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Growing up, I remember showing “Big Daddy Cool Diesel” aka Kevin Nash of the WWE to my mom (who hated it).
“Oh my God!”
“He looks like an ANIMAL!”
Now, she said some very unparlimentary and uncomplimentary things about the WWE, and I said the opposite.
And thats fine. We’ve been at loggerheads over most things our entire life, and being yours truly never bought into the “she’s always right” philosophy (unless it made me muneee as it’s doing now on another site, hehe) my childhood was rather “troubled” shall we say.
Much like Napoleon Hill’s and many others I write about.
But when it comes to the WWE, yours truly used to “giggle”.
Hey, it doesnt matter. To each his or her own, but the COMMENT?
Well, it bears relevance, because of the FEELING the man gave off.
Bonafide SEVEN FEET tall SUPER STUD was he!
And when accompained by the heartbreak Shawn Michaels, and them both looking you in the EYE – well – I dont think ANYONE would want to tangle with them!
Not even ole Steve Austin, hehe.
Now, Michaels did get in a real world fight with a bunch of Marines and got beat up pretty bad for hitting on their girls or something. Something to that effect. And you dont mess with Marines, especially not when they’re drinking their BEER – my buddy and I could tell you THAT!
Unless your a wackjob in China who hides behind the “ultimately it’s China so they can’t fight back”.
Bloody pathetic is that mentality!
If you fight someone – make it a fair fight my friend.
Recently I had the dis-pleasure of talking to a Bozo who yelled at me, yet I couldn’t “yell back” (not that I’d want to) because of much the same “this is China” reason.
But the way I LOOKED at him.
The way he looked back, and then looked back AGAIN at my unwavering STARE, because trust me, at that point, I WOULD have knocked his damn teeth down the base of his skull so pissed was I.
Sometimes, that is how you gotta handle things, although I dont recommend it!
Anyway, things calmed down (yours truly got a “grip” on himself).
But anyway …
The LOOK in the EYE!
Remember Rocky III?
Apollo taking a bit of a “sissified by high life” Rocky back to “where he started”?
That gym!
Those MONSTERS training in the gym!
One LOOK at them, and you could feel it! I’m not sure where they shot the movie, but it was a real gym – not the pump tone nonsense, I’ll tell you that.
That look in the eye, my friend – told one all.
“Rocko, lets get out of here before they kill us”, said ole Burt Young aka Paulie.
And believe me, friend.
End of the day, when it comes down to it, that MANO-O-MANO look in the eye is what MATTERS.
Unless you’re a pansy hiding behind a woman’s skirt, that is, and many are, or a Bozo with tongues where they shouldn’t be – and again, many are.
But anyway, not all of my courses give you this BLAZING demanor – this LOOK int he eye – that will MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU CAN BLAST PAST any and all obstacles – and that “no man better MESS WITH ME!”
Here are the ones that DO it, without further ado
Animal Kingdom Workouts (especially this one! Oh – MAN!)
And of course, Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD – within WEEKS!
Last, but not least, don’t forget Pushup Central, the humble ole exercise that boxers and wrestlers of yore have used to turn themselves into FREAKS OF NATURE aka SUPERMEN AND WOMEN.
Get on the stick NOW if you’re a REAL MAN (or woman) reading this.
Reclaim that LOOK in the eye which is rightfully yours – TODAY!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember – a solid base is of paramount importance, and thats why I always recommend folks to start with the 0 Excuses Fitness System!
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