CONFIDENCE in myself.

And confidence that I won’t get this damn thing.

And confidence that if I get this, or any other disease, I’ll RECOVER.

Now, a lot of you might say thats hot air.

Where are the facts, you say.

Well, Google it yourself bro, but I’ll tell you this right now – you’re more likely to be run over by a Mack Truck or get in a fatal car accident that contract the China plague, or die from it (that possibility is even more remote, and usually happens only when the person isn’t healthy to begin with and THAT group usually gets it to begin with in the first place).

And I’ll take my chances. And preserve my own FREEDOM – thank you!

And second fact?

I keep myself FIT – from the inside out.

All tests NORMAL – and GOOD.

Doctors can’t believe I dont do “Cardio Shardio Fart-io”.

And so forth.

They can’t believe I keep in shape with 10 minute workouts or less.

In some cases 5 minutes or less.

And the very people that said “I’d die by the age of 30 if i Kept my drinking up, which I DID (well not at that level, but I’m certainly no tee totaller! And I’ve been known to indulge a LOT on occasion)” say the opposite now.

Take that for what it’s worth.

But that, my friend is how life is meant to be lived.

With VIM, VIGOR, GUSTO and gumption.

Take those words with you into 2021!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness right here. If you aren’t screaming about it from the rooftops as a lot of my customers are within WEEKS of getting on it, I’ll be a COVID affected bat’s Uncle and eat my non existent hat.

PS #2 – Latest apparently is China (and I dont know if ya’ll know this) is denying access to researchers trying to research bat caves. And what not. Uggggggh. Can’t we all get PAST THIS? They spread it. We know it. Now it’s time to NEVER FORGET – but at the same time – get PAST THIS MADNESS.

Let’s do it together, bro. Together, we CAN!

Bat, shat, my ass… A hairy one at that!

The FIRST thing the UNRULY one did in 2021
- Yours truly - always UNRULY, and it's just getting WORSE, lol.

Was this. A pull-up!

Or, 20 of them to be exact.

Within a minute or so it took, if I recall correctly (and I had just woken up, so was a bit stiff around the edges etc).

But thats all it took for me to start the new decade off with a BANG.

A huge one.

Now, other news – yours truly “extremely rabid and unruly” CAVEMAN is turning the big 4 this coming week.

How many of you can say you can do 20 – or 40 – or 60 pull-ups per day at the age of TWENTY, let alone FORTY?

And believe me, I know how it feels.

Until the age of 20, I couldn’t do a single pull-up or hang on to the bar (which is where the vast majority of modern day so called wimpy men are at).

At the age of 25, yours truly showed up in China despite everyone telling him NOT TO and he never looked back, lifewise, or fitness wise.

The country has given me SO MANY good memories!

(and yes, it’s got its faults – big time – especially with what they did spreading the plague and all – but still. Credit where credit’s due, and other than Xi Jingping, the rest of their leaders weren’t nearly as rabid – – actually fairly moderate in most regards) …

But again.

Miss Lee.


The almighty HILL.

The first doorway chinning bar I bought in China!

And it wasn’t the one I bought in Hong kong.

It was a metal pipe I found by the edge of the road – – a thick ass one! And I got that drilled into the sides of the walls near the door in my apartment (my landlord DID give me permission to install doorway chinning bars, but little did he know what I ended up doing, and later removing “evidence”, hehe) … and I did pull-ups on it often.

To the tune of “Oh Baby, then it fall apart” … Jason Bourne series. I dont remember the name of the song, but you may!

And so forth.

Then I got in BETTER shape at 27 or so.

All went downhill fitness wise between 28-35. Fat, “happy” (NOT) and married.

And then of course, again from 34 or 35 it started.

At 36 I turned into the fitness phenom I am NOW.

And now, at the age of 40?

As a person whose read 0 Excuses Fitness from cover to cover several times (by the way, I’ve explained the story of the chinning bar in China in detail there – be sure and read!) … and is a firm and avid practiotioner of the 10 Commandments of not just physical success, but success at anything said.

“I dont know what it is, Rahul”.

“But you just look strong as heck now!”

And hes right.

Those handstands pushup workouts will DO IT!

Other than this, wel, this morning I picked up an Amazon delivery. Started the new year off with those two things, and then checked sales.

Which seem to be booming, despite the so called pundits yelling bout “tough times”.

And even if they were, tough times don’t last.

Toughies do.

And point of all this?

Well, simple.

START the new year -and decade off right. It will be well worth it, bro!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- And fitness wise, be sure to crank out the exercises that turned yours truly into the fitness phenom he is TODAY – at the age of 40 and going STRONG – and they will do the same to YOU Too!

PS #2 – We’re open over the holidays, and remember, fitness is one of the best GIFTS you can give ANYONE! As the man himself (a customer of mine) said, he got money over Christmas, and couldn’t think of a better thing to spend it on than my books. And he’s right! Fitness is NUMERO UNO my friend. With it, you got EVERYTHING. Without it, you got a big fat ZILCHO.

Get on the train NOW.