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The dude running on the beach, older dude.
Calves that look like they’ve got some work “back in the day” – much like those diamond shaped calves yours truly unashamedly, unabashedly and “how dare I” flaunt, hehe.
But this guy was on the beach.
And it’s funny. And it’s interesting.
I’ve been writing about “Jim Shim” which is a parody (obviously) of the bozos pumping and toning at the gym hoping it’ll build real strength, and the “sh”?
Well, self explanatory, along with that curious little habit a lot from the subcontinent have which is to add on “sh” to the word when speaking the local dialect, most notably Hindi, but there might be and likely are others!
Anyway, I received an email from none other than a person named “Jim” today!
Now, normally I DISREGARD emails of the nature he sent me.
He was basically wanting to know if he could write an article for me in terms of owning a “second” (or vacation) home even if you’re retired, and how it doesnt need to break tbe bank.
He’s right, of course. If you plan and do it right you can.
But 0 Excuses Fitness doesnt do article submissions, but yet, something prompted me to reply to him. Good vibe, plus there are a few “retirees” on this list too!
But anyway …
He was talking about Miami I believe.
And my first boss in China, another Jim … often did too!
(and a perfect example of a dude (probably staunch Republican too I’d say) who can put aside business and “personal”. Hehe. Unlike a certain other boss of mine. I’m pretty sure “Jim” would be more than happy to meet up and have a beer or two someday despite our many spats when yours truly was working for him.
Hey. Not his fault he was dealing with a jackass that never should have worked any sort of job int he first place,. and knew it, and was very proud of it. LOL)
(Ex Air Force too, no less. Hmm. See a pattern? I do!)
You see, their office (the US Office) was in Florida. Can’t remember the name of the town. Fort something …
And Florida. I love it!
The Manatees which we saw wayyyy back in the day.
Was a toss up between going to Miami first, or the manatees, and we both (my girlfriend at the time who is unfortunately no longer with us due to the plague from China – her dad isn’t either! Sad!) decided the manatees.
GREAT choice, right down to my lard ass barely able to GET INTO the bathing suits.
Getting out was a chore too!
Thankfully NO MORE these days, hehe.
BUt those were the days I ate a kg of chicken wings at every sitting, tons of pizza, and drank nothing but BudWeieser and Corona beer, hehe.
And of course, BEAST ICE.
And that’ll do it bro!
But anyway … point of this?
One is what I said above.
And two, well, the bloated manatee or beached whale, you decide, but MOST people these days are starting to resemble either one of, or a combo therein of the two.
Stop NOW my friend.
Take BACK control of your life.
And start today with the following workout System – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Once you’re on it, and you can DO what the system says, pick up some more products here.
Watch the lard fly off (and dont let it pile back on again, hehe).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’d also suggest in investing in the course on isometrics right HERE.
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