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If you reading this is on the list just for hardcore fitness stuff, well, this email here might disappoint.
But it might not … (and if it does, well, hardcore stuff on the way soon, dont worry – and there’s plenty of hardcore HERE).
But remember, brother. (or sister, heh)
Yin and Yang!
Sometimes, the toughest of us take time (and indeed, the smart ones DO it) to “retreat into our shells internally” and personally, me I do this ALL The time.
I’ve done it ever since I can remember.
I still remember my Dad once making the comment about “you’ve built a room for yourself in your mind which no-one can penetrate!”
Well, I dont agree with Dad on many or most things, but he was right on this one.
(when I was 14 I think)
(and tired of the BS already)
And Napoleon Hill, in his “Grow Rich with Peace of Mind” book speaks of precisely this when he talks about his Guardian Princes, and how he doesnt let any negative thoughts penetrate the DEEPEST sanctum of his mind.
When it comes right down to it, achievers of note in any field have done this, either consciously or not my friend. We just do it at different “levels” (but really, remember, one bad apple ruins the cart – same thing with your mind which is by default, believe it or not, engineered to think NEGATIVE – keep it empty, and guess what will happen!) . . .
There I go again. Get me talking, and it’s hard to stop me. LOL.
Much like with my other stuff, but white and blue?
I dont know, but I’ve loved those two colors.
People have often called me boring for my color choices, but I Dont know – nothing beats a plain white T shirt or a blue one, and you saw both of those I believe in 16 Inspirational Fitness REcollections and Animal Kingdom Workouts!
Well, maybe you did, maybe you didnt. After all, the pictures weren’t color pictures (much to the disappointment of certain nutty hot tempered Mamma Mia’s in good ole Italy) ..
But I remember walking up the hill, T shirt DRENCHED, usually either blue or white.
Domyo’s, I believe, was the brand!
In my dreams, blue or white is a recurring theme.
Blue being a calm, spiritual color …
And white?
Well, I remember Jodie Foster showing up one night in a DAZZLING white dress in my dreams, and her face was glowing!
(another edit, and I dont do these too often – but I gotta say it. LOL. My S.O. or wife, or whatever one might call the relationship now was all decked out in dazzling white when I met her…right down to her shoes, I believe!)
Obviously this dream (and it happened in 2018) was symbolic in terms of the person being mentioned, but I believe it happened for a PURPOSE.
Sure enough, a month or so later I was put into a situation from which only my subconscious mind could “save” me and I pulled a Houdini on the spot – literally – again!
My paternal grandmother, who I wrote about in that last email …
Along with my Uncle on my Moms’ side (one of them – thats the only thats ever shown up REGULARLY) – she shows up ALL The time in my dreams.
In 2017, she came to me and “warned me for danger and fights to come”.
The dream was somewhat incoherent, but I still remember the hill, the “girl” on the hill.
Two days later, I almost got into a fist fight with a Chinese dude (curiously enough he was so much in the wrong that even the Chinese, notoriously anti lao wai for the most part told him to piss off (a crowd gathered, of course)) on the hill.
And there have been many such instances of her coming to me and WARNING me.
These days when she does, or any sort of dream like that occurs, I take it SERIOUSLY.
And anyway, point of all this?
Is for you, my friend, to start paying attention to your MIND.
It truly is the most important muscle out there you can cultivate!
And IT truly is the seat of all power.
More on that later.
For now, be sure to pick up the best fitness System right here.
And I’ll see you aboard!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Why do I recommend the 0 Excuses Fitness System so highly? Well … other than what I keep parroting, but its TRUE – the SPIRITUAL benefits are BAR NONE. Trust me!
PS #2 – Lovely blue oceans, often calm, sometimes not. Often things lurking under the waters, usually NOT.
Freud would be proud, hehe. Perhaps “Miller” too (not the beer!).
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