If they can do it – so can YOU!
- YES - you CAN!

Way, way back in the day when yours truly was presented with fit and strong bodies all around him, the rippling muscles, the “big dudes” who could (as a certain “big” – so he says!) guy says “pick me up and throw him out of the window”, a friend made an interesting comment.

This was in high school, I believe, and one of the big guys was muscling his way around class etc.

Look at those forearms, (his) I still remember “wistfully” remarking to a friend.

“Yeah. Huge!” my friend responded.

He was one of those naturally strong dudes . . .

And my response was along the lines of “if we get into a fight with him, we’re screwed”.

I was going to say “fucked”, since thats what I said, but hopefully the email gets through the spam filters etc, LOL.

But anyway, my friend remarked back.

“Well, at least you have a fighting chance. Me? I’d be toast!”

Now, remember one thing. This was during my school days when I was anything but really fit and certainly wasn’t big or strong.

Had the Gorilla Grip, perhaps, but that was more WILL than anything else.

What I did always have though deep down inside of me, and what I only realize now years later is the will – and GUMPTION – NOT TO SUBMIT.

To me it matters not what the odds are externally, for one.

If I really want something, I’ll find a way to get it. I always have, and always will . . .

But more than that, I always had this thought of “whats so special about them?”

Sure, they were all painted out as being special.

My Mom for one “those guys that can drive so well, and look at YOU!”

(Of course, she omitted to mention the fact that those guys were given their family cars etc to practice on from the age of 12, and yours truly wasn’t. Since my Mom is such a “law abiding” citizen, she naturally waited until the age of 17 to … but the comments didnt wait!)

(Funny how it eventually turned out tho with yours truly doing 15 plus hour drives in mountains with no brake fluid and barely functional “lamps”, and doing drives in India that would make a drive in America look positively pedestrian by comparison … LOL)

Anyway, this isn’t about her.

It’s about my thinking.

If they can do it, so can I.

Lots of people think that the successes in life are somehow “blessed” or special.

They seem that way because they made their own luck, bro.

To me, if someone can work from home and earn a decent living, or be a millionaire, or be a caveman, then guess what.

So can I – and so can YOU.

All of the “great ones” started with less than a pot to piss in, and that state of affairs continued for years within which the average man would have given up.

Ben Settle and his “11 years of living a life without the basics that every American “takes for granted”” is but ONE example of this.

Matt Furey. A lot of the famous actors we see today (Stallone for one!).

And many others you and I hear of.

To me, fitness wise, if someone can be pounding out handstand pushups like there is no tomorrow – then so can I.

It’s about DOING the thing.

It’s about acknowledging that you’re lucky enough to have FOUR limbs and a functional brain, and thats all you need at the end of the day for success at anything, and if you look at history, a lot of people did it from wheelchairs too.

Key is to avoid the excuses like the plague.

“I can’t because …”

“Oh, but he’s got those advantages …”


He does.

Thats just how it is.

Now YOU figure out how to nullify them and get on the path to achievement yourself!

Find a way, bro. We all can.

And as the world descends further and further into chaos, something which was nigh on evidence since 2020 … and only became MORE evident to MANY more people after the November elections in the U.S. … THIS is one of the best pieces of advice I can give YOU.

Great businesses were built during the Depression years, my friend.

Always remember this.

And remember what I told you in an email or so prior to this.

Your HEALTH And fitness, more than anything else are numero UNO – NOW.

Starting NOW.

You owe it yourself, family, loved ones, or even your cave hehe (if you’re me) to STAY in shape so what is yours stays yours, and doesnt get taken away.

So you thrive and PROSPER.

SO you live a long and healthy life … as everyone was meant to!

And more.

Get on the train NOW, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up the course on pushups right HERE – Pushup Central. Lots of people love this course, and for very good reason too!

(Of course, don’t even get me started on the serial refunders on that one. LOL).

Handstand pushups, FOCUS, and more . . .
- Always maintain FOCUS, BRO!

It’s funny, but true.

Well, my injury – – that thumb injury I write so much about when doing fingertip handstand pushups on a wet and COLD winter evening in Southern China is not funny.

And the pain certainly wasn’t!

But I was lax, I’ll admit it.

Sure, I was exhausted after a long workout, not to mention cold and tired.

And there was no way in hell I should have been, despite being in PRIME shape doing handstands and handstand pushups on my fingertips at that point in time.

But I did, and well . . .

But anyway, I believe that year was a year where I picked up not one, but TWO injuries while doing handstand pushups – – all the more reason I stress EXTREME Focus and concentration when doing these!

Remember, when you do ‘em the way most people do ‘em it’s hard enough, but its easier to “kick back down” in case of any issues.

But when you do ‘em like I do ‘em, it’s FAR tougher, and therefore far easier to pick up a permanent injury, dislocate bones or worse (and therefore also far better for you overall in terms of BENEFITS).

Ok, so yours truly was out there doing handstand pushups. One of those famous 75 rep per workouts (overall workout rep count).

Out there in the afternoon.

Nice and sunny, warm. Chinese New Year, a couple of days before filming Advanced Hill Training actually.

Now, for whatever reason, at that point I chose to do ‘em outside the bathroom. Not “right outside”, but there was a wall behind the bathroom, and I did it behind the wall (outside the complex etc).

I should say “between the garden outside the bathroom where the lollygaggers were gaggling and giggling around and the “bathroom complex”” if that makes any sense.

So there I was.

And presto, as I came down on my nth rep, a damn dawg sprung out of nowhere.

Not a real dog either.

A “rat” as it were.

One of those teeny weeny pink dogs the Chinese love so much, cross between a poodle cat and a rate so to speak.


As I recently told my daughter, if you want a dog, get a REAL DOG.

A Lab. A German Shepher. Rottweilier. And so forth. Or even a pit bull. But a REAL DOG.

Not those “abominations” that cavort around, yip, yap and snap at the slightest provocation and look lke the doggie version of Count Dracula.

Or at least so did that one, as it ran straight up to me, and gave me a lick right on the nose.

Not the arms. Not the head. Not the face. The nose!

And of course, the thing running towards me was what got me off balance.

Might not seem like a lot, but when doing handstands that way, the slightest thing can get you off balance if you ain’t careful, and that did.

Down I came jerkily. I almost FELL on my FACE.

Luckily left arm showed up (or palm) right in the nick of time.

Poodle doggie took off to his mistress, who just gaped at the foreign devil coming down …

And yours truly got a NASTY bump to the chin.

Damn thing bled, but not enough to be noticeable.

And it bled all workout.

I finished up.

Went to THAT restaurant where I weighed myself (and therefore, where HISTORY was made later).

Got my food, and finally. Done.

So that should give you a lesson or two on FOCUS, and why these exercises are so hard, tough and demanding, and way, way better than lying on your back pumping “weight shate”.

And so forth.

Focus, concentration and GUMPTION.

All three great qualities to have for LIFE itself, methinks, not just fitness wise . . .

And the ONE exercise that will you get there QUICK.

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS- High rep Hindu squats also build super toughness, both mentally and physically – and STRENGTH in spades. Get on the shtick NOW.

PS #2 – SAME thing holds true for your kids showing up right NEXT to me when doing these. You dont want to land on them in a HEAP, hehe.

Why the “White Tiger” movie is a great (and another) example of hiding your strengths, and biding your time …
- Just DO IT.

Albeit a more EXTREME example, but they all are, aren’t they. In a way at least …

And this movie is yet another one of those based upon a prior and successful BOOK (funny how it rarely happens the other way around huh).

Personally, yours truly “reader” likes the BOOKS far better than movies. Could be The Bourne Identity, (series), Jurassic Park or what not. Awesome though the movies were, the books are a lot, lot better.

Am I the only one that feels that way?

Somehow I doubt it.

But anyway, the White Tiger.

I read it before, and I must admit I wasn’t particularly impressed or not.

Ho Hum were my thoughts.

But the book struck a chord with many, and won a few awards or what not, so kudos to the writer for that and the readers for that matter.

It’s about India, class divides, and a servant subject to unspeakable indignities before finally getting his own back, and how.

Extreme case, one involving something dude probably never saw coming himself.

Life DOES have a funny way of coming full circle does it not?

Now, for those of you thinking “Oh, yes, India. That hellhole!”, well, I got two things to tell ya.

First, your right. It can be and is in many ways.

But two, it can happen anywhere (that sort of thing). A woman that Prez Trump is trying to get to the electric chair for one – and a woman that commited an UNSPEAKABLE crime – had a background that is about ten times more unspeakable.

Even yours truly couldn’t believe it when he read it.

Saying “plain horrible” doesnt fit the bill .Saying anything doesn’t.

It’s TORTURE. Way more so than the servant in White Tiger was subjected to and it happened right “here” in the good ole US of A.

(Thats not to say Trump isn’t right in wanting to sentence her (or get her to the electric chair) and it’s not to say Trump is wrong either)

(Personally, I’d say yes, a crime is a crime, but the background of the person – I m ean, if Hannibal Lecter or someone like that was spared, then probably so should she).

(but she SHOULD be locked away for the rest of her life, that I WILL say).

(And I should have said Trump trying to hasten the execution, not “sentence” (the judge likely did that))

Anyway ….

the movie itself is a great example of the above.

And I’ve written before, havent I, about HUMILIATION being a great great motivator?

It’s true.

It can be, if you let it!

And dude in movie/book either consciously or subconsciously DID.

Anyway, the clock DOES turn full circle my friend.

I can give you several examples from my own experience, and the funniest and perhaps most applicable is Bozo Glyn Schofield on public welfare in the UK who in his WILDEST dreams wayyyyy back in 2016 when he first started trolling me with inane memes and such (and believe me, inane can be racist to an extreme too) would NEVER Have thought of the response he’d get.

He knew he’d piss me off.

HE blocked me on WeShat, so I couldn’t reply.

He created memes that most people would WHACK him for (and many did) and spread them all over the Internet.

And he thought he won.

Curiously enough, he scripted his own final chapter with the latest emails in 2020 and the resultant trolling he did when yours truly shed the garb of “hide your strength” and stopped “biding his time”.

And now, the Bozo is famous all over the INTernet, hehe.

Not only that, hes making me SALES.

I wasn’t making him any, hehe.

(Except for the dinner he pestered out of me, but to be honest, I had that planned for Charles, but he was, well, shall we say “indisposed” at the time, hehe, so the Bozo it was).

But anyway … point begets.

Hide your strength, bide your time.

Fitness wise, same thing.

I did it

So can YOU, my friend.

So can YOU – but you have to be willing to take ACTION.

Put in the hard slogs. Hard yards. And truth be told, with workouts like in Advanced Hill Training aka “Eat More – Weigh Less’ it’s more of a BREEZE than a slog (literally).

Ditto with any of my other courses.

Perhaps that is one reason I get so irritated at the idiots and morons who claim they want to get fit, but yet don’t do the thing.

It’s called getting off your duff – getting serious – bucklin down to it, and then …

YES, it’s time for me to say it NOW.



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Just do it, myfriend. Really. Just bloody do it!

Utter, Utter MADNESS
- But given the way the world is going ... !

Well, well, well.

What are things coming to – not just in the good ole US of A (where to be honest I’d rather be right NOW despite all it’s problems) but globally?

Intolerance is spiking and rising to new levels almost daily, it seems. And while it would be easy to blame the plague that the Chinese spread for it – that is merely a SYMPTOM of the underlying disease that has been bubbling underneath for ages.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Yours truly is, was, and continue to be a Donald Trump supporter. Very adamantly so.

The man did MANY good things not the least of which includes brokering historic PEACE deals in the Middle East and calling China out for the bullies they are (he was the only one to do so, so good on him for that).

I do believe that deep down inside he’s a true patriot. A business man as opposed to a politician and we all know how the latter lot runs … (think where the MONEY goes).

I do believe Trump’s got his heart in the right place.

And yet, ever since he lost the election, I have NOT been a supporter of Trump’s antics.

Sure, I understand the “why’s” of why hes doing what he is. Trump’s not stupid, and he’s planning for “what lies ahead” for him – – and YES, while the election did have a stolen feel to it from the time it happened – – the fact is he lost, and sometimes one just has to lose the battle and win the war (as Trump has himself said).

And as I’m sure he knows . . .

If it was Trump Towers we’re talking about being taken over by another biz, I might think about Trump’s reactions differently.

But when the fundamental fabric that binds the nation together is at stake?

Really. I think NOT.

To be fair Trump did exhort his supporters not to resort to violence.

But phrases such as “armed combat” or “trial by combat” I believe hardly do a lot to inspire confidence in an already besieged democracy . . . and people that are tired of what is happening everywhere and globally.

To be fair again, this is again just a symptom.

Given what is going on globally – – with China and the mass arrests in Hong Kong a few hours ago, with the utter madness in India (the farmer protests – completely unwarranted) – – and of course the Chinese army apparently posturing near the Indian borders . . . in short, it’s all going to hell globally.

Best thing YOU can do for yourself in this madness my friend is one thing – or two.

One, stay FIT. I’ve been saying this for years, and I’ve been carping on it ever since 2020 and the plague.

Plague Shague. Flu Shu. And everything else spreading around globally.

Not to mention that the “year of the survivor” post I wrote about in 2020 holds even greater significance THIS YEAR.

To survive the madness to come, you have be in top shape.

And you have to be in top shape when it comes to REAL strength and conditioning.

REAL fighting skills.

REAL combat.

And so forth. And not necessarily within the confines of “Jim Shim” either . . .

Start your day off with a bang with the 0 Excuses Fitness System, my friend.

Throughout the day, do pull-ups – or bang out squats – or do handstands.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly the madness fades away from YOUR own life while everything is all going to hell in a henbasket OUTSIDE.

And that, my friends, is the lesson for the day.

Have at!

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure to pick up our latest compilation of fitness tips – new and “abridged” – Fitness Pioneer – Volume TWO.

How to get to 50 pull-ups per SET (yes, you heard me).

Yes, you heard me!

50 pull-ups per set – and not per workout.

And if you can get to 50 pull-ups per set, guess what. You’re at super stud level, and getting to 500 plus per workout will be … well, let’s just easy EASY PEASY.

There are people out there who can rock out HUNDRED pull-ups – per set. Trust me.

It can be done, and they’re regular people like you and I!

Anyway, the point is not just to exhort you to THINK – IMAGINE, I should say (because most people “can’t imagine it”) how you’d LOOK – and feel – and the confidence you’d HAVE – if you could bang out that many per set.

Now, 5 is a sticking point for many in terms of the pull-up.

This is if you’re part of the “0.1% crowd that can actually DO pull-ups”.

For most people, doing ONE good pull-up is a huge struggle.

And for these people, and even for the pull-up studs out there I got this to say.

If you can do ONE good rep – you can do 100.

If you can do FIVE per set – you can do 50. Or 500.

Really. I ain’t kidding here.

And the trick to doing this PER set is likely what you want to know, eh?

Well, I dont blame you . . .

And I’ve put it out in CONDENSED format in the “FAQ” book on pull-ups.

However, for whatever reason I decided to expound on it in Fitness Pioneer – Volume TWO. So if you’re interested in the answer to this question and this alone, then the second is a must grab.

That said, all the tips I give you in the FIRST book are well worth their weight in gold as well.

And truth be told, these daily emails should have already given you more of an hint as to what the “secret it”. Actually, let me backtrack.


I’ve referred to this secret not once, but twice, but MORE THAN THRICE in my emails thus far, and thats a rough count.

And no, it ain’t losing fat around the midsection (though that will help) and it ain’t getting a stronger grip (that WILL HELP!) and it ain’t watching calories. IT ain’t doing static holds, half holds, mid point holds, rope and chain pull-ups or what not

ALL of the above is great. And should be done!

But it won’t necessarily get you to fifty reps per SET or more on the pull-ups.

And last, but not least, YES

You can apply this tip to ANY exercise.

Pushups. Squats. Bridging. Rope jumping. Anything.

Find out what it is NOW, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And remember, today is the last day of that SALE going. Coupon code THEBIG40 . Hurry, because NO, the sale will NOT be active past the 6th.

Triple threat pull-ups, workouts, and more
- A GREAT concept!

I just got done with yet another brief workout, and want to write to you about it!


Well, it was a pull-up workout, and I totaled 50 reps (which I realize is a mountain too high for many of YOU to scale right now, but believe me, if yours truly with poor genetics, easily gaining weight etc can do ‘em. Then so can YOU!).

I mean, trust me.

When I was fat, those doorway chinning bars could barely hold my weight.

And now, I can damn near hang on to the damn thing all day long, and nothing will happen.

Now, the workout I did was INTENSE, and short.

And I did most of this triple threat workout WITHOUT taking my hands away from the bar, except for very brief periods.

This might sound impossible to do initially, but it CAN be done.

Variants of such workouts (albeit with a “twist) are given in “Battletank Shoulders!” and “Pull-ups from STUD to Super Stud within WEEKS!

And truth be told, I utilize the triple threat concept in MOST of my workouts.

Most of my workouts, for instance, are done with only THREE exercises, and I’ve made my best gains with these many, or less.

For instance, hill climbing, pull-ups and regular pushups.

That – is ALL!

Or, pull-ups, Hindu squats and handstand pushups.

That – is ALL, again.

Or, yet another variant – do three sets of an exercise, or two, and SUPERSET them so they become one giant set.

This last bit, and indeed ALL of these concepts will get you in great, great shape – if you only do the thing.

Jump on the 8-ball now, my friend.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Animal Kingdom Workouts includes many such a workout too, and boy oh boy, will it get you in great shape!

PS #2 – The advanced course on pull-ups includes many unusual styles of pull-ups and one you can be almost certain you have NEVER, ever seen before. Yes, its true. You can scour the entire Internet for it, but you won’t find it. Learn what it is right HERE.

The “BUTT” mentality
- Nah, not what will FIRST come to mind. Heh

Not so much us males looking at female butts, hehe, or not “fun being made of” overweight saggy glutenous maximumes, both male and female.

And not sitting on your butt doing nothing, though that ties in to it.

Every time, for instance I talk to my wife (And believe me, it doesn’t happen often, hehe) about DOING something of her own, she has the “but” comment.

But I can’t do it.


Well, because it requires money.

I then tell her 5 things off the cuff that she could DO and SELL that do NOT require money.

But I’d need to write. I can’t.

Why, I ask.

Well, but …

But, but but, but, and curiously enough these are the very people that stay sitting on their BUTTS their whole life, doing NOTHING meaningful with it.

And of course, rail against those that “call ‘em out for it”.

I dont.

To me, it’s a personal thing.

If you want to do nothing with your life, hey. Fair enough. We ALL have the RIGHT to make our own choices.

But if you ask, and then give me “buts” when none should exist, then well …

It’s a mentality thing.

Not so much confidence, tho that plays into it.

When I first started 0 Excuses Fitness, I had NOTHING in terms of “lists” or “customers” (for that biz etc).

Ditto for when I started all my writing for the other businesses.

When I started rahulmookerje.com – again – ditto!

It would have been easy for me to stay FAT my whole life and do nothing about it.

It would have been easy for me to take the easy route, do what my family instructed me to since childhood.

It would have been easy for me to find the bazillions buts which I really could have (believe me, it was anything but “easy”).

And so forth.

But (hehe) I didn’t.

I buckled down.

I got her done.

And so can YOU, my friend.

Fitness wise, same damned thing.

You buckle down. You GET HER DONE!

No if’s, but’s, maybe.

Start now.


Start right here, bro.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Truly the best damn investment you’ll ever make – both in terms of life – and fitness!

Why a chinning bar could WELL be the BEST DAMN fitness (or otherwise) investment you make in your entire life!
- One of the best fitness tools ever, and the MOST ignored out there.

Pull-ups and chin-ups have always been “special for me”.

Back in the day when yours truly was SKINNY and couldn’t pound ‘em out like he does now .. people often said the pushup was my favorite exercise.

It was.

Hence I finally got around to the handstand pushups!

But pull-ups have always had a special place in my heart, much like they do in the hearts of most MEN and women.

They inspire two things.


And strength.

And of course a feeling of INCOMPETENCE, which different people handle differently.

The smart get around to DOING the thing the RIGHT way.

And the vast majority (the sheeple) yank the cords and complain about “how Rahul doesnt offer any value in his emails and says “just do it””.

Anyway ….

Way back in the day in 2003 I remember standing next to a WEIGHTS shop in China.

What I really wanted was a chinning bar.

But despite my rudimentary knowledge of Chinese at the time, I couldn’t figure out how to communicate.

Out of the blue, a friendly Chinese gal showed up. She helped me.

But though the place had every damn machine and weight under the sun, no chinning bar.

I couldn’t find it in the entire CITY and not even the neighboring one.

“Chinese do in parks!” I was told.

(dont ask what, hehe)

Well, well, well. So did I later, but I hadn’t met Ms Lee as yet, and hadn’t discovered the treasure under my very NOSE!

It’s strange. I still remember seeing the hill standing there on the Fourth floor, but it never occured to me to go check it out!

Along with the paddy fields back then which have now all been transformed into CITY.

Anyway, I’ll think more about that after completing this here email.

But you, the 0 Excuses Fitness faithful KNOW the story of how I picked up a rusty iron bar on my ways to the sauna (naughty one, hehe) and got installed.

And of course, that trip to HK where of course I finally got a decent doorway chinning bar!

But anyway, it might just be the best investment YOU make in your whole life my friend and not just fitness related!

I mean, EVERY time you walk past that chinning bar – you’ll feel the URGE to chin yourself.

(Unless you’re in a family or of the mindset my family was when growing up when it wasa there for decorative purposes apparently).

EVERY time you do ‘em, you’ll improve.

And perhaps most pertiently, you’ll naturally start to gravitate to other exercises as well.

And .. you’ll get ENERGY throughout the day. Inspiration. And you’ll look – – and feel – GREAT.

In these lockdown shock down times, I believe a chinning bar is the best investment you can make in your life NOW.

And no, I don’t sell ‘em.

But I do sell the best compilation on GETTING GOOD at pull-ups from “scratch to STUD!”

And super stud

But anyway, I was thinking Nature this morning.

The forests. The trees. The TIGERS.

All of which I’ve seen.

Nature never stops giving my friend. Nature does not end it’s cycle.

And neither should WE.

Precautions – NOT panic!

And on that note, I’ out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember that the tiger is an APEX predator for a REASON. People say lions are kings of the jungle. Fooey! Lions neither live in the jungle nor do the males HUNT themselves. A pathetic comparison I’d say. The TIGER rules, and one of the reasons is the way it MOVES. Learn how right here – Animal Kingdom Workouts.

PS #2 – And John – your books are ON the way – hope you got that email! Enjoy, hehe.

My progress on the road to “400 pull-ups a day”
- Thats a great challenge! But don't try it DAILY, hehe.

Well, I wrote to you about this last night.

Being today is the 4th January, and yours truly turned 40, I decided to do something special.

That being, something I’ve NEVER done before.

My max pull-ups per day was something like 290, I believe … and that was done a couple of years ago all in ONE marathon workout.

I did nothing else that day, except 50 handstand pushups, and I was done.

But right now, as I sit here typing to you, I’m through a sum total of 85 pull-ups. Hehe. And I’m just getting warmed up, my friend …

It’s around noon here. And you know thats when I REALLY start to hit it, hehe.

Next workout in a couple of hours, so I’ll keep you posted!

But anyway, there IS something you can learn from this.

That being, that QUICK and dirty workouts throughout the day DO get the job done, my friend – and how.

For most people, doing 10 pull-ups a day is a solid workout that will leave them bushed for days and with sore lats, forearms, CHEST and biceps.

Yes, even the gym gorillas there.

I care not if you can bench the world, but if you’ve never done pull-ups?

Well you’ll a) be SORE as heck when you first try and b) it will take you a LONG, LONG time to get good at pull-ups – – if you ever do. In fact chances are excellent and second to none that if said Gorilla doesnt indulge in some Gorilla Grippping, and Core conditioning, then he (or she, though admittedly it’s more men that pump, puff and buff) will likely NEVER get beyond a certain point at pull-ups if even that.

And second, you CAN make rapid progress in pull-ups, despite what you think.

IF you follow the path BLAZED by one that has been there, done that and continues to …

Entirely your choice, of course, and if you’re not interested in being a pull-up monster and repping them out, smooth as BUTTER, well, I got nothing more to say.

And if you are – well – one tip is right HERE in the email for you – that being multiple quick workouts throughout the day.

Well, my friend, thats it for now. I woke up (For some reason) a little “irritated” (no idea why??) but am feeling great now.

Maybe the irritation was a catalyst for the challenge ahead, hehe.

And thats that from me.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember that handstand pushups go great with pull-ups, and you should always do these two TOGETHER. Pick up the best course there is on handstand pushups right HERE – Shoulders like BOULDERS!

PS #2 – Some of you “extreme sorts” will JUMP at the 400 reps per day challenge on the pull-ups. Well – I dont blame ya. It’s great to be able to do that many … but … try and not do it DAILY! Hehe.

(Yes, Ive been guilty of the above, so I tell YOU. Haha).

PPS – And Jesus, I almost forgot to tell you – that COUPON code – hurry while it’s still ACTIVE. TWENTY percent discount off, no less!  HERE is the code – THEBIG40

- ... flat out WORK!

… flat out WORK!

And thats the “M.O” (otherwise known as sub title, hehe) for the SECOND Volume of Fitness Pioneer which I just got done putting together.

But that isnt the big news for this one.

I was going to title this email “Birthday Sale”. OR something that like that.

And for a change, I was going to keep it short like all the guru shurus advocate.

But I did neither, keeping in line with my usual “contrarian” ways …

Anyway, yours truly has officially, or will soon, or has for a while now CROSSED the “big 4”.

He doesnt feel it, and doesnt look it (the former according to me, and the latter according to most others).

He does seem to get crankier with every passing year though, heh.

I think I’m going to celebrate my 40th with sets of 40 pull-ups throughout the day (not all in one set, but 40 per workout).

Let’s see if I get to 400, which is the goal!

I’ll keep you posted, but for now?

Well, I decided to be generous and GIVE on my own birthday, hehe.

Give – YOU.

And I’m giving you a chance to get my products at a DISCOUNT – for now.

A 20% discount no less, which can add up for the bigger value purchases!

But hurry – this sale ain’t gonna last forever.

It WILL (or should, at least) be a BOON to a lot of you that have emailed me about ebooks etc, and are serious about getting ‘em. Or an added incentive to act NOW, anyway …

Here it is then.

Coupon code for the discount – – “THEBIG40”.

And while I plan on keeping this active for two days – until the 6th – I may pull early depending upon demand.

Act NOW, my friend. Act NOW, and save BIG!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you that are first time buyers will get a 20% discount anyway on your first purchase off the site the way the things are, but this is more for you REPEAT buyers – to reward YOU!

Hurry, and act NOW bro.